Version 1.0 ~~~~~~~~~~~ * ******* NOTE CHANGES TO THE API ********* * Changed parameter in createVDIFHeader (pass size of dataarray not full VDIF frame). * Changed function of getVDIFEpoch and setVDIFFrameSecond * Renamed: getVDIFMJD getVDIFFrameFullSecond -> getVDIFFrameEpochSecOffset setVDIFFrameSecond -> setVDIFFrameEpochSecOffset setVDIFFrameFull setVDIFMJDSec -> setVDIFFrameMJDSec getVDIFDMJD -> getVDIFFrameDMJD setVDIFTime -> setVDIFFrameTime (and changed functionality) setVDIFEpoch -> setVDIFEpochMJD * Added getVDIFFrameMJDSec setVDIFEpochTime * Added new utility printVDIFgaps to examine a VDIF stream for missing data * vdifmux now fed by a structure. This allows for safer, faster and more flexible muxing. * printVDIFheader: when legacy data don't print any EDV info * multi2singlethreadVDIF: fixed bug where frames with invalid bit set had zero epoch and wrong seconds * captureUDPVDIF: properly use skipbytes at the front and back of the packet * Version for DiFX-2.4, Nov 4, 2014 Version 0.6 ~~~~~~~~~~~ * Post DiFX-2.3 * Expose getVDIFEpochMJD: returns integer MJD corresponding to start of VDIF epoch * Add printVDIFheader which will also print contents of EDV1 and EDV3 Version 0.5 ~~~~~~~~~~~ * Fix the 2-bit 16 thread case in the vdifmux function * 1-bit corner turners now supported: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 threads * 2-bit corner turners now supported: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16 threads * 4-bit corner turners now supported: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 threads * 8-bit corner turners now supported: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16 threads * add corner turn test program: testcornerturners * add function to decode data from a single frame of VDIF data * add utility to convert from 2-bit to 8-bit VDIF data (perhaps useful for testing) * Version for DiFX-2.3, Dec 20, 2013 Version 0.4 ~~~~~~~~~~~ * Add new vdifmux function which takes a multi-threaded VDIF buffer, looks for frames with certain threadIds, and multiplexes them into a single- threaded output buffer. * New programs exercising new library routines: - vsum summarize contents of 1 or more VDIF files - vmux multiplex a multi-thread VDIF file into a single-thread file * New utilities (mirroring functionality of mark5access utilities): - vdifd (m5d) - vdifbstate (m5bstate) - vdiffold (m5fold) - vdifspec (m5spec) * Other new utilities - extractVDIFThreads: gets only packets corresponding to given thread IDs * Inlinification and constification of many VDIF header access functions * Large file clean (I think) now... * Fix bugs in multi2singlethreadVDIF which caused crashes if many packets missing * Version for DiFX-2.2, May 31, 2013 Version 0.3 ~~~~~~~~~~~ * Version for DiFX-2.1, May 4, 2012 Version 0.2 ~~~~~~~~~~~ * Post DiFX-2.0.0 * Ability to make RPM files * Version for DiFX-2.0.1, June 10, 2011 Version 0.1 ~~~~~~~~~~~ * Initial implementation of vdifio * Serves multiple VDIF threads from one source to multiple sinks * Version for DiFX-2.0.0