Version 2.2.0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Support for IPv6 within C code. Likely overall performance improvement at the same time - python code, such as errormon, statemon, ..., are not yet converted. - warning: all code linking to difxmessage that might use IPv6 should change the size of from[] to DIFX_MESSAGE_MAX_INET_ADDRESS_LENGTH or face possible segfaulting NOTE: these changes have been backed out until a concurrency issue is fixed After a period of deprecation finally removed difxMessageSendCondition(). Use difxMessageSendDriveStats() instead. Prefer to use new function DifxMessageSend2 over DifxMessageSend. It is more efficient. Allow spoofed hostname via the difxMessageInitFull() function. Perhaps useful in cases where multiple interfaces exist on the same machine? Version for DiFX-2.2, May 31, 2013 Version 2.1.0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Version number change prior to DiFX-2.1 Version for DiFX-2.1, May 4, 2012 Version 2.0.2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Post 2.0.1 Add new Mark5 states "booting", "recording" and "copyto" Add new Mark5 state "record" Add SMART monitor message type for disk diagnostics one document per disk (i.e., 8 per module) Change Condition message type to DriveStats attempts made to retain backward comatibility Add dispersion measure to transient message Fix parsing of Mark5 version messages and include a couple extra parameters Add support for "restartSeconds" to DifxStartMessage Add options for different start "functions" Add support for diagnostic messages Add support for file request Add nCore to Load message Add utility restartdifx Version 2.0.1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Post version 2.0.0 Add binary message option for testdifxmessagereceive Able to make RedHat RPM Version for DiFX-2.0.1, June 10, 2011 Version 2.0.0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Re-numbered version from 7.4 (the jump from 0.7 to 7.1 some time ago was a mistake) Added different types of binary message (STA/ autocorrelation, cross-correlation, kurtosis) Some fixes for array lengths Version for DiFX-2.0.0 Version 7.3 ~~~~~~~~~~~ Add difxVersion to difxStartMessage cpumon and mk5mon: catch exceptions and prevent terminal infection Add mark5ipc library difxlog: Log transient messages testdifxmessagereceive: allow selection of one message type, add in-line help For DiFX-1.5.4 Version 7.2 ~~~~~~~~~~~ Add transient XML type Fix errormon/errormon2 in cases where "entities" are in message strings Use pclose after popen (difxlog) Lots of protection against excessive string lengths For DiFX-1.5.3 Version 7.1 ~~~~~~~~~~~ Do better job expanding "entities" in XML formation - do expansion more universally - encode ascii values 1-31, 128-255 in [[]] so they can be idenfied and not crash parsers Add new Mark5 States: Test TestWrite and TestRead Improve safety of string manipulation - TODO: entity expansion safety Version 0.7 20090904 ~~~~~~~~~~~ Add XML type for condition reports one document per disk (i.e., 8 per module) Test programs for condition document types DiFX version 1.5.1 unchanged for DiFX-1.5.2 Version 0.6 20090518 ~~~~~~~~~~~ Improvements to difxlog DiFX version 1.5 Version 0.5 20090131 ~~~~~~~~~~~ Complete change from DifxMessageError to DifxMessageAlert Add Mark5Version message type Add Daughterboard information to Mark5Version messages Implement a minimum send delay (set to 40us now) to prevent loss of messages when many are sent at nearly the same time. Warning -- this could have performance impacts! Version 0.4 20090121 ~~~~~~~~~~~ Escape characters in xml messages: < > & ' " see Add initial version of "mk5display", a python gui to watch a bank of Mark5 units. This is basically a toy, not for real use at the moment. Add difxStopMessage Add difxlog Version 0.3 20080715 ~~~~~~~~~~~ New branch version post version 1.1 Add table (enum) of error levels Rename ERROR to ALERT Binary message sending, intended for Short Term Accumations (STAs) Don't assume default PORT and GROUP Add DifxMessageParameter type Note: mpiid is a target parameter for this message type, not a source parameter Add DifxMessageStart Started distinguishing between STA and LTA types Version 0.2 20080518 ~~~~~~~~~~~ Add XML parsing routines More structured document types Add generic document union and associated processing NRAO-DiFX version 1.1 Version 0.1 20080311 ~~~~~~~~~~~ Initial version