#!/usr/bin/env python #************************************************************************** # Copyright (C) 2009-2012 by Walter Brisken * # * # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * # (at your option) any later version. * # * # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * # GNU General Public License for more details. * # * # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * # along with this program; if not, write to the * # Free Software Foundation, Inc., * # 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * #************************************************************************** #=========================================================================== # SVN properties (DO NOT CHANGE) # # $Id$ # $HeadURL$ # $LastChangedRevision$ # $Author$ # $LastChangedDate$ # #============================================================================ program = 'checkdir' version = '0.8' author = 'Walter Brisken' verdate = '20140603' from sys import exit, argv from os.path import isfile, isdir from os import getenv, system from string import split, strip, upper, find from glob import glob from time import time import datetime dirPath = getenv("MARK5_DIR_PATH") mjd0 = datetime.datetime(1858, 11, 17, 0, 0) def usage(prog): print '\n%s ver %s %s %s' % (program, version, author, verdate) print 'A program to carefully inspect module directory files for problems.' print '\nUsage: %s [options] []' % prog print """ Options can include: --verbose -v Send more output to the screen (use -v -v for extra info) --quiet -q Be quieter in operation --help -h Print this help information and quit --all -a Run on all directory files --show -s Show the directory file --histogram -H Print a histogram of datarates If the "-a" or "--all" switch is not supplied, only those modules listed on the command line will be checked. You cannot use this switch together with a list of modules. This program looks in the directory defined by environment variable MARK5_DIR_PATH . If this variable is not defined this program will not function. Examples: checkdir -a # check all directories for problems checkdir -a -v -v # check all directories and show all problems found checkdir NRAO-024 NRAO+266 # check these two modules """ exit(0) def mjd2vex(mjd, dateonly=False): if mjd < 50001 or mjd > 99999: return '' md = [0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334] d = int(mjd) s = int((mjd - d)*86400.0 + 0.5) dt = datetime.timedelta(d, s) t = mjd0 + dt d = t.day + md[t.month-1] if t.year % 4 == 0 and t.month > 2: d += 1 if dateonly: return '%dy%03dd' % \ (t.year, d) else: return '%dy%03dd%02dh%02dm%02ds' % \ (t.year, d, t.hour, t.minute, t.second) class Scan: def __init__(self, text): self.error = None self.startMJD = 0.0 self.stopMJD = 0.0 self.endBytes = 0 s = split(text) if len(s) >= 11: try: self.startBytes = int(s[0]) self.bytes = int(s[1]) self.startDay = int(s[2]) self.startSec = int(s[3]) self.startFrame = int(s[4]) self.framesPerSec = int(s[5]) self.duration = float(s[6]) self.bytesPerFrame= int(s[7]) self.byteOffset = int(s[8]) self.nTrack = int(s[9]) self.format = int(s[10]) if len(s) > 11: self.name = s[11] else: self.name = 'Unknown' except ValueError: self.error = 'Conversion error' else: print 'Deformed line in file: %s' % text print 'Cannot continue' exit(0) if len(s) < 12: self.error = 'Scan with no label' def dataRate(self): if self.duration < 1.0: return 0 R = 8.0*self.bytes/self.duration/1.0e6 r = 512 for i in range(10): if 1.1*R > r: return r else: r /= 2 return 0 def checkLength(self): if self.bytes == 0: return "Zero length scan" return None def checkDuration(self): if self.duration > 4200: return "Long scan (%d min). This is unusual and possibly problematic." % int(self.duration/60) return None def checkName(self): if find(self.name, 'UKN') >= 0: return "This scan was rescued and might consist of multiple scans. mk5map can be used to dissect it (for Mark5B format only)" return None def checkTime(self): if self.startDay < 51000 or self.startDay > 100000: return "MJD out of range" if self.startSec < 0 or self.startSec >= 86400: return "Seconds out of range" if self.framesPerSec < 1 or self.framesPerSec > 1000000: return "Frames per second out of range" if self.startFrame < 0 or self.startFrame >= self.framesPerSec: return "Start frame out of range" if self.duration < 0.0 or self.duration > 864000.0: return "Duration out of range" self.startMJD = self.startDay + (self.startSec + float(self.startFrame)/float(self.framesPerSec))/86400.0 self.stopMJD = self.startMJD + self.duration/86400.0 today = 40586.5 + time()/86400.0 if self.startMJD > today+1.0 or self.stopMJD > today+1.0: return "Recording is from %4.2f days in the future!" % (self.stopMJD-today) return None def checkFormat(self): if self.format < 0: return "Undecoded scan" elif self.format == 0: if not self.nTrack in [8,16,32,64]: return "VLBA format with illegal number of tracks (%d)" % self.nTrack if not self.bytesPerFrame in [20160, 40320, 80640, 161280]: return "VLBA format with illegal bytes per frame (%d)" % self.bytesPerFrame if not self.framesPerSec in [25, 50, 100, 200, 400, 800]: return "VLBA format with illegal frames per second (%d)" % self.framesPerSec elif self.format == 1: if not self.nTrack in [8,16,32,64]: return "MKIV format with illegal number of tracks (%d)" % self.nTrack if not self.bytesPerFrame in [20000, 40000, 80000, 160000]: return "MKIV format with illegal bytes per frame (%d)" % self.bytesPerFrame if not self.framesPerSec in [25, 50, 100, 200, 400, 800]: return "MKIV format with illegal frames per second (%d)" % self.framesPerSec elif self.format == 2: if not self.bytesPerFrame in [10016]: return "VLBA format with illegal bytes per frame (%d)" % self.bytesPerFrame if not self.framesPerSec in [25, 50, 100,200,400,800,1600,3200,6400,12800,25600]: return "MKIV format with illegal frames per second (%d)" % self.framesPerSec elif self.format == 3: pass else: return "Unknown format (%d)" % self.format return None def checkBytes(self): self.endBytes = self.startBytes + self.bytes if self.endBytes < self.startBytes: return "startBytes > endBytes" if self.startBytes % 4 != 0: return "startBytes != 4n" if self.endBytes % 4 != 0: return "endBytes != 4n" return None def checkForOverlap(scans): n = len(scans) if n < 2: return None rv = '' for i in range(1, n): overlapTimeScans = '' overlapByteScans = '' for j in range(0, i): if min(scans[i].stopMJD, scans[j].stopMJD) > max(scans[i].startMJD, scans[j].startMJD): overlapTimeScans += ' %d' % (j+1) if min(scans[i].endBytes, scans[j].endBytes) > max(scans[i].startBytes, scans[j].startBytes): overlapByteScans += ' %d' % (j+1) if overlapTimeScans != '': rv += '\n Scans %d overlaps in time with scan(s)%s' % (i+1, overlapTimeScans) if overlapByteScans != '': rv += '\n Scans %d overlaps in bytes with scan(s)%s' % (i+1, overlapByteScans) if rv == '': return None else: return rv def checkForOrder(scans): n = len(scans) if n < 2: return None for i in range(1, n): if scans[i].startMJD < scans[i-1].startMJD: return 'Scans %d and %d are out of time order' % (i, i+1) if scans[i].startBytes < scans[i-1].startBytes: return 'Scans %d and %d are out of byte order' % (i, i+1) return None def checkFile(module, histogram, verbose=1): fn = dirPath + '/' + module + '.dir' if not isfile(fn): print '%s : No directory found' % module return 0 text = open(fn).readlines() if len(text) < 1: print '%s : No data in directory file' % module return 0 header = split(text[0]) if len(header) < 4: print '%s : Header malformed' % module return 0 if header[0] != module: print '%s : Module ID is incorrect (%s)' % (module, header[0]) return 0 try: nScan = int(header[1]) except ValueError: print '%s : Header number of scans value is malformed: %s' % (module, header[1]) return 0 if nScan > len(text) - 1: print '%s : Header number of scans is too large: %d > %d' % (module, nScan, len(text) - 1) return 0 if nScan <= 0: print '%s : No scans on module. Try rereading the directory?' % module return 0 scans = [] errors = [] mjdStart = 1.0e9 mjdStop = -1.0e9 for t in text[1:]: scan = Scan(t) scans.append(scan) durCheck = scan.checkDuration() if durCheck != None: print '%s scan %d: %s' % (module, len(scans), durCheck) if scan.error == None: scan.error = scan.checkLength() if scan.error == None: scan.error = scan.checkTime() if scan.error == None: scan.error = scan.checkFormat() if scan.error == None: scan.error = scan.checkBytes() if scan.error == None: scan.error = scan.checkName() if scan.startMJD < mjdStart: mjdStart = scan.startMJD if scan.stopMJD > mjdStop: mjdStop = scan.stopMJD histogram[scan.dataRate()] += scan.duration if verbose > 3: print "MODULE: " + module for s in range(len(scans)): if verbose > 3: print "Scan %i runs from %s to %s" % (s+1, mjd2vex(scans[s].startMJD), mjd2vex(scans[s].stopMJD)) if scans[s].error != None: errors.append('Scan %d : %s' % (s+1, scans[s].error)) if len(errors) > 0: if verbose > 1: print '%s : Module has errors' % module for e in errors: print ' %s' % e else: print '%s : %d / %d scans have errors' % (module, len(errors), len(scans)) return 0 err = checkForOverlap(scans) if err == None: err = checkForOrder(scans) else: print '%s : %s' % (module, err) return 0 if verbose > 0: print '%s : %4d scans %s to %s' % (module, nScan, mjd2vex(mjdStart), mjd2vex(mjdStop)) return 0 def printHistogram(h): k = h.keys() k.sort() sum = 0.0 for key in k: sum += h[key] if sum < 1.0: return for key in k: print '%3d Mbps: %5.1f hours = %4.1f%%' % (key, h[key]/3600.0, 100.0*h[key]/sum) # main if dirPath == None: print 'Error: env. var. MARK5_DIR_PATH not defined.' exit(0) if not isdir(dirPath): print 'Error: env. var. MARK5_DIR_PATH does not point to a directory.' exit(0) modules = [] verbose = 2 doAll = False show = False histo = False histogram = {0:0.0, 1:0.0, 2:0.0, 4:0.0, 8:0.0, 16:0.0, 32:0.0, 64:0.0, 128:0.0, 256:0.0, 512:0.0} if len(argv) == 1: print 'Use -h option for help' exit(0) for a in argv[1:]: if a[0] == '-': if a in ['-v', '--verbose']: verbose += 1 elif a in ['-q', '--quiet']: verbose -= 1 elif a in ['-a', '--all']: doAll = True verbose -= 2 elif a in ['-s', '--show']: show = True elif a in ['-h', '--help']: usage(argv[0]) elif a in ['-H', '--histogram']: histo = True else: print 'Unknown command line parameter : ', a exit(0) else: modules.append(upper(a[:8])) if show: if len(modules) != 1: print 'Exactly 1 module must be specified!' else: fn = '%s/%s.dir' % (dirPath, modules[0]) print 'Displaying file: %s\n\n' % fn system('cat %s' % fn) exit(0) if doAll: if len(modules) > 0: print 'The doAll flag and individual modules were selected.' print 'Only one can be set at a time.' files = glob(dirPath+'/????????.dir') if len(files) == 0: print 'No module directories found in %s' % dirPath exit(0) for f in files: g = split(f, '/')[-1] if len(g) == 12 and g[-4:] == '.dir': modules.append(g[:8]) if len(modules) == 0: print 'No module directories found in %s' % dirPath exit(0) modules.sort() lastm = '' for m in modules: if m != lastm: checkFile(m, histogram, verbose) lastm = m if histo > 0: print 'Histogram of data rate usage:' printHistogram(histogram)