#### INSTALLATION ############## To install DiFX-2.2, first go to the area you wish the source code to reside and checkout the code with svn co https://svn.atnf.csiro.au/difx/master_tags/DiFX-2.2. You probably already did that, if you're reading this README. cd to DiFX-2.2, and then: 1) Ensure you have a working installation of IPP and MPI 2) Open setup.bash or setup.csh in your favourite text editor and change the DIFXROOT, IPPROOT, MPICXX and PGPLOT paths and the perl versions to suit your system 3) source setup.bash (or .csh). You will probably want to add this to your .bashrc or .cshrc file 4) Run "./install-difx" Thats it. DiFX should compile - if not, check out the troubleshooting area on http://cira.ivec.org/dokuwiki/doku.php/difx/start There are optional applications that can be installed using install-difx: difxfilterbank (--withfb) and HOPS (--withhops). Both of these require PGPLOT, which can be finicky, which is why they are not included by default. You may need to tweak your PGPLOT setup to get them to work. There is one other application, difx_monitor, which also has an install-difx switch (--with-monitor) but which does not compile since it has not yet been set up with an autotools Make system. It also uses PGPLOT (but does not use the environment variables already set up). To compile this package, cd to applications/difx_monitor/, edit Makefile and then run make, make install. #### TESTING #################### See http://cira.ivec.org/dokuwiki/doku.php/difx/datasets #### FURTHER DOCUMENTATION ###### The DiFX users guide is your friend. You can find this at the top level of the DiFX source tree, under doc/userguide/. Go there and type make, and you will get a pdf full of interesting and useful information, mostly written and maintained by Walter Brisken.