PROGRAM PLOTWT C C A program to plot weights from a file produced from a VLBA C export tape by John Benson's program. C C An average time will be used. The minimum, maximum, and C average weight across all IF's for a station during each C average interval will be plotted. C INCLUDE '' C INTEGER NP1, ST1, VLBOPE, IER INTEGER TIN(8), I, LEN1 DOUBLE PRECISION GETNUM CHARACTER CBUFF*256 C ------------------------------------------------------------------- C Get the file names. C GOTSUM = .FALSE. 100 WRITE(*,*) 'Name of weights file: ' READ(*,'(A)') WTFILE IER = VLBOPE( INUNIT, WTFILE, 'TEXT', 'OLD', CBUFF ) IF( IER .NE. 1 ) GO TO 100 NWORDS = MWORDS CALL RDLINE( WORD, WLEN, NWORDS, INUNIT, 6 ) IF( NWORDS .EQ. -1 ) THEN WRITE(*,*) ' No data. ' GO TO 999 END IF EXPNAM = WORD(NWORDS) C C Detect whether the input file is a summary or an original sniffer C file. C GOTSUM = WORD(2)(1:WLEN(2)) .EQ. 'summary:' C C Open the plot file. C WRITE(*,*) 'Name of plot file (eg' READ(*,'(A)') PLTFILE C C Get the desired time range. C WRITE(*,*) 'Time range to plot (dd hh mm ss dd mm hh ss, '// 1 'first day is day 0. Blank for all.):' NWORDS = MWORDS CALL RDLINE( WORD, WLEN, NWORDS, 5, 6 ) DO I = 1, 8 IF( I .LE. NWORDS ) THEN TIN(I) = GETNUM( WORD(I), 1, WLEN(I) ) ELSE TIN(I) = 0 END IF END DO TMINA = TIN(1)*24*3600 + TIN(2)*3600 + TIN(3)*60 + TIN(4) TMAXA = TIN(5)*24*3600 + TIN(6)*3600 + TIN(7)*60 + TIN(8) IF( TMAXA .EQ. 0 ) TMAXA = 1.E10 C C Get the desired average time per point. C WRITE(*,*) 'Time average for each point (Sec. - Default 30)' NWORDS = MWORDS CALL RDLINE( WORD, WLEN, NWORDS, 5, 6 ) IF( NWORDS .LE. 0 ) THEN TAVG = 30.0 ELSE TAVG = GETNUM( WORD(1), 1, WLEN(1) ) END IF C C Open the summary output file. C Write the first line to it. C IF( .NOT. GOTSUM ) THEN WRTSUM = .TRUE. IER = VLBOPE( SUNIT, WTFILE(1:LEN1(WTFILE))//'.sum', 1 'TEXT', 'NEW', CBUFF ) IF( IER .EQ. 1 ) THEN WRITE( SUNIT, '( A, A )' ) 1 'PLOTWT summary: ', EXPNAM ELSE WRITE(*,*) ' ****** Warning: Unable to open summary file' WRITE(*,*) CBUFF WRTSUM = .FALSE. END IF END IF C C Get the data. C CALL GETWT C C Plot the data - First set up so that no more than 10 C stations are plotted on one sheet. C IF( NSTA .GT. 12 ) THEN NP1 = NSTA / 2 + 1 ELSE NP1 = NSTA END IF C C Now call PLTWT once for each page C CALL PLTWT( 1, NP1 ) IF( NP1 .LT. NSTA ) THEN ST1 = NP1 + 1 CALL PLTWT( ST1, NSTA ) END IF C C Finished C 999 CONTINUE STOP END