DiFX GUI Release Information

This is a description of the changes most recently introduced to the DiFX GUI as well of a history of all such past changes.  Changes listed are organized by GUI version number (the version number appears in the title bar of the GUI).  Attempts will be made to include all changes made between version numbers although nothing is promised.

The version numbering scheme is, at present, unique to the GUI - it does not follow the version number of the rest of the DiFX software (which has a little more formality behind it).  Before the introduction of this help page the GUI was stuck on the bogus place-holder version number "0.8".  As a first attempt to make the version number actually mean something I am starting at "1.0".  New releases will increment the fractional portion of the release number by hundredths (the next versions will be "1.01", then "1.02", etc) unless they are considered "major" releases in which case the integer portion will be incremented.  What constitutes a major release is yet to be determined, but presumably they happen at least as often as every hundred "minor" releases or this system collapses.

Latest Release: 1.03 (Sept 1, 2013)

New Features
Bug Fixes

Release History

+ 1.02 (June 1, 2013)

- 1.02 (June 1, 2013)
New Features
Bug Fixes

+ 1.01 (Feb 1, 2013)

- 1.01 (Feb 1, 2013)
New Features
Bug Fixes

+ 1.0 (Oct 30, 2012)

- 1.0 (Oct 30, 2012)
New Features
Bug Fixes