#================================================================== # Track e22b19 band 1, outputbands example for DiFX 2.7.1 # # V2d was modified from the original for source=fake and less scans # # Translate with # # vex2difx --force e22b19-0-b1.v2d # # where the forcing option is required because otherwise # # "Warning: both linear and circular polarizations are listed in the .vex file. Very partial support exists for such modes within DiFX. Use at your own risk! # Quitting since there was a warning and strict mode was enabled. # Strict mode can be disabled with --force if needed." # # due to ALMA X,Y-pol. Correlator output is PolConverted later. # #================================================================== vex = e22b19-0-b1.vex.obs dataBufferFactor = 24 visBufferLength = 40 startSeries = 1000 exhaustiveAutocorrs = True minSubarray = 1 singleScan = True singleSetup = True # maxReadSize = 67108864 #================================================================== # ANTENNA DATA #================================================================== ANTENNA Aa { datastreams = Aa_ds12,Aa_ds34 } ANTENNA Ax { datastreams = Ax_ds12,Ax_ds34 loOffsets = +15.022,+15.022 } ANTENNA Gl { datastreams = Glt_ds12,Glt_ds34 } ANTENNA Kt { datastreams = Kt_ds12,Kt_ds34 } ANTENNA Lm { datastreams = Lmt_ds12,Lmt_ds34 } ANTENNA Mg { # SMT datastreams = Smt_ds12,Smt_ds34 } ANTENNA Mm { # JCMT datastreams = Jcmt_ds12,Jcmt_ds34 } ANTENNA Nn { datastreams = Nn_rec1slot1,Nn_rec1slot2,Nn_rec1slot3,Nn_rec1slot4 } ANTENNA Pv { datastreams = Pv_ds12,Pv_ds34 } ANTENNA Sw { # SMA APHIDS datastreams = SmaAphids_ds12,SmaAphids_ds34 deltaClock = 0 # SMA extra offsets } ANTENNA Sz { # SPT datastreams = Spt_ds12,Spt_ds34 } DATASTREAM Aa_ds12 { source=fake } DATASTREAM Aa_ds34 { source=fake } DATASTREAM Ax_ds12 { source=fake } DATASTREAM Ax_ds34 { source=fake } DATASTREAM Glt_ds12 { source=fake } DATASTREAM Glt_ds34 { source=fake } DATASTREAM Jcmt_ds12 { source=fake } DATASTREAM Jcmt_ds34 { source=fake } DATASTREAM Kt_ds12 { source=fake } DATASTREAM Kt_ds34 { source=fake } DATASTREAM Lmt_ds12 { source=fake } DATASTREAM Lmt_ds34 { source=fake } DATASTREAM Spt_ds12 { source=fake } DATASTREAM Spt_ds34 { source=fake } DATASTREAM Pv_ds12 { source=fake } DATASTREAM Pv_ds34 { source=fake } DATASTREAM SmaAphids_ds12 { source=fake } DATASTREAM SmaAphids_ds34 { source=fake } DATASTREAM Smt_ds12 { source=fake } DATASTREAM Smt_ds34 { source=fake } DATASTREAM Nn_rec1slot1 { format = INTERLACEDVDIF/0:1:2:3/8224/2 source = fake } DATASTREAM Nn_rec1slot2 { format = INTERLACEDVDIF/0:1:2:3/8224/2 source = fake } DATASTREAM Nn_rec1slot3 { format = INTERLACEDVDIF/0:1:2:3/8224/2 source = fake } DATASTREAM Nn_rec1slot4 { format = INTERLACEDVDIF/0:1:2:3/8224/2 source = fake } #================================================================== # CORRELATION CONFIG #================================================================== SETUP outputbandSetup { numBufferedFFTs = 20 tInt = 0.400 subintNS = 3200000 FFTSpecRes = 0.015625 outputSpecRes = 0.5 xmacLength = 0 strideLength = 0 guardNS = 2000 # outputSpecRes = 0.0625 # fringe search, ~1000 ch over 58 MHz # outputSpecRes = 0.0156250 # fringe search, ~4000 ch over 58 MHz addOutputBand = freq@213979.203125/bw@58.0 addOutputBand = freq@213920.609375/bw@58.0 addOutputBand = freq@213862.015625/bw@58.0 addOutputBand = freq@213803.421875/bw@58.0 addOutputBand = freq@213744.828125/bw@58.0 addOutputBand = freq@213686.234375/bw@58.0 addOutputBand = freq@213627.640625/bw@58.0 addOutputBand = freq@213569.046875/bw@58.0 addOutputBand = freq@213510.453125/bw@58.0 addOutputBand = freq@213451.859375/bw@58.0 addOutputBand = freq@213393.265625/bw@58.0 addOutputBand = freq@213334.671875/bw@58.0 addOutputBand = freq@213276.078125/bw@58.0 addOutputBand = freq@213217.484375/bw@58.0 addOutputBand = freq@213158.890625/bw@58.0 addOutputBand = freq@213100.296875/bw@58.0 addOutputBand = freq@213041.703125/bw@58.0 addOutputBand = freq@212983.109375/bw@58.0 addOutputBand = freq@212924.515625/bw@58.0 addOutputBand = freq@212865.921875/bw@58.0 addOutputBand = freq@212807.328125/bw@58.0 addOutputBand = freq@212748.734375/bw@58.0 addOutputBand = freq@212690.140625/bw@58.0 addOutputBand = freq@212631.546875/bw@58.0 addOutputBand = freq@212572.953125/bw@58.0 addOutputBand = freq@212514.359375/bw@58.0 addOutputBand = freq@212455.765625/bw@58.0 addOutputBand = freq@212397.171875/bw@58.0 addOutputBand = freq@212338.578125/bw@58.0 addOutputBand = freq@212279.984375/bw@58.0 addOutputBand = freq@212221.390625/bw@58.0 addOutputBand = freq@212162.796875/bw@58.0 } RULE defaultRule { setup = outputbandSetup scan = 078-0327 # 078-0327 NGC4278 1mmlcp AA AX KT LM NN PV -- GL MG scan = 078-0433 # 078-0433 3C279 1mmlcp AA AX KT LM NN PV SZ GL MG scan = 078-0724 # 078-0724 NGC4594 1mmlcp AA AX KT LM -- -- SZ -- MG MM SW scan = 078-0730 # 078-0730 NGC4594 1mmlcp AA AX KT LM -- -- SZ -- MG MM SW }