#!@PYTHON@ # # fourphase - determines optimal delays and phases for coherently combining # 4 VGOS polarization products, and writes them into a fourfit control file # # first created 2015.6.8 rjc # modified for > 2 stations 2016.3.16 rjc import datetime import optparse import re import string import sys import os import math import numpy as np from subprocess import Popen, PIPE def main(): usage_text = '\n fourphase [options] ' \ '\n e.g.: fourphase GKE -c ../cf_3419 3C279.xyzzys' parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage=usage_text) parser.add_option( '-c', '--controlfile', dest='cfile', help='control-file name') parser.add_option( '-o', '--outputfile', dest='ofile', help='output-file name, overrides default ' \ 'of I appended to control-file name') parser.add_option( '-p', '--plot', action='store_true', dest='fplot', help='display ff plots (false)', default=False) parser.add_option( '-t', '--test', action='store_true', dest='test', help='test mode with pre-existing file (false)', default=False) parser.add_option( '-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', dest='verbose', help='verbose mode (false)', default=False) parser.add_option( '-i', '--ion_original', action='store_true', dest='ion_original', help='use original cf iono. model (false)', default=False) (opts, args) = parser.parse_args() if len(args) != 2: print "use -h option for help" sys.exit(0) if opts.verbose: print 'opts: ', opts print 'args: ', args if opts.test: print 'fourphase running in test mode' # initialization global pol_prods, chans pol_prods = ['XX', 'YY', 'XY', 'YX'] chans = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEF ' stations, root = args suffix = root[-6:] # generate list of all possible baselines blist = [] for s1 in stations: for s2 in stations: blist.append (s1+s2+'..'+suffix) for bl in blist: if bl[0] == bl[1]: blist.remove (bl) k = root.rfind ('/') # form path for root's directory if k < 0: path = '.' else: path = root[0:k] filz = os.listdir (path) blines = [] for bl in blist: # winnow exhaustive bl list based on actual files present if bl in filz: blines.append (bl[0]+bl[1]) if opts.verbose: print 'baselines:' for bl in blines: print bl sbd = [] mbd = [] phase = [] tec = [] ff = 'fourfit' # insert control file name, if specified if opts.cfile: cf = '-c ' + opts.cfile else: cf = '' # determine output file name if opts.test: of_name = opts.cfile else: if opts.ofile: of_name = opts.ofile else: of_name = opts.cfile + 'I' # are fringe plots desired? if opts.fplot: ff = 'fourfit -pt ' + cf else: ff = 'fourfit -t ' + cf # find best-fit ionosphere tec st_tec = all_blines_ion (ff, blines, stations, root, chans, opts) # st_tec = np.array ([-4.60069738, 9.47987958,-4.8791822 ]) if opts.verbose: print 'dTEC by station for', stations, ':\n', st_tec # delay and phase fits if not opts.test: bproducts = all_blines_phd (ff, blines, stations, st_tec, root, chans, opts) # do statistical analysis to catch errors bproducts = bp_analyze (blines, bproducts, opts) # now fit ph & del params to data ydelays, yphases = fit_phd (blines, stations, bproducts, opts) if opts.verbose: print 'ydelay (ns) by station:', '%7.3f ' * len(ydelays) % tuple (ydelays) print 'yphase (deg) by station:', '%7.1f ' * len(yphases) % tuple (yphases) # create output file with new params write_out (of_name, root, stations, st_tec, ydelays, yphases, opts) # see if new file works well ff = 'fourfit -t -c ' + of_name test_out (of_name, ff, blines, stations, root, st_tec, opts) sys.exit() # function to find best-fit ionosphere for all baselines def all_blines_ion (ff, blines, stations, root, chans, opts): print '\nfitting ionosphere tec...' bl_tec = [] bl_combo_snr = [] for bl in blines: # determine best-fit tec for each baseline [dtec, combo_snr] = bline_ion (ff, bl, root, chans, opts) bl_tec.append (dtec) bl_combo_snr.append (combo_snr) wgt = [] # form weight array snr_min = min (bl_combo_snr) for bcs in bl_combo_snr: wgt.append (bcs / snr_min) wgt.append (1.0) # weight of sum pseudo-obs. wgt = np.array (wgt) # build normal equations A = [] B = [] for bl in blines: arow = np.zeros (len (stations)) s = 0 for st in stations: if bl[0] == st: arow[s] = -1 if bl[1] == st: arow[s] = 1 s += 1 A.append (arow) A.append (np.ones (len (stations))) A = np.array (A) Aw = A * wgt[:, None] bl_tec.append (0.0) # append sum pseudo-obs. Bw = np.multiply (np.array (bl_tec), wgt) rvals = np.linalg.lstsq (Aw, Bw) st_tec = rvals[0] return st_tec # function to find best ionosphere for 1 baseline def bline_ion (ff, bl, root, chans, opts): refstn = bl[0] remstn = bl[1] bline = '-b'+bl setstring = zero_string (bl) # tack on ion. search stmts. if not opts.ion_original: setstring += 'if\n' setstring += 'ion_npts 41 ion_win -80.0 80.0\n' sum_dtec_weighted = 0.0 sum_weights = 0.0 dtec_min = 1e6 dtec_max = -1e6 for pp in pol_prods: [snr, sb, mb, phi, dtec] = pol_prod (ff, bline, pp, root, setstring) if opts.verbose: print 'base', bl, 'pol', pp, 'snr', snr, 'dtec', dtec sum_dtec_weighted += dtec * snr * snr sum_weights += snr * snr if dtec > dtec_max: dtec_max = dtec if dtec < dtec_min: dtec_min = dtec dtec = sum_dtec_weighted / sum_weights weight = math.sqrt (sum_weights) # detect overly large ion discrepancy dtec_ptop = dtec_max - dtec_min if dtec_ptop > 3.0: print '\n**** ERROR **** bad ionosphere fit! dtec on baseline', bl, \ 'differed by %6.1f ' % dtec_ptop, 'TEC units' elif dtec_ptop > 1.0: print '\n**** WARNING **** check ionosphere fit! dtec on baseline', bl, \ 'differed by %6.1f ' % dtec_ptop, 'TEC units' return dtec, weight # function to generate setstring for 0 a priori case def zero_string (bl): # force a priori phases and delays to zero setstring = 'set if station ' + bl[0] + '\n' setstring += 'pc_delay_x 0.0' + '\n' setstring += 'pc_delay_y 0.0' + '\n' setstring += 'pc_phases_x ' + chans + 32 * ' 0.0' + '\n' setstring += 'pc_phases_y ' + chans + 32 * ' 0.0' + '\n' setstring += '\nif station ' + bl[1] + '\n' setstring += 'pc_delay_x 0.0' + '\n' setstring += 'pc_delay_y 0.0' + '\n' setstring += 'pc_phases_x ' + chans + 32 * ' 0.0' + '\n' setstring += 'pc_phases_y ' + chans + 32 * ' 0.0' + '\n' return setstring # function to invoke fourfit on 1 polarization product def pol_prod (ff, bline, polar, root, extrastring): dtec = 0.0 polar = '-P' + polar msglev = '-m1' pargs = ff.split() + [bline, polar, msglev, root] + extrastring.split () # invoke fourfit via a pipe try: p = Popen (pargs, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) except OSError, e: print 'System error trying to run "', ff, '"' print e.strerror sys.exit () output, stderr = p.communicate() for line in stderr.split('\n'): fields = line.split () if re.search ('max555', line): sbd = float (fields[7]) mbd = float (fields[9]) elif re.search ('residual phase', line): phz = float (fields[3]) elif re.search ('differential TEC', line): dtec = float (fields[5]) elif re.search ('SNR', line): snr = float (fields[2]) # ensure that values were found if 'sbd' in vars () and 'mbd' in vars () and 'phz' in vars (): return snr, sbd, mbd, phz, dtec else: print 'fourfit returned an error: ', stderr sys.exit () # function to find delay and phase parameters on all baselines def all_blines_phd (ff, blines, stations, st_tec, root, chans, opts): print '\ngenerating baseline & pol-prod data using dTECs...' bproducts = [] for bl in blines: dtec = 0.0 setstring = zero_string (bl) + ' if ion_npts 1\n' s = 0 for st in stations: # form dtec = rem - ref tec if st == bl[0] or st == bl[1]: setstring += ' if station ' + st + ' ionosphere ' + str (st_tec[s]) s += 1 products = bline_phd (ff, bl, blines, root, chans, setstring, opts) bproducts.append (products) return bproducts # function to find delay and phase parameters on 1 baseline & 4 polarization products def bline_phd (ff, bl, blines, root, chans, setstring, opts): bline = '-b'+bl products = [] p = 0 for pp in pol_prods: [snr, sb, mb, phi, dtec] = pol_prod (ff, bline, pp, root, setstring) print 'baseline', bl, 'pol_prod', pp, 'mbd', mb, 'phase %6.1f' % phi, 'snr', snr if snr < 15: print '\n**** ERROR ****', pp, 'on', bl, 'has snr of only', snr elif snr < 25: print '\n**** WARNING ****', pp, 'on', bl, 'has snr of only', snr products.append ([mb, phi, snr]) p += 1 return products # function to fit station y phases and delays to baseline data # bproducts is triply-nested list, most-significantly indexed # by baseline, then pol-prod within baseline, and [mbd, phase, snr] def fit_phd (blines, stations, bproducts, opts): # fit all x&y delays first mbd = [bproducts[u][v][0] for u in range(len(bproducts)) for v in range(4)] phz = [bproducts[u][v][1] for u in range(len(bproducts)) for v in range(4)] wgt = [bproducts[u][v][2] for u in range(len(bproducts)) for v in range(4)] wgt.append (1) # append nominal weight for X0 pseudo-obs wgt = np.array (wgt) # append x of 1st stn. pseudo-obs. mbd.append (0.0) # fit station y delays to mbd data delays = fit_data (blines, stations, mbd, wgt, opts) delays *= 1000 # convert units to ns # append x of 1st stn. pseudo-obs. phz.append (0.0) # fit station y phases to phase data phases = fit_data (blines, stations, phz, wgt, opts) return delays, phases # function to determine best-fit delays or phases using least-squares def fit_data (blines, stations, data, wgt, opts): # build normal equations A = [] B = [] ns = len (stations) b = 0 for bl in blines: p = 0 for pp in pol_prods: # each row has both x&y per station arow = 2 * ns * [0] sref = stations.index (bl[0]) srem = stations.index (bl[1]) xy = 0 for pol in ['X', 'Y']: if pp[0] == pol: arow[sref + xy] = -1 if pp[1] == pol: arow[srem + xy] = +1 xy += ns A.append (arow) p += 1 b += 1 # constrain first station's X pol. to be 0 A.append ([1] + (2 * ns - 1) * [0]) Aw = np.array (A) * wgt[:, None] Bw = np.multiply (np.array (data), wgt) rvals = np.linalg.lstsq (Aw, Bw) params = rvals[0] # make all stn params relative to xpol = 0 for n in range (ns): # and flip sign params[n+ns] = params[n] - params[n+ns] # ret y values, which are in 2nd half of the array return params[ns:2*ns] # examine closure quantities to see if fits look OK def bp_analyze (blines, bproducts, opts): b = 0 dir = [1, 1, -1,-1] # xx + yy - xy - yx for bl in blines: dsum = 0 phsum = 0 p = 0 for pp in pol_prods: dsum += bproducts[b][p][0] * dir[p] * 1e6 phsum += bproducts[b][p][1] * dir[p] p += 1 if opts.verbose: print 'baseline', bl, 'closure delay %8.1f ps' % dsum, 'closure phase %7.1f deg' % phsum if abs (dsum) > 25: print '\n**** ERROR **** delay misclosure on', bl, \ 'pol_prods is %6.0f' % dsum, 'ps' elif abs (dsum) > 10: print '\n**** WARNING **** delay misclosure on', bl, \ 'pol_prods is %6.0f' % dsum, 'ps' # find ambiguity combo with minimum rms phases = [0] * 4 for i in range(4): phases[i] = bproducts[b][i][1] orig_phases = list (phases) orig_rms = rms (phases) min_rms = orig_rms best_phases = list (orig_phases) # search over all possible ambiguities for k in range(1, 15): phases = list (orig_phases) for i in range(4): phases[i] += 360 * ((k>>i) & 1) r = rms (phases) if r < min_rms: min_rms = r # remember new minimum best_phases = phases if min_rms < orig_rms: for i in range(4): # update original phases bproducts[b][i][1] = best_phases[i] print '\nnew phase ambiguities selected for baseline', bl print 'old phases: %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f' % tuple(orig_phases), \ 'rms %7.1f' % orig_rms print 'new phases: %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f' % tuple(best_phases), \ 'rms %7.1f' % min_rms # print 'reference:' # print 'original %s YX-XX' % bl, orig_phases[3] - orig_phases[0] # print 'original %s YY-XY' % bl, orig_phases[1] - orig_phases[2] # print 'modified %s YX-XX' % bl, best_phases[3] - best_phases[0] # print 'modified %s YY-XY' % bl, best_phases[1] - best_phases[2] # print 'remote:' # print 'original %s XY-XX' % bl, orig_phases[2] - orig_phases[0] # print 'original %s YY-YX' % bl, orig_phases[1] - orig_phases[3] # print 'modified %s XY-XX' % bl, best_phases[2] - best_phases[0] # print 'modified %s YY-YX' % bl, best_phases[1] - best_phases[3] if opts.verbose: print 'baseline', bl, 'closure delay %8.1f ps' % dsum, 'closure phase %7.1f deg' % phsum # recalculate phase sum after modifications phsum = 0 p = 0 for pp in pol_prods: phsum += bproducts[b][p][1] * dir[p] p += 1 if abs (phsum) > 25: print '\n**** ERROR **** phase misclosure on', bl, \ 'pol_prods is %6.0f' % phsum, 'deg' elif abs (phsum) > 10: print '\n**** WARNING **** phase misclosure on', bl, \ 'pol_prods is %6.0f' % phsum, 'deg' b += 1 return bproducts # create output file and write new delay & phase params to it def write_out (of_name, root, stations, st_tec, ydelays, yphases, opts): # open control file & new output ifile = open (opts.cfile, 'r') orig = ifile.read () ifile.close () ofile = open (of_name, 'w') ofile.write (orig) # copy contents of input cf) now = datetime.datetime.now () ofile.write ('* following lines added by fourphase on ' + str (now)) ofile.write ('\n* by analysis of root file ' + root) # add lines for every station n = 0 for stn in stations: ofile.write ('\nif station ' + stn + '\n') ofile.write (' * following ionosphere was used to derive phase and delay\n') ofile.write (' * ionosphere ' + '%8.3f' % (st_tec[n]) + '\n') ofile.write (' pc_delay_x ' + ' 0.0' + '\n') ofile.write (' pc_delay_y ' + '%8.3f' % (ydelays[n]) + '\n') pcpx = ' pc_phases_x abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEF' pcpy = ' pc_phases_y abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEF' for i in range(32): pcpx += ' 0.0' pcpy += '%7.1f' % (yphases[n]) ofile.write (pcpx + '\n') ofile.write (pcpy + '\n') n += 1 ofile.close () return # do consistency tests on def test_out (cf_name, ff, blines, stations, root, st_tec, opts): print '\nchecking derived offset parameters...' for bl in blines: # test baselines one at a time mbds = [] phis = [] bline = '-b'+bl sref = stations.index (bl[0]) srem = stations.index (bl[1]) setstring = 'set ion_npts 1' setstring += ' if station ' + stations[sref] + ' ionosphere ' + str(st_tec[sref]) setstring += ' if station ' + stations[srem] + ' ionosphere ' + str(st_tec[srem]) for pp in pol_prods: # gather data on each pol-prod per bl [snr, sb, mb, phi, dtec] = pol_prod (ff, bline, pp, root, setstring) mbds.append (mb) phis.append (phi) print pp, 'mbd', mb, 'phase %6.1f' % phi # adjust phases if wrap-around is detected if abs(phis[0]) + abs(phis[1]) + abs(phis[2]) + abs(phis[3]) > 360: for i in range(4): if phis[i] < 0: # modify negative phases only phis[i] += 360 # do rms calculations, maybe issue warnings mb_rms = 1e6 * rms (mbds) phi_rms = rms (phis) print bl, 'rms mbd %7.1f' % mb_rms, 'ps rms phase %6.1f' % phi_rms, 'deg\n' if mb_rms > 25: print '\n**** ERROR ****', bl, 'mb delay rms of %7.1f' % mb_rms, ' ps is too large' elif mb_rms > 10: print '\n**** WARNING ****', bl, 'mb delay rms of %7.1f' % mb_rms, ' ps is large' if phi_rms > 40: print '\n**** ERROR ****', bl, 'phase rms of %6.1f' % phi_rms, ' deg is too large' elif phi_rms > 10: print '\n**** WARNING ****', bl, 'phase rms of %6.1f' % phi_rms, ' deg is large' return # calculate rms of a numeric list def rms (x_array): sum = 0.0 for x in x_array: # find mean of x sum += x xbar = sum / len (x_array) sum = 0.0 for x in x_array: sum += (x-xbar)**2 return math.sqrt (sum / len(x_array)) if __name__ == '__main__': # official entry point main() sys.exit(0)