SUBROUTINE STRA IMPLICIT None C C 1. STRA C C 1.1 STRA PROGRAM SPECIFICATION C C 1.1.1 STRA adds entries to the table of contents for the C STAR Module text message and the partial derivative array. C C 1.2 STRA PROGRAM INTERFACE C C 1.2.1 CALLING SEQUENCE - NONE C C 1.2.2 COMMON BLOCKS USED - C INCLUDE 'ccon.i' C VARIABLES 'FROM': C 1. KSTRC - THE STAR MODULE FLOW CONTROL FLAG. C 0 => Do not add proper motion constants to data C base when in external file mode (Lcode C 'PRMOTION'). Do not compute any proper C motion contributions. Remove any previous C proper motion contribution Lcodes. C 1 => Add proper motion constants ('PRMOTION') if C in external file input mode. Compute proper C motion contributions if proper motion C constants are available and insert in data C base under Lcode 'PMOTNCON'. Do NOT add C these contributions to the theoretical. C [They can be ADDED in SOLVE to get proper C motion corrected delays and rates.] C 2 => Add proper motion constants ('PRMOTION') if C in external file input mode. Also, ADD the C proper motions to source vector and use the C proper motion corrected source vector C throughout all computations. Compute a C contribution (ADD to theoretical) that will C (approximately) return the delays and rates C to their non-proper motion corrected values, C and put in Lcode 'PMOT2CON'. For cases where C there is a large accumulated proper motion C (greater than ~1 arcsec). Intended for C correlator useage only. USE WITH CAUTION!! C 2. KSTRD - THE STAR MODULE DEBUG OUTPUT FLAG. C 3. KPLXC - THE PARALLAX MODULE FLOW CONTROL FLAG. C 0 => Do not insert source distances into data C base when in external file input mode, even C if distances given in external source file. C 1 => Insert source distances into data base in C external file input mode, even if all zeros, C using Lcode 'DISTPSEC'. C INCLUDE 'inputs.i' C Variables from: C 1. Input_stars - T/F logical flag telling whether to use C external star (radio sources) a priori input. C INCLUDE 'cmxsr.i' C VARIABLES 'TO': C 1. NUMSTR - The number of stars (radio sources) in the Star C catalog. C C 1.2.3 PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS - NONE C C 1.2.4 DATA BASE ACCESS: C ACCESS CODES: C 1. 'STR MESS' - THE DATA BASE ACCESS CODE FOR THE C STAR MODULE TEXT MESSAGE. C 2. 'STR CFLG' - THE DATA BASE ACCESS CODE FOR THE C STAR MODULE FLOW CONTROL MESSAGE. C 3. 'STR PART' - THE DATA BASE ACCESS CODE FOR THE C STAR MODULE PARTIAL DERIVATIVES ARRAY. C 4. 'PRMOTION' - The data base access code for the proper C motion array. First variable runs over C RA velocity (arc-sec/year), Declination C velocity (arc-sec/year), and epoch for C which the J2000 coordinates in 'STAR2000' C precessed to date are correct (epoch for C which corrections should be zero). Second C index runs over the sources, same order as C in 'STRNAMES'. Zeros imply unknown. C 5. 'DISTPSEC' - The data base access code for the source C distance array. Units are parsecs; zero C implies unknown. C 6. 'PMOTNCON' - Proper motion contributions (sec, sec/sec). C Add to normal delays and rates to correct for C proper motions to date of observation. Exists C only if KSTRC=1. C 7. 'PMOT2CON' - Proper motion contributions (sec, sec/sec) C to return to non-proper motion delays and C rates. Exists only if KSTRC=2. Add to proper C motion corrected delays and rates to return C to the uncorrected values. C 8. 'RADECADD' - Proper motion offsets (if proper motion turned C on) in RA and Dec. Add to RA and Dec to get C corrected values. Used if KSTRC = 1. C 9. "STARPRMO' - RA and Declinations after correcting for proper C motion. Used if KSTRC = 2. C C 1.2.6 SUBROUTINE INTERFACE - C CALLER SUBROUTINES: TOCUP C CALLED SUBROUTINES: ADDA, ADDR C C 1.2.9 PROGRAMMER - DALE MARKHAM 01/13/77 C PETER DENATALE 07/14/77 C SAVITA GOEL 06/03/87 (CDS FOR A900) C Jim Ryan 89.07.09 Documentation simplied. C Jim Ryan 89.12.12 UNIX-like database interface C implimented. C David Gordon 94.04.15 Converted to Implicit None C David Gordon 98.03.19 Modified to do ADDR for source C positions in the case of external source a priori C input. C David Gordon 98.09.08 Adds for 'PRMOTION' and 'DISTPSEC' C for the case of external source a priori input. C David Gordon 98.09.14 Adds and Deletes for 'PMOTNCON' C and 'PMOT2CON', and various mods for proper motion C contibutions. C David Gordon 98.11.25 Adds/Deletes for 'RADECADD' and C 'STARPRMO', depending on value of KSTRC. C C STRA PROGRAM STRUCTURE C C ADD for the Star Module text message. CALL ADDA (1,'STR MESS','Star module message definition ', 1 40, 1, 1 ) C C ADD for the Star Module flow control message. CALL ADDA (1,'STR CFLG','Parallax flow control mess def ', 1 40,1,1) C C ADD for the STAR Module partial derivatives. CALL ADDR (2,'STR PART','Star partial derivatives def. ', 1 2, 2, 1 ) C C Do ADDR to replace the source positions in the data base in the case of C external file input IF (Input_stars) THEN CALL ADDR(1,'STAR2000','J2000 source RAs, decs (rd,rd). ', * 2, NUMSTR, 1) CALL ADDA(1,'STAR REF','Source of coordinate values. ', * 10, NUMSTR, 1) C IF (KSTRC.eq.1 .or. KSTRC.eq.2) * CALL ADDR(1,'PRMOTION','Proper motions/Epoch (a-sec, yr)', * 3, NUMSTR, 1) C IF (KPLXC.eq.1) * CALL ADDR(1,'DISTPSEC','Source Distances (parsecs) ', * NUMSTR, 1, 1) ENDIF C IF (KSTRC.eq.0) Then CALL DELR(2,'PMOTNCON') CALL DELR(2,'PMOT2CON') ENDIF C If (KSTRC.eq.1) Then CALL ADDR(1,'RADECADD','Add to RA/Dec for proper motion ', * 2,Numstr,1) CALL ADDR(2,'PMOTNCON','Proper Motion contribs, sec, s/s', * 2, 1 1) CALL DELR(1,'STARPRMO') CALL DELR(2,'PMOT2CON') Endif C If (KSTRC.eq.2) Then CALL ADDR(1,'STARPRMO','Proper motion corrected RA/Dec ', * 2,Numstr,1) CALL ADDR(2,'PMOT2CON','Proper Motion Remover, sec, s/s', * 2, 1 1) CALL DELR(1,'RADECADD') CALL DELR(2,'PMOTNCON') Endif C C Normal conclusion. RETURN END C C***************************************************************************** SUBROUTINE STRI IMPLICIT None C C 3. STRI C C 3.1 STRI PROGRAM SPECIFICATION C C 3.1.1 STRI is the STAR Module input and initialization section. C C 3.2 STRI PROGRAM INTERFACE C C 3.2.1 CALLING SEQUENCE - NONE C C 3.2.2 COMMON BLOCKS USED - C INCLUDE 'cmxsr.i' C VARIABLES 'TO': C 1. LNSTAR(4,MAX_ARC_SRC) - THE EIGHT ALPHANUMERIC CHARACTER NAMES C OF THE STARS IN THE STAR CATALOG. C 2. NUMSTR - THE NUMBER OF STARS IN THE STAR C CATALOG. C 3. RADEC(2,MAX_ARC_SRC) - THE RIGHT ASCENSIONS AND DECLINATIONS C OF THE STARS IN THE STAR CATALOG. C (RAD, RAD) C 4. P_motion(3,Max_arc_src)-The RA and Dec proper motions and C appropriate epoch for stars in the C star catalog. (arc-sec/yr, arc-sec/yr, C year (i.e. 1995.5, etc.)) C 5. D_psec(Max_arc_src) - Distances, if known, for stars in the C star catalog. Zero => unknown. C (parsecs) C 6. PRcorr(2,Max_arc_src) - Proper motion corrections in RA and C Declination for each star. (Radians) C INCLUDE 'ccon.i' C VARIABLES 'FROM': C 1. KSTRC - THE STAR MODULE FLOW CONTROL FLAG. C 0 => Do not add proper motion constants to data C base when in external file mode (Lcode C 'PRMOTION'). Do not compute any proper C motion contributions. Remove any previous C proper motion contribution Lcodes. C 1 => Add proper motion constants ('PRMOTION') if C in external file input mode. Compute proper C motion contributions if proper motion C constants are available and insert in data C base under Lcode 'PMOTNCON'. Do NOT add C these contributions to the theoretical. C [They can be ADDED in SOLVE to get proper C motion corrected delays and rates.] C The proper motion RA and Delination offsets, C in radians, will be stored for each source in C the type 1 Lcode 'RADECADD'. C 2 => Add proper motion constants ('PRMOTION') if C in external file input mode. Also, ADD the C proper motions to source vector and use the C proper motion corrected source vector C throughout all computations. Compute a C contribution (ADD to theoretical) that will C (approximately) return the delays and rates C to their non-proper motion corrected values, C and put in Lcode 'PMOT2CON'. For cases where C there is a large accumulated proper motion C (greater than ~1 arcsec). Intended for C correlator useage only. USE WITH CAUTION!! C The RA's and Dec's for each star, AFTER C correcting for proper motion offsets, are C output in the type 1 Lcode 'STARPRMO'. These C should be captured and used in any post C processing adjustments, etc. C 2. KSTRD - THE STAR MODULE DEBUG OUTPUT FLAG. C 3. KPLXC - THE PARALLAX MODULE FLOW CONTROL FLAG. C 0 => Do not insert source distances into data C base when in external file input mode, even C if distances given in external source file. C 1 => Insert source distances into data base in C external file input mode, even if all zeros, C using Lcode 'DISTPSEC'. C Real*8 PI, TWOPI, HALFPI, CONVD, CONVDS, CONVHS, SECDAY COMMON /CMATH/ PI, TWOPI, HALFPI, CONVD, CONVDS, CONVHS, SECDAY EXTERNAL CMATHB C CONVDS - THE CONVERSION FACTOR FROM ARCSECONDS TO RADIANS C (RAD/ARCSECOND) C INCLUDE 'inputs.i' C Variables from: C 1. Input_stars - T/F logical flag telling whether to use star C a priori external input C 2. Ex_stars - File name for stars external file input. C If 'NONE' or blank, then no external inputs C C 3.2.3 PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS - C Real*8 Xdoy1, Xepoch, X_frac Integer*4 I, J, N, NN, Imdoy(12) INTEGER*2 KERR(5), LSTRM(40), LOFF(4), LON1(40), LON2(40), NDO(3), * Intrvl(5,2), KERX, idum2 CHARACTER*40 C_LSTRM(2), C_OFF(2), C_ON1(2), C_ON2(2) EQUIVALENCE (C_LSTRM,LSTRM), (C_OFF,LOFF), (C_ON1,LON1), * (C_ON2,LON2) C Data Imdoy /0,31,59,90,120,151,181,212,243,273,304,334/ C DATA C_LSTRM / 'Star Module - Last modification 98.09.15', * ', D. Gordon, GSFC '/ C DATA C_OFF / 'Proper Motion Corrections OFF. ', * ' '/ C DATA C_ON1 / 'Proper Motion Corrections ON, but NOT in', * 'cluded in theoreticals. '/ C DATA C_ON2 / 'Proper Motion Corrections ON, AND includ', * 'ed in theoreticals. '/ C C 3.2.4 DATA BASE ACCESS - C 'GET' VARIABLES: C 1. LNSTAR(4,MAX_ARC_SRC) - THE EIGHT ALPHANUMMERIC CHARACTER C NAMES OF THE STARS IN THE STAR CATALOG C (ALPHANUMERIC). C 2. NUMSTR - THE NUMBER OF STARS IN THE STAR C CATALOG. C 3. RADEC(2,MAX_ARC_SRC) - THE RIGHT ASCENSIONS AND DECLINATIONS C OF THE STARS IN THE STAR CATALOG C (RAD, RAD). C 'PUT' VARIABLES: C 1. LSTRM(40) - THE STAR MODULE TEXT MESSAGE. C C ACCESS CODES: C 1. 'STR MESS' - THE DATA BASE ACCESS CODE FOR THE STAR MODULE C TEXT MESSAGE. C 2. 'STAR2000' - THE DATA BASE ACCESS CODE FOR THE ARRAY OF STAR C RIGHT ASCENSIONS AND DECLINATIONS IN J2000.0 C COORDINATES. C 3. 'STRNAMES' - THE DATA BASE ACCESS CODE FOR THE ARRAY OF STAR C NAMES. C 4. '# STARS ' - DATA BASE ACCESS CODE FOR THE NUMBER OF STARS. C 5. 'PRMOTION' - The data base access code for the proper C motion array. First variable runs over C RA velocity (arc-sec/year), Declination C velocity (arc-sec/year), and epoch for C which the J2000 coordinates in 'STAR2000' C precessed to date are correct (epoch for C which corrections should be zero). Second C index runs over the sources, same order as C in 'STRNAMES'. Zeros imply unknown. C 6. 'DISTPSEC' - The data base access code for the source C distance array. Units are parsecs; zero C implies unknown. C 7. 'RADECADD' - Proper motion offsets (if proper motion turned C on) in RA and Dec. Add to RA and Dec to get C corrected values. Used if KSTRC = 1. C 8. "STARPRMO' - RA and Declinations after correcting for proper C motion. Used if KSTRC = 2. C C 3.2.5 EXTERNAL INPUT/OUTPUT - POSSIBLE DEBUG/ERROR OUTPUT C C 3.2.6 SUBROUTINE INTERFACE - C CALLER SUBROUTINES: INITL C CALLED SUBROUTINES: GETA, GETI, GET4, KILL, PUTA, STRIN C C 3.2.7 CONSTANTS USED - NONE C C 3.2.8 PROGRAM VARIABLES - C 1. KERR(3) - THE DATA BASE ERROR RETURN FLAGS. C 2. NDO(3) - THE DATA BASE RETURN ARRAY INDICES. C C 3.2.9 PROGRAMMER - DALE MARKHAM 01/13/77 C PETER DENATALE 07/14/77 C CHOPO MA 08/05/81 C Jim Ryan 89.07.09 Documentation simplied. C Jim Ryan 89.12.12 UNIX-like database interface C implimented. C David Gordon 94.04.15 Converted to Implicit None C B. Archinal 95.11.13 Max # sources set in cmxsr.i. C David Gordon 98.03.19 Mods for external file input of C source coordinates C David Gordon 98.09.15 Mods for proper motions and C distances. C David Gordon 98.11.25 Moved proper motion source offset C computation here so that the RA/Dec offsets or C corrected RA/Dec's could be output for capture by C correlator users. Added Lcodes 'RADECADD' and C 'STARPRMO'. C C STRI PROGRAM STRUCTURE C C PUT the Star Module text message. CALL PUTA ('STR MESS ', LSTRM, 40, 1, 1 ) C PUT the module flow control message. IF (KSTRC .EQ. 0) CALL PUTA('STR CFLG ',LOFF ,40,1,1) IF (KSTRC .EQ. 1) CALL PUTA('STR CFLG ',LON1 ,40,1,1) IF (KSTRC .EQ. 2) CALL PUTA('STR CFLG ',LON2 ,40,1,1) C C GET the star catalog from the input database. CALL GETI('# STARS ',NUMSTR,1, 1,1,NDO,KERR(1)) CALL GETA('STRNAMES ',LNSTAR,4,(NUMSTR),1,NDO,KERR(2)) C Pmotion = 0 Dpsec = 0 C Get source positions either from the data base or from an external file IF (Input_stars) Then !Get Star Info Call STRIN(Kerr) ELSE !Get Star Info CALL GET4('STAR2000 ',RADEC ,2,NUMSTR,1,NDO,KERR(3)) C C Also get proper motions, if they are in the data base IF(KSTRC.eq.1 .or. KSTRC.eq.2 .or. KSTRC.eq.3) Then !Get proper motions CALL GET4('PRMOTION ',P_motion ,3,NUMSTR,1,NDO,KERR(4)) If (Kerr(4) .eq. 0) Then C Lcode exists, but check that values are not all zero Do N=1,Numstr If((P_motion(3,N).ge.1900.D0) .AND. * (DABS(P_motion(1,N)) .gt. 1.D-12 .or. * DABS(P_motion(2,N)) .gt. 1.D-12) ) Pmotion = Pmotion + 1 Enddo Else C No Lcode, therefore no proper motions, zero out the array. Do N=1,Numstr P_motion(1,N) = 0.D0 P_motion(2,N) = 0.D0 P_motion(3,N) = 0.D0 Enddo Pmotion = 0 Endif ENDIF !Get proper motions C C Also get distances, if they are in the data base IF(KPLXC.eq.1) Then !Get distances CALL GET4('DISTPSEC ',D_Psec,NUMSTR,1,1,NDO,KERR(5)) If (Kerr(5) .eq. 0) Then C Check that values not all zero Do N=1,Numstr If( D_psec(N).ge.1.D0 ) Dpsec = Dpsec + 1 Enddo Else C No distances, zero out the array. Do N=1,Numstr D_psec(N) = 0.D0 Enddo Dpsec = 0 Endif ENDIF !Get distances C ENDIF !Get Star Info C print *,' STRI: Pmotion, Dpsec = ', Pmotion, Dpsec C C Proper Motions: If proper motions applied, do the work here. RA and Dec C offsets will be computed once for each source, and will remain constant C throughout this Calc run. If proper motions are added to the source C coordinates (KSTRC = 2), those new coordinates will be output in the C type 1 Lcode 'STARPRMO' for capture and later use. If proper motions C are used only to compute a proper motion contribution but not added C to the source coordinates (KSTRC = 1), then those offsets will be C output in the type 1 Lcode 'RADECADD'. C IF (KSTRC.eq.1 .or. KSTRC.eq.2) THEN !Do proper motions C IF (Pmotion .eq. 0) Then Do N = 1, Numstr PRcorr(1,N) = 0.D0 PRcorr(2,N) = 0.D0 Enddo Go to 250 ENDIF C C Look for 4-digit year interval CALL GETI ('INTRVAL4 ',Intrvl, 5, 2, 1, NDO, KERX ) C If no 4-digit year interval, get 2-digit year interval If ( then CALL GETI ('INTERVAL ',Intrvl, 5, 2, 1, NDO, KERX ) C Convert 2-digit year to 4-digit year If (Intrvl(1,1) .ge. 70 .and. Intrvl(1,1) .le. 99) * Intrvl(1,1) = Intrvl(1,1)+1900 If (Intrvl(1,1) .ge. 0 .and. Intrvl(1,1) .le. 69) * Intrvl(1,1) = Intrvl(1,1)+2000 Endif C C Convert start time to year and fraction, not worrying about leap years: xdoy1 = imdoy(Intrvl(2,1)) + Intrvl(3,1) + Intrvl(4,1)/24.d0 * + Intrvl(5,1)/1440.d0 Xepoch = Intrvl(1,1) + xdoy1/365.D0 write (6,*) " Xepoch = ", Xepoch write (6,*) " P_epoch = ", P_motion(3,N) Do N = 1, Numstr X_frac = Xepoch - P_motion(3,N) If (P_motion(3,N).eq.0.D0) X_frac = 0.D0 PRcorr(1,N) = P_motion(1,N)*X_frac*CONVDS/DCOS(RADEC(2,N)) PRcorr(2,N) = P_motion(2,N)*X_frac*CONVDS If (KSTRC.eq.2) Then RADEC(1,N) = RADEC(1,N) + PRcorr(1,N) RADEC(2,N) = RADEC(2,N) + PRcorr(2,N) PRcorr(1,N) = -PRcorr(1,N) PRcorr(1,N) = -PRcorr(1,N) Endif Enddo 250 Continue IF (KSTRC.eq.1) CALL PUT4 ('RADECADD ',PRcorr,2,Numstr,1) IF (KSTRC.eq.2) CALL PUT4 ('STARPRMO ',RADEC ,2,Numstr,1) ENDIF !Do proper motions C DO 300 N = 1,3 NN = N IF ( KERR(N) .EQ. 0 ) GO TO 300 CALL CKILL (6HSTRI , NN, KERR(NN) ) 300 CONTINUE C C Check KSTRD for debug output. IF ( KSTRD .EQ. 0 ) GO TO 500 WRITE ( 6, 9) 9 FORMAT (1X, "Debug output for subroutine STRI." ) WRITE(6,8)' RADEC ',RADEC 8 FORMAT(A,4D25.16/(7X,5D25.16)) WRITE(6,7)' NUMSTR ',NUMSTR 7 FORMAT(A6,15I8/(9X,15I8)) WRITE ( 6, 9200 ) LNSTAR 9200 FORMAT (1X, "LNSTAR = ", /, 1X, 10 ( 10 ( 4A2, 2X ), /, 1X ) ) If (KSTRC.eq.1 .or .KSTRC.eq.1) WRITE(6,8)' P_motion ', * ((P_motion(I,J), I=1,3), J=1,Numstr) If (KPLXC.eq.1) WRITE(6,8)' D_Psec ', (D_Psec(J), J=1,Numstr) C C Normal conclusion. 500 RETURN END C C****************************************************************************** SUBROUTINE STRG (XJD, UTC, STAR) IMPLICIT None C C 4. STRG C C 4.1 STRG PROGRAM SPECIFICATION C C 4.1.1 STRG is the geometry section of the STAR Module. STRG computes the C J2000.0 unit vector in the direction of the source. Now will compute C proper motions in special situations. C C 4.2 STRG PROGRAM INTERFACE C C 4.2.1 CALLING SEQUENCE - C OUTPUT VARIABLES: C 1. STAR(3) - THE J2000.0 SOURCE UNIT VECTOR. (UNITLESS) C C 4.2.2 COMMON BLOCKS USED - C INCLUDE 'cmxsr.i' C VARIABLES 'FROM': C 1. LNSTAR(4,MAX_ARC_SRC) - THE EIGHT ALPHANUMERIC CHARACTER NAMES C OF THE STARS IN THE STAR CATALOG. C 2. NUMSTR - THE NUMBER OF STARS IN THE STAR C CATALOG. C 3. RADEC(2,MAX_ARC_SRC) - THE RIGHT ASCENSIONS AND DECLINATIONS C OF THE STARS IN THE STAR CATALOG. C (RAD, RAD) C VARIABLES 'TO': C 1. CD - THE COSINE OF THE DECLINATION OF THE STAR BEING USED IN C THE CURRENT OBSERVATION. (UNITLESS) C 2. CRA - THE COSINE OF THE RIGHT ASCENSION OF THE STAR BEING C USED IN THE CURRENT OBSERVATION. (UNITLESS) C 3. SD - THE SINE OF THE DECLINATION OF THE STAR BEING USED IN C THE CURRENT OBSERVATION. (UNITLESS) C 4. SRA - THE SINE OF THE RIGHT ASCENSION OF THE STAR BEING USED C IN THE CURRENT OBSERVATION. (UNITLESS) C INCLUDE 'ccon.i' C VARIABLES 'FROM': C 1. KSTRC - THE STAR MODULE FLOW CONTROL FLAG. C 2. KSTRD - THE STAR MODULE DEBUG OUTPUT FLAG. C Real*8 PI, TWOPI, HALFPI, CONVD, CONVDS, CONVHS, SECDAY COMMON /CMATH/ PI, TWOPI, HALFPI, CONVD, CONVDS, CONVHS, SECDAY EXTERNAL CMATHB C CONVDS - THE CONVERSION FACTOR FROM ARCSECONDS TO RADIANS C (RAD/ARCSECOND) C Real*8 PR_RA, PR_DEC, PM_RA, PM_DEC Common /Pmotn/ PR_RA, PR_DEC, PM_RA, PM_DEC C Real*8 Dparsec, t_prlx(2) Common /PRLX/ Dparsec, t_prlx C C 4.2.3 PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS - Real*8 STAR(3), XJD, UTC C C 4.2.4 DATA BASE ACCESS - C 'GET' VARIABLES: C 1. LSTRNM(4) - THE EIGHT ALPHAMERIC CHARACTER STAR NAME FOR THE C CURRENT OBSERVATION. (ALPHAMERIC) C ACCESS CODES: C 1. 'STAR ID ' - THE DATA BASE ACCESS CODE FOR THE STAR NAME OF C THE CURRENT OBSERVATION. C C 4.2.6 SUBROUTINE INTERFACE - C CALLER SUBROUTINES: DRIVG C CALLED SUBROUTINES: DCOS, DSIN, GETA, KILL, JDY2K C C 4.2.7 CONSTANTS USED - NONE C C 4.2.8 PROGRAM VARIABLES - Integer*2 LSTRNM(4), NDO(3), KERR Integer*4 N, NN, IM, ID, Ieph REAL*8 RIGHT_ASC, DECLINATION, Xepoch, XJAN1, Xdays, Difyrs, * JDepoch, JDY2K C C 1. KERR - THE DATA BASE ERROR RETURN FLAG. C 2. NDO(3) - THE DATA BASE RETURN ARRAY INDICES. C 3. RIGHT_ASC - LOCAL VARIABLE FOR HOLDING THE RA. C 4. DECLINATION - LOCAL VARIABLE FOR HOLDING THE DEC. C 4.2.9 PROGRAMMER - DALE MARKHAM 01/13/77 C PETER DENATALE 07/14/77 C JIM RYAN 88.01.07 C Jim Ryan 89.07.09 Documentation simplied. C Jim Ryan 89.12.12 UNIX-like database interface C implimented. C David Gordon 94.04.15 Converted to Implicit None C B. Archinal 95.11.13 Max # sources set in cmxsr.i. C David Gordon 98.09.08 Add /CMATH/ Common block. C David Gordon 98.09.11 Add new /Pmotn/ and /PRLX/ common C blocks to hold proper motion offsets and distance. C Code added to compute and handle proper motions, C if that option is turned on. C David Gordon 98.11.25 Removed proper motion computations C and moved them to the initialization section. C C STRG PROGRAM STRUCTURE C C GET the star name of the current observation. C-VLBA Modified for the VLBA Correlator. Source index number is supplied C to Calc by the modlTask. Change GETA to GETI. C CALL GETA ('STAR ID ', LSTRNM, 4, 1, 1, NDO, KERR ) CALL GETI ('STAR ID ', LSTRNM, 1, 1, 1, NDO, KERR) N = LSTRNM(1) IF ( KERR .EQ. 0 ) GO TO 320 CALL CKILL (6HSTRG , 1, KERR ) C C Construct the arrays which will hold the information for the C source being used in the current observation in order to pass C this information to the remainder of CALC. C C Match the current star name against the names in the star catalog. C If no match, send a message and quit. C 300 DO 310 NN = 1, NUMSTR C N = NN C IF ( ( LNSTAR(1,N) .EQ. LSTRNM(1) ) C 1 .AND. ( LNSTAR(2,N) .EQ. LSTRNM(2) ) C 2 .AND. ( LNSTAR(3,N) .EQ. LSTRNM(3) ) C 3 .AND. ( LNSTAR(4,N) .EQ. LSTRNM(4) ) ) GO TO 320 C 310 CONTINUE C GO TO 600 C C Construct the arrays to hold the sine and cosine of the star C declination and right ascention. 320 CONTINUE RIGHT_ASC = RADEC(1,N) DECLINATION = RADEC(2,N) C C*********************************************************************** C Check for proper motion computations IF (KSTRC.eq.3) THEN C Compute proper motion offsets in RA and Dec C Proper motion epoch JDepoch = P_motion(3,N) + 2400000.5 C Truncate to integer year c Ieph = Xepoch C Day of year c If (JMOD(Ieph,4) .eq. 0) Then c Xdays = (Xepoch - Ieph) / 366.D0 c Else c Xdays = (Xepoch - Ieph) / 365.D0 c Endif C Julian day an Jan. 1 c IM = 1 c ID = 1 c XJAN1 = JDY2K(Ieph,IM,ID) C Julian day at proper motion epoch c JDepoch = XJAN1 - 1 + Xdays C Difference: (Observation time) - (Proper motion epoch), yrs Difyrs = ((XJD+UTC) - JDepoch) / 365.25D0 C Proper motion in RA (convert arc-seconds to time units in radians) PR_RA = P_motion(1,N) / DCOS(DECLINATION) * CONVDS * Difyrs C Proper motion in Dec (convert arc-seconds to radians) PR_DEC = P_motion(2,N) * CONVDS * Difyrs C PM_RA = P_motion(1,N) * CONVDS / 3.155760D+7 PM_DEC = P_motion(2,N) * CONVDS / 3.155760D+7 C C Determine if proper motions should be added to the source vector. If so C the corrections should also be reversed for later use in STRP. IF (KSTRC.eq.3) THEN RIGHT_ASC = RIGHT_ASC + PR_RA DECLINATION = DECLINATION + PR_DEC PR_RA = -PR_RA PR_DEC = -PR_DEC ENDIF C WRITE(6,8) ' Xepoch, Xdays, XJAN1, JDepoch, Difyrs ', C * Xepoch, Xdays, XJAN1, JDepoch, Difyrs C ENDIF C*********************************************************************** C SD = DSIN ( DECLINATION) CD = DCOS ( DECLINATION) SRA = DSIN ( RIGHT_ASC ) CRA = DCOS ( RIGHT_ASC ) C C Compute the star position unit vector. STAR(1) = CD * CRA STAR(2) = CD * SRA STAR(3) = SD C IF (KSTRC.eq.1 .or. KSTRC.eq.2) THEN PR_RA = PRcorr(1,N) PR_DEC = PRcorr(2,N) ENDIF C C Match source with distance, if parallax to be computed IF (KPLXC .eq. 1) Then Dparsec = D_psec(N) WRITE (6,8) ' Dparsec ', Dparsec ENDIF C C Check KSTRD for debug output. IF ( KSTRD .EQ. 0 ) GO TO 500 WRITE ( 6, 9) 9 FORMAT (1X, "Debug output for subroutine STRG." ) C WRITE(6,8)' CD ',CD 8 FORMAT(A,4D25.16/(7X,5D25.16)) WRITE(6,8)' CRA ',CRA WRITE(6,8)' RADEC ',RADEC WRITE(6,7)' NUMSTR ',NUMSTR 7 FORMAT(A,15I8/(9X,15I8)) WRITE(6,8)' SD ',SD WRITE(6,8)' SRA ',SRA C WRITE ( 6, 9200 ) STAR, LSTRNM, LNSTAR 9200 FORMAT (1X, "STAR = ", 3 ( D30.16, 10X ), /, 1X, 1 "LSTRNM = ", 4A2, /, 1X, 2 "LNSTAR = ", 10 ( 10 ( 4A2, 2X ), /, 1X ) ) C IF (KSTRC.eq.1 .or. KSTRC.eq.1) THEN WRITE(6,8) ' Xepoch, Xdays, XJAN1, JDepoch, Difyrs ', * Xepoch, Xdays, XJAN1, JDepoch, Difyrs WRITE(6,8) ' PR_RA, PR_DEC ', PR_RA, PR_DEC ENDIF IF (KPLXC .eq. 1) WRITE (6,8) ' Dparsec ', Dparsec C C 5. NORMAL PROGRAM CONCLUSION. C 500 RETURN C C 6. ABNORMAL PROGRAM TERMINATION. C 600 WRITE ( 6, 9300 ) 9300 FORMAT (" CALC has terminated in subroutine STRG. ", 1 ' The source identification was not successful. ' ) C CALL CKILL (6HSTRG , 0, 0) END C C***************************************************************************** SUBROUTINE STRP (EPBASE,STAR,EARTH,SITEV,DSTRP,CDX,CRAX,SDX,SRAX) IMPLICIT None C C 5. STRP C C 5.1 STRP PROGRAM SPECIFICATION C C 5.1.1 STRP is the partial derivatives section of the STAR module. It computes C the partial derivatives of the delay and rate with respect to the source C declination and right ascension. C C 5.2.1 CALLING SEQUENCE - C INPUT VARIABLES: C 1. EPBASE(3,2) - THE J2000.0 GEOCENTRIC BASELINE VECTOR C AND ITS CT TIME DERIVATIVE. (M, M/SEC) C 2. STAR(3) - THE J2000.0 SOURCE UNIT VECTOR. (UNITLESS) C 3. EARTH(3,3) = The ssbc position, velocity, and acceleration C of the Earth. (m, m/s, m/s**2) C OUTPUT VARIABLES: C 1. CDX - THE COSINE OF THE DECLINATION OF THE SOURCE C 2. CRAX - THE COSINE OF THE RIGHT ASCENSION OF THE SOURCE C 3. SDX - THE SINE OF THE DECLINATION OF THE SOURCE C 4. SRAX - THE SINE OF THE RIGHT ASCENSION OF THE SOURCE C 5. DSTRP(2,2)-THE PARTIAL DERIVATIVES OF THE DELAY AND THE DELAY C RATE WITH RESPECT TO THE SOURCE RIGHT ASCENSION AND C DECLINATION. (sec/rad, sec/sec-rad) THE FIRST INDEX C RUNS OVER RA AND DEC, THE SECOND RUNS OVER DELAY AND C DELAY RATE. C C 5.2.2 COMMON BLOCKS USED - C INCLUDE 'cphys.i' C VARIABLES 'FROM': C 1. VLIGHT - THE VELOCITY OF LIGHT IN VACUUM. (M/SEC) C 2. VLIGHT2 - THE VELOCITY OF LIGHT IN VACUUM SQUARED. C (M**2/SEC**2) C INCLUDE 'cmxsr.i' C VARIABLES 'FROM': C 1. CD - THE COSINE OF THE DECLINATION OF THE STAR BEING C USED IN THE CURRENT OBSERVATION. C 2. CRA - THE COSINE OF THE RIGHT ASCENSION OF THE STAR BEING C USED IN THE CURRENT OBSERVATION. C 3. SD - THE SINE OF THE DECLINATION OF THE STAR BEING USED C IN THE CURRENT OBSERVATION. C 4. SRA - THE SINE OF THE RIGHT ASCENSION OF THE STAR BEING C USED IN THE CURRENT OBSERVATION. C INCLUDE 'ccon.i' C VARIABLES 'FROM': C 1. KSTRC - THE STAR MODULE FLOW CONTROL FLAG. C 2. KSTRD - THE STAR MODULE DEBUG OUTPUT FLAG. C Real*8 PR_RA, PR_DEC, PM_RA, PM_DEC Common /Pmotn/ PR_RA, PR_DEC, PM_RA, PM_DEC C C 5.2.3 PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS - C Real*8 DDEC(3), DRA(3), DSTRP(2,2), EPBASE(3,2), STAR(3), CDX, * CRAX, SDX, SRAX, EARTH(3,3), SITEV(3,2), c1, c2, tt, * vg(3), bp(3), bv(3), PMCONT(2), DOTP Integer*4 I C C 5.2.4 DATA BASE ACCESS - C 'PUT' VARIABLES: C 1. DSTRP(2,2) - THE PARTIAL DERIVATIVES OF THE DELAY AND OF THE C DELAY RATE WITH RESPECT TO THE SOURCE RIGHT C ASCENSION AND DECLINATION. (sec/rad, sec/sec-rad) C THE FIRST INDEX RUNS OVER RIGHT ASCENSION AND C DECLINATION, THE SECOND INDEX RUNS OVER THE DELAY C AND THE DELAY RATE. C ACCESS CODES: C 1. 'STR PART' - THE DATA BASE ACCESS CODE FOR THE STAR MODULE C PARTIAL DERIVATIVES ARRAY. C C 5.2.6 SUBROUTINE INTERFACE - C CALLER SUBROUTINES: DRIVP C CALLED SUBROUTINES: PUT4 C C 5.2.7 CONSTANTS USED - VLIGHT C C 5.2.8 PROGRAM VARIABLES - C 1. DDEC(3) - THE PARTIAL DERIVATIVE OF THE J2000.0 SOURCE UNIT C VECTOR WITH RESPECT TO SOURCE DECLINATION. (1/RAD) C 2. DRA(3) - THE PARTIAL DERIVATIVE OF THE J2000.0 SOURCE UNIT C VECTOR WITH RESPECT TO THE SOURCE RIGHT ASCENSION. C (1/RAD) C 3. c1, c2, tt, vg(3), b(3) - Dummy variables used in computation C of the partials. C C 5.2.9 PROGRAMMER - 77.01.13 Dale Markham C 77.07.14 Peter Denatale C 88.11.10 Bruce Schupler C 88.01.07 Jim Ryan C 89.07.09 Jim Ryan Documentation simplied. C 89.10.05 Jim Ryan CPHYS common made an include file C 89.12.12 Jim Ryan UNIX-like database interface C implimented. C 01:11:25 Jim Ryan Term 2 of Shapiro's model added C to the partials. C David Gordon 94.04.15 Converted to Implicit None C David Gordon 95.05.02 DSTRP passed back to DRIVR for use C in PLXP. C B. Archinal 95.11.13 Max # sources set in cmxsr.i. C David Gordon 98.09.08 Changed partials computation to C use CONSENSUS model (Step 10B). Makes no C significant difference. C C STRP Program Structure C C Compute the partial derivatives of the J2000.0 source unit vector with C respect to the source declination and with respect to the source R.A. DDEC(1) = - SD * CRA DDEC(2) = - SD * SRA DDEC(3) = + CD C DRA(1) = - CD * SRA DRA(2) = + CD * CRA DRA(3) = 0.D0 C****************************************************************************** C Complete the calculation of the partial derivatives. c c1 = 1.d0/VLIGHT c c2 = c1**2 c Do i=1,3 c vg(i) = EARTH(I,2) c bp(i) = -EPBASE(I,1) c bv(i) = -EPBASE(I,2) c Enddo c tt = 1.d0 - c1*Dotp(STAR,vg) c c DSTRP(1,1)=-c1*Dotp(bp,DRA )*tt+c2*Dotp(STAR,bp)*Dotp(vg,DRA) c DSTRP(1,2)=-c1*Dotp(bv,DRA )*tt+c2*Dotp(STAR,bv)*Dotp(vg,DRA) c DSTRP(2,1)=-c1*Dotp(bp,DDEC)*tt+c2*Dotp(STAR,bp)*Dotp(vg,DDEC) c DSTRP(2,2)=-c1*Dotp(bv,DDEC)*tt+c2*Dotp(STAR,bv)*Dotp(vg,DDEC) c WRITE(6,'(" Old DSTRP: ",4D22.14)') DSTRP C****************************************************************************** C C Complete the calculation of the partial derivatives. c1 = 1.d0/VLIGHT Do I=1,3 vg(I) = EARTH(I,2) + SITEV(I,2) bp(I) = -EPBASE(I,1) bv(I) = -EPBASE(I,2) Enddo tt = 1.d0 + c1*Dotp(STAR,vg) C Changed to Consensus model formula DSTRP(1,1) = -Dotp(bp,DRA )/(Vlight*tt) + * Dotp(STAR,bp)*Dotp(vg,DRA)/Vlight2 DSTRP(1,2) = -Dotp(bv,DRA )/(Vlight*tt) + * Dotp(STAR,bv)*Dotp(vg,DRA)/Vlight2 DSTRP(2,1) = -Dotp(bp,DDEC)/(Vlight*tt) + * Dotp(STAR,bp)*Dotp(vg,DDEC)/Vlight2 DSTRP(2,2) = -Dotp(bv,DDEC)/(Vlight*tt) + * Dotp(STAR,bv)*Dotp(vg,DDEC)/Vlight2 c WRITE(6,'(" New DSTRP: ",4D22.14)') DSTRP C C PUT the partials into the database. CALL PUT4 ('STR PART ', DSTRP, 2, 2, 1 ) c WRITE(6,'(" PUT DSTRP: ",4D22.14)') DSTRP C C Copy some values from STRCM into dummy variables for use elsewhere CDX = CD CRAX = CRA SDX = SD SRAX = SRA C C Check KSTRD for debug output. IF ( KSTRD .EQ. 0 ) GO TO 600 WRITE ( 6, 9) 9 FORMAT (1X, "Debug output for subroutine STRP." ) WRITE(6,8)' CD ',CD 8 FORMAT(A,4D25.16/(7X,5D25.16)) WRITE(6,8)' CRA ',CRA WRITE(6,8)' DDEC ',DDEC WRITE(6,8)' DRA ',DRA WRITE(6,8)' DSTRP ',DSTRP WRITE(6,8)' SD ',SD WRITE(6,8)' SRA ',SRA WRITE(6,8)' VLIGHT ',VLIGHT WRITE(6,8)' c1 ',c1 WRITE(6,8)' c2 ',c2 WRITE(6,8)' tt ',tt WRITE(6,8)' vg ',vg WRITE(6,8)' bp ',bp WRITE(6,8)' bv ',bv C WRITE ( 6, 9200 ) EPBASE, STAR,CDX,SDX,CRAX,SRAX 9200 FORMAT (1X, "EPBASE = ", 2 ( 3 ( D30.16, 10X ), /, 1X ), 1 "STAR = ", 3 ( D30.16, 10X ),/,1X, 2 "CDX = ", D30.16,1X, 3 "SDX = ", D30.16,1X, 4 "CRAX = ", D30.16,/,1X, 5 "SRAX = ", D30.16) C C NORMAL PROGRAM CONCLUSION. C 600 RETURN END C***************************************************************************** SUBROUTINE STRC (DSTRP) IMPLICIT None C C 5. STRC C C 5.1 STRC PROGRAM SPECIFICATION C C 5.1.1 STRC is the contributions section of the STAR module. It computes C contributions to the delay and rate due to proper motions. Used C only when KSTRC = 1 or 2. C C 5.2.1 CALLING SEQUENCE - C INPUT VARIABLES: C 1. DSTRP(2,2)-THE PARTIAL DERIVATIVES OF THE DELAY AND THE DELAY C RATE WITH RESPECT TO THE SOURCE RIGHT ASCENSION AND C DECLINATION. (sec/rad, sec/sec-rad) THE FIRST INDEX C RUNS OVER RA AND DEC, THE SECOND RUNS OVER DELAY AND C DELAY RATE. C C 5.2.2 COMMON BLOCKS USED - C INCLUDE 'ccon.i' C VARIABLES 'FROM': C 1. KSTRC - THE STAR MODULE FLOW CONTROL FLAG. C 2. KSTRD - THE STAR MODULE DEBUG OUTPUT FLAG. C Real*8 PR_RA, PR_DEC, PM_RA, PM_DEC Common /Pmotn/ PR_RA, PR_DEC, PM_RA, PM_DEC C C 5.2.3 PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS - Real*8 DSTRP(2,2), PMCONT(2), PMTRACK C C 5.2.4 DATA BASE ACCESS - C 'PUT' VARIABLES: C 1. PMCONT(2) - If KSTRC = 1, these are the contributions to C the delay and rate to correct for the effect C of proper motion; add to theoreticals. C If KSTRC = 2, these are the contributions to C return the delay and rate to their non-proper C motion values; add to theoreticals. (sec, sec/sec). C ACCESS CODES: C 1. 'PMOTNCON' - The data base access code for the proper motion C contribution. C 2. 'PMOT2CON' - The data base access code for the proper motion C removal contribution. C C 5.2.6 SUBROUTINE INTERFACE - C CALLER SUBROUTINES: DRIVP C CALLED SUBROUTINES: PUT4 C C 5.2.9 PROGRAMMER - 98.09.15 D. Gordon - subroutine created C C STRC Program Structure C C Check for proper motion computations IF (KSTRC.eq.1 .or. KSTRC.eq.2 .or. KSTRC.eq.3) THEN PMCONT(1) = PR_RA*DSTRP(1,1) + PR_DEC*DSTRP(2,1) PMCONT(2) = PR_RA*DSTRP(1,2) + PR_DEC*DSTRP(2,2) PMTRACK = PM_RA*DSTRP(1,1) + PM_DEC*DSTRP(2,1) IF (KSTRC.eq.1) CALL PUT4 ('PMOTNCON ',PMCONT,2,1,1) IF (KSTRC.eq.2) CALL PUT4 ('PMOT2CON ',PMCONT,2,1,1) IF (KSTRC.eq.3) CALL PUT4 ('PMOT3CON ',PMCONT,2,1,1) IF (KSTRC.eq.3) CALL PUT4 ('PMTRACK ',PMTRACK,1,1,1) ELSE Return ENDIF C C** DEBUG ************************************************************* c WRITE(6,8)'STRP: DSTRP ', DSTRP c WRITE(6,8)'STRP: PMCONT ', PMCONT C C Check KSTRD for debug output. IF (KSTRD .EQ. 10) THEN WRITE ( 6, 9) 9 FORMAT (1X, "Debug output for subroutine STRC." ) 8 FORMAT(A,4D25.16/(7X,5D25.16)) WRITE(6,8)' DSTRP ',DSTRP WRITE(6,8)'STRP: PMCONT ', PMCONT ENDIF C C NORMAL PROGRAM CONCLUSION. C 600 RETURN END C***************************************************************************** SUBROUTINE STRIN(Kerr) Implicit None C C Subroutine to open external source catalog and get source a priori's. C C 98.03.19 D. Gordon/GSFC - Subroutine created C 98.09.11 D. Gordon/GSFC - Expanded to read a non-blokq.dat file which C may optionally contain proper motion rates, C proper motion epochs, and source distances. C INCLUDE 'cmxsr.i' INCLUDE 'inputs.i' INCLUDE 'ccon.i' C VARIABLES 'FROM': C 1. KSTRC - THE STAR MODULE FLOW CONTROL FLAG. C 0 => Do not add proper motion constants to data C base when in external file mode (Lcode C 'PRMOTION'). Do not compute any proper C motion contributions. Remove any previous C proper motion contribution Lcodes. C 1 => Add proper motion constants ('PRMOTION') if C in external file input mode. Compute proper C motion contributions if proper motion C constants are available and insert in data C base under Lcode 'PMOTNCON'. Do NOT add C these contributions to the theoretical. C [They can be ADDED in SOLVE to get proper C motion corrected delays and rates.] C 2 => Add proper motion constants ('PRMOTION') if C in external file input mode. Also, ADD the C proper motions to source vector and use the C proper motion corrected source vector C throughout all computations. Compute a C contribution (ADD to theoretical) that will C (approximately) return the delays and rates C to their non-proper motion corrected values, C and put in Lcode 'PMOT2CON'. For cases where C there is a large accumulated proper motion C (greater than ~1 arcsec). Intended for C correlator useage only. USE WITH CAUTION!! C 2. KSTRD - THE STAR MODULE DEBUG OUTPUT FLAG. C 3. KPLXC - THE PARALLAX MODULE FLOW CONTROL FLAG. C 0 => Do not insert source distances into data C base when in external file input mode, even C if distances given in external source file. C 1 => Insert source distances into data base in C external file input mode, even if all zeros, C using Lcode 'DISTPSEC'. C Real*8 PI, TWOPI, HALFPI, CONVD, CONVDS, CONVHS, SECDAY COMMON / CMATH / PI, TWOPI, HALFPI, CONVD, CONVDS, CONVHS, SECDAY ExTERNAL CMATHB C Integer*2 Getunit, Kerr(3), Lstref(10,Max_arc_src) Integer*4 I, II, I2, Jstar(Max_arc_src), Iunit, ios, * Iquit, Index, K, RA_hr, RA_min, Dec_deg, Dec_min, * Itype Real*8 RA, Dec, RA_sec, Dec_sec, Dsign, PM_RA, PM_Dec, PM_ep, * Psecs Character*1 Csign, dummy(3) Character*20 Cstref(Max_arc_src), Staref Equivalence ( Lstref, Cstref ) C Character*120 Inbuf Character*8 Dbstars(Max_arc_src), Star Equivalence (LNSTAR(1,1), Dbstars(1)) C C Initialize star counter Do I = 1, Max_arc_src Jstar(i) = 0 Enddo C Itype = 1 Dpsec = 0 Pmotion = 0 C C Open the Star catalog data file Iunit = getunit() c Open (Unit=Iunit, File=Ex_stars, Status='old', Readonly, c * Err=240, Iostat=ios) C If (Index(Ex_stars,'blokq') .gt. 0) Then C Blokq.dat file, find the star catalog Itype = 2 I2 = 0 50 Continue Read(iunit,'(A120)') Inbuf If (Inbuf(1:2) .eq. '//') Then I2 = I2 + 1 If (I2 .eq. 2) Go to 100 Endif Go to 50 100 Continue Endif C 130 Continue Read(iunit,'(A120)',end=200) Inbuf C Skip comments and illegal lines If (Inbuf(1:2) .eq. '//') Go to 200 If (Inbuf(1:2) .eq. '$$' ) Go to 130 If (Inbuf(1:4) .ne. ' ') Go to 130 c If (Inbuf(13:13) .ne. ' ' ) Go to 130 C IF (Itype .eq. 2) THEN C blokq.dat file Read(Inbuf,1010,err=200,end=200) Star, RA_hr, RA_min, RA_sec, * Csign, Dec_deg, Dec_min, Dec_sec, Staref 1010 Format(4X,A8,2X,2(I2,1X),F13.10,1X,A1,2(I2,1X),F13.10,3X,A20) C ELSE C Non-blokq.dat file Read(Inbuf,1015,err=200,end=200) Star, RA_hr, RA_min, RA_sec, * Csign, Dec_deg, Dec_min, Dec_sec, PM_RA, PM_Dec, PM_ep, * Psecs, Staref 1015 Format(4X,A8,2X,2(I2,1X),F13.10,1X,A1,2(I2,1X),F13.10,3X, * F8.7,2X,F8.7,2X,F8.3,2X,F8.1,3X,A20) ENDIF C C See if this station is in the database list Do I = 1, NUMSTR If (Star .eq. Dbstars(I)) Then C print *, 'Star matched: ', Dbstars(I) II = I Jstar(II) = II C Dsign = 0.D0 If(Csign .eq. '-') Dsign = -1.D0 If(Csign .eq. '+') Dsign = 1.D0 If(Csign .eq. ' ') Dsign = 1.D0 If(Dsign .eq. 0.D0) Then print *, '!!! No plus/minus sign for Declination !!! ' Endif C C [We use 2.D0*PI below instead of TWOPI for consistency with C Dbedit/Apriori/Skeleton programs. Difference is: TWOPI - 2.D0*PI = +1.D-16. C -Also, don't change or re-order these equations, or they may no longer C give identical results to Dbedit/Apriori/Skeleton.] RADEC(1,II) = (RA_hr/24.D0 + RA_min/1440.D0 + RA_sec/8.64D4) . * 2.D0*PI RADEC(2,II) = ( Dec_deg + (Dec_min + Dec_sec/60.D0)/60.D0 ) . * Dsign * 2.D0*PI / 360.D0 C Cstref(II) = Staref C print *,'RA/Dec/ref ', RADEC(1,II), RADEC(2,II), Cstref(II) C IF (Itype .eq. 1) THEN P_motion(1,II) = PM_RA P_motion(2,II) = PM_Dec P_motion(3,II) = PM_ep D_psec(II) = Psecs If((P_motion(3,II).ge.1900.D0) .AND. * (DABS(P_motion(1,II)) .gt. 1.D-12 .or. * DABS(P_motion(2,II)) .gt. 1.D-12) ) * Pmotion = Pmotion + 1 If(D_psec(II).ge.1.D0) Dpsec = Dpsec + 1 ENDIF C Endif Enddo C Go to 130 C 200 Continue print *,' STRIN: Pmotion, Dpsec = ', Pmotion, Dpsec C Close(Iunit) C C Verify that we have a priori's for all stars Iquit = 0 C DO I = 1, NUMSTR If (Jstar(i) .eq. 0) Then Write(6,'(" STRIN: No match for star #",i3)') I Iquit = Iquit + 1 Endif ENDDO C If (Iquit.eq.0) Then Kerr(3) = 0 Else Call CKill(6HSTRIN ,0,0) Endif C C Now we must replace the star a priori's in the data base CALL PUTR('STAR2000 ', RADEC , 2, NUMSTR, 1) CALL PUTA('STAR REF ', LSTREF,10, NUMSTR, 1) IF (KSTRC.eq.1 .or. KSTRC.eq.2) * CALL PUTR('PRMOTION ', P_motion, 3, NUMSTR, 1) IF (KPLXC.eq.1) * CALL PUTR('DISTPSEC ', D_psec, NUMSTR, 1, 1) C Go to 270 C C Error on Read 180 Continue print *, 'STRIN: Error on read of star catalog ' Call CKill(6HSTRIN ,0,0) C C Error on OPEN 240 Continue print *, 'STRIN: Error on OPEN of star catalog ' Call CKill(6HSTRIN ,0,0) C 270 Continue Return End