SUBROUTINE GETBP C C Routine to read and plot the data from John Benson's bandpass files. C C Change NCHAN to be for the current spectrum rather than using the C biggest spectrum seen so far as it was up to March 26, 2013. The C previous style resulted in some spectra all compressed against the C side of the plot. C INCLUDE '' C INTEGER ICH, IER, INCHAN, LINCHAN, NAVG REAL ALIM(MCHAN) DOUBLE PRECISION GETNUM LOGICAL GOTDAT, FIRST, WARNLONG C ------------------------------------------------------------------- GOTDAT = .FALSE. FIRST = .TRUE. WARNLONG = .TRUE. C C Read the data. Jump back here after reading a header C 100 CONTINUE NWORDS = MWORDS CALL RDLINE( WORD, WLEN, NWORDS, INUNIT, 6 ) C C If the spectrum is finished, plot it before starting C to parse the next one. Detect a finished spectrum C by detecting that the channel number decreased or the C last record was not a data record (will give INCHAN=0). C INCHAN = 0 IF( WORD(1) .EQ. 'timerange:' .OR. 1 WORD(1) .EQ. 'source:' .OR. 2 WORD(1) .EQ. 'bandfreq:' ) THEN C C Header record. Deal with later after plotting. C ELSE IF( NWORDS .EQ. 4 ) THEN INCHAN = GETNUM(WORD(3), 1, WLEN(3) ) ELSE IF( NWORDS .GE. 7 ) THEN INCHAN = GETNUM(WORD(5), 1, WLEN(5) ) END IF C C Protect against spectra of excessive length. C Dump any extra points into the last point and warn the C first time. C IF( INCHAN .GT. MCHAN ) THEN INCHAN = MCHAN IF( WARNLONG ) THEN WRITE(*,*) ' **** WARNING ***** ', 1 ' Number of IFs times number of channels too large.' WRITE(*,*) ' ', 1 ' Not all channels will be plotted' WARNLONG = .FALSE. END IF END IF C C Detect that the previous spectrum is finished and needs C to be plotted. INCHAN is likely to be 0 if hit a header. C IF( GOTDAT .AND. INCHAN .LT. LINCHAN ) THEN C ------------------------------------------------------------------ C Special addition for pcal tests. C C IF( EXPNAM(1:5) .EQ. 'BB014' ) CALL PCXFIX C ------------------------------------------------------------------ C C Plot the spectrum if this is a desired station. C IF( ( DOSTA .EQ. ' ' .OR. ( DOSTA .EQ. NAME1 .OR. 1 DOSTA .EQ. NAME2 )) .AND. 2 ( DOSTA2 .EQ. ' ' .OR. ( DOSTA2 .EQ. NAME1 .OR. 3 DOSTA2 .EQ. NAME2 ))) THEN C C Get the average and the plot limit for a possible C expanded plot. C AMPAVG = AMPAVG / NAVG ALMAX = MIN( AMAX, AMPAVG * 3.0 ) DO ICH = 1, NCHAN ALIM(ICH) = MIN( AMP(ICH), ALMAX ) END DO CALL PLTBP( ALIM ) END IF C C Accumulate the summary information. C CALL ACCSUM C GOTDAT = .FALSE. END IF C C Quit if out of data. C IF( NWORDS .EQ. -1 ) GO TO 200 C C Extract header information if it is found. The call to C GETHDR is here so the plots from the previous scan C will not have the wrong header info. Ie, this should come C after the call to PLTBP. C IF( WORD(1) .EQ. 'timerange:' ) THEN CALL GETHDR( IER ) IF( IER .NE. 0 ) GO TO 200 GO TO 100 END IF C C Initialize the arrays. C IF( FIRST .OR. INCHAN .LT. LINCHAN ) THEN DO ICH = 1, MCHAN AMP(ICH) = 0.0 ALIM(ICH) = 0.0 PHASE(ICH) = 0.0 END DO AMPAVG = 0.0 NAVG = 0 NCHAN = 0 C C Initialize plot limits C AMAX = -1.E9 PMIN = 200. PMAX = -200. END IF LINCHAN = INCHAN C C Detect whether AC or XC. If number of words wrong, C skip record. C IF( NWORDS .EQ. 4 ) THEN TYPE = 'AC' NAME1 = WORD(2) AMP(INCHAN) = GETNUM(WORD(4), 1, WLEN(4) ) AMPAVG = AMPAVG + AMP(INCHAN) NAVG = NAVG + 1 ELSE IF( NWORDS .EQ. 8 .OR. NWORDS .EQ. 7 ) THEN TYPE = 'XC' NAME1 = WORD(3) NAME2 = WORD(4) AMP(INCHAN) = GETNUM(WORD(6), 1, WLEN(6) ) * 1000.0 PHASE(INCHAN) = GETNUM(WORD(7), 1, WLEN(7) ) ELSE WRITE(*,*) ' Skipping unrecognized record. ', NWORDS GO TO 100 END IF C GOTDAT = .TRUE. FIRST = .FALSE. C C Get plot limits. C NCHAN = MAX( NCHAN, INCHAN ) AMAX = MAX( AMAX, AMP(INCHAN) ) PMIN = MIN( PMIN, PHASE(INCHAN) ) PMAX = MAX( PMAX, PHASE(INCHAN) ) C C Return for next point. C GO TO 100 C 200 CONTINUE C RETURN END