SUBROUTINE GEOXYZ( MODE, LONG, LAT, HT, X, Y, Z, IER ) C C Routine to make conversions between geodetic and geocentric C coordinates. There are two modes: C MODE=0: Input data are longitude, latitude and height, C either goecentric or geodetic (height < 1E6) C Output data are geodetic long, lat, and ht and C geocentric X, Y, and Z. C MODE=1: Input data are geocentric X, Y, and Z. C Output data are geodetic long, lat, and height C above the geoid. C C IER is a return code. 0 => ok. 1 => bad mode. C C All input variables are double precision. Longitude and C latitude are in radians. HT, X, Y, and Z are in meters. C C Algorithms from the 1992 Astronomical Almanac Explanatory C Supplement, Chapter 4, are used. The IERS 1989 ellipsoid C is used (Semi-major axis and inverse flattening). C C Note that the sign of longitude is backwards from a right C handed coordinate system. C C On 29 Jan 2002, I tried some tests against Web conversion sites. C The equations here clearly apply to WGS84 C There is an example at C An australian site. C For C station=TEST elev=737.574 lat=-37:39:10.1598 long=143:55:35.3730 C Sched gets with SMAXIX=6378136.D0 and FLATEN=1.D0/298.257D0 C SCHED: -4087094.75 -2977467.03 -3875456.72 C The web site uses XMAXIX=6378137.D0 and FLATTEN=1.D0/298.25722210 C Web example -4087095.384 2977467.494 -3875457.340 C Change this code to SMAXIS=6378137.D0 FLATEN=1.D0/298.257D0 C SCHED: -4087095.39 -2977467.50 -3875457.32 C This now agrees at the 1cm level. Try for other opinions on A and 1/f C At a laser site at gsfc, 6378136.3 and 298.257 C At a USNO site, 6378137 298.257222101 C In the WGSMAN24.PDF document that I have in my geodesy area, C the values are 6378137 298.257223563. This is a European document. C Modify 1/f to the USNO site value. C SCHED (6378137 298.257222101) -4087095.39 -2977467.49 -3875457.34 C This agrees with the Ausi site to under a cm. C From NIMA, which Bryan Butler figures is the best reference, the C values to use are 6378137 298.257223563 - same as the European site. C So now install those values. C C R. C. Walker C INTEGER MODE, IER DOUBLE PRECISION LONG, LAT, HT, X, Y, Z DOUBLE PRECISION SMAXIS, FLATEN, C, S PARAMETER (SMAXIS=6378137.D0) PARAMETER (FLATEN=1.D0/298.257223563D0) DOUBLE PRECISION SLAT, CLAT, SLONG, CLONG DOUBLE PRECISION B, R, E, F, P, Q, D, NU, G, T, PI LOGICAL MAKEGD C ---------------------------------------------------------------- PI = DATAN( 1.0D0 ) * 4.D0 MAKEGD = MODE .EQ. 1 IER = 1 IF( MODE .EQ. 0 ) THEN C C Input is long, lat, and ht of some sort. C IF( HT .LT. 1.D6 ) THEN C C Input coordinates are geodetic long, lat, ht. C SLAT = DSIN( LAT ) CLAT = DCOS( LAT ) SLONG = DSIN( -LONG ) CLONG = DCOS( -LONG ) C = CLAT**2 + ( 1.D0 - FLATEN )**2 * SLAT**2 C = 1.D0 / SQRT( C ) S = ( 1.D0 - FLATEN )**2 * C X = ( SMAXIS * C + HT ) * CLAT * CLONG Y = ( SMAXIS * C + HT ) * CLAT * SLONG Z = ( SMAXIS * S + HT ) * SLAT IER = 0 ELSE C C Input coordinates are geocentric long, lat, ht. C Derive X, Y, and Z. Then convert angles to C geodetic in section for data starting with X, Y, Z. C X = HT * COS( LAT ) * COS( -LONG ) Y = HT * COS( LAT ) * SIN( -LONG ) Z = HT * SIN( LAT ) MAKEGD = .TRUE. END IF END IF C C Now do any required geocentric to geodetic conversion. C IF( MAKEGD ) THEN R = SQRT( X**2 + Y**2 ) C C Deal with singular cases. C IF( Z .EQ. 0.D0 .AND. R .NE. 0.D0 ) THEN C C On equitorial plane. C LAT = 0.D0 LONG = -DATAN2( Y, X ) HT = SQRT( X**2 + Y**2 ) - SMAXIS C ELSE IF( R .EQ. 0.D0 .AND. Z .NE. 0.D0 ) THEN C C On Z axis. C LAT = DSIGN( PI / 2.D0, Z ) LONG = 0.D0 HT = Z - SMAXIS * ( 1.D0 - FLATEN ) C ELSE IF( R .EQ. 0.D0 .AND. Z .EQ. 0.D0 ) THEN C C Center of earth. C LAT = 0.D0 LONG = 0.D0 HT = -SMAXIS ELSE C C Reasonable range. C B = DSIGN( SMAXIS * ( 1.D0 - FLATEN ), Z ) E = ( B * Z - ( SMAXIS**2 - B**2 ) ) / ( SMAXIS * R ) F = ( B * Z + ( SMAXIS**2 - B**2 ) ) / ( SMAXIS * R ) P = ( 4.0D0 / 3.0D0 ) * ( E * F + 1.D0 ) Q = 2.D0 * ( E**2 - F**2 ) D = P**3 + Q**2 IF( D .LT. 0.D0 ) THEN NU = 2.D0 * SQRT( -P ) * COS( (1.D0/3.D0) * 1 ACOS( Q / ( P * SQRT( -P ) ) ) ) ELSE NU = ( SQRT( D ) - Q )**(1.D0/3.D0) - 1 ( SQRT( D ) + Q )**(1.D0/3.D0) END IF C C Deal with cases near singularities as per Almanac. C The criteria are a wild guess. C IF( Z .LT. SMAXIS / 1.D5 .OR. R .LT. SMAXIS / 1.D5 ) THEN NU = (-1.D0) * ( NU**3 + 2.D0 * Q ) / ( 3.D0 * P ) END IF G = 0.5D0 * ( SQRT( E**2 + NU ) + E ) T = SQRT( G**2 + ( F - NU * G ) / ( 2.D0 * G - E ) ) - G LAT = DATAN( SMAXIS * ( 1.D0 - T**2 ) / ( 2.D0 * B * T ) ) HT = ( R - SMAXIS * T ) * COS( LAT ) + 1 ( Z - B ) * SIN( LAT ) LONG = -DATAN2( Y, X ) END IF IER = 0 END IF C RETURN END