PROGRAM PLOTGPS C C Plot Mark IV log gps-fmout. C Fit for clock offsets and rates. C C For large offsets, don't attempt to put out data because C of the potential for precision problems. C C Adjusting offsets to zero KK. May 2, 2006. C INTEGER MPT PARAMETER (MPT=2000) LOGICAL NEWFMT INTEGER I, J, IY, ID, IH, IM, IS, NPT, ICH, ICH1, ICH2, IE INTEGER IPT, LIY, MDAY, IMONTH, JD, IP, JCH, NCH, IPCH REAL TIME(MPT), GPS(MPT), SIG(MPT), FTIME(MPT) REAL XMIN, XMAX, YMIN, YMAX, XLO, XHI, YLO, YHI REAL XRNG, YRNG REAL AVG, RATE, SAVG, SRATE, CHI2, Q, JOBRATE, JOBOFF REAL RATESS, SRATESS, TIMEMID, DTIME REAL XL(2), YL(2), RM, RH, NPRT DOUBLE PRECISION RGPS, DCOFF, JOBAVG, MULT CHARACTER INFILE*80, PLOTFILE*80, INLINE*128 CHARACTER CLKFILE*80 CHARACTER STACODE*2, DATE*19, MONTH*3, DNAME*3 INTEGER MOFF C C Add offsets for some stations. These used to be hardwired, C but were converted to use an external file on Nov. 20, 2006. C The master copy of the input file is in C /home/noatak/cwalker/geodesy/Clocks/gpsoffsets.dat C and an operations copy is C in /users/cwalker/bin/gpsoffsets.dat C C The pre RDV56 values are now in OLDOFFSET and new ones, C adjusted for zero at KK have been put in OFFSET. C PARAMETER (MOFF=100) INTEGER NOFF CHARACTER OFFSTA(MOFF)*2 REAL OFFSET(MOFF), OLDOFFSET(MOFF) REAL SIGN(MOFF) C C Keep the old values around for a while just in case. C DATA ( OFFSTA(I), OFFSET(I), OLDOFFSET(I), SIGN(I), I=1,MOFF ) C 1 / 'AP', -0.64E-6, -1.00E-6, 1.0, C 1 'GC', 0.0, -0.55E-6, 1.0, C 1 'GG', 0.238E-6, -0.12E-6, 1.0, C 1 'HH', -0.132E-6, -0.65E-6, 1.0, C 1 'HO', 0.313E-6, 0.0, 1.0, C 1 'KK', 0.0, -0.40E-6, 1.0, C 1 'MA', -0.68E-6, -1.04E-6, 1.0, C 1 'MC', -0.78E-7, -1.00E-6, 1.0, C 1 'NY', -0.29E-6, -0.65E-6, 1.0, C 1 'ON', -0.59E-7, 0.50E-6, 1.0, C 1 'TC', -0.174E-6, -0.55E-6, 1.0, C 1 'TS', -1.39E-6, -1.75E-6, 1.0, C 1 'WF', -0.72E-7, -0.43E-6, 1.0, C 1 'WZ', -0.259E-6, -0.65E-6, 1.0 / C Aug 23, 2005. Reversed sign of MC. RCW. C July 12, 2006 Add HO before RDV57. C Nov 20, 2006. Convert to use external clock file. C --------------------------------------------------------- C Open the clock offset file. C 10 WRITE(*,*) 'Input clock offset file ' WRITE(*,*) ' (Default (blank) means '// 1 '/users/cwalker/bin/gpsoffsets.dat):' READ(*,'(A)') CLKFILE IF( CLKFILE .EQ. ' ' ) 1 CLKFILE = '/users/cwalker/bin/gpsoffsets.dat' OPEN( UNIT=10, FILE=CLKFILE, STATUS='OLD', FORM='FORMATTED', 1 ERR=50 ) C C Read the clock lines and fill the arrays. C NOFF = 0 15 CONTINUE READ(10,'(A)',END=20) INLINE IF( INLINE(1:1) .EQ. '#' ) GO TO 15 IF( INLINE .EQ. ' ' ) GO TO 15 NOFF = NOFF + 1 IF( NOFF .GT. MOFF ) THEN WRITE(*,*) 'Too many clock offsets, max ', MOFF STOP END IF READ(INLINE,*) OFFSTA(NOFF), OFFSET(NOFF), SIGN(NOFF) WRITE(*,*) NOFF, ' ', OFFSTA(NOFF), OFFSET(NOFF), SIGN(NOFF) GO TO 15 20 CONTINUE C C Open the data file. C 50 WRITE(*,*) 'Input SNAP (MarkIV) log file:' READ(*,'(A)') INFILE OPEN( UNIT=8, FILE=INFILE, STATUS='OLD', FORM='FORMATTED', 1 ERR=50 ) C C Assume that the last two characters are the station name. C ICH = INDEX( INFILE, 'log.' ) + 4 IF( ICH .GT. 4 ) THEN STACODE = INFILE(ICH:ICH+1) ELSE STACODE = 'XX' WRITE(*,*) ' *** No station code. File name must be of '// 1 'form ...log.xx where xx is the station code.' END IF CALL UPCASE( STACODE ) C C Open the plot file. C WRITE(*,*) 'Output plot file (/xs for terminal, ', 1 ' for postscript):' READ(*,'(A)') PLOTFILE CALL PGBEGIN(0,PLOTFILE,1,1) C C Read the data. Get the limits while at it. C NPT = 0 XMIN = 1.E9 XMAX = -1.E9 YMIN = 1.E9 YMAX = -1.E9 LIY = 0 NPRT = 1 WRITE(*,*) 'Some sample modified input lines:' 100 CONTINUE ICH1 = 0 ICH2 = 0 READ( 8, '(A)', END=200 ) INLINE IF( INDEX( INLINE, 'clock' ) .EQ. 0 ) THEN ICH1 = INDEX( INLINE, '/gps-fmout/' ) ICH2 = INDEX( INLINE, '/fmout-gps/' ) END IF NEWFMT = INLINE(5:5) .EQ. '.' C C Process the right type of line only. C IF( ICH1 .NE. 0 .OR. ICH2 .NE. 0 ) THEN C C Get the range of characters that contain the clock offset. C ICH = MAX( ICH1, ICH2 ) + 11 NCH = LEN1( INLINE ) C C Display a few input lines. C IF( NPRT .LE. 5 ) THEN WRITE(*,*) '----Original: ', INLINE(1:NCH) END IF C C Read the date and time. There are two possible formats. C Why was the mod(id,100) there? Precision problem? C IF( NEWFMT ) THEN READ( INLINE, '( I4, 1X, I3, 1X, I2, 1X, I2, 1X, I2)' ) 1 IY, ID, IH, IM, IS C ID = MOD( ID, 100 ) ELSE READ( INLINE, '(I2,I3,3I2)' ) IY, ID, IH, IM, IS IY = 1900 + IY END IF IF( LIY .NE. 0 .AND. IY .NE. LIY ) THEN WRITE(*,*) ' ****** PROBLEM ********* ' WRITE(*,*) ' Crossed year boundary. ' WRITE(*,*) ' This program can''t handle that. ' WRITE(*,*) ' Break log into single year segments ' STOP END IF LIY = IY C C Fix the data format. There are several bizzare verients. C C Some use different units! Parse, then purge a "usec" as C it confuses the attempt to fix E to D in the real format C below. Also assume that the usec comes after any numbers C so blank the rest of the line. C Here is a sample line HH line: C 2006.033.17:42:42.02/fmout-gps/1.120170e-05 11.2 usec (Hmaser leads GPS) C Here is a sample NT line: C 2010.064.02:06:55.88/gps-fmout/RQIR -1.68 usec C C After the sequence below, I think there will be nothing C beyond the number, although someone could have a comment. C IE = INDEX( INLINE(ICH:NCH), 'usec' ) IF( IE .NE. 0 ) THEN MULT = 1.D-6 INLINE(ICH+IE-1:NCH) = ' ' NCH = LEN1( INLINE ) ELSE MULT = 1.D0 END IF C C Convert nEm form to nDm form. C IE = INDEX( INLINE(ICH:NCH), 'E' ) IF( IE .EQ. 0 ) IE = INDEX( INLINE(ICH:NCH), 'e' ) IF( IE .NE. 0 ) INLINE(ICH+IE-1:ICH+IE-1) = 'D' C C Get rid of any + signs, "S", or "T" before the exponential. C But not all files have an exponential! (NT) C IE = INDEX( INLINE(ICH:NCH), 'D' ) IF( IE .EQ. 0 ) THEN JCH = NCH ELSE JCH = IE + ICH -1 END IF IE = INDEX( INLINE(ICH:JCH), '+' ) IF( IE .NE. 0 ) INLINE(ICH+IE-1:ICH+IE-1) = ' ' IE = INDEX( INLINE(ICH:JCH), 'S' ) IF( IE .NE. 0 ) INLINE(ICH+IE-1:ICH+IE-1) = ' ' IE = INDEX( INLINE(ICH:JCH), 'T' ) IF( IE .NE. 0 ) INLINE(ICH+IE-1:ICH+IE-1) = ' ' IE = INDEX( INLINE(ICH:JCH), 'RQIR' ) IF( IE .NE. 0 ) INLINE(ICH+IE-1:ICH+IE+3) = ' ' C C Get rid of blanks - there can be blanks between minus C signs and data. C I = ICH DO WHILE( I .LT. NCH ) C IF( INLINE(I:I) .EQ. ' ' ) THEN DO J = I + 1, NCH INLINE(J-1:J-1) = INLINE(J:J) END DO INLINE(NCH:NCH) = ' ' NCH = NCH - 1 ELSE I = I + 1 END IF END DO C C Good old GG threw another ringer at us: C 2005.181.17:19:08.00/fmout-gps/+5.18.0E-6 C Try not to get this completely wrong since this showed up C after the read as a value near 1 rather than an error. C IPCH = INDEX(INLINE(ICH:NCH), '.') IF( IPCH .NE. 0 ) THEN IF( INDEX(INLINE((ICH+IPCH):NCH),'.') .NE. 0 ) THEN GO TO 90 END IF END IF C C Ok, now decode the data point. C READ( INLINE(ICH:NCH), *, ERR=90 ) RGPS C C Write a few of the fixed lines and the result. C IF( NPRT .LE. 5 ) THEN WRITE(*,*) 'Fixed Format: ', INLINE(1:NCH) WRITE(*,*) 'Derived offset, mult, offset: ', RGPS, 1 MULT, RGPS*MULT NPRT = NPRT + 1 END IF C C Scale the microsecond cases. C RGPS = MULT * RGPS C C Take care of modulo 1 second cases. C IF( RGPS .GT. 0.5D0 ) RGPS = RGPS - 1.0D0 IF( RGPS .LT. -0.5D0 ) RGPS = RGPS + 1.0D0 IF( ICH2 .NE. 0 ) RGPS = -RGPS C C Add the point to the plot arrays. Allow for times C close to one second. C NPT = NPT + 1 TIME(NPT) = ID + IH/24.0 + IM/1440.0 + IS/86400.0 GPS(NPT) = RGPS C C Get limits. C XMIN = MIN( XMIN, TIME(NPT) ) XMAX = MAX( XMAX, TIME(NPT) ) YMIN = MIN( YMIN, GPS(NPT) ) YMAX = MAX( YMAX, GPS(NPT) ) C END IF GO TO 100 C C Jump here to deal with a data point read error. C 90 CONTINUE WRITE(*,*) 'Bad gps line: ', INLINE(1:NCH) GO TO 100 C C Come here when reading is done. C 200 CONTINUE C C Refer the time to the middle, which also means that the C fitted constant will be essentially the average. C TIMEMID = ( XMAX + XMIN ) / 2.0 DO IPT = 1, MPT FTIME(IPT) = TIME(IPT) - TIMEMID END DO C C Try to make the time for the job script lines. C ID = INT( TIMEMID ) DTIME = TIMEMID - ID RH = DTIME * 24.0 IH = INT( RH ) RM = ( RH - IH ) * 60.0 IM = INT( RM ) IS = INT( ( RM - IM ) * 60.0 ) MDAY = ID IMONTH = 0 CALL TDATECW( IY, IMONTH, MDAY, JD, MONTH, DNAME ) CALL UPCASE( MONTH ) WRITE( DATE, '( I4, A3, I2.2, A1, I2.2, A1, I2.2, A1, I2.2, A )' ) 1 IY, MONTH, MDAY, '_', IH, 'h', IM, 'm', IS, 's' C C Make a linear fit to the data. C CALL FIT( FTIME, GPS, NPT, SIG, 0, AVG, RATE, SAVG, SRATE, 1 CHI2, Q ) C C Convert rate to seconds per second. C RATESS = RATE / ( 24.0 * 3600.0 ) SRATESS = SRATE / ( 24.0 * 3600.0 ) C C Write result C WRITE(*,*) '----------------------------------------------' WRITE(*,*) 'Mid time: ', TIMEMID WRITE(*, '( A, 1P, E15.5, A, E15.5 )' ) 1 'Average: ', AVG, ' +- ', SAVG WRITE(*,'( A, 1P, E15.5, A, E15.5 )' ) 1 'Rate: ', RATESS, ' +- ', SRATESS C C Write MC warning C IF( STACODE .EQ. 'MC' ) THEN WRITE(*,*) 1 '*** WARNING: For MC, the sign is traditionally reversed ' WRITE(*,*) 1 ' from that of other stations.' WRITE(*,*) 1 ' This program used to reverse the sign.' WRITE(*,*) 1 ' But MC is changing its sign as of August 2005' WRITE(*,*) 1 ' Be very careful that the sign is correct.' END IF C C Write a job script clock table set of lines. Add in station C offset. C JOBAVG = AVG JOBRATE = RATESS JOBOFF = 0.0 DO I = 1, MOFF IF( STACODE .EQ. OFFSTA(I) ) THEN JOBAVG = SIGN(I) * AVG + OFFSET(I) JOBRATE = SIGN(I) * RATESS JOBOFF = OFFSET(I) WRITE(*,*) WRITE( *, '( A, A, A, 1P, E13.5, A )' ) 1 'The job script value below is adjusted by the '// 2 'traditional ', OFFSTA(I), 3 ' offset of ', OFFSET(I), 'us' WRITE(*,*) ' The traditional offset is the typical '// 1 ' value of the measured clock minus the GPS.' WRITE(*,*) ' Note the sign convention for the '// 1 'traditional offset was reversed in July 2005.' IF( SIGN(I) .LT. 0.0 ) THEN WRITE(*,*) 'Also the sign of the gps average ', 1 'and rate are inverted for this station.' END IF WRITE(*,*) ' ' WRITE(*,*) ' This version of plotgps uses clock '// 1 'offsets adjusted for zero at Kokee.' END IF END DO WRITE(*,*) WRITE(*,*) '------------- For jobs: ----------------------' IF( JOBAVG .GT. 0.01 ) THEN WRITE(*,*) 'Average offset large enough that there are '// 1 'likely to be precision problems.' WRITE(*,*) 'Does the raw data have enough precision?' WRITE(*,*) 'Think hard about what you are doing.' ELSE WRITE( *, '( A, A2, A, A, F8.3, A )' ) 1 '!* ', STACODE, ' clock from plotgps fit to log data ', 2 'with ', JOBOFF * 1.E6, ' us added. *!' WRITE( *, '( A, A, A, A, A, 1P, E13.5 )' ) 1 'name = ', STACODE, ' time = ', DATE, 2 ' offset = ', JOBAVG WRITE( *, '( A, 1P, E13.5, A )' ) 1 ' rate = ', JOBRATE, ' !row!' END IF WRITE(*,*) '----------------------------------------------' WRITE(*,*) C C Prepare to plot a fit line. C XL(1) = XMIN YL(1) = AVG + ( XL(1) - TIMEMID ) * RATE XL(2) = XMAX YL(2) = AVG + ( XL(2) - TIMEMID ) * RATE C C Add a bit to the edges. C XRNG = XMAX - XMIN IF( XRNG .EQ. 0.0 ) XRNG = 0.1 * ( XMIN + XMAX ) IF( XRNG .EQ. 0.0 ) XRNG = 1.0 XMIN = XMIN - 0.03 * XRNG XMAX = XMAX + 0.03 * XRNG YRNG = YMAX - YMIN IF( YRNG .EQ. 0.0 ) YRNG = 0.1 * ( YMIN + YMAX ) IF( YRNG .EQ. 0.0 ) YRNG = 1.0 YMIN = YMIN - 0.03 * YRNG YMAX = YMAX + 0.03 * YRNG C C Make the plot. C CALL PGRNGE( XMIN, XMAX, XLO, XHI ) CALL PGRNGE( YMIN, YMAX, YLO, YHI ) 300 CONTINUE CALL PGENV( XLO, XHI, YLO, YHI, 0, 1 ) CALL PGLAB( 'Day (DOY)', 'gps-fmt (sec)', 1 'GPS Offset in ' // INFILE ) CALL PGPT( NPT, TIME, GPS, 3 ) CALL PGLINE( 2, XL, YL ) C C Ask for new plot ranges. C WRITE(*,*) ' EXIT or new xmin xmax ymin ymax ' READ(*,'(A)') INLINE IF( INDEX( INLINE, 'EXIT') .NE. 0 .OR. 1 INDEX( INLINE, 'exit') .NE. 0 ) GO TO 400 READ( INLINE, * ) XLO, XHI, YLO, YHI GO TO 300 C 400 CONTINUE CALL PGEND STOP END