#!/bin/env python # TODO - change USNO processing to check if schedule only contains MK and PT antennas from sys import argv, exit, stdin from os import system, chdir, getcwd, environ, popen, stat, path, remove, listdir from os.path import isfile, isdir from string import replace, strip, split, lower, upper, find from glob import glob from time import time import datetime program = 'queueVex' version = 1.13 verdate = '20121114' author = 'Walter Brisken' verbose = 1 observTxFile = 'observ.tx' ccScriptDir = '/export/home/cc/vlba/scripts' prestartTime = 300 # seconds poststopTime = 30 # seconds difxPath = '/home/swc/DiFX-trunk/bin' observTxHistoryDir = '/home/vlba/metadata/observtxhistory' observTxHistoryDays = 7 linesToShow = 10 keepDays = 45 # ------------------ def usage(): print '\n%s ver. %s %s %s\n' % (program, version, verdate, author) print 'Usage: %s [options] [vexfile2] ... [ant1] [ant2] ...\n' % argv[0] print 'options can be:\n' print ' -h or --help print help info and quit.' print ' -v or --verbose make more verbose.' print ' -q or --quiet make less verbose.' print ' -f or --force proceed without question in some cases.' print ' -p or --priority interrupt a conflicting obs.' print ' -u or --usno convert scripts to use USNO devices' print ' -e or --edit allow time to edit the files' print ' -n or --nocopy don\'t copy files to stations\n' print '' print 'One or more vex files can be supplied. All supplied vex files will' print 'be handled separately in the order listed.' print '' print 'Optional list of antenna codes can be used to restrict which antennas' print 'to operate on. If no antennas are listed, all antennas in the vex' print 'file(s) will be assumed.' mjd0 = datetime.datetime(1858, 11, 17, 0, 0) def deleteOld(dir, days): n = 0 now = time() print '' for f in listdir(dir): fn = path.join(dir, f) age = (now - stat(fn).st_mtime)/86400.0 # in days if age > days: if path.isfile(fn) and f[0:6] == 'observ': print 'Removing %s because it is %3.1f days old' % (fn, age) remove(fn) n += 1 print '%d old observ.tx files from %s were deleted because they were older than %d days\n' % (n, dir, days) def saveObservTxFile(srcfile, station): todayMJD = time()/86400.0 + 40587 destfile = path.join(observTxHistoryDir, 'observ.tx_%s_%12.6f' % (station, todayMJD)) cmd = 'cp %s %s' % (srcfile, destfile) if verbose > 0: print 'Executing command: %s' % cmd system(cmd) def execute(cmd, nostdout=0): if verbose > 0: print 'About to execute: %s' % cmd if nostdout == 0: v = system(cmd) else: v = -1 popen(cmd).readlines() return v def vexPeek(vexFile): cmd = '%s/vexpeek %s' % (difxPath, vexFile) if verbose > 0: print 'Executing command: %s' % cmd p = popen(cmd) data = p.readlines() if len(data) == 0: return 'Error', 'Error', 'Error' obsCode = upper(strip(data[0])) obsSeg = '' if obsCode[0:5] == 'ERROR': return 'Error', 'Error', 'Error' if len(obsCode) > 3: if obsCode[0].isalpha() and obsCode[1].isalpha() and obsCode[2].isdigit(): for i in range(3, len(obsCode)): if obsCode[i].isalpha(): obsSeg = obsCode[i:] obsCode = obsCode[0:i] break if obsCode[0].isalpha() and obsCode[1].isdigit(): for i in range(2, len(obsCode)): if obsCode[i].isalpha(): obsSeg = obsCode[i:] obsCode = obsCode[0:i] break stationTimes = {} for d in data[1:]: s = split(strip(d)) stationTimes[upper(s[0])] = [float(s[1])-prestartTime/86400.0, float(s[2])+poststopTime/86400.0] print 'This is experiment %s %s' % (obsCode, obsSeg) return obsCode, obsSeg, stationTimes def mjd2datetime(mjd): mon = ['JAN', 'FEB', 'MAR', 'APR', 'MAY', 'JUN', 'JUL', 'AUG', 'SEP', 'OCT', 'NOV', 'DEC'] dt = datetime.timedelta(int(mjd), int((mjd - int(mjd))*86400.0 + 0.5)) t = mjd0 + dt return '%04d%s%02d %02dh%02dm%02ds' % (t.year, mon[t.month-1], t.day, t.hour, t.minute, t.second) # take string date (d) and time (t), as formatted above, and return MJD def vlba2mjd(d, t): monnames = ['JAN', 'FEB', 'MAR', 'APR', 'MAY', 'JUN', 'JUL', 'AUG', 'SEP', 'OCT', 'NOV', 'DEC'] yr = int(d[0:4]) monname = d[4:7] mn = 0 for m in range(len(monnames)): if monname == monnames[m]: mn = m+1 da = int(d[7:9]) hr = int(t[0:2]) mi = int(t[3:5]) se = int(t[6:8]) mjd = (datetime.datetime(yr, mn, da, 0, 0) - mjd0).days + hr/24.0 + mi/1440.0 + se/86400.0 return mjd def sortmetric(x): y = split(x) return vlba2mjd(y[1], y[2]) def addObservation(orig, expt, startMJD, stopMJD, station, overlaps): startDate = mjd2datetime(startMJD) stopDate = mjd2datetime(stopMJD) todayMJD = time()/86400.0 + 40587 epsilon = 5/86400.0 # extra gap to add between experiments in overlap situations observations = [] for o in orig: v = split(strip(o), '>') s = split(v[0]) if len(s) < 5 or len(v) < 2: continue expt0 = s[0] if expt0 == expt: continue # don't keep old entry for same expt startDate0 = s[1] startMJD0 = vlba2mjd(s[1], s[2]) stopMJD0 = vlba2mjd(s[3], s[4]) station0 = v[1] # discard old observations if stopMJD0 < todayMJD-keepDays: continue # check for overlap with another observation if startMJD < stopMJD0 and stopMJD > startMJD0: # some overlap condition exists! overlapLength = min(stopMJD0, stopMJD) - max(startMJD0, startMJD) overlaps.append('%s overlaps with %s by %4.2f hours at station %s' % (expt, expt0, (overlapLength*24), station)) if startMJD0 < startMJD: # original project starts first newobs = '%s %s %s > %s\n' % (expt0, mjd2datetime(startMJD0), mjd2datetime(startMJD - epsilon), station0) observations.append(newobs) if stopMJD0 > stopMJD: # original projects ends last newobs = '%s %s %s > %s\n' % (expt0, mjd2datetime(stopMJD + epsilon), mjd2datetime(stopMJD0), station0) observations.append(newobs) else: # no overlap, so this is easy! observations.append(o) newobs = '%s %s %s > %s\n' % (expt, startDate, stopDate, station) observations.append(newobs) # sort by start time observations.sort(key=sortmetric) return observations # ----------------- vexFiles = [] antennas = [] priority = 0 usnoConvert = False edit = False force = False nocopy = False options = '' for a in argv[1:]: if a[0] == '-': if a in ['-h', '--help']: usage() exit(1) elif a in ['-p', '--priority']: priority += 1 elif a in ['-v', '--verbose']: verbose += 1 elif a in ['-q', '--quiet']: verbose -= 1 elif a in ['-u', '--usno']: usnoConvert = True elif a in ['-f', '--force']: force = True elif a in ['-e', '--edit']: edit = True elif a in ['-n', '--nocopy']: nocopy = True else: print 'Unknown option "%s"\n' % a exit(1) elif len(a) > 3: vexFiles.append(a) else: antennas.append(lower(a)) if len(vexFiles) == 0: usage() exit(0) if len(vexFiles) > 1: print 'The following vex files will be queued:' for vexFile in vexFiles: print ' %s' % vexFile if not force: print 'If this is not what you intend, use ^C now to stop.' print 'Otherwise press Enter to continue.' stdin.readline() cwd = getcwd() if find(upper(cwd), 'MARK5C') < 0: if isdir(cwd+'/MARK5C') > 0: if not force: print '\nWarning: %s/MARK5C is presumably where you want to run this.' % cwd print 'Try again with -f to force the operation' else: print '\nContinuing because of -f (or --force) even though %s/MARK5C' % cwd print 'seems more likely to be where you want to run this.' elif isdir(cwd+'/../MARK5C') > 0: if not force: print '\nWarning: %s/../MARK5C is presumably where you want to run this.' % cwd print 'Try again with -f to force the operation' else: print '\nContinuing because of -f (or --force) even though %s/MARK5C' % cwd print 'seems more likely to be where you want to run this.' else: print '\nYou are running %s from a non-Mark5C directory.' % program print 'I hope this is what you want!\n' options = options + " --mark5A" for vexFile in vexFiles: if not isfile(vexFile): print 'Error: cannot find file %s' % vexFile exit(0) tmpDir = '/tmp/' + replace(vexFiles[0], '/', ',') + '.workdir' if isfile(tmpDir) or isdir(tmpDir): print 'Error: cannot proceed as temporary directory %s already exists. Delete and try again.' % tmpDir exit(0) execute('mkdir -p %s' % tmpDir) chdir(tmpDir) overlaps = [] # remove saved obser.tx files older than observTxHistoryDays deleteOld(observTxHistoryDir, observTxHistoryDays) for vexFile in vexFiles: if vexFile[0] != '/': vexFile = '%s/%s' % (cwd, vexFile) obsCode, obsSeg, stationTimes = vexPeek(vexFile) stns = stationTimes.keys() stns.sort() print stns if stns == ['MK', 'PT'] and not usnoConvert: print 'Warning: This looks like a USNO experiment because it has only MK and PT, but the --usno flag was not provided.' print 'Press enter to continue or Ctrl-C to stop this process' stdin.readline() v = execute('%s/vex2script %s %s' % (difxPath, vexFile, options)) if v != 0: print 'An error occurred running vex2script on file %s. Stopping.' % vexFile exit(0) scripts = glob('*.??.py') scripts.sort() if edit: print '\nNow you can edit the .py files in %s before they are sent to the stations.' % tmpDir print '\nPress enter to continue' stdin.readline() for script in scripts: s = split(script, '.') station = lower(s[-2]) if len(antennas) > 0 and not station in antennas: print '** Skipping antenna %s from vex file %s' % (upper(station), vexFile) continue expt = upper(s[0]) print '\n===========================================================================' if station == 'gb': cc = 'gb-cc.gb.nrao.edu' # GB not yet handled per the request of GB staff #print 'Warning: files for GB are not yet handled by this script' #print '\n===========================================================================' continue else: cc = '%s-cc.vlba.nrao.edu' % station upperStation = upper(station) timeRange = stationTimes[upperStation] startDate = mjd2datetime(timeRange[0]) stopDate = mjd2datetime(timeRange[1]) print 'STATION %s : observing %s from %s to %s' % (upperStation, expt, startDate, stopDate) print '===========================================================================\n' if usnoConvert and (upperStation == 'MK' or upperStation == 'PT'): print 'USNO Experiment %s' % (expt) print 'Modifying script file for %s to use USNO equipment.' % upperStation execute("mv %s %s.tmp" % (script, script)) execute("""sed -e "s/recorder0[ ]*=[ ]*Mark5C('-1')/recorder0 = Mark5C('usno')/" -e "s/dbe0[ ]*=[ ]*RDBE(0,[ ]*'pfb'/dbe0 = RDBE(2, 'pfb'/" -e "s/subarray.set4x4Switch('1/subarray.set4x4Switch('2/" <%s.tmp >%s""" % (script, script)) execute("rm %s.tmp" % script) print 'Done.\n' print 'Sending %s to %s' % (script, cc) execute('scp vlbamon@%s:%s/%s . 2>&1' % (cc, ccScriptDir, observTxFile), 1) if not isfile(observTxFile): execute('touch %s' % observTxFile) saveObservTxFile(observTxFile, station) observations = open(observTxFile).readlines() observations = addObservation(observations, expt, timeRange[0], timeRange[1], station, overlaps) f = open(observTxFile, 'w') for o in observations: f.write(o) f.close() print 'Contents of %s at %s (only last %d lines shown):' % (observTxFile, upperStation, linesToShow) system('tail -n %d %s' % (linesToShow, observTxFile)) print '' if nocopy: print '*** Not copying %s and %s to vlbamon@%s:%s 2>&1' % (script, observTxFile, cc, ccScriptDir) else: execute('scp %s %s vlbamon@%s:%s 2>&1' % (script, observTxFile, cc, ccScriptDir), 1) execute('rm %s' % observTxFile) chdir(cwd) execute('cp %s/*.py .' % tmpDir) execute('rm -rf %s' % tmpDir) if len(overlaps) > 0: print '\n*** WARNING ***\n' print 'There were scan overlaps at %d stations:' % len(overlaps) for o in overlaps: print ' %s' % o print ''