COMMAND NAME: setyear TYPE: Action SYNTAX: "setyear 1989" DESCRIPTION: This command is present only to allow the user to circumvent an unfortunate problem with the A-file format. Some A-files have the year of the scan in field 7, but in others this information is replaced by the number of the parent type-51 HP-1000 extent. Generally, aedit will recognize the latter type of A-file on read, and notify the user that the scan year information is missing from some of the data. In such cases, the year is set to 1980. The recommended course of action is for the user to set the timerange to the offending span in 1980 with all other filters wide open, run "edit inputs" to flag all good data, force the year to the correct value with "setyear", and unflag the good data again. If all data is actually from the same calendar year, the edit and unflag steps are unnecessary - you can run setyear on the whole dataset. Confusing things could happen if the parent extent number exceeds 80, but this should be almost never. This command should become obsolete as the move to UNIX proceeds.