VEX_rev = 1.5; * SCHED vers: Release 11.4. March 14, 2015 * VEX/SCHED: 1.5.87 * Other versions: Sched: 11.4 Plot: 1.06 JPL-ephem: 1.01 *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $GLOBAL; ref $EXPER = bm452c; * +------------+ * PI revision number: | 2.0000 | * +------------+ * mode: 3mm RDBE/DDC with ALMA *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $EXPER; * def bm452c; exper_name = bm452c; exper_description = "3mm VLBA+ALMA observing"; PI_name = "Lynn Matthews"; PI_email =; * address: MIT Haystack Observatory * Route 40 * Westford, MA 01886 * * phone: 781 981 5400 * during obs:617 335 8009 * fax: 781 981 0590 * notes: Will use reference pointing. * * year, doy: 2016, 192 * date : Sun 10 Jul 2016 * MJD : 57579 exper_nominal_start=2016y192d15h00m00s; exper_nominal_stop=2016y192d19h00m00s; * target_correlator = SOCORRO; * * integr_time : 1.000 s * number_channels: 1024 * number_antenna : 8 * cross_polarize : Yes * weight_func : UNIFORM * distrib_medium : FTP * distrib_format : FITS * source_pos_cat : SCHEDULE * distribute_to : * Don Sousa * MIT Haystack Observatory * Route 40 * Westford, MA 01886 * corr_notes : * Socorro will correlate VLBA-VLBA baselines only. * Baseband data will then be transferred to Haystack to * be copied, with full correlation to be done at Bonn * or Haystack. * enddef; *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $MODE; * def ddc.3mm; ref $PROCEDURES = Mode_01; ref $FREQ = 86140.00MHz4x128MHz:Nl:Fd:La:Pt:Kp:Ov:Br:Mk:Aa:H2; ref $IF = LO@85500MHzDPolTone/1:Nl:Fd:La:Pt:Kp:Ov:Br:Mk; ref $IF = LO@85500MHzDPolTone/1#02:Aa:H2; ref $BBC = 4BBCs:Nl:Fd:La:Pt:Kp:Ov:Br:Mk:Aa:H2; ref $TRACKS = VDIF.4Ch2bit1to1:Nl:Fd:La:Pt:Kp:Ov:Br:Mk:Aa:H2; * ref $HEAD_POS = DiskVoid <= obsolete definition ref $ROLL = NoRoll:Nl:Fd:La:Pt:Kp:Ov:Br:Mk:Aa:H2; * ref $PASS_ORDER = DiskVoid <= obsolete definition ref $PHASE_CAL_DETECT = UsbDetect:Nl:Fd:La:Pt:Kp:Ov:Br:Mk:Aa:H2; enddef; * def ptdl7mm; ref $PROCEDURES = Mode_02; ref $FREQ = 43115.75MHz4x2MHz:Nl:Fd:La:Pt:Kp:Ov:Br:Mk; ref $IF = LO@42400MHzDPolTone/1:Nl:Fd:La:Pt:Kp:Ov:Br:Mk; ref $BBC = 4BBCs#02:Nl:Fd:La:Pt:Kp:Ov:Br:Mk; ref $TRACKS = VDIF.4Ch2bit1to1#02:Nl:Fd:La:Pt:Kp:Ov:Br:Mk; * ref $HEAD_POS = DiskVoid <= obsolete definition ref $ROLL = NoRoll:Nl:Fd:La:Pt:Kp:Ov:Br:Mk; * ref $PASS_ORDER = DiskVoid <= obsolete definition ref $PHASE_CAL_DETECT = UsbDetect#02:Nl:Fd:La:Pt:Kp:Ov:Br:Mk; enddef; * def Doppler@P-ORINEW2; ref $PROCEDURES = Mode_03; ref $FREQ = 43120.765625MHz4x2MHz:Nl:Fd:La:Pt:Kp:Ov:Br:Mk; ref $IF = LO@42400MHzDPolNoTone:Nl:Fd:La:Pt:Kp:Ov:Br:Mk; ref $BBC = 4BBCs#02:Nl:Fd:La:Pt:Kp:Ov:Br:Mk; ref $TRACKS = VDIF.4Ch2bit1to1#02:Nl:Fd:La:Pt:Kp:Ov:Br:Mk; * ref $HEAD_POS = DiskVoid <= obsolete definition ref $ROLL = NoRoll:Nl:Fd:La:Pt:Kp:Ov:Br:Mk; * ref $PASS_ORDER = DiskVoid <= obsolete definition ref $PHASE_CAL_DETECT = NoDetect:Nl:Fd:La:Pt:Kp:Ov:Br:Mk; enddef; * def PulseCalOFF; ref $PROCEDURES = Mode_04; ref $FREQ = 86140.00MHz4x128MHz#02:Nl:Fd:La:Pt:Kp:Ov:Br:Mk:Aa:H2; ref $IF = LO@85500MHzDPolNoTone:Nl:Fd:La:Pt:Kp:Ov:Br:Mk; ref $IF = LO@85500MHzDPolNoTone#02:Aa:H2; ref $BBC = 4BBCs:Nl:Fd:La:Pt:Kp:Ov:Br:Mk:Aa:H2; ref $TRACKS = VDIF.4Ch2bit1to1:Nl:Fd:La:Pt:Kp:Ov:Br:Mk:Aa:H2; * ref $HEAD_POS = DiskVoid <= obsolete definition ref $ROLL = NoRoll:Nl:Fd:La:Pt:Kp:Ov:Br:Mk:Aa:H2; * ref $PASS_ORDER = DiskVoid <= obsolete definition ref $PHASE_CAL_DETECT = NoDetect#02:Nl:Fd:La:Pt:Kp:Ov:Br:Mk:Aa:H2; enddef; *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $STATION; * def Nl; ref $SITE = VLBA_NL; ref $ANTENNA = VLBA_NL; ref $DAS = 2RDBE2+NONE<; enddef; * def Fd; ref $SITE = VLBA_FD; ref $ANTENNA = VLBA_FD; ref $DAS = 2RDBE2+NONE<; enddef; * def La; ref $SITE = VLBA_LA; ref $ANTENNA = VLBA_LA; ref $DAS = 2RDBE2+NONE<; enddef; * def Pt; ref $SITE = VLBA_PT; ref $ANTENNA = VLBA_PT; ref $DAS = 2RDBE2+NONE<; enddef; * def Kp; ref $SITE = VLBA_KP; ref $ANTENNA = VLBA_KP; ref $DAS = 2RDBE2+NONE<; enddef; * def Ov; ref $SITE = VLBA_OV; ref $ANTENNA = VLBA_OV; ref $DAS = 2RDBE2+NONE<; enddef; * def Br; ref $SITE = VLBA_BR; ref $ANTENNA = VLBA_BR; ref $DAS = 2RDBE2+NONE<; enddef; * def Mk; ref $SITE = VLBA_MK; ref $ANTENNA = VLBA_MK; ref $DAS = 2RDBE2+NONE<; enddef; * def Aa; ref $SITE = ALMA; ref $ANTENNA = ALMA; ref $DAS = 2RDBE2+NONE<#02; enddef; * def H2; ref $SITE = HAYNEW; ref $ANTENNA = HAYNEW; ref $DAS = 2RDBE2+NONE<#02; enddef; *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $PROCEDURES; * def Mode_01; procedure_name_prefix = "01"; tape_change = 420 sec; headstack_motion = 6 sec; new_source_command = 5 sec; new_tape_setup = 20 sec; setup_always = on : 20 sec; parity_check = off : 100 sec; tape_prepass = off : 600 sec; preob_cal = on : 10 sec : preob; midob_cal = on : 15 sec : midob; postob_cal = on : 0 sec : postob; enddef; * def Mode_02; procedure_name_prefix = "02"; tape_change = 420 sec; headstack_motion = 6 sec; new_source_command = 5 sec; new_tape_setup = 20 sec; setup_always = on : 20 sec; parity_check = off : 100 sec; tape_prepass = off : 600 sec; preob_cal = on : 10 sec : preob; midob_cal = on : 15 sec : midob; postob_cal = on : 0 sec : postob; enddef; * def Mode_03; procedure_name_prefix = "03"; tape_change = 420 sec; headstack_motion = 6 sec; new_source_command = 5 sec; new_tape_setup = 20 sec; setup_always = on : 20 sec; parity_check = off : 100 sec; tape_prepass = off : 600 sec; preob_cal = on : 10 sec : preob; midob_cal = on : 15 sec : midob; postob_cal = on : 0 sec : postob; enddef; * def Mode_04; procedure_name_prefix = "04"; tape_change = 420 sec; headstack_motion = 6 sec; new_source_command = 5 sec; new_tape_setup = 20 sec; setup_always = on : 20 sec; parity_check = off : 100 sec; tape_prepass = off : 600 sec; preob_cal = on : 10 sec : preob; midob_cal = on : 15 sec : midob; postob_cal = on : 0 sec : postob; enddef; *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $SITE; * def VLBA_NL; site_type = fixed; site_name = VLBA_NL; site_ID = Nl; * elev= 222.24 long= 091:34:26. lat= 41:46:17.1 site_position = -130872.49870 m:-4762317.09250 m: 4226851.00140 m; site_velocity = -0.015530 m/yr: 0.001460 m/yr: -0.002140 m/yr; * First line below is VEX standard format. Use only when readers are ready. * site_position_epoch = 2013y001d; site_position_epoch = 56293; horizon_map_az = 0.0 deg: 5.0: 75.0: 80.0: 85.0:100.0:105.0:110.0:115.0: 120.0:125.0:130.0:135.0:140.0:145.0:150.0:155.0: 160.0:165.0:170.0:190.0:195.0:200.0:220.0:225.0: 360.0; horizon_map_el = 2.0 deg: 2.0: 2.0: 3.0: 6.0: 6.0: 8.0: 7.0: 7.0: 6.0: 7.0: 7.0: 6.0: 6.0: 7.0: 7.0: 6.0: 5.0: 4.0: 3.0: 3.0: 2.0: 3.0: 3.0: 2.0: 2.0; enddef; * def VLBA_FD; site_type = fixed; site_name = VLBA_FD; site_ID = Fd; * elev= 1606.42 long= 103:56:41. lat= 30:38:06.1 site_position =-1324009.32660 m:-5332181.95470 m: 3231962.39490 m; site_velocity = -0.012810 m/yr: 0.000480 m/yr: -0.004540 m/yr; * First line below is VEX standard format. Use only when readers are ready. * site_position_epoch = 2013y001d; site_position_epoch = 56293; horizon_map_az = 0.0 deg: 5.0: 10.0: 15.0: 20.0: 30.0: 35.0: 40.0: 45.0: 50.0: 55.0: 60.0: 65.0: 70.0: 75.0: 80.0: 85.0: 90.0: 95.0:100.0:105.0:110.0:115.0:150.0:155.0: 160.0:220.0:225.0:230.0:240.0:245.0:250.0:255.0: 260.0:265.0:270.0:275.0:280.0:285.0:290.0:295.0: 300.0:305.0:310.0:315.0:325.0:330.0:335.0:340.0: 345.0:360.0; horizon_map_el = 5.0 deg: 4.0: 5.0: 5.0: 3.0: 3.0: 2.0: 3.0: 2.0: 2.0: 3.0: 4.0: 7.0: 5.0: 4.0: 4.0: 5.0: 6.0: 6.0: 5.0: 4.0: 3.0: 2.0: 2.0: 3.0: 2.0: 2.0: 4.0: 2.0: 2.0: 3.0: 3.0: 4.0: 5.0: 5.0: 4.0: 4.0: 3.0: 3.0: 2.0: 2.0: 3.0: 4.0: 5.0: 4.0: 4.0: 5.0: 6.0: 6.0: 5.0: 5.0; enddef; * def VLBA_LA; site_type = fixed; site_name = VLBA_LA; site_ID = La; * elev= 1962.43 long= 106:14:44. lat= 35:46:30.4 site_position =-1449752.58390 m:-4975298.57570 m: 3709123.84590 m; site_velocity = -0.014400 m/yr: 0.000550 m/yr: -0.004710 m/yr; * First line below is VEX standard format. Use only when readers are ready. * site_position_epoch = 2013y001d; site_position_epoch = 56293; horizon_map_az = 0.0 deg: 5.0: 75.0: 80.0: 85.0:130.0:135.0:145.0:150.0: 250.0:255.0:300.0:305.0:315.0:320.0:340.0:345.0: 360.0; horizon_map_el = 2.0 deg: 2.0: 2.0: 3.0: 2.0: 2.0: 3.0: 3.0: 2.0: 2.0: 3.0: 3.0: 4.0: 4.0: 3.0: 3.0: 2.0: 2.0; enddef; * def VLBA_PT; site_type = fixed; site_name = VLBA_PT; site_ID = Pt; * elev= 2364.69 long= 108:07:09. lat= 34:18:03.7 site_position =-1640953.93830 m:-5014816.02370 m: 3575411.79160 m; site_velocity = -0.014610 m/yr: -0.000210 m/yr: -0.005210 m/yr; * First line below is VEX standard format. Use only when readers are ready. * site_position_epoch = 2013y001d; site_position_epoch = 56293; horizon_map_az = 0.0 deg: 5.0: 60.0: 65.0: 70.0: 75.0: 80.0: 85.0:165.0: 170.0:180.0:185.0:190.0:195.0:200.0:240.0:245.0: 250.0:255.0:265.0:270.0:275.0:280.0:285.0:360.0; horizon_map_el = 2.0 deg: 2.0: 2.0: 3.0: 3.0: 2.0: 3.0: 2.0: 2.0: 3.0: 3.0: 4.0: 4.0: 3.0: 4.0: 4.0: 3.0: 4.0: 3.0: 3.0: 4.0: 3.0: 3.0: 2.0: 2.0; enddef; * def VLBA_KP; site_type = fixed; site_name = VLBA_KP; site_ID = Kp; * elev= 1901.99 long= 111:36:44. lat= 31:57:22.7 site_position =-1995678.84020 m:-5037317.69680 m: 3357328.02510 m; site_velocity = -0.013740 m/yr: 0.000790 m/yr: -0.006170 m/yr; * First line below is VEX standard format. Use only when readers are ready. * site_position_epoch = 2013y001d; site_position_epoch = 56293; horizon_map_az = 0.0 deg: 5.0: 45.0: 50.0: 55.0: 60.0: 65.0: 70.0: 75.0: 80.0: 85.0: 90.0: 95.0:105.0:110.0:115.0:120.0: 150.0:155.0:165.0:170.0:180.0:185.0:215.0:220.0: 225.0:230.0:235.0:240.0:255.0:260.0:265.0:270.0: 360.0; horizon_map_el = 2.0 deg: 2.0: 2.0: 5.0: 6.0: 7.0: 7.0: 8.0: 8.0: 9.0: 6.0: 3.0: 2.0: 2.0: 3.0: 3.0: 2.0: 2.0: 3.0: 3.0: 2.0: 2.0: 3.0: 3.0: 4.0: 4.0: 5.0: 5.0: 4.0: 4.0: 3.0: 3.0: 2.0: 2.0; enddef; * def VLBA_OV; site_type = fixed; site_name = VLBA_OV; site_ID = Ov; * elev= 1196.31 long= 118:16:37. lat= 37:13:53.9 site_position =-2409150.40180 m:-4478573.11800 m: 3838617.33850 m; site_velocity = -0.018570 m/yr: 0.006660 m/yr: -0.003330 m/yr; * First line below is VEX standard format. Use only when readers are ready. * site_position_epoch = 2013y001d; site_position_epoch = 56293; horizon_map_az = 0.0 deg: 5.0: 10.0: 15.0: 20.0: 25.0: 30.0: 35.0: 40.0: 45.0: 50.0: 60.0: 65.0: 70.0: 75.0: 80.0: 85.0: 90.0: 95.0:100.0:105.0:110.0:115.0:120.0:125.0: 130.0:145.0:150.0:155.0:175.0:180.0:185.0:190.0: 195.0:200.0:205.0:210.0:230.0:235.0:240.0:245.0: 250.0:260.0:265.0:270.0:280.0:285.0:290.0:295.0: 300.0:305.0:310.0:350.0:355.0:360.0; horizon_map_el = 3.0 deg: 5.0: 5.0: 7.0: 9.0: 10.0: 12.0: 13.0: 13.0: 14.0: 15.0: 15.0: 13.0: 12.0: 11.0: 10.0: 9.0: 8.0: 7.0: 6.0: 6.0: 5.0: 4.0: 3.0: 3.0: 4.0: 4.0: 3.0: 2.0: 2.0: 3.0: 3.0: 4.0: 5.0: 5.0: 6.0: 7.0: 7.0: 6.0: 7.0: 8.0: 9.0: 9.0: 8.0: 7.0: 7.0: 5.0: 4.0: 4.0: 3.0: 3.0: 2.0: 2.0: 3.0: 3.0; enddef; * def VLBA_BR; site_type = fixed; site_name = VLBA_BR; site_ID = Br; * elev= 250.48 long= 119:40:59. lat= 48:07:52.4 site_position =-2112065.20620 m:-3705356.50480 m: 4726813.67590 m; site_velocity = -0.014820 m/yr: 0.000510 m/yr: -0.007190 m/yr; * First line below is VEX standard format. Use only when readers are ready. * site_position_epoch = 2013y001d; site_position_epoch = 56293; horizon_map_az = 0.0 deg: 5.0: 10.0: 15.0: 25.0: 30.0: 40.0: 45.0: 70.0: 75.0:120.0:125.0:130.0:135.0:155.0:160.0:185.0: 190.0:195.0:220.0:225.0:235.0:240.0:245.0:250.0: 255.0:265.0:270.0:275.0:300.0:305.0:310.0:315.0: 330.0:335.0:340.0:345.0:350.0:360.0; horizon_map_el = 2.0 deg: 2.0: 3.0: 2.0: 2.0: 3.0: 3.0: 4.0: 4.0: 5.0: 5.0: 4.0: 4.0: 3.0: 3.0: 2.0: 2.0: 3.0: 4.0: 4.0: 3.0: 3.0: 4.0: 4.0: 5.0: 6.0: 6.0: 5.0: 6.0: 6.0: 5.0: 6.0: 5.0: 5.0: 4.0: 4.0: 3.0: 2.0: 2.0; enddef; * def VLBA_MK; site_type = fixed; site_name = VLBA_MK; site_ID = Mk; * elev= 3763.02 long= 155:27:19. lat= 19:48:05.0 site_position =-5464075.18470 m:-2495248.10550 m: 2148297.36490 m; site_velocity = -0.014440 m/yr: 0.062640 m/yr: 0.032340 m/yr; * First line below is VEX standard format. Use only when readers are ready. * site_position_epoch = 2013y001d; site_position_epoch = 56293; horizon_map_az = 0.0 deg: 5.0: 10.0: 15.0: 20.0:120.0:125.0:130.0:135.0: 140.0:145.0:150.0:155.0:160.0:165.0:170.0:175.0: 185.0:190.0:195.0:200.0:205.0:210.0:215.0:220.0: 255.0:260.0:270.0:275.0:280.0:285.0:290.0:295.0: 300.0:305.0:310.0:315.0:320.0:325.0:330.0:335.0: 340.0:345.0:350.0:355.0:360.0; horizon_map_el = 5.0 deg: 4.0: 3.0: 3.0: 2.0: 2.0: 4.0: 5.0: 5.0: 4.0: 4.0: 6.0: 8.0: 8.0: 11.0: 12.0: 13.0: 13.0: 11.0: 11.0: 9.0: 7.0: 5.0: 3.0: 2.0: 2.0: 3.0: 3.0: 5.0: 6.0: 8.0: 10.0: 12.0: 14.0: 12.0: 11.0: 9.0: 10.0: 11.0: 10.0: 12.0: 14.0: 12.0: 9.0: 7.0: 5.0; enddef; * def ALMA; site_type = fixed; site_name = ALMA; site_ID = Aa; * elev= 5074.89 long= 067:45:17. lat=-23:01:45.2 site_position = 2225061.87310 m:-5440061.95340 m:-2481682.08380 m; site_velocity = 0.000000 m/yr: 0.000000 m/yr: 0.000000 m/yr; * First line below is VEX standard format. Use only when readers are ready. * site_position_epoch = 1858y322d; site_position_epoch = 0; enddef; * def HAYNEW; site_type = fixed; site_name = HAYNEW; site_ID = H2; * elev= 116.69 long= 071:29:17. lat= 42:37:23.9 site_position = 1492404.49080 m:-4457266.52940 m: 4296881.85360 m; site_velocity = -0.015300 m/yr: -0.000990 m/yr: 0.004900 m/yr; * First line below is VEX standard format. Use only when readers are ready. * site_position_epoch = 2013y001d; site_position_epoch = 56293; enddef; *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $ANTENNA; * def VLBA_NL; axis_type = az : el; antenna_motion = el : 28.7 deg/min : 6 sec; * 0.250 deg/sec/sec antenna_motion = az : 82.5 deg/min : 6 sec; * 0.750 deg/sec/sec pointing_sector = &ccw : az : -90.00 deg: 90.00 deg: el : 2.25 deg: 90.00 deg; * cable wrap zone 1 pointing_sector = &n : az : 90.00 deg: 270.00 deg: el : 2.25 deg: 90.00 deg; * cable wrap zone 2 pointing_sector = &cw : az : 270.00 deg: 450.00 deg: el : 2.25 deg: 90.00 deg; * cable wrap zone 3 axis_offset = 2.13080 m; enddef; * def VLBA_FD; axis_type = az : el; antenna_motion = el : 30.5 deg/min : 6 sec; * 0.250 deg/sec/sec antenna_motion = az : 84.3 deg/min : 6 sec; * 0.750 deg/sec/sec pointing_sector = &ccw : az : -90.00 deg: 90.00 deg: el : 2.25 deg: 90.00 deg; * cable wrap zone 1 pointing_sector = &n : az : 90.00 deg: 270.00 deg: el : 2.25 deg: 90.00 deg; * cable wrap zone 2 pointing_sector = &cw : az : 270.00 deg: 450.00 deg: el : 2.25 deg: 90.00 deg; * cable wrap zone 3 axis_offset = 2.13140 m; enddef; * def VLBA_LA; axis_type = az : el; antenna_motion = el : 29.5 deg/min : 6 sec; * 0.250 deg/sec/sec antenna_motion = az : 82.0 deg/min : 6 sec; * 0.750 deg/sec/sec pointing_sector = &ccw : az : -90.00 deg: 90.00 deg: el : 2.25 deg: 90.00 deg; * cable wrap zone 1 pointing_sector = &n : az : 90.00 deg: 270.00 deg: el : 2.25 deg: 90.00 deg; * cable wrap zone 2 pointing_sector = &cw : az : 270.00 deg: 450.00 deg: el : 2.25 deg: 90.00 deg; * cable wrap zone 3 axis_offset = 2.13210 m; enddef; * def VLBA_PT; axis_type = az : el; antenna_motion = el : 29.3 deg/min : 6 sec; * 0.250 deg/sec/sec antenna_motion = az : 82.3 deg/min : 6 sec; * 0.750 deg/sec/sec pointing_sector = &ccw : az : -90.00 deg: 90.00 deg: el : 2.25 deg: 90.00 deg; * cable wrap zone 1 pointing_sector = &n : az : 90.00 deg: 270.00 deg: el : 2.25 deg: 90.00 deg; * cable wrap zone 2 pointing_sector = &cw : az : 270.00 deg: 450.00 deg: el : 2.25 deg: 90.00 deg; * cable wrap zone 3 axis_offset = 2.13750 m; enddef; * def VLBA_KP; axis_type = az : el; antenna_motion = el : 29.4 deg/min : 6 sec; * 0.250 deg/sec/sec antenna_motion = az : 80.8 deg/min : 6 sec; * 0.750 deg/sec/sec pointing_sector = &ccw : az : -90.00 deg: 90.00 deg: el : 2.25 deg: 90.00 deg; * cable wrap zone 1 pointing_sector = &n : az : 90.00 deg: 270.00 deg: el : 2.25 deg: 90.00 deg; * cable wrap zone 2 pointing_sector = &cw : az : 270.00 deg: 450.00 deg: el : 2.25 deg: 90.00 deg; * cable wrap zone 3 axis_offset = 2.13120 m; enddef; * def VLBA_OV; axis_type = az : el; antenna_motion = el : 28.7 deg/min : 6 sec; * 0.250 deg/sec/sec antenna_motion = az : 84.5 deg/min : 6 sec; * 0.750 deg/sec/sec pointing_sector = &ccw : az : -90.00 deg: 90.00 deg: el : 2.25 deg: 90.00 deg; * cable wrap zone 1 pointing_sector = &n : az : 90.00 deg: 270.00 deg: el : 2.25 deg: 90.00 deg; * cable wrap zone 2 pointing_sector = &cw : az : 270.00 deg: 450.00 deg: el : 2.25 deg: 90.00 deg; * cable wrap zone 3 axis_offset = 2.13060 m; enddef; * def VLBA_BR; axis_type = az : el; antenna_motion = el : 29.0 deg/min : 6 sec; * 0.250 deg/sec/sec antenna_motion = az : 83.6 deg/min : 6 sec; * 0.750 deg/sec/sec pointing_sector = &ccw : az : -90.00 deg: 90.00 deg: el : 2.25 deg: 90.00 deg; * cable wrap zone 1 pointing_sector = &n : az : 90.00 deg: 270.00 deg: el : 2.25 deg: 90.00 deg; * cable wrap zone 2 pointing_sector = &cw : az : 270.00 deg: 450.00 deg: el : 2.25 deg: 90.00 deg; * cable wrap zone 3 axis_offset = 2.12990 m; enddef; * def VLBA_MK; axis_type = az : el; antenna_motion = el : 28.3 deg/min : 6 sec; * 0.250 deg/sec/sec antenna_motion = az : 86.8 deg/min : 6 sec; * 0.750 deg/sec/sec pointing_sector = &ccw : az : -90.00 deg: 90.00 deg: el : 2.25 deg: 90.00 deg; * cable wrap zone 1 pointing_sector = &n : az : 90.00 deg: 270.00 deg: el : 2.25 deg: 90.00 deg; * cable wrap zone 2 pointing_sector = &cw : az : 270.00 deg: 450.00 deg: el : 2.25 deg: 90.00 deg; * cable wrap zone 3 axis_offset = 2.13430 m; enddef; * def ALMA; axis_type = az : el; antenna_motion = el : 120.0 deg/min : 0 sec; * 1000.000 deg/sec/sec antenna_motion = az : 120.0 deg/min : 0 sec; * 1000.000 deg/sec/sec axis_offset = 0.00000 m; enddef; * def HAYNEW; axis_type = az : el; antenna_motion = el : 29.3 deg/min : 6 sec; * 0.250 deg/sec/sec antenna_motion = az : 82.3 deg/min : 6 sec; * 0.750 deg/sec/sec axis_offset = -0.00110 m; enddef; *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $DAS; * def 2RDBE2+NONE<; record_transport_type = Mark5C; electronics_rack_type = RDBE2; number_drives = 2; headstack = 1 : : 0 ; headstack = 2 : : 1 ; tape_motion = adaptive : 0 min: 0 min: 10 sec; enddef; * def 2RDBE2+NONE<#02; record_transport_type = Mark5C; electronics_rack_type = RDBE2; number_drives = 2; headstack = 1 : : 0 ; headstack = 2 : : 1 ; tape_motion = adaptive : 0 min: 0 min: 10 sec; enddef; *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $SOURCE; * def 0510+180; source_name = 0510+180; * this source had calibrator code: ra = 05h10m02.3691000s; dec = 18d00'41.581000"; ref_coord_frame = J2000; * ra = 05h07m07.4865138s; dec = 17d56'58.645547"; ref_coord_frame = B1950; * ra = 05h10m58.7629763s; dec = 18d01'42.450123"; ref_coord_frame = Date; enddef; * def 0607-085; source_name = 0607-085; * this source had calibrator code: ra = 06h07m59.6992000s; dec = -08d34'49.978000"; ref_coord_frame = J2000; * ra = 06h05m36.0279297s; dec = -08d34'20.297229"; ref_coord_frame = B1950; * ra = 06h08m45.6715909s; dec = -08d35'08.066339"; ref_coord_frame = Date; enddef; * def 0501-019; source_name = 0501-019; * this source had calibrator code: ra = 05h01m12.8098000s; dec = -01d59'14.256000"; ref_coord_frame = J2000; * ra = 04h58m41.3446040s; dec = -02d03'33.868558"; ref_coord_frame = B1950; * ra = 05h02m01.5229720s; dec = -01d57'57.313628"; ref_coord_frame = Date; enddef; * def 3C138; source_name = 3C138; * this source had calibrator code: ra = 05h21m09.8845000s; dec = 16d38'21.877000"; ref_coord_frame = J2000; * ra = 05h18m16.5126793s; dec = 16d35'26.659432"; ref_coord_frame = B1950; * ra = 05h22m05.7385648s; dec = 16d39'07.446029"; ref_coord_frame = Date; enddef; * def J0423-0120; source_name = J0423-0120; * this source had calibrator code: V * alternate source name: 0420-014 * alternate source name: J0423-01 * GSFC 2015a astro solution, unpublished 47498 observations. ra = 04h23m15.8007261s; dec = -01d20'33.065541"; ref_coord_frame = J2000; * ra = 04h20m43.5398492s; dec = -01d27'28.700246"; ref_coord_frame = B1950; * ra = 04h24m04.9156730s; dec = -01d18'24.219026"; ref_coord_frame = Date; enddef; * def 3C120; source_name = 3C120; * this source had calibrator code: V * alternate source name: J0433+0521 * alternate source name: 0430+052 * alternate source name: J0433+05 * GSFC 2015a astro solution, unpublished 8224 observations. ra = 04h33m11.0955271s; dec = 05d21'15.619205"; ref_coord_frame = J2000; * ra = 04h30m31.6020584s; dec = 05d14'59.616421"; ref_coord_frame = B1950; * ra = 04h34m02.5812487s; dec = 05d23'09.637035"; ref_coord_frame = Date; enddef; * def OJ287; source_name = OJ287; * this source had calibrator code: V * alternate source name: J0854+2006 * alternate source name: 0851+202 * alternate source name: J0854+20 * GSFC 2015a astro solution, unpublished 216540 observations. ra = 08h54m48.8749264s; dec = 20d06'30.640881"; ref_coord_frame = J2000; * ra = 08h51m57.2506147s; dec = 20d17'58.417428"; ref_coord_frame = B1950; * ra = 08h55m43.8286308s; dec = 20d02'41.100676"; ref_coord_frame = Date; enddef; * def P-ORINEW2; source_name = P-ORINEW2; * this source had calibrator code: L * alternate source name: SIO-ORIIRC2 * alternate source name: ORIIRC2 * 3mm test peakup @1MHz BW ra = 05h35m14.5050000s; dec = -05d22'30.450000"; ref_coord_frame = J2000; * ra = 05h32m47.0255239s; dec = -05d24'23.879483"; ref_coord_frame = B1950; * ra = 05h36m01.8001466s; dec = -05d22'01.482303"; ref_coord_frame = Date; * velocity_wrt_LSR = -5.00 km/sec; * warning, only given here for 1st channel * calculations used radio definition enddef; *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $FREQ; * def 86140.00MHz4x128MHz; * mode = 1 stations =Nl:Fd:La:Pt:Kp:Ov:Br:Mk:Aa:H2 sample_rate = 256.000 Ms/sec; * (2bits/sample) chan_def = : 86140.00 MHz : U : 128.00 MHz : &CH01 : &BBC01 : &U_Cal; *Rcp chan_def = : 86140.00 MHz : U : 128.00 MHz : &CH02 : &BBC02 : &U_Cal; *Lcp chan_def = : 86268.00 MHz : U : 128.00 MHz : &CH03 : &BBC03 : &U_Cal; *Rcp chan_def = : 86268.00 MHz : U : 128.00 MHz : &CH04 : &BBC04 : &U_Cal; *Lcp enddef; * def 43115.75MHz4x2MHz; * mode = 2 stations =Nl:Fd:La:Pt:Kp:Ov:Br:Mk sample_rate = 4.000 Ms/sec; * (2bits/sample) chan_def = : 43115.75 MHz : U : 2.00 MHz : &CH01 : &BBC01 : &U_Cal; *Rcp chan_def = : 43115.75 MHz : U : 2.00 MHz : &CH02 : &BBC02 : &U_Cal; *Lcp chan_def = : 43215.75 MHz : U : 2.00 MHz : &CH03 : &BBC03 : &U_Cal; *Rcp chan_def = : 43215.75 MHz : U : 2.00 MHz : &CH04 : &BBC04 : &U_Cal; *Lcp enddef; * def 43120.765625MHz4x2MHz; * mode = 3 stations =Nl:Fd:La:Pt:Kp:Ov:Br:Mk sample_rate = 4.000 Ms/sec; * (2bits/sample) chan_def = : 43120.765625 MHz : U : 2.00 MHz : &CH01 : &BBC01 : &NoCal; *Rcp chan_def = : 43120.765625 MHz : U : 2.00 MHz : &CH02 : &BBC02 : &NoCal; *Lcp chan_def = : 43220.765625 MHz : U : 2.00 MHz : &CH03 : &BBC03 : &NoCal; *Rcp chan_def = : 43220.765625 MHz : U : 2.00 MHz : &CH04 : &BBC04 : &NoCal; *Lcp enddef; * def 86140.00MHz4x128MHz#02; * mode = 4 stations =Nl:Fd:La:Pt:Kp:Ov:Br:Mk:Aa:H2 sample_rate = 256.000 Ms/sec; * (2bits/sample) chan_def = : 86140.00 MHz : U : 128.00 MHz : &CH01 : &BBC01 : &NoCal; *Rcp chan_def = : 86140.00 MHz : U : 128.00 MHz : &CH02 : &BBC02 : &NoCal; *Lcp chan_def = : 86268.00 MHz : U : 128.00 MHz : &CH03 : &BBC03 : &NoCal; *Rcp chan_def = : 86268.00 MHz : U : 128.00 MHz : &CH04 : &BBC04 : &NoCal; *Lcp enddef; *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $IF; * def LO@85500MHzDPolTone/1; * mode = 1 stations =Nl:Fd:La:Pt:Kp:Ov:Br:Mk if_def = &IF_B : B : R : 85500.00 MHz : U : 1 MHz ; * 12900.00 4900.00 3mm 72600 NA if_def = &IF_D : D : L : 85500.00 MHz : U : 1 MHz ; * 12900.00 4900.00 3mm 72600 NA enddef; * def LO@85500MHzDPolTone/1#02; * mode = 1 stations =Aa:H2 if_def = &IF_B : B : R : 85500.00 MHz : U : 1 MHz ; * 0.0 0.0 omit 0 NA if_def = &IF_D : D : L : 85500.00 MHz : U : 1 MHz ; * 0.0 0.0 omit 0 NA enddef; * def LO@42400MHzDPolTone/1; * mode = 2 stations =Nl:Fd:La:Pt:Kp:Ov:Br:Mk if_def = &IF_A : A : R : 42400.00 MHz : U : 1 MHz ; * 3900.00 7600.00 7mm 34800 NA if_def = &IF_C : C : L : 42400.00 MHz : U : 1 MHz ; * 3900.00 7600.00 7mm 34800 NA enddef; * def LO@42400MHzDPolNoTone; * mode = 3 stations =Nl:Fd:La:Pt:Kp:Ov:Br:Mk if_def = &IF_A : A : R : 42400.00 MHz : U ; * PCall off! 3900.00 7600.00 7mm 34800 NA if_def = &IF_C : C : L : 42400.00 MHz : U ; * PCall off! 3900.00 7600.00 7mm 34800 NA enddef; * def LO@85500MHzDPolNoTone; * mode = 4 stations =Nl:Fd:La:Pt:Kp:Ov:Br:Mk if_def = &IF_B : B : R : 85500.00 MHz : U ; * PCall off! 12900.00 4900.00 3mm 72600 NA if_def = &IF_D : D : L : 85500.00 MHz : U ; * PCall off! 12900.00 4900.00 3mm 72600 NA enddef; * def LO@85500MHzDPolNoTone#02; * mode = 4 stations =Aa:H2 if_def = &IF_B : B : R : 85500.00 MHz : U ; * PCall off! 0.0 0.0 omit 0 NA if_def = &IF_D : D : L : 85500.00 MHz : U ; * PCall off! 0.0 0.0 omit 0 NA enddef; *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $BBC; * def 4BBCs; * mode = 1 stations =Nl:Fd:La:Pt:Kp:Ov:Br:Mk:Aa:H2 * mode = 4 stations =Nl:Fd:La:Pt:Kp:Ov:Br:Mk:Aa:H2 BBC_assign = &BBC01 : 1 : &IF_B; BBC_assign = &BBC02 : 2 : &IF_D; BBC_assign = &BBC03 : 3 : &IF_B; BBC_assign = &BBC04 : 4 : &IF_D; enddef; * def 4BBCs#02; * mode = 2 stations =Nl:Fd:La:Pt:Kp:Ov:Br:Mk * mode = 3 stations =Nl:Fd:La:Pt:Kp:Ov:Br:Mk BBC_assign = &BBC01 : 1 : &IF_A; BBC_assign = &BBC02 : 2 : &IF_C; BBC_assign = &BBC03 : 3 : &IF_A; BBC_assign = &BBC04 : 4 : &IF_C; enddef; *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $PHASE_CAL_DETECT; * def UsbDetect; * mode = 1 stations =Nl:Fd:La:Pt:Kp:Ov:Br:Mk:Aa:H2 phase_cal_detect = &U_Cal : 2 :128 : 0; enddef; * def UsbDetect#02; * mode = 2 stations =Nl:Fd:La:Pt:Kp:Ov:Br:Mk phase_cal_detect = &U_Cal : 1 : 2 : 0; enddef; * def NoDetect; * mode = 3 stations =Nl:Fd:La:Pt:Kp:Ov:Br:Mk phase_cal_detect = &NoCal; enddef; * def NoDetect#02; * mode = 4 stations =Nl:Fd:La:Pt:Kp:Ov:Br:Mk:Aa:H2 phase_cal_detect = &NoCal; enddef; *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $TRACKS; * def VDIF.4Ch2bit1to1; * mode = 1 stations =Nl:Fd:La:Pt:Kp:Ov:Br:Mk:Aa:H2 * mode = 4 stations =Nl:Fd:La:Pt:Kp:Ov:Br:Mk:Aa:H2 * firmware_type = RDBE_DDC; * format = VDIF, and fan-out = 1 * mode requires 256.00Mb/s/tr; stations using disks track_frame_format = VDIF5032; fanout_def = : &CH01 : sign : 1: 1; fanout_def = : &CH01 : mag : 1: 1; fanout_def = : &CH02 : sign : 1: 2; fanout_def = : &CH02 : mag : 1: 2; fanout_def = : &CH03 : sign : 1: 3; fanout_def = : &CH03 : mag : 1: 3; fanout_def = : &CH04 : sign : 1: 4; fanout_def = : &CH04 : mag : 1: 4; enddef; * def VDIF.4Ch2bit1to1#02; * mode = 2 stations =Nl:Fd:La:Pt:Kp:Ov:Br:Mk * mode = 3 stations =Nl:Fd:La:Pt:Kp:Ov:Br:Mk * firmware_type = RDBE_DDC; * format = VDIF, and fan-out = 1 * mode requires 4.00Mb/s/tr; stations using disks track_frame_format = VDIF5032; fanout_def = : &CH01 : sign : 1: 1; fanout_def = : &CH01 : mag : 1: 1; fanout_def = : &CH02 : sign : 1: 2; fanout_def = : &CH02 : mag : 1: 2; fanout_def = : &CH03 : sign : 1: 3; fanout_def = : &CH03 : mag : 1: 3; fanout_def = : &CH04 : sign : 1: 4; fanout_def = : &CH04 : mag : 1: 4; enddef; *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $HEAD_POS; def DiskVoid; * mode = 1 stations =Nl:Fd:La:Pt:Kp:Ov:Br:Mk:Aa:H2 * mode = 2 stations =Nl:Fd:La:Pt:Kp:Ov:Br:Mk * mode = 3 stations =Nl:Fd:La:Pt:Kp:Ov:Br:Mk * mode = 4 stations =Nl:Fd:La:Pt:Kp:Ov:Br:Mk:Aa:H2 * Head positions irrelevant for Disk: empty def enddef; *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $PASS_ORDER; * def DiskVoid; * mode = 1 stations =Nl:Fd:La:Pt:Kp:Ov:Br:Mk:Aa:H2 * mode = 2 stations =Nl:Fd:La:Pt:Kp:Ov:Br:Mk * mode = 3 stations =Nl:Fd:La:Pt:Kp:Ov:Br:Mk * mode = 4 stations =Nl:Fd:La:Pt:Kp:Ov:Br:Mk:Aa:H2 * Pass orders irrelevant for Disk: empty def enddef; *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $ROLL; * def NoRoll; * mode = 1 stations =Nl:Fd:La:Pt:Kp:Ov:Br:Mk:Aa:H2 * mode = 2 stations =Nl:Fd:La:Pt:Kp:Ov:Br:Mk * mode = 3 stations =Nl:Fd:La:Pt:Kp:Ov:Br:Mk * mode = 4 stations =Nl:Fd:La:Pt:Kp:Ov:Br:Mk:Aa:H2 * barrel-roll set to 'roll_off', so reverse-roll by 0 (1 head) roll = off; enddef; *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $SCHED; * schedule section for experiment bm452c * 3mm VLBA+ALMA observing scan No0001; * intent = "REFERENCE_POINTING_DETERMINE" start=2016y192d15h00m00s; mode=Doppler@P-ORINEW2; source=P-ORINEW2; * :data_good:data_stop:goto_foot: pass: wrap :driv:tape at station=Nl: 0 sec: 420 sec: 0.000 GB: : &n : 0; station=Fd: 0 sec: 420 sec: 0.000 GB: : &n : 0; station=La: 0 sec: 420 sec: 0.000 GB: : &n : 0; station=Pt: 0 sec: 420 sec: 0.000 GB: : &n : 0; station=Kp: 0 sec: 420 sec: 0.000 GB: : &n : 0; station=Ov: 0 sec: 420 sec: 0.000 GB: : &n : 0; station=Br: 0 sec: 420 sec: 0.000 GB: : &n : 0; station=Mk: 0 sec: 420 sec: 0.000 GB: : &n : 0; endscan; scan No0002; * intent = "ALMA:AUTOPHASE_DETERMINE" * intent = "REFERENCE_POINTING_APPLY" start=2016y192d15h08m00s; mode=PulseCalOFF; source=0501-019; station=Nl: 0 sec: 240 sec: 0.000 GB: : &n : 1; station=Fd: 0 sec: 240 sec: 0.000 GB: : &n : 1; station=La: 0 sec: 240 sec: 0.000 GB: : &n : 1; station=Pt: 0 sec: 240 sec: 0.000 GB: : &n : 1; station=Kp: 0 sec: 240 sec: 0.000 GB: : &n : 1; station=Ov: 0 sec: 240 sec: 0.000 GB: : &n : 1; station=Br: 0 sec: 240 sec: 0.000 GB: : &n : 1; station=Mk: 0 sec: 240 sec: 0.000 GB: : &n : 1; station=Aa: 0 sec: 240 sec: 0.000 GB: : : 1; station=H2: 0 sec: 240 sec: 0.000 GB: : : 1; endscan; scan No0003; * intent = "ALMA:AUTOPHASE_DETERMINE" * intent = "REFERENCE_POINTING_APPLY" start=2016y192d15h15m00s; mode=PulseCalOFF; source=0510+180; station=Nl: 0 sec: 240 sec: 61.833 GB: : &n : 1; station=Fd: 0 sec: 240 sec: 61.833 GB: : &n : 1; station=La: 0 sec: 240 sec: 61.833 GB: : &n : 1; station=Pt: 0 sec: 240 sec: 61.833 GB: : &n : 1; station=Kp: 0 sec: 240 sec: 61.833 GB: : &n : 1; station=Ov: 0 sec: 240 sec: 61.833 GB: : &n : 1; station=Br: 0 sec: 240 sec: 61.833 GB: : &n : 1; station=Mk: 0 sec: 240 sec: 61.833 GB: : &ccw : 1; station=Aa: 0 sec: 240 sec: 61.833 GB: : : 1; station=H2: 0 sec: 240 sec: 61.833 GB: : : 1; endscan; scan No0004; * intent = "ALMA:AUTOPHASE_DETERMINE" * intent = "REFERENCE_POINTING_APPLY" start=2016y192d15h22m00s; mode=PulseCalOFF; source=0501-019; station=Nl: 0 sec: 240 sec: 123.666 GB: : &n : 1; station=Fd: 0 sec: 240 sec: 123.666 GB: : &n : 1; station=La: 0 sec: 240 sec: 123.666 GB: : &n : 1; station=Pt: 0 sec: 240 sec: 123.666 GB: : &n : 1; station=Kp: 0 sec: 240 sec: 123.666 GB: : &n : 1; station=Ov: 0 sec: 240 sec: 123.666 GB: : &n : 1; station=Br: 0 sec: 240 sec: 123.666 GB: : &n : 1; station=Mk: 0 sec: 240 sec: 123.666 GB: : &n : 1; station=Aa: 0 sec: 240 sec: 123.666 GB: : : 1; station=H2: 0 sec: 240 sec: 123.666 GB: : : 1; endscan; scan No0005; * intent = "ALMA:AUTOPHASE_DETERMINE" * intent = "REFERENCE_POINTING_APPLY" start=2016y192d15h29m00s; mode=PulseCalOFF; source=J0423-0120; station=Nl: 0 sec: 240 sec: 185.500 GB: : &n : 1; station=Fd: 0 sec: 240 sec: 185.500 GB: : &n : 1; station=La: 0 sec: 240 sec: 185.500 GB: : &n : 1; station=Pt: 0 sec: 240 sec: 185.500 GB: : &n : 1; station=Kp: 0 sec: 240 sec: 185.500 GB: : &n : 1; station=Ov: 0 sec: 240 sec: 185.500 GB: : &n : 1; station=Br: 0 sec: 240 sec: 185.500 GB: : &n : 1; station=Mk: 0 sec: 240 sec: 185.500 GB: : &n : 1; station=Aa: 0 sec: 240 sec: 185.500 GB: : : 1; station=H2: 0 sec: 240 sec: 185.500 GB: : : 1; endscan; scan No0006; * intent = "ALMA:AUTOPHASE_DETERMINE" * intent = "REFERENCE_POINTING_APPLY" start=2016y192d15h36m00s; mode=PulseCalOFF; source=0501-019; station=Nl: 0 sec: 240 sec: 247.333 GB: : &n : 1; station=Fd: 0 sec: 240 sec: 247.333 GB: : &n : 1; station=La: 0 sec: 240 sec: 247.333 GB: : &n : 1; station=Pt: 0 sec: 240 sec: 247.333 GB: : &n : 1; station=Kp: 0 sec: 240 sec: 247.333 GB: : &n : 1; station=Ov: 0 sec: 240 sec: 247.333 GB: : &n : 1; station=Br: 0 sec: 240 sec: 247.333 GB: : &n : 1; station=Mk: 0 sec: 240 sec: 247.333 GB: : &n : 1; station=Aa: 0 sec: 240 sec: 247.333 GB: : : 1; station=H2: 0 sec: 240 sec: 247.333 GB: : : 1; endscan; scan No0007; * intent = "ALMA:AUTOPHASE_DETERMINE" * intent = "REFERENCE_POINTING_APPLY" start=2016y192d15h43m00s; mode=PulseCalOFF; source=0510+180; * :data_good:data_stop:goto_foot: pass: wrap :driv:tape at station=Nl: 0 sec: 240 sec: 309.166 GB: : &n : 1; station=Fd: 0 sec: 240 sec: 309.166 GB: : &n : 1; station=La: 0 sec: 240 sec: 309.166 GB: : &n : 1; station=Pt: 0 sec: 240 sec: 309.166 GB: : &n : 1; station=Kp: 0 sec: 240 sec: 309.166 GB: : &n : 1; station=Ov: 0 sec: 240 sec: 309.166 GB: : &n : 1; station=Br: 0 sec: 240 sec: 309.166 GB: : &n : 1; station=Mk: 0 sec: 240 sec: 309.166 GB: : &ccw : 1; station=Aa: 0 sec: 240 sec: 309.166 GB: : : 1; station=H2: 0 sec: 240 sec: 309.166 GB: : : 1; endscan; scan No0008; * intent = "REFERENCE_POINTING_DETERMINE" start=2016y192d15h48m30s; mode=Doppler@P-ORINEW2; source=P-ORINEW2; station=Nl: 0 sec: 300 sec: 370.999 GB: : &n : 0; station=Fd: 0 sec: 300 sec: 370.999 GB: : &n : 0; station=La: 0 sec: 300 sec: 370.999 GB: : &n : 0; station=Pt: 0 sec: 300 sec: 370.999 GB: : &n : 0; station=Kp: 0 sec: 300 sec: 370.999 GB: : &n : 0; station=Ov: 0 sec: 300 sec: 370.999 GB: : &n : 0; station=Br: 0 sec: 300 sec: 370.999 GB: : &n : 0; station=Mk: 0 sec: 300 sec: 370.999 GB: : &n : 0; endscan; scan No0009; * intent = "ALMA:AUTOPHASE_DETERMINE" * intent = "REFERENCE_POINTING_APPLY" start=2016y192d15h55m00s; mode=PulseCalOFF; source=0501-019; station=Nl: 0 sec: 240 sec: 370.999 GB: : &n : 1; station=Fd: 0 sec: 240 sec: 370.999 GB: : &n : 1; station=La: 0 sec: 240 sec: 370.999 GB: : &n : 1; station=Pt: 0 sec: 240 sec: 370.999 GB: : &n : 1; station=Kp: 0 sec: 240 sec: 370.999 GB: : &n : 1; station=Ov: 0 sec: 240 sec: 370.999 GB: : &n : 1; station=Br: 0 sec: 240 sec: 370.999 GB: : &n : 1; station=Mk: 0 sec: 240 sec: 370.999 GB: : &n : 1; station=Aa: 0 sec: 240 sec: 370.999 GB: : : 1; station=H2: 0 sec: 240 sec: 370.999 GB: : : 1; endscan; scan No0010; * intent = "ALMA:AUTOPHASE_DETERMINE" * intent = "REFERENCE_POINTING_APPLY" start=2016y192d16h02m00s; mode=PulseCalOFF; source=0510+180; station=Nl: 0 sec: 240 sec: 432.833 GB: : &n : 1; station=Fd: 0 sec: 240 sec: 432.833 GB: : &n : 1; station=La: 0 sec: 240 sec: 432.833 GB: : &n : 1; station=Pt: 0 sec: 240 sec: 432.833 GB: : &n : 1; station=Kp: 0 sec: 240 sec: 432.833 GB: : &n : 1; station=Ov: 0 sec: 240 sec: 432.833 GB: : &n : 1; station=Br: 0 sec: 240 sec: 432.833 GB: : &n : 1; station=Mk: 0 sec: 240 sec: 432.833 GB: : &ccw : 1; station=Aa: 0 sec: 240 sec: 432.833 GB: : : 1; station=H2: 0 sec: 240 sec: 432.833 GB: : : 1; endscan; scan No0011; * intent = "ALMA:AUTOPHASE_DETERMINE" * intent = "REFERENCE_POINTING_APPLY" start=2016y192d16h09m00s; mode=PulseCalOFF; source=0607-085; station=Nl: 0 sec: 240 sec: 494.666 GB: : &n : 1; station=Fd: 0 sec: 240 sec: 494.666 GB: : &n : 1; station=La: 0 sec: 240 sec: 494.666 GB: : &n : 1; station=Pt: 0 sec: 240 sec: 494.666 GB: : &n : 1; station=Kp: 0 sec: 240 sec: 494.666 GB: : &n : 1; station=Ov: 0 sec: 240 sec: 494.666 GB: : &n : 1; station=Br: 0 sec: 240 sec: 494.666 GB: : &n : 1; station=Mk: 0 sec: 240 sec: 494.666 GB: : &n : 1; station=Aa: 0 sec: 240 sec: 494.666 GB: : : 1; station=H2: 0 sec: 240 sec: 494.666 GB: : : 1; endscan; scan No0012; * intent = "ALMA:AUTOPHASE_DETERMINE" * intent = "REFERENCE_POINTING_APPLY" start=2016y192d16h16m00s; mode=PulseCalOFF; source=0501-019; station=Nl: 0 sec: 240 sec: 556.499 GB: : &n : 1; station=Fd: 0 sec: 240 sec: 556.499 GB: : &n : 1; station=La: 0 sec: 240 sec: 556.499 GB: : &n : 1; station=Pt: 0 sec: 240 sec: 556.499 GB: : &n : 1; station=Kp: 0 sec: 240 sec: 556.499 GB: : &n : 1; station=Ov: 0 sec: 240 sec: 556.499 GB: : &n : 1; station=Br: 0 sec: 240 sec: 556.499 GB: : &n : 1; station=Mk: 0 sec: 240 sec: 556.499 GB: : &n : 1; station=Aa: 0 sec: 240 sec: 556.499 GB: : : 1; station=H2: 0 sec: 240 sec: 556.499 GB: : : 1; endscan; scan No0013; * intent = "ALMA:AUTOPHASE_DETERMINE" * intent = "REFERENCE_POINTING_APPLY" start=2016y192d16h23m00s; mode=PulseCalOFF; source=3C120; * :data_good:data_stop:goto_foot: pass: wrap :driv:tape at station=Nl: 0 sec: 240 sec: 618.332 GB: : &n : 1; station=Fd: 0 sec: 240 sec: 618.332 GB: : &n : 1; station=La: 0 sec: 240 sec: 618.332 GB: : &n : 1; station=Pt: 0 sec: 240 sec: 618.332 GB: : &n : 1; station=Kp: 0 sec: 240 sec: 618.332 GB: : &n : 1; station=Ov: 0 sec: 240 sec: 618.332 GB: : &n : 1; station=Br: 0 sec: 240 sec: 618.332 GB: : &n : 1; station=Mk: 0 sec: 240 sec: 618.332 GB: : &n : 1; station=Aa: 0 sec: 240 sec: 618.332 GB: : : 1; station=H2: 0 sec: 240 sec: 618.332 GB: : : 1; endscan; scan No0014; * intent = "ALMA:AUTOPHASE_DETERMINE" * intent = "REFERENCE_POINTING_APPLY" start=2016y192d16h30m00s; mode=PulseCalOFF; source=0607-085; station=Nl: 0 sec: 240 sec: 680.165 GB: : &n : 1; station=Fd: 0 sec: 240 sec: 680.165 GB: : &n : 1; station=La: 0 sec: 240 sec: 680.165 GB: : &n : 1; station=Pt: 0 sec: 240 sec: 680.165 GB: : &n : 1; station=Kp: 0 sec: 240 sec: 680.165 GB: : &n : 1; station=Ov: 0 sec: 240 sec: 680.165 GB: : &n : 1; station=Br: 0 sec: 240 sec: 680.165 GB: : &n : 1; station=Mk: 0 sec: 240 sec: 680.165 GB: : &n : 1; station=Aa: 0 sec: 240 sec: 680.165 GB: : : 1; station=H2: 0 sec: 240 sec: 680.165 GB: : : 1; endscan; scan No0015; * intent = "ALMA:AUTOPHASE_DETERMINE" * intent = "REFERENCE_POINTING_APPLY" start=2016y192d16h37m00s; mode=PulseCalOFF; source=0510+180; station=Nl: 0 sec: 240 sec: 741.999 GB: : &n : 1; station=Fd: 0 sec: 240 sec: 741.999 GB: : &n : 1; station=La: 0 sec: 240 sec: 741.999 GB: : &n : 1; station=Pt: 0 sec: 240 sec: 741.999 GB: : &n : 1; station=Kp: 0 sec: 240 sec: 741.999 GB: : &n : 1; station=Ov: 0 sec: 240 sec: 741.999 GB: : &n : 1; station=Br: 0 sec: 240 sec: 741.999 GB: : &n : 1; station=Mk: 0 sec: 240 sec: 741.999 GB: : &ccw : 1; station=Aa: 0 sec: 240 sec: 741.999 GB: : : 1; station=H2: 0 sec: 240 sec: 741.999 GB: : : 1; endscan; scan No0016; * intent = "REFERENCE_POINTING_DETERMINE" start=2016y192d16h42m30s; mode=Doppler@P-ORINEW2; source=P-ORINEW2; station=Nl: 0 sec: 300 sec: 803.832 GB: : &n : 0; station=Fd: 0 sec: 300 sec: 803.832 GB: : &n : 0; station=La: 0 sec: 300 sec: 803.832 GB: : &n : 0; station=Pt: 0 sec: 300 sec: 803.832 GB: : &n : 0; station=Kp: 0 sec: 300 sec: 803.832 GB: : &n : 0; station=Ov: 0 sec: 300 sec: 803.832 GB: : &n : 0; station=Br: 0 sec: 300 sec: 803.832 GB: : &n : 0; station=Mk: 0 sec: 300 sec: 803.832 GB: : &n : 0; endscan; scan No0017; * intent = "ALMA:AUTOPHASE_DETERMINE" * intent = "REFERENCE_POINTING_APPLY" start=2016y192d16h49m00s; mode=PulseCalOFF; source=0501-019; station=Nl: 0 sec: 240 sec: 803.832 GB: : &n : 1; station=Fd: 0 sec: 240 sec: 803.832 GB: : &n : 1; station=La: 0 sec: 240 sec: 803.832 GB: : &n : 1; station=Pt: 0 sec: 240 sec: 803.832 GB: : &n : 1; station=Kp: 0 sec: 240 sec: 803.832 GB: : &n : 1; station=Ov: 0 sec: 240 sec: 803.832 GB: : &n : 1; station=Br: 0 sec: 240 sec: 803.832 GB: : &n : 1; station=Mk: 0 sec: 240 sec: 803.832 GB: : &n : 1; station=Aa: 0 sec: 240 sec: 803.832 GB: : : 1; station=H2: 0 sec: 240 sec: 803.832 GB: : : 1; endscan; scan No0018; * intent = "ALMA:AUTOPHASE_DETERMINE" * intent = "REFERENCE_POINTING_APPLY" start=2016y192d16h56m00s; mode=PulseCalOFF; source=0510+180; station=Nl: 0 sec: 240 sec: 865.665 GB: : &n : 1; station=Fd: 0 sec: 240 sec: 865.665 GB: : &n : 1; station=La: 0 sec: 240 sec: 865.665 GB: : &n : 1; station=Pt: 0 sec: 240 sec: 865.665 GB: : &n : 1; station=Kp: 0 sec: 240 sec: 865.665 GB: : &n : 1; station=Ov: 0 sec: 240 sec: 865.665 GB: : &n : 1; station=Br: 0 sec: 240 sec: 865.665 GB: : &n : 1; station=Mk: 0 sec: 240 sec: 865.665 GB: : &ccw : 1; station=Aa: 0 sec: 240 sec: 865.665 GB: : : 1; station=H2: 0 sec: 240 sec: 865.665 GB: : : 1; endscan; scan No0019; * intent = "ALMA:AUTOPHASE_DETERMINE" * intent = "REFERENCE_POINTING_APPLY" start=2016y192d17h03m00s; mode=PulseCalOFF; source=0607-085; * :data_good:data_stop:goto_foot: pass: wrap :driv:tape at station=Nl: 0 sec: 240 sec: 927.498 GB: : &n : 1; station=Fd: 0 sec: 240 sec: 927.498 GB: : &n : 1; station=La: 0 sec: 240 sec: 927.498 GB: : &n : 1; station=Pt: 0 sec: 240 sec: 927.498 GB: : &n : 1; station=Kp: 0 sec: 240 sec: 927.498 GB: : &n : 1; station=Ov: 0 sec: 240 sec: 927.498 GB: : &n : 1; station=Br: 0 sec: 240 sec: 927.498 GB: : &n : 1; station=Mk: 0 sec: 240 sec: 927.498 GB: : &n : 1; station=Aa: 0 sec: 240 sec: 927.498 GB: : : 1; station=H2: 0 sec: 240 sec: 927.498 GB: : : 1; endscan; scan No0020; * intent = "ALMA:AUTOPHASE_DETERMINE" * intent = "REFERENCE_POINTING_APPLY" start=2016y192d17h10m00s; mode=PulseCalOFF; source=0501-019; station=Nl: 0 sec: 240 sec: 989.331 GB: : &n : 1; station=Fd: 0 sec: 240 sec: 989.331 GB: : &n : 1; station=La: 0 sec: 240 sec: 989.331 GB: : &n : 1; station=Pt: 0 sec: 240 sec: 989.331 GB: : &n : 1; station=Kp: 0 sec: 240 sec: 989.331 GB: : &n : 1; station=Ov: 0 sec: 240 sec: 989.331 GB: : &n : 1; station=Br: 0 sec: 240 sec: 989.331 GB: : &n : 1; station=Mk: 0 sec: 240 sec: 989.331 GB: : &n : 1; station=Aa: 0 sec: 240 sec: 989.331 GB: : : 1; station=H2: 0 sec: 240 sec: 989.331 GB: : : 1; endscan; scan No0021; * intent = "ALMA:AUTOPHASE_DETERMINE" * intent = "REFERENCE_POINTING_APPLY" start=2016y192d17h17m00s; mode=PulseCalOFF; source=3C120; station=Nl: 0 sec: 240 sec: 1051.165 GB: : &n : 1; station=Fd: 0 sec: 240 sec: 1051.165 GB: : &n : 1; station=La: 0 sec: 240 sec: 1051.165 GB: : &n : 1; station=Pt: 0 sec: 240 sec: 1051.165 GB: : &n : 1; station=Kp: 0 sec: 240 sec: 1051.165 GB: : &n : 1; station=Ov: 0 sec: 240 sec: 1051.165 GB: : &n : 1; station=Br: 0 sec: 240 sec: 1051.165 GB: : &n : 1; station=Mk: 0 sec: 240 sec: 1051.165 GB: : &n : 1; station=Aa: 0 sec: 240 sec: 1051.165 GB: : : 1; station=H2: 0 sec: 240 sec: 1051.165 GB: : : 1; endscan; scan No0022; * intent = "ALMA:AUTOPHASE_DETERMINE" * intent = "REFERENCE_POINTING_APPLY" start=2016y192d17h24m00s; mode=PulseCalOFF; source=0607-085; station=Nl: 0 sec: 240 sec: 1112.998 GB: : &n : 1; station=Fd: 0 sec: 240 sec: 1112.998 GB: : &n : 1; station=La: 0 sec: 240 sec: 1112.998 GB: : &n : 1; station=Pt: 0 sec: 240 sec: 1112.998 GB: : &n : 1; station=Kp: 0 sec: 240 sec: 1112.998 GB: : &n : 1; station=Ov: 0 sec: 240 sec: 1112.998 GB: : &n : 1; station=Br: 0 sec: 240 sec: 1112.998 GB: : &n : 1; station=Mk: 0 sec: 240 sec: 1112.998 GB: : &n : 1; station=Aa: 0 sec: 240 sec: 1112.998 GB: : : 1; station=H2: 0 sec: 240 sec: 1112.998 GB: : : 1; endscan; scan No0023; * intent = "ALMA:AUTOPHASE_DETERMINE" * intent = "REFERENCE_POINTING_APPLY" start=2016y192d17h31m00s; mode=PulseCalOFF; source=0510+180; station=Nl: 0 sec: 240 sec: 1174.831 GB: : &n : 1; station=Fd: 0 sec: 240 sec: 1174.831 GB: : &n : 1; station=La: 0 sec: 240 sec: 1174.831 GB: : &n : 1; station=Pt: 0 sec: 240 sec: 1174.831 GB: : &n : 1; station=Kp: 0 sec: 240 sec: 1174.831 GB: : &n : 1; station=Ov: 0 sec: 240 sec: 1174.831 GB: : &n : 1; station=Br: 0 sec: 240 sec: 1174.831 GB: : &n : 1; station=Mk: 0 sec: 240 sec: 1174.831 GB: : &ccw : 1; station=Aa: 0 sec: 240 sec: 1174.831 GB: : : 1; station=H2: 0 sec: 240 sec: 1174.831 GB: : : 1; endscan; scan No0024; * intent = "REFERENCE_POINTING_DETERMINE" start=2016y192d17h36m30s; mode=Doppler@P-ORINEW2; source=P-ORINEW2; station=Nl: 0 sec: 300 sec: 1236.664 GB: : &n : 0; station=Fd: 0 sec: 300 sec: 1236.664 GB: : &n : 0; station=La: 0 sec: 300 sec: 1236.664 GB: : &n : 0; station=Pt: 0 sec: 300 sec: 1236.664 GB: : &n : 0; station=Kp: 0 sec: 300 sec: 1236.664 GB: : &n : 0; station=Ov: 0 sec: 300 sec: 1236.664 GB: : &n : 0; station=Br: 0 sec: 300 sec: 1236.664 GB: : &n : 0; station=Mk: 0 sec: 300 sec: 1236.664 GB: : &n : 0; endscan; scan No0025; * intent = "ALMA:AUTOPHASE_DETERMINE" * intent = "REFERENCE_POINTING_APPLY" start=2016y192d17h43m00s; mode=PulseCalOFF; source=0501-019; * :data_good:data_stop:goto_foot: pass: wrap :driv:tape at station=Nl: 0 sec: 240 sec: 1236.664 GB: : &n : 1; station=Fd: 0 sec: 240 sec: 1236.664 GB: : &n : 1; station=La: 0 sec: 240 sec: 1236.664 GB: : &n : 1; station=Pt: 0 sec: 240 sec: 1236.664 GB: : &n : 1; station=Kp: 0 sec: 240 sec: 1236.664 GB: : &n : 1; station=Ov: 0 sec: 240 sec: 1236.664 GB: : &n : 1; station=Br: 0 sec: 240 sec: 1236.664 GB: : &n : 1; station=Mk: 0 sec: 240 sec: 1236.664 GB: : &n : 1; station=Aa: 0 sec: 240 sec: 1236.664 GB: : : 1; station=H2: 0 sec: 240 sec: 1236.664 GB: : : 1; endscan; scan No0026; * intent = "ALMA:AUTOPHASE_DETERMINE" * intent = "REFERENCE_POINTING_APPLY" start=2016y192d17h50m00s; mode=PulseCalOFF; source=0510+180; station=Nl: 0 sec: 240 sec: 1298.498 GB: : &n : 1; station=Fd: 0 sec: 240 sec: 1298.498 GB: : &n : 1; station=La: 0 sec: 240 sec: 1298.498 GB: : &n : 1; station=Pt: 0 sec: 240 sec: 1298.498 GB: : &n : 1; station=Kp: 0 sec: 240 sec: 1298.498 GB: : &n : 1; station=Ov: 0 sec: 240 sec: 1298.498 GB: : &n : 1; station=Br: 0 sec: 240 sec: 1298.498 GB: : &n : 1; station=Mk: 0 sec: 240 sec: 1298.498 GB: : &ccw : 1; station=Aa: 0 sec: 240 sec: 1298.498 GB: : : 1; station=H2: 0 sec: 240 sec: 1298.498 GB: : : 1; endscan; scan No0027; * intent = "ALMA:AUTOPHASE_DETERMINE" * intent = "REFERENCE_POINTING_APPLY" start=2016y192d17h57m00s; mode=PulseCalOFF; source=0607-085; station=Nl: 0 sec: 240 sec: 1360.331 GB: : &n : 1; station=Fd: 0 sec: 240 sec: 1360.331 GB: : &n : 1; station=La: 0 sec: 240 sec: 1360.331 GB: : &n : 1; station=Pt: 0 sec: 240 sec: 1360.331 GB: : &n : 1; station=Kp: 0 sec: 240 sec: 1360.331 GB: : &n : 1; station=Ov: 0 sec: 240 sec: 1360.331 GB: : &n : 1; station=Br: 0 sec: 240 sec: 1360.331 GB: : &n : 1; station=Mk: 0 sec: 240 sec: 1360.331 GB: : &n : 1; station=Aa: 0 sec: 240 sec: 1360.331 GB: : : 1; station=H2: 0 sec: 240 sec: 1360.331 GB: : : 1; endscan; scan No0028; * intent = "ALMA:AUTOPHASE_DETERMINE" * intent = "REFERENCE_POINTING_APPLY" start=2016y192d18h04m00s; mode=PulseCalOFF; source=0501-019; station=Nl: 0 sec: 240 sec: 1422.164 GB: : &n : 1; station=Fd: 0 sec: 240 sec: 1422.164 GB: : &n : 1; station=La: 0 sec: 240 sec: 1422.164 GB: : &n : 1; station=Pt: 0 sec: 240 sec: 1422.164 GB: : &n : 1; station=Kp: 0 sec: 240 sec: 1422.164 GB: : &n : 1; station=Ov: 0 sec: 240 sec: 1422.164 GB: : &n : 1; station=Br: 0 sec: 240 sec: 1422.164 GB: : &n : 1; station=Mk: 0 sec: 240 sec: 1422.164 GB: : &n : 1; station=Aa: 0 sec: 240 sec: 1422.164 GB: : : 1; station=H2: 0 sec: 240 sec: 1422.164 GB: : : 1; endscan; scan No0029; * intent = "ALMA:AUTOPHASE_DETERMINE" * intent = "REFERENCE_POINTING_APPLY" start=2016y192d18h11m00s; mode=PulseCalOFF; source=0510+180; station=Aa: 0 sec: 90 sec: 1483.997 GB: : : 1; endscan; scan No0030; * intent = "ALMA:AUTOPHASE_APPLY" * intent = "REFERENCE_POINTING_APPLY" start=2016y192d18h13m00s; mode=PulseCalOFF; source=3C138; station=Nl: 0 sec: 240 sec: 1483.997 GB: : &n : 1; station=Fd: 0 sec: 240 sec: 1483.997 GB: : &n : 1; station=La: 0 sec: 240 sec: 1483.997 GB: : &n : 1; station=Pt: 0 sec: 240 sec: 1483.997 GB: : &n : 1; station=Kp: 0 sec: 240 sec: 1483.997 GB: : &n : 1; station=Ov: 0 sec: 240 sec: 1483.997 GB: : &n : 1; station=Br: 0 sec: 240 sec: 1483.997 GB: : &n : 1; station=Mk: 0 sec: 240 sec: 1483.997 GB: : &n : 1; station=Aa: 0 sec: 240 sec: 1507.185 GB: : : 1; station=H2: 0 sec: 240 sec: 1483.997 GB: : : 1; endscan; scan No0031; * intent = "REFERENCE_POINTING_DETERMINE" start=2016y192d18h18m30s; mode=Doppler@P-ORINEW2; source=P-ORINEW2; * :data_good:data_stop:goto_foot: pass: wrap :driv:tape at station=Nl: 0 sec: 300 sec: 1545.831 GB: : &n : 0; station=Fd: 0 sec: 300 sec: 1545.831 GB: : &n : 0; station=La: 0 sec: 300 sec: 1545.831 GB: : &n : 0; station=Pt: 0 sec: 300 sec: 1545.831 GB: : &n : 0; station=Kp: 0 sec: 300 sec: 1545.831 GB: : &n : 0; station=Ov: 0 sec: 300 sec: 1545.831 GB: : &n : 0; station=Br: 0 sec: 300 sec: 1545.831 GB: : &n : 0; station=Mk: 0 sec: 300 sec: 1545.831 GB: : &n : 0; endscan; scan No0032; * intent = "ALMA:AUTOPHASE_DETERMINE" * intent = "REFERENCE_POINTING_APPLY" start=2016y192d18h26m00s; mode=PulseCalOFF; source=0607-085; station=Nl: 0 sec: 240 sec: 1545.831 GB: : &n : 1; station=Fd: 0 sec: 240 sec: 1545.831 GB: : &n : 1; station=La: 0 sec: 240 sec: 1545.831 GB: : &n : 1; station=Pt: 0 sec: 240 sec: 1545.831 GB: : &n : 1; station=Kp: 0 sec: 240 sec: 1545.831 GB: : &n : 1; station=Ov: 0 sec: 240 sec: 1545.831 GB: : &n : 1; station=Br: 0 sec: 240 sec: 1545.831 GB: : &n : 1; station=Mk: 0 sec: 240 sec: 1545.831 GB: : &n : 1; station=Aa: 0 sec: 240 sec: 1569.018 GB: : : 1; station=H2: 0 sec: 240 sec: 1545.831 GB: : : 1; endscan; scan No0033; * intent = "ALMA:AUTOPHASE_DETERMINE" * intent = "REFERENCE_POINTING_APPLY" start=2016y192d18h33m00s; mode=PulseCalOFF; source=0501-019; station=Nl: 0 sec: 240 sec: 1607.664 GB: : &n : 1; station=Fd: 0 sec: 240 sec: 1607.664 GB: : &n : 1; station=La: 0 sec: 240 sec: 1607.664 GB: : &n : 1; station=Pt: 0 sec: 240 sec: 1607.664 GB: : &n : 1; station=Kp: 0 sec: 240 sec: 1607.664 GB: : &n : 1; station=Ov: 0 sec: 240 sec: 1607.664 GB: : &n : 1; station=Br: 0 sec: 240 sec: 1607.664 GB: : &n : 1; station=Mk: 0 sec: 240 sec: 1607.664 GB: : &n : 1; station=Aa: 0 sec: 240 sec: 1630.851 GB: : : 1; station=H2: 0 sec: 240 sec: 1607.664 GB: : : 1; endscan; scan No0034; * intent = "ALMA:AUTOPHASE_DETERMINE" * intent = "REFERENCE_POINTING_APPLY" start=2016y192d18h40m00s; mode=PulseCalOFF; source=0607-085; station=Nl: 0 sec: 240 sec: 1669.497 GB: : &n : 1; station=Fd: 0 sec: 240 sec: 1669.497 GB: : &n : 1; station=La: 0 sec: 240 sec: 1669.497 GB: : &n : 1; station=Pt: 0 sec: 240 sec: 1669.497 GB: : &n : 1; station=Kp: 0 sec: 240 sec: 1669.497 GB: : &n : 1; station=Ov: 0 sec: 240 sec: 1669.497 GB: : &n : 1; station=Br: 0 sec: 240 sec: 1669.497 GB: : &n : 1; station=Mk: 0 sec: 240 sec: 1669.497 GB: : &n : 1; station=Aa: 0 sec: 240 sec: 1692.685 GB: : : 1; station=H2: 0 sec: 240 sec: 1669.497 GB: : : 1; endscan; scan No0035; * intent = "ALMA:AUTOPHASE_DETERMINE" * intent = "REFERENCE_POINTING_APPLY" start=2016y192d18h48m00s; mode=PulseCalOFF; source=OJ287; station=Nl: 0 sec: 240 sec: 1731.330 GB: : &n : 1; station=Fd: 0 sec: 240 sec: 1731.330 GB: : &n : 1; station=La: 0 sec: 240 sec: 1731.330 GB: : &n : 1; station=Pt: 0 sec: 240 sec: 1731.330 GB: : &n : 1; station=Kp: 0 sec: 240 sec: 1731.330 GB: : &n : 1; station=Ov: 0 sec: 240 sec: 1731.330 GB: : &n : 1; station=Br: 0 sec: 240 sec: 1731.330 GB: : &n : 1; station=Mk: 0 sec: 240 sec: 1731.330 GB: : &ccw : 1; station=Aa: 0 sec: 240 sec: 1754.518 GB: : : 1; station=H2: 0 sec: 240 sec: 1731.330 GB: : : 1; endscan; scan No0036; * intent = "ALMA:AUTOPHASE_DETERMINE" * intent = "REFERENCE_POINTING_APPLY" start=2016y192d18h56m00s; mode=PulseCalOFF; source=0607-085; station=Nl: 0 sec: 240 sec: 1793.164 GB: : &n : 1; station=Fd: 0 sec: 240 sec: 1793.164 GB: : &n : 1; station=La: 0 sec: 240 sec: 1793.164 GB: : &n : 1; station=Pt: 0 sec: 240 sec: 1793.164 GB: : &n : 1; station=Kp: 0 sec: 240 sec: 1793.164 GB: : &n : 1; station=Ov: 0 sec: 240 sec: 1793.164 GB: : &n : 1; station=Br: 0 sec: 240 sec: 1793.164 GB: : &n : 1; station=Mk: 0 sec: 240 sec: 1793.164 GB: : &n : 1; station=Aa: 0 sec: 240 sec: 1816.351 GB: : : 1; station=H2: 0 sec: 240 sec: 1793.164 GB: : : 1; endscan;