#!/bin/env python2 from sys import argv, exit from os import popen, environ from os.path import isfile, isdir from string import replace, strip, split, lower, upper from glob import glob program = 'showcal' version = '0.1' verdate = '20131119' author = 'Walter Brisken' def usage(pgm): print '%s ver. %s %s %s\n' % (program, version, author, verdate) print 'Usage: %s [options] []\n' % pgm print '\noptions can include:\n' print ' -h or --help print this help information and quit' print '\n is the vex file associated with the project' print '\n is the correlator pass name (.v2d file previx)' print '\n\nThere are two modes of operation. In the first, only a' print 'vex file is provided. In this case this program cannot look' print 'into the DiFX output directories where pulse cal or Tsys data' print 'may be found. Without the information about the correlator' print 'setup, this mode cannot determine which antennas were actually' print 'to be correlated. In the second mode, the correlator pass is' print 'also specified so the DiFX output can be found. Note that' print 'in this mode only antennas specified for correlation are' print 'listed. It is most useful to run this mode only after' print 'correlation has completed.\n' # return project, [ants] # all lowercase def parseVex(vexFile): cmd = 'vexpeek %s' % vexFile data = popen(cmd).readlines() if len(data) == 0: return None project = lower(strip(data[0])) if project == 'error': return None ants = [] for d in data[1:]: s = split(strip(d)) ants.append(lower(s[0])) return project, ants def fileHasAntenna(file, antenna): if not isfile(file): return False data = open(file).readlines() for d in data: s = split(d) if lower(s[0]) == antenna: return True return False def getFlag(project, antenna): flag = '' if fileHasAntenna('%s.%s.flag' % (project, antenna), antenna): flag = flag + 'F' if fileHasAntenna('flag', antenna): flag = flag + 'f' return flag def getTsys(project, antenna): if fileHasAntenna('%s.%s.tsys' % (project, antenna), antenna): return 'T' elif fileHasAntenna('tsys', antenna): return 't' return '' def getWeather(project, antenna): if fileHasAntenna('%s.%s.weather' % (project, antenna), antenna): return 'W' elif fileHasAntenna('weather', antenna): return 'w' return '' def getGain(project, antenna, gainPath): if isfile('%s.%s.gain' % (project, antenna)): return 'G' elif gainPath == '': return '' elif antenna in ['br', 'fd', 'hn', 'kp', 'la', 'mk', 'nl', 'ov', 'pt', 'sc'] and isfile(gainPath + '/vlba_gains.key'): return 'g' elif isfile('%s/gain.%s' % (gainPath, antenna)): return 'g' else: return '' def getPcal(project, antenna): if fileHasAntenna('%s.%s.pcal' % (project, antenna), antenna): return 'P' elif fileHasAntenna('pcal', antenna): return 'p' return '' def getCableCal(project, antenna): # FIXME: look for DiFX-based if fileHasAntenna('%s.%s.cablecal' % (project, antenna), antenna): return 'C' elif fileHasAntenna('%s.%s.pcal' % (project, antenna), antenna): return 'P' elif fileHasAntenna('pcal', antenna): return 'p' return '' def getDiFX(project, antenna, passName, queuePath, type): v = 'X' joblistFile = '%s.joblist' % passName if not isfile(joblistFile): print '\nError: %s not found! Must stop.\n' % joblistFile exit(0) data = open(joblistFile).readlines() if len(data) < 2: print '\nError: %s has no jobs listed! Must stop.\n' % joblistFile exit(0) for d in data[1:]: s = split(d, '#') if len(s) == 2: if upper(antenna) in s[1]: v = '' # here we have found a job with the antenna in question job = split(d)[0] # first look locally dd = '%s.difx' % job if not isdir(dd) and queuePath != None: # then look in queue dd = '%s/%s/%s.difx' % (queuePath, upper(project), job) if isdir(dd): g = glob('%s/%s*%s' % (dd, type, upper(antenna))) if len(g) > 0: return 'D' return v vexFile = None passName = None for a in argv[1:]: if a[0] == '-': if a in ['--help', '-h']: usage(argv[0]) exit(0) else: print 'Unknown option: %s' % a exit(0) else: if vexFile == None: vexFile = a elif passName == None: passName = a else: print 'Error: unexpected parameter: %s' % a exit(0) if vexFile == None: print 'Error: need to provide vex filenmae' exit(0) project, ants = parseVex(vexFile) if not environ.has_key('GAIN_CURVE_PATH'): print 'Warning: Env. var. GAIN_CURVE_PATH needs to be defined for gain curves to be found.' gainPath = '' else: gainPath = environ['GAIN_CURVE_PATH'] if not isdir(gainPath): print 'Warning: $GAIN_CURVE_PATH is not a directory!' gainPath = '' if environ.has_key('DIFX_QUEUE_BASE'): queuePath = environ['DIFX_QUEUE_BASE'] else: if passName != None: print 'Error: Env. var. DIFX_QUEUE_BASE is required when a pass name is provided.' exit(0) queuePath = '' # a list of file types that have been found to date codes = '' print '\nProject: %s\n' % upper(project) print 'Ant Flag Tsys Weather Gain Pcal Cablecal' print '--- ---- ---- ------- ---- ---- --------' for a in ants: f = getFlag(project, a) w = getWeather(project, a) if passName != None: t = getDiFX(project, a, passName, queuePath, 'SWITCHEDPOWER') p = getDiFX(project, a, passName, queuePath, 'PCAL') else: t = '' p = '' if t == '': t = getTsys(project, a) g = getGain(project, a, gainPath) if p == '': p = getPcal(project, a) c = getCableCal(project, a) if p == 'X' or t == 'X': continue print '%-8s%-8s%-8s%-8s%-8s%-8s%-8s' % (upper(a), f, t, w, g, p, c) codes = codes + f + t + w + g + p + c print '\nSources of data are as follows:' if 'F' in codes: print ' F = %s..flag' % project if 'f' in codes: print ' f = flag' if 'T' in codes: print ' T = %s..tsys' % project if 't' in codes: print ' t = tsys' if 'W' in codes: print ' W = %s..weather' % project if 'w' in codes: print ' w = weather' if 'G' in codes: print ' G = %s..gain' % project if 'g' in codes: print ' g = $GAIN_CURVE_PATH/ = %s/' % gainPath if 'P' in codes: print ' P = %s..pcal' % project if 'p' in codes: print ' p = pcal' if 'C' in codes: print ' C = %s..cablecal' % project if passName != None and 'D' in codes: print ' D = DiFX extracted (%s_.difx/)' % passName if passName == None: print '\nWarning: no pass name given. It cannot be determined\nif pulse cal or switched power (for Tsys) was extracted\nby DiFX. It also is not clear which antennas were\ncorrelated; all are assumed.'