PROGRAM CLOCKHIST C C This routine looks through a list of files of type datafile.lis C from the sniffer. In each one, it finds the data point with C this highest amplitude for each baseline and saves the delay. C It then references to a common antenna, throwing out points for C which the experiment does not have that antenna. It then C plots the results. C INCLUDE '' C INTEGER I LOGICAL QUIT CHARACTER ABBR(MAXSTA)*2 DATA ABBR / 'SC','HN','NL','FD','LA','PT','KP','OV','BR','MK', 1 'Y' / C --------------------------------------------------------------------- C Initializations C DO I = 1, MAXSTA NAMES(I) = ABBR(I) END DO C C Read through the data files. C CALL GETDAT C C Get user input. C 450 CONTINUE C C Get the user requests. C CALL GETCMD( QUIT ) IF( QUIT ) GO TO 900 C C Rereference C CALL REFSET C C Plot the data. C CALL PLTCLK C C Go back for another plot C GO TO 450 C C Done C 900 CONTINUE C STOP END