subroutine RPFITS_READ_TABLE(lun, tcards, ii, endhdr, terr, ierr) *----------------------------------------------------------------------- * Read all RPFITS tables to the end of the header. * * Given: * LUN int Logical unit number of the RPFITS file. * TCARDS(32)*80 * char Array of header cards containing tables. * II int Current index in array TCARDS, or -1 if only * the flag table (at the end of the data) is to * be read. * * Returned: * ENDHDR log TRUE if the end of header was encountered. * TERR*2 char Table for which non-zero status (ierr) was * encountered. * IERR int Status value: * 0: Success. * 1: Table contains too many entries. * 2: Fortran I/O error (with IOSTAT code in * rp_iostat). * * Original: Ray Norris 1988/09/29 * $Id: rpfits_tables.f,v 1.11 2008/10/27 05:37:12 cal103 Exp $ *----------------------------------------------------------------------- logical endhdr, fg_only integer AT_READ, idx, ierr, ii, ichr(640), j, lun character keywrd*8, terr*2, tcards(32)*80 include '' idx = ABS(ii) fg_only = (ii.eq.-1) endhdr = .false. terr = ' ' ierr = 0 do while (.true.) if ( then card(-ncard) = tcards(idx) ncard = ncard - 1 end if keywrd = tcards(idx)(1:8) if (keywrd.eq.'TABLE IF') then if_found = .true. call READIF (lun, tcards, idx, ierr) else if (keywrd.eq.'TABLE SU') then su_found = .true. call READSU (lun, tcards, idx, ierr) else if (keywrd.eq.'TABLE FG') then fg_found = .true. call READFG (lun, tcards, idx, ierr) else if (keywrd.eq.'TABLE AN') then an_found = .true. call READAN (lun, tcards, idx, ierr) else if (keywrd.eq.'TABLE MT') then mt_found = .true. call READMT (lun, tcards, idx, ierr) else if (keywrd.eq.'TABLE CU') then cu_found = .true. call READCU (lun, tcards, idx, ierr) else if (keywrd.eq.'END ') then endhdr = .true. go to 999 end if if ( then terr = keywrd(7:) go to 999 end if if (fg_only) go to 999 idx = idx + 1 if ( then rp_iostat = AT_READ (lun, ichr) if ( go to 999 write (tcards, '(32(20a4,:,/))') (ichr(j), j=1,640) idx = 1 end if end do 999 if ( ierr = 2 return end subroutine READIF (lun, tcards, idx, ierr) *----------------------------------------------------------------------- * Read an IF (intermediate frequency, i.e. spectral window) table * from an RPFITS file. * * Original: Ray Norris 1988/09/29 *----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer AT_READ, ichr(640), idx, ierr, j, jdx, k, l, lun character keywrd*8, tcards(32)*80, temp*5 include '' ierr = 0 n_if = 0 do while (.true.) do jdx = idx+1, 32 if ( then card(-ncard) = tcards(jdx) ncard = ncard - 1 end if keywrd = tcards(jdx)(1:8) if (keywrd.eq.'ENDTABLE') then idx = jdx go to 999 else if (keywrd.eq.'HEADER') then else if (keywrd.eq.'COMMENT') then else k = n_if + 1 if ( then ierr = 1 go to 999 end if read (tcards(jdx), 100, iostat=rp_iostat, err=999) : if_num(k), if_freq(k), if_invert(k), if_bw(k), : if_nfreq(k), if_nstok(k), (if_cstok(l,k), l=1,4), : if_sampl(k), if_ref(k), temp 100 format (bn,i3,f16.3,i3,f17.3,i5,i3,1x,4a2,i2,f7.1,1x,a5) if (temp.eq.' ') then if_simul(k) = 1 if_chain(k) = 1 else read (temp, *, iostat=rp_iostat, err=999) if_simul(k), : if_chain(k) if (if_simul(k).eq.0) if_simul(k) = 1 if (if_chain(k).eq.0) if_chain(k) = 1 end if n_if = k end if end do rp_iostat = AT_READ (lun, ichr) if ( go to 999 write (tcards, '(32(20a4,:,/))') (ichr(j), j=1,640) idx = 0 end do 999 if ( ierr = 2 return end subroutine WRITE_IF_TABLE (idx, tcards) *----------------------------------------------------------------------- * Write an IF (intermediate frequency, i.e. spectral window) table * from an RPFITS file. * * Original: Ray Norris 1988/09/29 *----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer idx, iif, l character tcards(*)*80 include '' idx = idx + 1 tcards(idx) = 'TABLE IF' idx = idx + 1 tcards(idx) = 'HEADER FREQ INVERT BW NCHAN ' // : 'NSTOK TYPE SAM REF SIM CHAIN' do iif = 1, n_if idx = idx + 1 write (tcards(idx), 100) if_num(iif), if_freq(iif), : if_invert(iif), if_bw(iif), if_nfreq(iif), if_nstok(iif), : (if_cstok(l,iif), l=1,4), if_sampl(iif), if_ref(iif), : if_simul(iif), if_chain(iif) 100 format (i3,f16.3,i3,f17.3,i5,i3,1x,4a2,i2,f7.1,2i3) end do idx = idx + 1 tcards(idx) = 'ENDTABLE' return end subroutine READSU(lun, tcards, idx, ierr) *----------------------------------------------------------------------- * Read an SU (source) table from an RPFITS file. * * Original: Ray Norris 1988/11/08 *----------------------------------------------------------------------- double precision d2pi parameter (d2pi = 2d0 * 3.14159265358979323846d0) integer AT_READ, ichr(640), idx, ierr, j, jdx, k, lun character keywrd*8, tcards(32)*80 include '' ierr = 0 n_su = 0 do while (.true.) do jdx = idx+1, 32 if ( then card(-ncard) = tcards(jdx) ncard = ncard-1 end if keywrd = tcards(jdx)(1:8) if (keywrd.eq.'ENDTABLE') then idx = jdx go to 999 else if (keywrd.eq.'HEADER') then else if (keywrd.eq.'COMMENT') then else k = n_su + 1 if ( then ierr = 1 go to 999 end if read (tcards(jdx), 100, iostat=rp_iostat, err=999) : su_num(k), su_name(k), su_ra(k), su_dec(k), su_cal(k), : su_rad(k), su_decd(k) 100 format (bn,i3,a16,2f13.9,1x,a4,2f12.9) if (su_ra(k).lt.0d0) then su_ra(k) = su_ra(k) + d2pi end if if (su_rad(k).lt.0d0) then su_rad(k) = su_rad(k) + d2pi end if su_pra(k) = su_ra(k) su_pdec(k) = su_dec(k) n_su = k end if end do rp_iostat = AT_READ (lun, ichr) if ( go to 999 write (tcards, '(32(20a4,:,/))') (ichr(j), j=1,640) idx = 0 end do 999 if ( ierr = 2 return end subroutine WRITE_SU_TABLE (idx, tcards) *----------------------------------------------------------------------- * Write an SU (source) table from an RPFITS file. * * Original: Ray Norris 1988/11/08 *----------------------------------------------------------------------- double precision d2pi parameter (d2pi = 2d0 * 3.14159265358979323846d0) integer idx, isu character tcards(*)*80 include '' idx = idx + 1 tcards(idx) = 'TABLE SU' idx = idx + 1 tcards(idx) = 'HEADER NAME RA2000 DEC2000' // : ' CALCODE RA_DATE DEC_DATE ' do isu = 1, n_su if (su_ra(isu).lt.0d0) then su_ra(isu) = su_ra(isu) + d2pi end if if (su_rad(isu).lt.0d0) then su_rad(isu) = su_rad(isu) + d2pi end if idx = idx + 1 write (tcards(idx), 100) su_num(isu), su_name(isu), su_ra(isu), : su_dec(isu), su_cal(isu), su_rad(isu), su_decd(isu) 100 format (i3,a16,2f13.9,1x,a4,2f12.9) end do idx = idx + 1 tcards(idx) = 'ENDTABLE' return end subroutine READFG (lun, tcards, idx, ierr) *----------------------------------------------------------------------- * Read a FG (flag) table from an RPFITS file. * * Original: Ray Norris 1988/11/08 *----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer AT_READ, dummy, ichr(640), idx, ierr, j, jdx, k, lun character keywrd*8, tcards(32)*80 include '' ierr = 0 n_fg = 0 do while (.true.) do jdx = idx+1, 32 if ( then card(-ncard) = tcards(jdx) ncard = ncard - 1 end if keywrd = tcards(jdx)(1:8) if (keywrd.eq.'ENDTABLE') then idx = jdx go to 999 else if (keywrd.eq.'HEADER' ) then else if (keywrd.eq.'COMMENT') then else k = n_su + 1 if ( then ierr = 1 go to 999 end if read (tcards(jdx), 100, iostat=rp_iostat, err=999) dummy, : fg_ant(1,k), fg_ant(2,k), fg_ut(1,k), fg_ut(2,k), : fg_if(1,k), fg_if(2,k), fg_chan(1,k), fg_chan(2,k), : fg_stok(1,k), fg_stok(2,k), fg_reason(k) 100 format (bn,i3,i2,i3,2f9.1,1x,2i3,i4,i5,2i2,a24) n_fg = k end if end do rp_iostat = AT_READ (lun, ichr) if ( go to 999 write (tcards, '(32(20a4,:,/))') (ichr(j), j=1,640) idx = 0 end do 999 if ( ierr = 2 return end subroutine WRITE_FG_TABLE (idx, tcards) *----------------------------------------------------------------------- * Write a FG (flag) table to an RPFITS file. * * Original: Ray Norris 1988/11/08 *----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer idx, ifg character tcards(*)*80 include '' idx = idx + 1 tcards(idx) = 'TABLE FG' idx = idx + 1 tcards(idx) = 'HEADER ANT UT IF CHAN STOK ' // : 'REASON' do ifg = 1, n_fg idx = idx + 1 write (tcards(idx), 100) ifg, fg_ant(1,ifg), fg_ant(2,ifg), : fg_ut(1,ifg), fg_ut(2,ifg), fg_if(1,ifg), fg_if(2,ifg), : fg_chan(1,ifg), fg_chan(2,ifg), fg_stok(1,ifg), : fg_stok(2,ifg), fg_reason(ifg) 100 format (i3,i2,i3,2f9.1,1x,2i3,i4,i5,2i2,a24) end do idx = idx + 1 tcards(idx) = 'ENDTABLE' return end subroutine READAN (lun, tcards, idx, ierr) *----------------------------------------------------------------------- * Read an AN (antenna) table from an RPFITS file. * * Original: Ray Norris 1989/07/17 *----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer AT_READ, iaxis_offset, ichr(640), idx, ierr, j, jdx, k, : lun character keywrd*8, tcards(32)*80 include '' ierr = 0 nant = 0 do while (.true.) do jdx = idx+1, 32 if ( then card(-ncard) = tcards(jdx) ncard = ncard - 1 end if keywrd = tcards(jdx)(1:8) if (keywrd.eq.'ENDTABLE') then idx = jdx go to 999 else if (keywrd.eq.'HEADER' ) then else if (keywrd.eq.'COMMENT') then else k = nant + 1 if ( then ierr = 1 go to 999 end if read (tcards(jdx), 100, iostat=rp_iostat, err=999) : ant_num(k), sta(k), ant_mount(k), x(k), y(k), z(k), : iaxis_offset 100 format (i2,1x,a8,i2,3f14.3,i5) axis_offset(k) = iaxis_offset/1000.0 nant = k end if end do rp_iostat = AT_READ (lun, ichr) if ( go to 999 write (tcards, '(32(20a4,:,/))') (ichr(j), j=1,640) idx = 0 end do 999 if ( ierr = 2 return end subroutine WRITE_AN_TABLE (idx, tcards) *----------------------------------------------------------------------- * Write an AN (antenna) table to an RPFITS file. * * Original: Ray Norris 1989/09/29 *----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer iant, idx character tcards(*)*80 include '' idx = idx + 1 tcards(idx) = 'TABLE AN' idx = idx + 1 tcards(idx) = 'HEADER M X ' // : 'Y Z AXIS' do iant = 1, nant idx = idx + 1 write (tcards(idx),100) ant_num(iant), sta(iant), : ant_mount(iant), x(iant), y(iant), z(iant), : nint(axis_offset(iant)*1000.0) 100 format (i2,1x,a8,i2,3f14.3,i5) end do idx = idx + 1 tcards(idx) = 'ENDTABLE' return end subroutine READMT (lun, tcards, idx, ierr) *----------------------------------------------------------------------- * Read an MT (meteorological) table to an RPFITS file. * * Original: Ray Norris 1989/10/11 *----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer AT_READ, ichr(640), idx, ierr, j, jdx, k, lun character keywrd*8, tcards(32)*80 include '' ierr = 0 n_mt = 0 do while (.true.) do jdx = idx+1, 32 if ( then card(-ncard) = tcards(jdx) ncard = ncard - 1 end if keywrd = tcards(jdx)(1:8) if (keywrd.eq.'ENDTABLE') then idx = jdx go to 999 else if (keywrd.eq.'HEADER' ) then else if (keywrd.eq.'COMMENT') then else k = n_mt + 1 if ( then ierr = 1 go to 999 end if read (tcards(jdx), 100, iostat=rp_iostat, err=999) : mt_ant(k), mt_ut(k), mt_press(k), mt_temp(k), : mt_humid(k) 100 format (i2,f9.1,f7.1,2f6.1) n_mt = k end if end do rp_iostat = AT_READ (lun, ichr) if ( go to 999 write (tcards, '(32(20a4,:,/))') (ichr(j), j=1,640) idx = 0 end do 999 if ( ierr = 2 return end subroutine WRITE_MT_TABLE (idx, tcards) *----------------------------------------------------------------------- * Write an MT (meteorological) table to an RPFITS file. * * Original: Ray Norris 1989/10/11 *----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer idx, imt character tcards(32)*80 include '' idx = idx + 1 tcards(idx) = 'TABLE MT' idx = idx + 1 tcards(idx) = 'HEADER UT PRESS TEMP HUMID' do imt = 1, n_mt idx = idx + 1 write (tcards(idx), 100) mt_ant(imt), mt_ut(imt), : mt_press(imt), mt_temp(imt), mt_humid(imt) 100 format (i2,f9.1,f7.1,2f6.1) end do idx = idx + 1 tcards(idx) = 'ENDTABLE' return end subroutine READCU (lun, tcards, idx, ierr) *----------------------------------------------------------------------- * Read a CU (uncalibration) table from an RPFITS file. * * Original: Ray Norris 1990/03/22 *----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer AT_READ, ichr(640), idx, ierr, j, jdx, k, lun character keywrd*8, tcards(32)*80 include '' ierr = 0 n_cu = 0 do while (.true.) do jdx = idx+1, 32 if ( then card(-ncard) = tcards(jdx) ncard = ncard - 1 end if keywrd = tcards(jdx)(1:8) if (keywrd.eq.'ENDTABLE') then idx = jdx go to 999 else if (keywrd.eq.'HEADER' ) then else if (keywrd.eq.'COMMENT') then else k = n_cu + 1 if ( then ierr = 1 go to 999 end if read (tcards(jdx), 100, iostat=rp_iostat, err=999) : cu_ut(k), cu_ant(k), cu_if(k), cu_cal1(k), cu_cal2(k), : cu_ch1(k), cu_ch2(k) 100 format (bn,f8.1,i3,i4,f6.1,f7.1,2i5) n_cu = k end if end do rp_iostat = AT_READ (lun, ichr) if ( go to 999 write (tcards, '(32(20a4,:,/))') (ichr(j), j=1,640) idx = 0 end do 999 if ( ierr = 2 return end subroutine WRITE_CU_TABLE (idx, tcards) *----------------------------------------------------------------------- * Write a CU (uncalibration) table to an RPFITS file. * * Original: Ray Norris 1989/10/11 *----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer icu, idx character tcards(*)*80 include '' idx = idx + 1 tcards(idx) = 'TABLE CU' idx = idx + 1 tcards(idx) = 'HEADER ANT IF CALSTART CALSTOP CH1 CH2' do icu = 1, n_cu idx = idx + 1 write (tcards(idx), 100) cu_ut(n_cu), cu_ant(n_cu), : cu_if(n_cu), cu_cal1(n_cu), cu_cal2(n_cu), cu_ch1(n_cu), : cu_ch2(n_cu) 100 format (f8.1,i3,i4,f6.1,f7.1,2i5) end do idx = idx + 1 tcards(idx) = 'ENDTABLE' return end