/** \page pyFltk Python GUIs Using pyFltk \brief Using pyFltk for GUI Applications I'm using the pyFltk package to draw the Python GUIs used in the example programs. It has a simple widget set, an excellent event handling model, and is well-adapted to object-oriented programming. It installs readily on Linux machines (package managers should know how to find it), and with some minor trickiness under OSX. In all cases the use of GUIs in the example programs is optional - they all have a text-only interface available via command line arguments (usually "-t" or something like that - see the help - "-h" - for each application). All applications will happily (and silently) revert to text-only operation if pyFltk can't be found. Basically, if you don't want to bother with installing pyFltk things will work fine. PyFltk is a bit pre-release-ish, but I know how to make it do the things I want and I'm not interested at this point in wasting time learning some other package.


The FleWidgets are a bunch of classes used to expand the capabilities of pyFltk. Mostly these are used to draw things that are missing from the widget set, or to make thinks look the way I like. */