COMMAND NAME: parameter TYPE: Action SYNTAX: "parameter 1 2 3 ..." (non-interactive form) "parameter" (interactive form) DESCRIPTION: This command causes all unedited type 2 data in memory to be treated as the basis for a parameter extraction operation from disk-resident type-2 files. Specified parameters are placed in a special array attached to each type-2 line in memory. The parameter specification is via key numbers. These numbers may be specified either directly on the input line of the parameter command, or in response to a query from the program if no parameter keys are given. In batch mode, aedit assumes that the former mechanism is being used, and the absence of any keys is treated as an error. Once extracted, the parameters may be written to a file of the user's choice, using the pwrite command. Obviously, aedit cannot extract parameters unless the relevant type-2 files are on the disk. Make sure the DATADIR environment variable is pointing to the correct data area. Each invocation of the parameter command obliterates all previous parameters extracted for a previous subset of unflagged data lines. Below is a list of the available parameters, and their index numbers which must be supplied in a space-delimited list. The total number of parameters allowed is currently 256, and each array of parameters (marked with a * below) counts one for each array element, up to the maximum allowed number of frequency channels (64). An index number in parentheses indicates that the parameter is already in memory, but can be selected as a parameter for manipulation and output like the others \begin{verbatim} INDEX PARAMETER NAME INDEX PARAMETER NAME ----- -------------- ----- -------------- 1: ref_pcal_amp (*) 34: lo_frequency (*) 2: ref_pcal_phase (*) 35: xperror 3: ref_pcal_diff (*) 36: yperror 4: ref_pcal_freq (*) 37: suppress 5: ref_pcal_rate 38: ppupdate 6: rem_pcal_amp (*) 39: xslip 7: rem_pcal_phase (*) 40: yslip 8: rem_pcal_diff (*) 41: badsync 9: rem_pcal_freq (*) 42: ref_drive 10: rem_pcal_rate 43: rem_drive 11: trkno_ref_usb (*) 44: utc_central 12: trkno_ref_lsb (*) 45: utc_epoch 13: trkno_rem_usb (*) 46: clock_delay 14: trkno_rem_lsb (*) (51): length 15: errate_ref_usb (*) (52): timetag 16: errate_ref_lsb (*) (53): amplitude 17: errate_rem_usb (*) (54): snr 18: errate_rem_lsb (*) (55): phase 19: nap_usb (*) (56): resid_sbd 20: nap_lsb (*) (57): resid_mbd 21: corel_amp (*) (58): ambiguity 22: corel_phase (*) (59): resid_rate 23: rate_error (60): ref_elevation 24: mbdelay_error (61): rem_elevation 25: sbdelay_error (62): ref_azimuth 26: total_phase (63): rem_azimuth 27: tot_phase_mid (64): u 28: incoh_amp_seg (65): v 29: incoh_amp_freq (66): ref_frequency 30: mhz_arcsec_ns (67): total_ec_phase 31: mhz_arcsec_ew (68): total_rate 32: pcnt_discard (69): total_mbd 33: min_max_ratio (70): total_sbd-mbd (71): procdate (72): qcode \end{verbatim}