#!/usr/bin/env python import platform as pf from sys import argv, exit, platform from string import split, lower from os import getenv, readlink from os.path import islink, join, dirname, isfile from re import search program = 'genipppc' version = '0.2' verdate = '20131105' author = 'Walter Brisken ' def usage(prog): print '\n%s ver. %s %s %s\n' % (program, version, verdate, author) print 'Usage: %s [options] []\n' print 'options can include:' print ' -h, --help print help info\n' print ' is the install path of Intel Performance Primitives\n' def getippversion(path): if islink(path): path = join(dirname(path), readlink(path)) # First try ippversion.h ippheader = path+'/include/ippversion.h' if not isfile(ippheader): ippheader = path+'/ipp/include/ippversion.h' if not isfile(ippheader): ippheader = path+'/composerxe/ipp/include/ippversion.h' if isfile(ippheader): path += '/composerxe' else: ippheader = '' if (ippheader==''): print "Warning: ippversion.h not found, relying on IPP path ", path s = split(path, '/') possibilities = [] for part in s: t = split(part, '.') if len(t) > 1: possibilities.append(part) if len(possibilities) < 1: print 'Sorry, cannot determine ipp version from path' exit(0) if len(possibilities) > 1: print 'Guessing version == %s' % possibilities[-1] return (path, possibilities[-1]) else: print "Reading version from ", ippheader major = minor = None for line in open(ippheader): m = search('#define\s+IPP_VERSION_STR\s+"(\S+)"', line) if (m != None): print "Got version ", m.group(1) return (path, m.group(1)) if (major == None): major = search('#define\s+IPP_VERSION_MAJOR\s+(\S)', line) if (minor == None): minor = search('#define\s+IPP_VERSION_MINOR\s+(\S)', line) if (major != None and minor != None): print "Have version ", major.group(1) + "." + minor.group(1) return (path, major.group(1) + "." + minor.group(1)) print "Sorry, cannot find IPP_VERSION_STR in ", ippheader exit(0) # fixme: possibly should use uname to get this information def getarch(): bs = getenv('DIFXBITS') if bs != None and bs != "32" and bs != "64" and bs != "128": print "Invalid DIFXBITS: " + bs bs = None pybits = pf.architecture()[0][0:2] if bs == None: print "Note: DIFXITS was not set - used platform.architecture to determine that bits is " + pybits return int(pybits) if int(bs) != int(pybits): print "WARNING! DIFXBITS is " + bs + " but platform.architecture says number of bits is " + pybits print "Assuming DIFXBITS was set correctly..." return int(bs) return int(bs) def genipppc(path, ippversion): # if no path supplied, take it from $IPPROOT if path == '': path = getenv('IPPROOT') # Still not set? if path == None: print 'Sorry, $IPPROOT not set and no path given' return # if no version actually supplied, try to guess from path if ippversion == '': (path, ippversion) = getippversion(path) ipparch = getarch() major = int(split(ippversion, '.')[0]) out = open('ipp.pc', 'w') out.write('base = %s\n' % path) out.write('\n') out.write('Name: ipp\n') out.write('Description: Intel Performance Primitives\n') out.write('Requires:\n') out.write('Version: %s\n' % ippversion) print "Platform=", platform print "ipparch=", ipparch if major == 6 or major == 5: if platform == "darwin": libdir = 'Libraries' else: libdir = 'sharedlib' if ipparch == 64 and platform != 'darwin' : out.write('Libs: -Wl,-rpath,${base}/%s -L${base}/%s -lippsem64t -lguide -lippvmem64t -lippcoreem64t\n' % (libdir,libdir)) else: out.write('Libs: -Wl,-rpath,${base}/%s -L${base}/%s -lipps -lguide -lippvm -lippcore\n' % (libdir,libdir)) out.write('Cflags: -I${base}/include\n') elif major == 7 or major == 8 or major == 9 or major == 2017 or major == 2018: if platform == "darwin": out.write('Libs: -Wl,-rpath,${base}/ipp/lib -L${base}/ipp/lib -lipps -lippvm -lippcore\n') else: if ipparch == 32: libdir = 'ia32' else: libdir = 'intel64' out.write('Libs: -Wl,-rpath,${base}/lib/%s -Wl,-rpath,${base}/ipp/lib/%s -L${base}/lib/%s -L${base}/ipp/lib/%s -L${base}/compiler/lib/%s -lipps -lippvm -lippcore\n' % (libdir,libdir,libdir,libdir,libdir)) if major < 2000: out.write(" -liomp5") out.write("\n") if major == 7: out.write('Cflags: -I${base}/ipp/include\n') else: out.write('Cflags: -DIPP9 -I${base}/ipp/include\n') else: print 'Sorry, IPP %d not yet supported by this script\n' % major out.close() ipppath = '' ippversion = '' for a in argv[1:]: if a[0] == '-': if a in ['--help', '-h']: usage(argv[0]) exit(0) else: print 'Unrecognised option: %s . See help with -h .' % a exit(0) else: if ipppath == '': ipppath = a elif ippversion == '': ippversion = a else: print 'Unexpected parameter: %s . See help with -h .' % a genipppc(ipppath, ippversion)