STEPS TO INSTALL THE POLCONVERT PACKAGE: 0. Install required linux packages if not already present (cfitsio is in the EPEL repo): yum install python-devel yum install cfitsio cfitsio-devel yum install java 1.- Compile the C++ module. Just run: python build_ext --inplace After this step, the file "" should have been created. You may need to manually edit to provide include locations for, e.g. fitsio.h and possibly a link directive for libcfitsio. 2.- Copy all the files of this directory into a destination directory. The name of the destination directory could be, e.g. /YourHomeDir/.casa/Nordic_Tools 3.- Go to that directory and execute the "buildmytasks" command. 4.- Edit the file "YourHomeDirectory/.casa/" and add the line (create it if it doesn not already exist): execfile("YourHomeDirectory/.casa/Nordic_Tools/") 5.- The task should now be available. Just start CASA and write: tget polconvert to load the task. 6.- To restore to the distributed state: rm -rf build *.pyc rm -rf Any feedback and bug report should be sent either to the ARC Nordic Node ( or to the source maintainer (