Version 3.3.0 * Improved clarity in generation of Flag, Tsys, Pcal, Gain and Weather tables: prioritized sources of data * Fix off-by-one timestamp error in the sniffer output files * All times are UTC (always have been). Change variables and comments to reflect this and avoid some confusion. * Add utility to show which sources of calibration data (GN, PH, FG, WX, TS) will be used by difx2fits (called showcal) * Version for DiFX-2.3, Dec 20, 2013 Version 3.2.0 * Fix for correlation of mismatched sidebands. Requires contemporaneous upgrade of difxio. * Add DIFX_LABEL env var to FITS files * Make sniffer plots more consistent with AIPS. They will always show USB now and should have the same phase sense. * Use the SX gain table rows when SX observing is used. Thanks to James Miller-Jones for reporting the problem. * pcal, weather, tsys, and flag files could be compromized by observations spanning the new year. - Now handle day of year jumps - Also handle possible use of mjds rather than days of year in future * increase number of phase cal tones allowed * Version for DiFX-2.2, 31 May 2013 Version 3.1.0 * Version renumber from 3.0.2 prior to DiFX-2.1 release * Version for DiFX-2.1, 4 May 2012 Version 3.0.2 * Post DiFX-2.0.1 * Improved reporting when weights go crazy (negative) * --zero (or -0) option: don't write visibilities (well, write one per input file) - not useful for AIPS as AIPS requires a UV table * makefits: pass along non-dashed options to difx2fits * Do better job verifying baseband data files have compliant names. * Improved checking on fopen return values * Maximum number of file descriptors checked. For large merges this can be a problem. * Multiple DIFX files per job: don't write records from later files that overlap in time with those written by earlier ones. - perhaps later the order of things should change and the _newer_ records get kept. - multiple SWITCHEDPOWER and PCAL files are handled in the same way * Make use of new difx_tcal infrastructure * Support DiFX job restarts * Better support for mixed 1 and 2 bit data: include antenna-based numbers in FITS and scale accordingly * Populate the new RAOBS and DECOBS (pointing center) columns of the source table Version 3.0.1 * Post 2.0.0 * Make use of clock shifting function in difxio * Add in Difx-based pulse cal data * Add in Difx-based tsys * Fix TSys values in the zoom band cases * Fix Pulse cal values in the zoom band cases * DiFX extracted pulse cals: ensure proper antennaIds for merged job cases * valgrind used to track down some memory leaks * print fits keywords for each fits file when -v is supplied * don't invoke sniffer in cases where it would use too much memory * don't overwrite FITS when parse-all input difx are from different vex setups (thanks Jan Wagner) * Version for DiFX-2.0.1, 10 June 2011 Version 3.0 * Includes the following merged changes from DiFX-1.5: - Copy jobmatrix file - rename "makefilts.tmp" to "makefits.tmp" - Apply flags properly, even in cases with crazy subarraying - Write file that summarizes jobs that went into FITS - Pass full command line option structure to UV writing - Normalize calling to all table writing functions - Properly populate GATEMODL table - Write .jobmatrix file - Write new WEIGHTYP keyword - Sniffer: keep one more amplitude digit - Sniffer: apd and apc files: keep 2 more time digits * Adds support for multiple phase centres, zoom bands * Also bugfixes for freeing memory * Requires difxio 3.0 * Fixes by Olaf Wuchnitz: print format for writing strings to FITS and argument order in memcpy * Some cppcheck results from Martin Ettl * Don't fail to set proper .jobmatrix filename when not running sniffer * Properly index config table in fitsGM.c * makefits: pass --override-version on to difx2fits * makefits: list all phase centres and pulsar bins, and use this info * by default produce sniffer output only for bin=0 phasecentre=0 * conform to new variable names in difxio, and more importantly, don't go out of the way to get frequency labelling wrong! * migrate to using EQUINOX in output FITS files * Version for DiFX-2.0.0 Version 2.5 * Require difxio 2.10 * Post DiFX-1.5 * Sniffer: look for spectral lines Version 2.4 * Post NRAO-DiFX 1.1 development * Require difxio 2.5 * Fix numbering of FITS Source IDs * Better handle transitional scans * don't use bcopy -- use memcpy instead. * fix sense of phase for LSB sniffer output data * add makefits wrapper program * Fix model tables when crossing midnight * Version for DiFX-1.5 Version 2.3 * Support for writing FITS files larger than 2 GiB * Option to force each input file into its own output file * Pay attention to difx versions * Don't write out vis records that occur over a scan change * int -> double mjd for gain curve selection * Respect DIFX_GROUP_ID and set umask * Write sniffer file output * Version for NRAO-DiFX 1.1 Version 2.2 * Use .im file to generate ML, MC table if file exists * Minor improvements to FR, ML, MC, AG, CT, SU, GN, TS, FL tables * Fix MC table -- index to model is dsId, not antId Version 2.1 * Sorts by antenna name by default. override with -k Version 2.0 * New visibility writing code -- will merge multiple input files into single FITS file in time order. * use fitsSourceId to keep the source table as small as possible, without repeats * fix delay values in ML (IM) table * fix uninitialized freq offset vals in SU table * use difxio >= 2.0 * start of pulsar table support Version 1.9 * Use difxio >= 1.7 Version 1.8 * Use vlog output to generate FG, TS, PH, WX tables (WX is suspect) * Use gain curve files to generate GC (from env var GAIN_CURVE_PATH) * Use autoconf endianness detection -- remove byteorder.[ch] * Write spacecraft orbit table Version 1.7 * support scaling parameter Version 1.6 * Respect .flag file * Print more information Version 1.5 * Fix up a bit more Version 1.4 * Summarize tables at end * Allow --no-model option Version 1.3 * Amplitude scaling Version 1.2 * Fix sign of gdelay, grate in MC table, and subtract off the atmosphere. * FFT_SIZE fix in MC table * Update automake a bit Version 1.1 * Don't require .calc, .rates files Version 1.0 * Initial version.