COMMAND NAME: unflag TYPE: Action SYNTAX: "unflag all" "unflag duplicates" "unflag cursor" "unflag qcodes" "unflag snr" "unflag bsnr" "unflag timerange" "unflag procrange" "unflag stations" "unflag baselines" "unflag triangles" "unflag experiment" "unflag frequencies" "unflag type" "unflag sources" "unflag length" "unflag fraction" "unflag nfreq" "unflag parameter" "unflag parents" "unflag children" "unflag nobaselines" "unflag notriangles" DESCRIPTION: Unsets flag bits for all scans in memory, according to the argument. For example, "unflag snrmin" unsets all flag bits thoughout memory which were set with an "edit inp" with "snrmin" set higher than the scan snr value. The combination of "edit" and "unflag" allows great control over the flagging status of the data in memory. "Unflag all" removes all flags from the data simultaneously.