This document describes the neccessary steps to setup the difxdb infrastructure running with a MySQL database server. 1) Install a MySQL database server. The MySQL community server (which is the free edition) can be obtained at: Even though the MySQL version is not a critical issue, we recommend to use a version of 5.0 or more recent. Please consult your IT department regarding configuration/saftey of your MySQL server installation! 2) Import the difxdb database schema The database schema is located in the database subdirectory. Import the schema into the database server e.g. with the mysql client: mysql -h -u -p < difxdb_schema_mysql.sql where is the name of the host running the MySQL server This needs to be done as a database user having the privileges to create a new database (e.g. root). 3) Import the difxdb database content The database content is located in the database subdirectory. Import the content into the database server e.g. with the mysql client: mysql -h -u -p < difxdb_data.sql where is the name of the host running the MySQL server This needs to be done as a database user having the privileges to access the difxdb database (must have the INSERT privilege). 4) Create a database user for use with difxdb Because the username and password of the database connection will be stored in unencrypted form (see section 4) one should not use the database root account for difxdb database connections. Instead create a new user with only minimal access rights limited to the "difxdb" database. This can be most easily done with the MySQL Administrator tool. The new user must have SELECT, INSERT, DELETE, UPDATE privileges on the database "difxdb" 5) Store the database connection parameters The database connection parameters are stored in an external options file. A sample options file can be found in the conf subdirectory. Make the following changes in the sample options file: username: add the username of the database user you have created in step 3) password: add the password of the database user you have created in step 3) host: add the name of the host running the MySQL server Note: Other MySQL configuration options, e.g. non-standard ports etc. should also be set in the options file (see MySQL documentation for details). When done save this file under: $DIFXROOT/conf/difxdb.cnf 6) Set PYTHONPATH environment the difxdb scripts import some python libraries e.g. which which must be made available by setting the PYTHONPATH environment: export PYTHONPATH= The python libs are located under libraries/python/trunk in the DiFX svn checkout tree. 7) Verify installation Python DB Module difxqueue (for mysql) requires the MySQLdb python package. Make sure this is installed on your system. For RHEL the relavant package is: MySQL-python.