SUBROUTINE dSTART (Num_Scans, Kjob) IMPLICIT None ! ! Input variables: ! 1) calc_file_name - Job file '.calc' file name. ! ! CHARACTER*128 calc_file_name, Finite_name Logical*4 Finite_model ! ! Common blocks used - ! INCLUDE 'ccon.i' ! Variables 'to': ! 1. ILUOUT - A flag controlling output. ! INCLUDE 'cmxst11.i' ! Variables 'to': ! 1. NUMSIT - The total number of sites in the data base. ! 2. Zero_site - The site number of the site at the geocenter. ! INCLUDE 'cmxsr11.i' ! Variables 'to': ! 1. NUMSTR - The total number of stars (radio sources) in the ! data base. ! INCLUDE 'cmxut11.i' ! Variables 'to': ! 1. Xintv(2) - First and last Julian Date of data in the ! current data base. ! 2. Intrvl(5,2) - First and last time tag of data in the current ! data base. (First index: year, month, day, ! hour, minute. Second index: first, last.) ! INCLUDE 'param11.i' ! Variables from: ! 1. A_tilts - Antenna tilts file name. ! 2. OC_file ! 3. DFLEAP ! 4. OPTL_file ! 5. JPL_DE421 ! INCLUDE 'd_input.i' ! INCLUDE 'c2poly.i' ! ! Real*8 ATMUTC(3), ROTEPH(2,20), A1UTC(3), A1DIFF(3) COMMON / EOPCM / ATMUTC, ROTEPH, A1UTC, A1DIFF ! VARIABLES 'TO': ! 1. ROTEPH(2,20)- The array which contains the epochs at which ! TAI - UT1 is desired. The entries are: ! 1) JD at 0:00 hours UTC, ! 2) The fraction of a UTC day from 0:00 hours ! to the desired epoch. ! Real*8 XCALC, FJLDY Integer*2 NFLAG,NFLAGC,loadm(8),LFILE(3) COMMON /STACM/ Computing_center,XCALC,NFLAG,NFLAGC,loadm,LFILE ! ! Integer*4 gethostname, ierr4 Integer*4 imode, ILU, iout, idd1, Kjob Character*64 Computing_center Character*6 C_LFILE Character*128 CALCON_NAME Character*75 Lhist1 Equivalence (C_LFILE,LFILE) ! ! Variables 'from': ! 1. loadm(8) - The load module compilation date message. ! 2. NFLAG - The total number of CALC flow control and debug flags. ! 3. LFILE(3) - The name of the CALC control file. ! 4. XCALC - The CALC version number. ! 5. Kjob - Incrmental job number. If .gt. 1, do not call get4unit. ! ! Program specifications - ! Real*8 JDY2K Real*8 FJD2, Fday, Fhr, Fmin Real*8 JD1, JD2, Xmin, StrtUTCmin, StopUTCmin, ProcMin Integer*4 Min2, MinStrt, MinStop, StopSec, StopMin, Num2Min, & & StopHr, StopDay, StopMo, StopYr ! ! Integer*4 Iyear, Imonth, Iday Integer*4 IFLAG(62) Integer*2 LCALC(40), LFCIO(40), LHIST(66), LNAME(5), LNAMO(5), & & IBUF(40), trimlen, host_len, hist_len Integer*4 Ipid, Getpid, jj, IOS Real*8 xleap(5), tol CHARACTER LNAME_chr*10, LNAMO_chr*10, LFCIO_chr*80, LHIST_chr*132 Character*8 Ich8 Character*80 Ich80 CHARACTER*80 CBUF,CTIME*12,CDATE*16 EQUIVALENCE ( IFLAG(1), KATMC ), ( LCALC(1), LHIST(1) ), & & ( IBUF, CBUF), (LNAME,LNAME_chr), & & ( LNAMO,LNAMO_chr), (LFCIO,LFCIO_chr), & & ( LHIST,LHIST_chr) Integer*4 get4unit ! Integer*2 IPAR(5), kruc, iveri, lfvo, isame, ivero, & ! & kerr, NDO(3), idd2 Integer*4 I, N, Unit1, Unit2, isz, iup, MXUTPM, Num_Scans Integer*4 IMNTHS(12) DATA IMNTHS /31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31/ Character*80 xtlt Character*24 STR24 ! Save Unit1, Unit2 ! CHARACTER*10 IPAR_C ! EQUIVALENCE (IPAR,IPAR_C) ! DATA KRUC / 2 / ! Data Lhist1 / & ! & ' & ! & '/ ! Data Unit1 /0/ ! ! ! External I/O ! Input variables: ! 1. Non-default model module and utility routine flow control and ! debug output flags. ! Output variables: ! 1. All model and module utility routine flow control and debug ! output flags. ! ! Program variables - ! 1. IFLAG(NFLAG) - The variable used to initialize all flow ! control and debug output flags. ! 7. Intrvl(5,2) - First and last UTC tag for data in the current ! data base. (First index - year(2 digits), ! month(1-12), day of month, hours, minutes) ! ! Programmer - David Gordon Jan-Apr, 2013 ! ! dSTART Program Structure ! ILUOUT = iout MXUTPM = 20 ! ! Initialize all flow control and debug output flags to zero. DO 400 N = 1, NFLAG 400 IFLAG(N) = 0 ! ! ! Get the apriori's from the .calc file. Call dGet_input(Kjob) Num_Scans = NumScans ! ! Set Geocenter station; Zero_site = 1 SITES(1) = 'GEOCENTR' Axis(1) = 'AZEL' SITAXO(1) = 0.D0 SITXYZ(1,1) = 0.D0 SITXYZ(2,1) = 0.D0 SITXYZ(3,1) = 0.D0 NUMSIT = NUMSIT + 1 ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! Get the start and stop times, all on the even minute ! Intrvl(1,1) = StartYr ! Intrvl(2,1) = StartMo ! Intrvl(3,1) = StartDay ! Intrvl(4,1) = StartHr ! Min2 = StartMin/2 ! MinStrt = Min2*2 ! Intrvl(5,1) = MinStrt ! JD1 = JDY2K (StartYr,StartMo,StartDay) ! Xintv(1) = JD1 + Intrvl(4,1)/24.D0 + Intrvl(5,1)/1440.D0 !! !! Add 1 second to stop time to get an additional polynomial interval !! if stop time is on the even minute. ! XMin = StartMin + (StartSec+ScanDur+1)/60.D0 + 120.001D0/60.D0 ! Min2 = Xmin/2 ! MinStop = Min2*2 ! StopSec = 0 ! StopMin = MinStop ! Num2Min = (MinStop - MinStrt)/2 ! StopHr = StartHr !! If (StopMin .ge. 60) Then ! StopHr = StopHr + StopMin/60 ! StopMin = MOD(StopMin,60) ! Endif ! StopDay = StartDay ! If (StopHr .ge. 24) Then ! StopDay = StopDay + StopDay/24 ! StopHr = MOD(StopHr,24) ! Endif ! StopMo = StartMo ! If (MOD(StartYr,4) .eq. 0) IMNTHS(2) = IMNTHS(2) + 1 ! If (Stopday .gt. IMNTHS(StartMo)) Then ! StopMo = StopMo + 1 ! StopDay = StopDay - IMNTHS(StartMo) ! Endif !! The scan should not be allowed to cross the year boundary, but !! just in case: ! StopYr = StartYr ! If (StopMo .ge. 13) Then ! StopYr = StopYr + 1 ! StopMo = StopMo - 12 ! Endif !! ! Intrvl(1,2) = StopYr ! Intrvl(2,2) = StopMo ! Intrvl(3,2) = StopDay ! Intrvl(4,2) = StopHr ! Intrvl(5,2) = StopMin ! JD2 = JDY2K (StopYr,StopMo,StopDay) ! Xintv(2) = JD2 + Intrvl(4,2)/24.D0 + Intrvl(5,2)/1440.D0 !! !! Start/Stop time in UTC minutes (1 day = 1440 minutes) ! StrtUTCmin = (Xintv(1) - JD1) * 1440.D0 ! StopUTCmin = (Xintv(2) - JD1) * 1440.D0 ! ProcMin = StopUTCmin - StrtUTCmin !! NumEpochs = ((ProcMin/2.D0 + .001) * 5) + 1 ! NumEpochs = ((ProcMin*60. + .001)/d_interval) + 1 !! Check that the arrays are sized large enough ! If (NumEpochs .gt. Max_Epoch) Then ! Write(6,'(/," Requesting ",I4," epochs. Max_epoch is ",I4, & ! & " in c2poly.i.",/)') NumEpochs, Max_Epoch ! Stop ! Endif !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! ! Write(6,1078) Intrvl, StrtUTCmin, StopUTCmin, ProcMin, NumEpochs !1078 Format('dSTART: Start UTC: ',5I6,/,' Stop UTC: ',5I6,/, & ! & ' StrtUTCmin, StopUTCmin, ProcMin, NumEpochs: ', 3F8.2,I5) ! Write(6,*) 'd_interval ', d_interval ! ! Call YMDJL(FJD2, StopYr, StopMo, StopDay) ! ! See if we are doing a near-field object ! Finite_model = .False. ! If (NumSpace .ge. 1) Finite_model = .True. ! ! Normal conclusion. RETURN ! END ! !********************************************************************** BLOCK DATA dSTACMB IMPLICIT None ! ! 1. STABD ! ! 1.1.1 STABD IS THE BLOCK DATA INITIALIZATION SECTION FOR THE START MODULE. ! IT HOLDS THE LOAD MODULE DATE MESSAGE. ! ! 1.2.2 COMMON BLOCKS USED Real*8 XCALC Integer*2 NFLAG,NFLAGC,loadm(8),LFILE(3) COMMON /STACM/ Computing_center,XCALC,NFLAG,NFLAGC,loadm,LFILE Character*64 Computing_center CHARACTER*16 LOADM_CHR EQUIVALENCE (LOADM,LOADM_CHR) CHARACTER*6 C_LFILE EQUIVALENCE (C_LFILE,LFILE) ! ! VARIABLES 'TO': ! 1. LOADM - THE LOAD MODULE COMPILATION DATE MESSAGE. ! 2. NFLAG - THE TOTAL NUMBER OF CALC FLOW CONTROL AND DEBUG FLAGS. ! 3. LFILE(3) - THE NAME OF THE CALC CONTROL FILE. ! 4. XCALC - THE CALC PROGRAM VERSION NUMBER. ! ! DATA LOADM_CHR /'Ver. 2011.07.19 '/ DATA NFLAG /62/ ! DATA C_LFILE /'CALCON'/ ! DATA XCALC/10.99D0/ ! ! 1.2.9 PROGRAMMER - BRUCE SCHUPLER 05/12/78 ! BRUCE SCHUPLER 06/05/78 ! BRUCE SCHUPLER 09/14/78 ! BRUCE SCHUPLER 12/06/78 ! BRUCE SCHUPLER 06/06/79 ! BRUCE SCHUPLER 08/26/80 ! DAVID GORDON 06/19/84 ! DAVID GORDON 01/08/85 (REMOVED IDISC=59) ! SAVITA GOEL 06/02/87 (CDS FOR A900) ! Jim Ryan 89.07.25 Documentation simplified. ! Jim Ryan 89.12.12 UNIX-like database interface ! implimented. ! David Gordon 94.04.15 Converted to Implicit None ! David Gordon 98.07.23 Removed ISECU, IDISC, and IOPEN ! from Common /STACM/. END !********************************************************************** SUBROUTINE dGETEOP() Implicit None ! ! Get Earth orientation table from an external file. ! This routine reads a SOLVE-format EOP Mod file. ! ! Common blocks used - ! INCLUDE 'input11.i' ! Variables 'from': ! 1. Ex_EOP - File name of the external EOP input file ! INCLUDE 'cmxut11.i' ! Variables 'from': ! 1. Xintv(2) - First and last Julian Date in the data base ! Variables 'to': ! 1. UT1IF(4) - The final UT1 information array. This array ! contains respectively: 1) The Julian date of the ! first tabular point, 2) The increment in days of ! the tabular points, 3) The number of tabular ! points, 4) The units of the UT1 tabular array per ! second. (days, days, unitless, sec/table unit) ! 2. UT1PT(20) - The tabular values of 'TAI minus UT1'. ! (table units) ! 3. ISHRTFL - The short period tidal terms flag, (unitless). ! = 1 --> UT1 table coming from input database is ! true UT1, (that is, fortnightly tidal terms have ! not been removed, as in the IRIS or IERS series). ! = -1 --> UT1 table coming from input database is ! UT1R, (that is, the Yoder fortnightly tidal terms ! HAVE been removed as in Bulletin B). ! = -2 --> UT1 table coming from input database is ! UT1S, (the S tidal terms HAVE been removed). ! 4. Leap_fix - Used in external input mode. .True. means ! correct the input EOP series for accumluated ! leap seconds. .False. means do not correct. ! 5. UT1type - UT1 data type: 'UT1-TAI ' or 'UT1-UTC '. ! For ''UT1-UTC ', leap second corrections ! must be made. ! 6. EOP_time_scale - EOP table time scale, allowed values: ! 'TAI ', 'TCG ', 'TDB ', ! 'TDT ', 'UTC ', 'UNDEF '. ! Assumed default if not present => TDB ! INCLUDE 'cmwob11.i' ! Variables 'to': ! 1. WOBIF(3) - The wobble information array. Contains ! respectively: 1) The Julian date of the first ! tabular point, 2) The increment in days of the ! tabular points, 3) The number of tabular points. ! (days, days, unitless) ! 2. XYWOB(2,20)- The wobble tabular points for the polar motion ! (wobble) X & Y offsets. (milliarcsec) ! (Note: Based on old BIH conventions, offsets ! are assumed to be left-handed.) ! ! Program Specifications - Real*8 JD1, Uintv, Xmjdm, Mjdm, Mjds, Xmjds, XJDT, X10, Y10, & & UT1T, Xmjdl, JD2 Integer*4 Get4unit, Iunit, Npts, Nerp, I, IOS Character*4 Utflag Integer*2 KERR, idd3 Character EOP_ID*15, dummy1*1 ! ! Program variables: ! JD1 - First (full) Julian Day in EOP file ! JD2 - Last (full) Julian Day in EOP file ! Uintv - EOP interval (usually 1.0 days) ! Npts - Number of points in the input EOP file ! Nerp - Number of trabular points to use in the UT1 and polar ! motion interpolation tables ! Utflag - Type of UT1 data (UT1, UT1R, UT1S) ! Xmjdm - Experiment midpoint (FJD) ! Mjdm - Experiment midpoint (MJD) ! Mjds - Time of first tabular point (MJD) ! Xmjds - Time of first tabular point (FJD) ! Xmjdl - Time of last tabular point (FJD) ! Kjob - Job number. If .gt. 1, do not call get4unit again. ! ! Programmer: ! 98.04.27 David Gordon - Original program written ! 99.11.19 David Gordon - Bug fix, CLOSE(Iunit) statements added. ! 99.11.23 David Gordon - Setting number of EOP points to 15 always, ! for compatability with Dbedit/Apriori and ! SOLVE. ! 2000.12.11 David Gordon - Modify to skip comment statements in EOP ! mod file. ! 2000.12.29 David Gordon - Modify to read/interpret new EOP mod file ! table header record. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Leap_fix = .False. ! ! Open the EOP file ! Iunit = Get4unit() OPEN (unit=Iunit, file=Ex_EOP, status='old', Action='READ', & & err=99, Iostat=Ios) Go to 101 99 Continue Write(6,'(" Error opening external EOP file. Quitting! ")') Call TERMINATE_CALC ( 'GETEOP', int2(1), int2(IOS)) 101 Continue ! ! Read new EOP mod file format. 2000.12.29 Read(Iunit,1016,err=88) EOP_ID, JD1, Uintv, Npts, UT1type, & & EOP_time_scale 1016 Format (A15,2X,F9.1,2X,F4.1,2X,I5,2X,A8,2X,A8) ! If (UT1type .eq. 'UT1-TAI ') Then ! Normal case Utflag = 'UT1 ' ISHRTFL = 1 Leap_fix = .False. Go to 102 Endif ! Normal case ! If (UT1type .eq. 'UT1-UTC ') Then ! Abnormal case Utflag = 'UT1 ' ISHRTFL = 1 ! Will need to subtract leap seconds later (in UT1I) Leap_fix = .True. Go to 102 Endif ! Abnormal case ! ! If here, UT1type not properly defined. ????? Write(6,'(" Illegal UT1type in EOP mod file! Quitting! ")') Call TERMINATE_CALC ( 'GETEOP', int2(1), int2(IOS)) ! 88 Continue ! Old format, just in case Backspace (Iunit) Read(Iunit,1018, err=89) JD1, Uintv, Npts, Utflag 1018 Format (F9.1, F4.0, I4, 1X, A4) Write(6,'(/," !!! Using old EOP mod file format !!!",/)') ! Leap_fix = .False. UT1type = 'UT1-TAI ' EOP_time_scale = 'UNDEF ' ! Determine what the short period tidal term flag should be IF(Utflag .eq. 'UT1 ') ISHRTFL = 1 IF(Utflag .eq. 'UT1S') ISHRTFL = -2 IF(Utflag .eq. 'UT1R') Then ISHRTFL = -1 Write(6,'(" Cannot use UT1R data! Quitting! ")') Call TERMINATE_CALC ('GETEOP', int2(1), int2(Ios)) ENDIF ! !** Write(6,'(" ISHRTFL = ",I3)') ISHRTFL Go to 102 89 Continue Write(6,'(" Cannot read EOP file! Quitting! ")') Call TERMINATE_CALC ('GETEOP', int2(1), int2(Ios)) ! 102 Continue ! ! Number of points in table. Set to 15 when data interval less than 2.0 days. ! Increase by 1 for each additional day, up to 20 points. Nerp = 15 ! Set to 15 in all cases! 99.11.23 -DG- !* Nerp = 14 + (xintv(2)-xintv(1)) !* If (Nerp .lt. 15) Nerp = 15 !* If (Nerp .gt. 20) Nerp = 20 ! ! Midpoint of experiment Xmjdm = (Xintv(1) + Xintv(2)) / 2.D0 ! First tabular point at midnight prior to (Nerp*Uintv)/2 days before midpoint Mjdm = Xmjdm - 2400000.5D0 Mjds = Dint (Mjdm - (Nerp*Uintv)/2.D0) ! First point at time Xmjds: Xmjds = Mjds + 2400000.5D0 ! ! Check if EOP file does not start early enough: ! !! Require 15 points in all cases!!! 99.11.23 -DG- If (Xmjds .lt. JD1) Then !* Need at least one point before first observation time in data base !* If ( (Xintv(1) - Uintv) .lt. JD1 ) Then Write(6,'("GETEOP: Not enough EOP points before database")') KERR = 0 Close (Iunit) CALL TERMINATE_CALC ('GETEOP', int2(1), KERR) !* Else !* Recompute Nerp and reset first tabular point to JD1 !* Nerp = Nerp - (JD1-Xmjds+.01)/Uintv !* Xmjds = JD1 !* Endif Endif ! ! Check if EOP file ends too early: ! !! Require 15 points in all cases!!! 99.11.23 -DG- Xmjdl = Xmjds + (Nerp-1)*Uintv JD2 = JD1 + (Npts-1)*Uintv If (Xmjdl .gt. JD2) Then !* Need at least one point after last observation time in data base !* If ( (Xintv(2) + Uintv) .gt. JD2 ) Then Write(6,'("GETEOP: Not enough EOP points after database")') KERR = 0 Close (Iunit) CALL TERMINATE_CALC ('GETEOP', int2(1), KERR) !* Else ! Recompute Nerp !* Nerp = Nerp - ( Xmjdl-JD2+.01)/Uintv !* Endif Endif ! ! Write(6,1021) Xintv, Xmjdm, Mjdm, Mjds, Xmjds !1021 Format ('Xintv(2), Xmjdm, Mjdm, Mjds, Xmjds: ',2F20.8,/,5X, ! * 4F19.8) ! ! Fill the UT1 and Wobble information arrays UT1IF(1) = Xmjds UT1IF(2) = Uintv UT1IF(3) = Nerp UT1IF(4) = 1.0D0 !** Write(6,'(" UT1IF(4) ",4F15.6)') UT1IF ! WOBIF(1) = Xmjds WOBIF(2) = Uintv WOBIF(3) = Nerp !** Write(6,'(" WOBIF(3) ",3F15.6)') WOBIF ! ! Get the EOP points: ! Read till first point found 50 Continue Read (Iunit,*,err=50) XJDT, X10, Y10, UT1T ! Read (Iunit,1019) XJDT, X10, Y10, UT1T 1019 Format (F9.1, 2F8.4, I10) ! If (DABS(XJDT - XMJDS) .le. 1.D-8) Then Backspace (Iunit) Go to 70 Else Go to 50 Endif ! 70 Continue Do I = 1,Nerp ! Read (Iunit,1019) XJDT, X10, Y10, UT1T Read (Iunit,*) XJDT, X10, Y10, UT1T ! Input units are : X/Y => 0.1 arc-sec; UT1 => microseconds ! Convert to milli-arc-seconds and time seconds, and change ! UT1-TAI to TAI-UT1 (or UT1-UTC to UTC-UT1) UT1PT(I) = -UT1T/1.D6 XYWOB(1,I) = X10/10.D0 * 1.D3 XYWOB(2,I) = Y10/10.D0 * 1.D3 ! Enddo ! Write (6,1023) (XYWOB(1,I), XYWOB(2,I), UT1PT(I), I=1,Nerp) !1023 Format (' External EOPs: ',20(/,3F20.10)) ! Close(Iunit) ! Return End !********************************************************************** REAL*8 FUNCTION JDY2K (IYEAR, IMONTH, IDAY) Implicit None ! ! Function JDY2K: Function to convert year, month, day to full Julian ! day. The year can be either a four-digit year or a two-digit year. ! ! If a 4-digit year, this function is good from 1 March 1900 to 31 ! December 2099. ! ! If a 2-digit year, this function is good from 1 January 1970 to ! 31 December 2069. If year is 70 - 99, 1900 is added. If year is ! 00 - 69, 2000 is added. ! ! Programmer: ! 98.07.23 D. Gordon Function written from code in cutcu.f ! Integer*4 IYEAR, IMONTH, IDAY, IY, IM, ID ! IY = IYEAR IM = IMONTH ID = IDAY ! If (IY .ge. 70 .and. IY .le. 99) Then IY = IY + 1900 Go To 100 Endif ! If (IY .ge. 0 .and. IY .le. 69) Then IY = IY + 2000 Go To 100 Endif ! If (IY .gt.1900 .and. IY .le. 2099) Then Go To 100 Endif ! ! Year out of range if we get here Print *, ' JDY2K, Year out of Range, Stopping! ', IY Stop ! 100 Continue ! JDY2K = 367.D0*IY - (7 * ( IY + (IM+9)/12) )/4 + & & (275*IM)/9 + ID + 1721013.5D0 ! ! Write(6,1000) IYEAR, IMONTH, IDAY, IY, IM, ID, JDY2k 1000 Format(/,'Function JDY2K: ',/,' Input, Modified Y,M,D: ', & & 2x,3I5,5x,3I5,/,' JDY2K ', F15.2) Return End ! !********************************************************************** SUBROUTINE YMDJL(FJD, IYEAR, IMONTH, IDAY) Implicit none ! ! Convert Julian date at midnight to month, day and year. ! Copied from PEP plus an additional .5 day to convert ! from Julian date at midnight to the PEP Julian day number. ! ! INPUT Variables: REAL*8 FJD ! ! FJD = Julian date at midnight ! ! OUTPUT Variables: INTEGER*4 IMONTH,IDAY,IYEAR,ITIME ! ! IDAY = Day of the month ! IMONTH = Month of the year (1-12) ! IYEAR = Year of the century (0-99) ! => Changed to full 4-digit year ! ITIME - Number of centuries since 1900 ! ! LOCAL VARIABLES INTEGER*2 MDN(13),nyr,ic,inyr,i Real*8 XJD DATA MDN/0,31,59,90,120,151,181,212,243,273,304,334,365/ ! ! IC - Number of centuries sice 0 January 1600 ! INYR - Leap year days since 0 January 1600 ! MDN - Array containing day of year at end of each month ! NYR - Number of years since 0 January 1600 ! XJD - Days since 0 January 1600 ! ! HISTORY ! WHO WHEN WHAT ! DSR 7608?? Created ! DG 2012.04.26 Integer*4 and 4-digit year mods. ! ! YMDJL PROGRAM STRUCTURE ! XJD = FJD - 2305447.0D0 + 0.5D0 NYR = XJD/365. 16 IC = NYR/100 ! DAYS DUE TO LEAP YEARS INYR = XJD - NYR*365.0 IDAY = INYR - (NYR-1)/4 + (NYR + 99)/100 - (NYR + 399)/400 - 1 IF(IC .NE.0) GO TO 20 IF(NYR.NE.0) GO TO 20 IDAY = IDAY + 1 20 IF(IDAY .GT. 0) GO TO 23 NYR = NYR - 1 GO TO 16 !**** IYEAR (O THRU 99) YEAR OF THE CENTURY 23 IYEAR = NYR - IC * 100 ITIME = IC - 3 NYR = IYEAR IF(NYR .NE. 0) GO TO 27 IF(MOD(IC,INT2(4)) .NE. 0) GO TO 34 GO TO 30 27 IF(MOD(NYR,INT2(4)) .NE. 0) GO TO 34 ! ! Replacing ancient code: ! 30 IF(IDAY - 60) 34,39,32 30 Continue If((IDAY-60) .lt. 0) Go to 34 If((IDAY-60) .eq. 0) Go to 39 If((IDAY-60) .gt. 0) Go to 32 ! 32 IDAY = IDAY - 1 34 DO 36 I=2,13 IF(IDAY .LE. MDN(I)) GO TO 40 36 CONTINUE 39 IMONTH = 2 IDAY = 29 GO TO 45 40 IMONTH = I - 1 IDAY = IDAY - MDN(IMONTH) 45 CONTINUE ! Modified - 4 digit year IYEAR = IYEAR + 1900 + ITIME*100 ! RETURN END ! !********************************************************************** SUBROUTINE dGet_input(Kjob) IMPLICIT None ! ! ! 3.2.2 COMMON BLOCKS USED - ! !!!! INCLUDE 'cuser11.i' ! Variables from: ! 1. Calc_user - Calc user type. 'A' for Calc/SOLVE analysis. ! 'C' for VLBI correlator. INCLUDE 'cmxut11.i' ! Variables 'to': ! 1. Xintv(2) - First and last Julian Date in the data base ! 1. UT1IF(4) - The final UT1 information array. This array ! contains respectively: 1) The Julian date of the ! first tabular point, 2) The increment in days of ! the tabular points, 3) The number of tabular ! points, 4) The units of the UT1 tabular array per ! second. (days, days, unitless, sec/table unit) ! 2. UT1PT(20) - The tabular values of 'TAI minus UT1'. ! (table units) ! 3. ISHRTFL - The short period tidal terms flag, (unitless). ! = 1 --> UT1 table coming from input database is ! true UT1, (that is, fortnightly tidal terms have ! not been removed, as in the IRIS or IERS series). ! = -1 --> UT1 table coming from input database is ! UT1R, (that is, the Yoder fortnightly tidal terms ! HAVE been removed as in Bulletin B). ! = -2 --> UT1 table coming from input database is ! UT1S, (the S tidal terms HAVE been removed). ! 4. Leap_fix - Used in external input mode. .True. means ! correct the input EOP series for accumluated ! leap seconds. .False. means do not correct. ! 5. UT1type - UT1 data type: 'UT1-TAI ' or 'UT1-UTC '. ! For ''UT1-UTC ', leap second corrections ! must be made. ! 6. EOP_time_scale - EOP table time scale, allowed values: ! 'TAI ', 'TCG ', 'TDB ', ! 'TDT ', 'UTC ', 'UNDEF '. ! Assumed default if not present => TDB ! INCLUDE 'cmwob11.i' ! Variables 'to': ! 1. WOBIF(3) - The wobble information array. Contains ! respectively: 1) The Julian date of the first ! tabular point, 2) The increment in days of the ! tabular points, 3) The number of tabular points. ! (days, days, unitless) ! 2. XYWOB(2,20)- The wobble tabular points for the polar motion ! (wobble) X & Y offsets. (milliarcsec) ! (Note: Based on old BIH conventions, offsets ! are assumed to be left-handed.) ! INCLUDE 'cmxst11.i' ! Variables from: ! 1. Max_Stat - Maximum number of stations that can be ! processed. ! Variables to: !* 1. CFRAD(Max_Stat) - THE SITE SPHERICAL EARTH RADII. (M) !* 2. PLAT(3,Max_Stat) - THE PARTIAL DERIVATIVES OF THE SITE CRUST !* FIXED VECTOR COMPONENTS WITH RESPECT TO THE !* GEODETIC LATITUDES. (M/RAD) !* 3. PLON(3,Max_Stat) - THE PARTIAL DERIVATIVES OF THE SITE CRUST !* FIXED VECTOR COMPONENTS WITH RESPECT TO THE !* EAST LONGITUDES. (M/RAD) ! 4. SITAXO(Max_Stat) - THE SITE ANTENNA AXIS OFFSETS. (M) ! 5. SITOAM(11,Max_Stat) - THE SITE VERTICAL OCEAN LOADING AMPLITUDES. ! (M) ! 6. SITOPH(11,Max_Stat) - THE SITE VERTICAL OCEAN LOADING PHASES. ! (RAD) ! 7. SITXYZ(3,Max_Stat) - THE SITE CRUST FIXED X, Y, & Z ! COORDINATES. (M, M, M ) !* 8. SNRM(3,Max_Stat) - THE X, Y, AND Z COMPONENTS OF THE SITE !* NORMAL UNIT VECTORS. (UNITLESS) !* 9. SITZEN(Max_Stat) - THE ZENITH ELECTRICAL PATH LENGTH AT EACH !* OBSERVATION SITE. (SEC) !* 10. TCROT(3,3,Max_Stat) - THE ROTATION MATRICES WHICH ROTATE THE !* TOPOCENTRIC REFERENCE SYSTEM TO THE CRUST !* FIXED REFERENCE SYSTEM FOR EACH SITE. !* (UNITLESS) !* 11. XLAT(Max_Stat) - THE SITE GEODETIC LATITUDES. (RAD) !* 12. XLON(Max_Stat) - THE SITE EAST LONGITUDES. (RAD) ! 13. KTYPE(Max_Stat) - THE SITE ANTENNA AXIS TYPES. (UNITLESS) !* 14. NLAST(2) - THE INTEGER VARIABLE WHICH DETERMINES IF !* THE BASELINE ID HAS CHANGED FROM ONE !* OBSERVATION TO THE NEXT. !* (NOTE: THE SITE GEOMETRY NEED NOT BE !* RELOADED FOR EACH OBSERVATION IF THE !* BASELINE ID DOES NOT CHANGE. NLAST MUST BE !* INITIALIZED TO ZERO IN THE INITIALIZATION !* SECTION AND PASSED TO THE GEOMETRY SECTION !* SO THAT IT WILL HAVE ZERO VALUES UNTIL !* AFTER THE FIRST OBSERVATION IS PROCESSED.) !* 15. NUMSIT - THE NUMBER OF SITES IN THE SITE CATALOG. ! 16. LNSITE(4,Max_Stat) - THE EIGHT CHARACTER SITE NAMES OF THE ! SITES IN THE SITE CATALOG. (ALPHAMERIC) ! 17. SITHOA(11,2,Max_Stat) - THE SITE HORIZONTAL OCEAN LOADING ! AMPLITUDES. (M) ! 18. SITHOP(11,2,Max_Stat) - THE SITE HORIZONTAL OCEAN LOADING PHASES. ! (RAD) !* 19. HEIGHT(Max_Stat) - Height above the geoid. (meters) !* 20. RTROT(3,3,Max_Stat) - The rotation matrices which rotate the !* 'radial-transverse' reference system to the !* crust fixed reference system for each site. !* (Unitless). The 'radial-transverse' ref. !* system is nearly identical to the !* topocentric system. 'Up' is in the radial !* direction from the center of the Earth; !* 'East' is East; and 'North' is perpendicular !* to the radial in the north direction. !* 21. GLAT(Max_Stat) - The geocentric latitude at each site. (rad) ! 22. Zero_site - The site number of the site at the ! geocenter, if there is one in this data ! set. For correlator usage. ! 23. Dbtilt(Max_Stat,2) - Antenna fixed axis tilts, in arc-minutes. ! For alt-az mounts, 1 => East tilt, ! 2 => North tilt. !* 24. Rotilt(3,3,Max_Stat) - Rotation matrices representing the antenna !* fixed axis tilts, in the local topocentric !* station frame. X = Up, Y = East, Z = North. ! 25. OPTL6(6,Max_stat) - The site ocean pole tide loading ! coefficients, interpolated from the Desai ! lat/lon table. ! INCLUDE 'cmxsr11.i' ! VARIABLES 'TO': ! 1. LNSTAR(10,MAX_ARC_SRC)- THE ALPHANUMERIC CHARACTER NAMES ! OF THE STARS IN THE STAR CATALOG. ! Now up to 20 characters in difx mode. ! 2. NUMSTR - THE NUMBER OF STARS IN THE STAR ! CATALOG. ! 3. RADEC(2,MAX_ARC_SRC) - THE RIGHT ASCENSIONS AND DECLINATIONS ! OF THE STARS IN THE STAR CATALOG. ! (RAD, RAD) ! 4. P_motion(3,Max_arc_src)-The RA and Dec proper motions and ! appropriate epoch for stars in the ! star catalog. (arc-sec/yr, arc-sec/yr, ! year (i.e. 1995.5, etc.)) ! 5. D_psec(Max_arc_src) - Distances, if known, for stars in the ! star catalog. Zero => unknown. ! (parsecs) ! 6. PRcorr(2,Max_arc_src) - Proper motion corrections in RA and ! Declination for each star. (Radians) ! ! Character*200 Buf1 ! CHARACTER*128 calc_file_name CHARACTER*26 Sou26, Sp26 CHARACTER*12 Site12, Scan12 Real*8 JStart, JStop, StartMJD, EopTag(20), TAIUTC(20), & & UT1UTC(20), ADJUSTL, X_Sp Integer*4 AntNum, SrcNum, NumEOP, EopNum, SpNum Integer*4 I, J, Unit1, IOS, IX, IK, KJ, I_Sp, L, Kjob Integer*4 get4unit Character*6 Mount6 Save Unit1 ! INCLUDE 'd_input.i' ! COMMON/Calc_input/ SrcName, ScanID, Sites, Axis, JobID, NumScans, & ! & StartYr, StartMo, StartDay, StartHr, StartMin, StartSec, & ! & ScanStrt, ScanDur ! Character*10 SrcName(100), ScanID ! Character*8 Sites(Max_stat) ! Integer*4 JobID, NumScans ! Integer*4 StartYr, StartMo, StartDay, StartHr, StartMin, StartSec ! Integer*4 ScanStrt, ScanDur ! Character*4 Axis(Max_Stat) ! ! COMMON/NFO/ SpTag, SpPos, SpVel, NumSpace, NumRows, SpName ! Character*10 SpName(10) ! Real*8 SpTag(100,10), SpPos(100,3,10), SpVel(100,3,10) ! Integer*4 NumSpace, Numrows(10) ! !! Character*8 SrcName(10) Character*20 SrcName(MAX_ARC_SRC) Equivalence (LNSTAR(1,1), SrcName(1)) ! ! Need to initialize stuff: ! NumSit = 0 NumStr = 0 NumEOP = 0 NumSpace = 0 SpFrame = 'ECJ2' Do IK=1, Max_Stat SITAXO(IK) = 0.D0 Do KJ=1,3 SITXYZ(KJ,IK) = 0.D0 Enddo Enddo ! If (Kjob .eq. 1) Unit1 = get4unit() OPEN(Unit1,FILE=calc_file_name ,STATUS='OLD', IOSTAT= IOS) IF( Write(6,'("Open Error for file: ",A128)') calc_file_name ! 100 Continue ! Read(Unit1,'(A200)',end=200) Buf1 ! If (Buf1(1:7) .eq.'JOB ID:') Read(Buf1(20:40),*) JobID If (Buf1(1:15).eq.'JOB START TIME:') Read(Buf1(16:40),*) JStart If (Buf1(1:14).eq.'JOB STOP TIME:') Read(Buf1(16:40),*) JStop If (Buf1(1:10).eq.'START MJD:') Read(Buf1(20:40),*) StartMJD If (Buf1(1:11).eq.'START YEAR:') Read(Buf1(20:40),*) StartYr If (Buf1(1:12).eq.'START MONTH:') Read(Buf1(20:40),*) StartMo If (Buf1(1:10).eq.'START DAY:') Read(Buf1(20:40),*) StartDay If (Buf1(1:11).eq.'START HOUR:') Read(Buf1(20:40),*) StartHr If (Buf1(1:13).eq.'START MINUTE:') Read(Buf1(20:40),*) StartMin If (Buf1(1:13).eq.'START SECOND:') Read(Buf1(20:40),*) StartSec ! If (Buf1(1:15).eq.'NUM TELESCOPES:') Read(Buf1(20:40),*) NUMSIT !vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv If (Buf1(1:9).eq.'TELESCOPE') Then ! Don't fill site #1. That will be the Geocenter. IX = INDEX(Buf1,'NAME:') If (IX .gt. 0) Then Read(Buf1(10:IX-1),*) AntNum Site12 = Buf1((IX+5):(IX+16)) Site12 = ADJUSTL(Site12) Sites(AntNum+2) = Site12(1:8) Endif ! IX = INDEX(Buf1,'MOUNT:') If (IX .gt. 0) Then Read(Buf1(10:IX-1),*) AntNum Mount6 = Buf1((IX+6):(IX+11)) Mount6 = ADJUSTL(Mount6) Axis(AntNum+2) = Mount6(1:4) Endif ! IX = INDEX(Buf1,'OFFSET (m):') If (IX .gt. 0) Then Read(Buf1(10:IX-1),*) AntNum Read(Buf1((IX+11):(IX+22)),*) SITAXO(AntNum+2) Endif ! IX = INDEX(Buf1,'X (m):') If (IX .gt. 0) Then Read(Buf1(10:IX-1),*) AntNum Read(Buf1((IX+7):(IX+26)),*) SITXYZ(1,AntNum+2) Endif ! IX = INDEX(Buf1,'Y (m):') If (IX .gt. 0) Then Read(Buf1(10:IX-1),*) AntNum Read(Buf1((IX+7):(IX+26)),*) SITXYZ(2,AntNum+2) Endif ! IX = INDEX(Buf1,'Z (m):') If (IX .gt. 0) Then Read(Buf1(10:IX-1),*) AntNum Read(Buf1((IX+7):(IX+26)),*) SITXYZ(3,AntNum+2) Endif ! Endif !^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ! If (Buf1(1:12).eq.'NUM SOURCES:') Read(Buf1(13:30),*) NUMSTR !vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv If (Buf1(1:6).eq.'SOURCE') Then IX = INDEX(Buf1,'NAME:') If (IX .gt. 0) Then Read(Buf1(8:IX-1),*) SrcNum Sou26 = Buf1((IX+5):(IX+30)) Sou26 = ADJUSTL(Sou26) SrcName(SrcNum+1) = Sou26(1:20) Endif IX = INDEX(Buf1,'RA:') If (IX .gt. 0) Then Read(Buf1(7:IX-1),*) SrcNum Read(Buf1((IX+3):(IX+33)),*) RADEC(1,SrcNum+1) Endif IX = INDEX(Buf1,'DEC:') If (IX .gt. 0) Then Read(Buf1(7:IX-1),*) SrcNum Read(Buf1((IX+4):(IX+33)),*) RADEC(2,SrcNum+1) Endif Endif !^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ! If (Buf1(1:10).eq.'NUM SCANS:') Read(Buf1(11:30),*) NumScans !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! Scan information now is read in by subroutine dScan. !vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv ! If (Buf1(1:4).eq.'SCAN') Then ! IX = INDEX(Buf1,'IDENTIFIER:') ! If (IX .gt. 0) Then ! Read(Buf1(5:IX-1),*) ScanNum ! Scan12 = Buf1((IX+11):(IX+22)) ! Scan12 = ADJUSTL(Scan12) ! ScanID = Scan12(1:10) ! Endif ! IX = INDEX(Buf1,'START (S):') ! If (IX .gt. 0) Then ! Read(Buf1(5:IX-1),*) ScanNum ! Read(Buf1((IX+10):(IX+17)),*) ScanStrt ! Endif ! IX = INDEX(Buf1,'DUR (S):') ! If (IX .gt. 0) Then ! Read(Buf1(5:IX-1),*) ScanNum ! Read(Buf1((IX+8):(IX+17)),*) ScanDur ! Endif ! IX = INDEX(Buf1,'NUM PHS CTRS:') ! If (IX .gt. 0) Then ! Read(Buf1(5:IX-1),*) ScanNum ! Read(Buf1((IX+13):(IX+16)),*) NumPhCntr ! Endif ! Endif !^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ! If (Buf1(1:9).eq.'NUM EOPS:') Read(Buf1(10:30),*) NumEOP !vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv If (Buf1(1:3).eq.'EOP') Then IX = INDEX(Buf1,'TIME (mjd):') If (IX .gt. 0) Then Read(Buf1(5:IX-1),*) EopNum Read(Buf1((IX+11):(IX+20)),*) EopTag(EopNum+1) Endif IX = INDEX(Buf1,'TAI_UTC (sec):') If (IX .gt. 0) Then Read(Buf1(5:IX-1),*) EopNum Read(Buf1((IX+14):(IX+20)),*) TAIUTC(EopNum+1) Endif IX = INDEX(Buf1,'UT1_UTC (sec):') If (IX .gt. 0) Then Read(Buf1(5:IX-1),*) EopNum Read(Buf1((IX+14):(IX+25)),*) UT1UTC(EopNum+1) Endif IX = INDEX(Buf1,'XPOLE (arcsec):') If (IX .gt. 0) Then Read(Buf1(5:IX-1),*) EopNum Read(Buf1((IX+15):(IX+25)),*) XYWOB(1,EopNum+1) Endif IX = INDEX(Buf1,'YPOLE (arcsec):') If (IX .gt. 0) Then Read(Buf1(5:IX-1),*) EopNum Read(Buf1((IX+15):(IX+25)),*) XYWOB(2,EopNum+1) Endif Endif !^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ! !vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv If (Buf1(1:15).eq.'NUM SPACECRAFT:') Read(Buf1(16:30),*) NumSpace If (Buf1(1:6).eq.'FRAME:') Read(Buf1(21:24),*) SpFrame If (Buf1(1:10).eq.'SPACECRAFT') Then IX = INDEX(Buf1,'NAME:') If (IX .gt. 0) Then Read(Buf1(11:IX-1),*) SpNum ! Read(Buf1((IX+5):(IX+30)),*) SpName(SpNum+1) Sp26 = Buf1((IX+5):(IX+30)) Sp26 = ADJUSTL(Sp26) SpName(SpNum+1) = Sp26(1:20) ! write(6,*) 'NumSpace,SpNum,SpName(SpNum+1))', NumSpace,SpNum,SpName(SpNum+1) Endif IX = INDEX(Buf1,'ROWS:') If (IX .gt. 0) Then Read(Buf1(11:IX-1),*) SpNum Read(Buf1((IX+5):(IX+14)),*) Numrows(SpNum+1) ! Check for too many spacecraft positions. If (Numrows(SpNum+1) .gt. NF_row) Then Write(6,1031) Numrows(SpNum+1), NF_row 1031 Format(/,' Number of spacecraft position rows = ',I4,/, & & ' The current limit is ',I4,/,' Increase the value ', & & 'of NF_row in d_input.i ',/) Stop Endif Do I = 1, Numrows(SpNum+1) Read(Unit1,'(A200)',end=200) Buf1 If (Buf1(1:6).eq.'FRAME:') Then Read(Buf1(21:24),*) SpFrame Go to 190 Endif IX = INDEX(Buf1,':') Read(Buf1(IX+1:200),*) SpTag(I,SpNum+1),SpPos(I,1,SpNum+1), & & SpPos(I,2,SpNum+1),SpPos(I,3,SpNum+1), SpVel(I,1,SpNum+1), & & SpVel(I,2,SpNum+1),SpVel(I,3,SpNum+1) ! Shift time tags by t_offset if requested. If (SpOffset .eq. 'Offset ') & & SpTag(I,SpNum+1) = SpTag(I,SpNum+1) + t_offset 190 Continue Enddo Endif Endif ! ! Go to 100 ! 200 Continue ! Close (Unit1) ! ! Setup WOBIF and UT1IF arrays: WOBIF(1) = EOPTag(1) + 2400000.5D0 ! WOBIF(2) = 1.0D0 WOBIF(2) = EOPTag(2) - EOPTag(1) WOBIF(3) = NumEop ! UT1IF(1) = EOPTag(1) + 2400000.5D0 ! UT1IF(2) = 1.0D0 UT1IF(2) = EOPTag(2) - EOPTag(1) UT1IF(3) = NumEop UT1IF(4) = 1.0D0 ! Xintv(1) = JStart + 2400000.5D0 Xintv(2) = JStop + 2400000.5D0 ! ! Save leap seconds Xleap_sec = TAIUTC(1) ! ! If multiple scans, get the total duration time. !!!! If(NumScans .gt. 1) ScanDur = ScanStrt + ScanDur ! ! Change XY-wobble to milli-arc-seconds Do J = 1, NumEOP UT1PT(J) = TAIUTC(J) - UT1UTC(J) XYWOB(1,J) = XYWOB(1,J) * 1.D3 XYWOB(2,J) = XYWOB(2,J) * 1.D3 Enddo ! ! If Spacecraft mode, create SpcIF array ! If (NumSpace .ge. 1) Then ! SpcIF(1) = SpTag(1,1) + 2400000.5D0 ! SpcIF(1) = SpTag(1,1) ! X_Sp = (SpTag(2,1) - SpTag(1,1))*86400.D0 + .01 ! I_Sp = X_Sp ! SpcIF(2) = I_Sp/86400.D0 ! SpcIF(3) = Numrows(1) ! write(6,*) 'dGet_input: SpcIF,Numrows: ', SpcIF, Numrows(1) ! Set near field flag to geocentric coordinates. ! [Expand later to handle SSBC coordinates.] ! NF_flag = 'GC' ! Endif ! Numsrc = NUMSTR ! !** IF (Debug .eq. 'd') Then !! Write(6,*) StartMJD, StartYr, StartMo, StartDay, StartHr, & !! & StartMin, StartSec !! Write(6,*) ' ' ! Write(6,*) ScanDur ! Write(6,*) ' ' ! Write(6,*) Numsit, (Sites(I), I=2, Numsit+1) ! Write(6,*) ' ' ! Do I = 2, Numsit+1 !! Write(6,*) I, Sites(I), Axis(I), SITAXO(I), SitXYZ(1,I), & !! & SitXYZ(2,I), SitXYZ(3,I) ! Enddo ! ! Write(6,*) 'Number of Sources: ', NUMSTR ! Do I=1,NUMSTR ! Write(6,*) I, SrcName(I), RADEC(1,I), RADEC(2,I) ! Enddo !! Write(6,*) 'WOBIF ', WOBIF !! Write(6,*) 'UT1IF ', UT1IF ! Do I = 1, NumEOP !! Write(6,*) I, UT1PT(I), XYWOB(1,I), XYWOB(2,I) ! Enddo ! Write(6,*) ' ' !! ! If (NumSpace .ge. 1) Then ! Write(6,*) 'SpcIF ', SpcIF ! Write(6,*) 'X_Sp, I_Sp ', X_Sp, I_Sp ! Write(6,*) ' ' ! Write(6,*) SpNum, SpName(1), Numrows(1) ! Do I = 1, Numrows(1) ! Write(6,*) SpTag(I,1), SpPos(I,1,1), SpPos(I,2,1), & ! & SpPos(I,3,1), SpVel(I,1,1), SpVel(I,2,1),SpVel(I,3,1) ! Enddo ! Endif ! Write(6,*) ' ' !** Endif ! Return End !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! SUBROUTINE GETCL(Calcfiles, IMfiles) IMPLICIT None ! INCLUDE 'd_input.i' ! To variables: ! 3) Numjobs - Number of .calc files that will be processed. !!!!! 4) Base_mode - Baseline mode: 'geocenter' or 'baseline'. !!!!! Default is 'geocenter' => not currently used. ! 5) L_time - 'dont-solve' or 'solve' for light travel ! time from spacecraft. Default is 'dont-solve'. ! 6) Atmdr - 'Add-dry ' or 'no-Add-dry' atmosphere. ! 7) Atmwt - 'Add-wet ' or 'no-Add-wet' atmosphere. ! ! Local variables ! 1) Calcfiles(n) - List of input .calc files ! 2) IMfiles(n) - List of output .im files ! 3) calc_file - Input '----.calc' file name. ! 4) IM_file - Output '' file name. ! ! Programmer - David Gordon Jan-Apr, 2013 ! David Gordon March 2015 ! David Gordon June 2015 ! ! CHARACTER*40 calc_file_name, Jobname, IM_file_name CHARACTER*128 calc_file, IM_file CHARACTER*128 Calcfiles(2000), IMfiles(2000) CHARACTER*128 ch_cl ! CHARACTER*10 Base_mode, L_time Real*8 t_offsec Integer*4 Iar, I, Ic, Index, isec, Int_poly, i1, Ix, Iskip Integer*4 ierr, Icm1, l_scr, get4unit, iv, Kjob ! Do I = 1,128 calc_file(I:I) = ' ' Jobname(I:I) = ' ' IM_file(I:I) = ' ' Enddo ! calc_out_file = 'Null ' I_out = 0 IM_out = 1 SpOffset = 'NoOffset' ! Defaults: Base_mode = 'geocenter ' L_time = 'dont-solve' Atmdr = 'Add-dry ' Atmwt = 'Add-wet ' Verbose = 0 t_offset = 0.D0 ! NF_model = 'Sekido ' NF_model = 'Duev ' DoStnPos = 0 overwrite = 'no ' UVW = 'exact ' ! Interval between Calc runs (default is every 24 seconds ! for VLBA DiFX correlator). d_interval = 24.D0 int_poly = 120 ! # of Calc epochs in each 2-minute interval epoch2m = (120.0001/d_interval) + 1 ! write (6,*) ' d_interval, epoch2m: ', d_interval, epoch2m ! # of input calc jobs Numjobs = 0 ! ! Find number of parameters on the command line Iar = IARGC() ! write(6,*) ' ' ! write(6,*) ' GETCL/Iar = ', Iar ! If no arguments, print out the help menu and terminate If (Iar .eq. 0) Call USAGE() Iskip = 0 ! Do I = 1, Iar If (Iskip .eq. 1) Then ! Next argument already read Iskip = 0 Go to 100 Endif Call GETARG(I,ch_cl) ! Ic = Index(ch_cl,'.calc') If (Ic .ge. 2) Then Numjobs = Numjobs + 1 Ijob = Ic-1 Jobname(1:Ijob) = ch_cl(1:Ijob) Icalc = Ijob+5 calc_file(1:Icalc) = ch_cl(1:Icalc) Do Ix = Icalc+1, 128 calc_file(Ix:Ix) = ' ' Enddo IM_file(1:Ijob) = Jobname(1:Ijob) ! IM_file(Ijob+1:Ijob+4) = '.im'//CHAR(0) IM_file(Ijob+1:Ijob+3) = '.im' Do Ix = Ijob+4, 128 IM_file(Ix:Ix) = ' ' Enddo Calcfiles(Numjobs) = calc_file IMfiles(Numjobs) = IM_file Go to 100 Endif ! If (ch_cl(1:2) .eq. '-h') Call USAGE() If (ch_cl(1:6) .eq. '--help') Call USAGE() ! If (ch_cl(1:2) .eq. '-v') Verbose = 1 ! If (ch_cl(1:9) .eq. '--verbose') Verbose = 1 ! If (ch_cl(1:2) .eq. '-q') Verbose = -1 ! If (ch_cl(1:7) .eq. '--quiet') Verbose = -1 ! If (ch_cl(1:2) .eq. '-b') Base_mode = 'baseline ' ! If (ch_cl(1:2) .eq. '-m') Base_mode = 'master-stn' If (ch_cl(1:3) .eq. '-lt') Then L_time = 'solve ' Go to 100 Endif If (ch_cl(1:4) .eq. '-dry') Then Atmdr = 'no-Add-dry' Go to 100 Endif If (ch_cl(1:4) .eq. '-wet') Then Atmwt = 'no-Add-wet' Go to 100 Endif If (ch_cl(1:2) .eq. '-S' .or. ch_cl(1:8) .eq. '--Sekido') Then NF_model = 'Sekido ' Go to 100 Endif If (ch_cl(1:2) .eq. '-R' .or. ch_cl(1:9) .eq. '--Ranging') Then NF_model = 'Ranging ' Go to 100 Endif If (ch_cl(1:2) .eq. '-D' .or. ch_cl(1:6) .eq. '--Duev') Then NF_model = 'Duev ' Go to 100 Endif If (ch_cl(1:2) .eq. '-n' .or. ch_cl(1:6) .eq. '--stntrf') Then DoStnPos = 2 Go to 100 Endif If (ch_cl(1:2) .eq. '-s' .or. ch_cl(1:6) .eq. '--stnpos') Then DoStnPos = 1 Go to 100 Endif If (ch_cl(1:2) .eq. '-f') Then ! force execution overwrite = 'yes ' ! write(6,*) ' Overwriting existing .im files! ' Go to 100 Endif If (ch_cl(1:11) .eq. '-uncorr') Then ! U,V,W: non-relativistic geometry UVW = 'uncorr' Go to 100 Endif If (ch_cl(1:11) .eq. '-approx') Then ! U,V,W: geometry with aberration UVW = 'approx' Go to 100 Endif If (ch_cl(1:11) .eq. '-exact ') Then ! U,V,W: partial derivatives of delay UVW = 'exact ' Go to 100 Endif If (ch_cl(1:11) .eq. '-noatmo') Then ! U,V,W: 'exact' but no atmosphere UVW = 'noatmo' Go to 100 Endif ! ! If (ch_cl(1:2) .eq. '-o') I_out = 1 ! If (ch_cl(1:3) .eq. '-im') IM_out = 0 ! If (ch_cl(1:2) .eq. '-e') Then ! Call GETARG(I+1,ch_cl) ! Read(ch_cl,*,err=22) isec ! If (isec .ge. 1 .and. isec .le. 60) Then !37 continue ! i1 = int_poly/isec ! if(i1*isec .ne. int_poly) then ! isec = isec-1 ! go to 37 ! endif ! # of seconds between Calc epochs ! d_interval = isec ! # of Calc epochs in each 2-minute interval ! epoch2m = (120.0001/d_interval) + 1 ! write (6,*) ' d_interval, epoch2m: ', d_interval, epoch2m ! Else ! Write (6,*) 'Calc epoch interval set to default value.' ! Endif ! Endif ! If (ch_cl(1:2) .eq. '-v') Then Call GETARG(I+1,ch_cl) Read(ch_cl,*,err=20) iv Verbose = iv Iskip = 1 Go to 100 20 Continue Verbose = 1 Go to 100 Endif ! If (ch_cl(1:2) .eq. '-t') Then Call GETARG(I+1,ch_cl) Read(ch_cl,*,err=22) t_offsec t_offset = t_offsec/86400.D0 SpOffset = 'Offset ' ! write(6,*) 't_offset ', SpOffset, t_offset Iskip = 1 Go to 100 Endif ! Process all .calc files in the current directory If (ch_cl(1:3) .eq. 'all' .or. ch_cl(1:5) .eq. '--all' .or. & & ch_cl(1:1) .eq. '*') Then If (I .ne. Iar) Then Write(6,*) ' *, all, or --all must be the last command line argument, Quitting!' Stop Endif If (Numjobs .ne. 0) Then Write(6,*) ' Illegal combination of jobs, Quitting! ' Stop Endif l_scr = get4unit() Open(unit=l_scr,file='scr_file',status='unknown') Close(unit=l_scr,status='Delete') ierr = SYSTEM('ls *.calc > scr_file') Open(unit=l_scr,file='scr_file',status='old') 60 Continue Read(l_scr,'(A128)',end=70) calc_file Numjobs = Numjobs + 1 Calcfiles(Numjobs) = calc_file IM_file = calc_file Icm1 = Index(calc_file,'.calc') IM_file(Icm1:Icm1+5) = '.im ' IMfiles(Numjobs) = IM_file Go to 60 70 Continue ! Close(unit=l_scr,status='Delete') Close(unit=l_scr) Go to 110 Endif ! If we are here, then there is an unrecognized argument. 80 Continue Write (6,*) ' ' Write (6,*) ' Unrecognized command line argument: ', ch_cl Write (6,*) ' Quitting! ' Write (6,*) ' ' Stop ! Call USAGE() ! 100 Continue Enddo 110 Continue ! Write (6,*) ' ' ! Write (6,*) ' ' ! Do I = 1, Numjobs ! Write (6,*) I,Calcfiles(I),IMfiles(I) ! Enddo ! Write (6,*) ' ' ! Write (6,*) ' ' ! ! Check for no jobs If (Numjobs .eq. 0) Then Write (6,*) ' ' Write (6,*) ' No jobs to process, Quitting! ' Write (6,*) ' ' Stop Endif ! ! If (I_out .eq. 1) Then ! calc_out_file(1:Ijob) = Jobname(1:Ijob) ! calc_out_file(Ijob+1:Ijob+9) = '.calc.out' ! write (6,*) ' calc_out_file ', calc_out_file ! Endif ! write(6,*) ' Verbose ', Verbose ! Return 22 Continue Write (6,*) 'Error reading time offset. Stopping. ' ! Write (6,*) 'Illegal epoch interval. Stopping. ' Stop End ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SUBROUTINE FixEpoch(JTAG, TAG_SEC) IMPLICIT None ! Real*8 TAG_SEC Integer*4 JTAG(5), Imin Integer IMNTHS(12) DATA IMNTHS /31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31/ ! ! Write (6,*) 'FixEpoch: ', JTAG, TAG_SEC ! ! Check for leap year IF(MOD(JTAG(1),4) .EQ. 0) IMNTHS(2) = 29 ! IF (TAG_SEC .ge. 59.9999999) Then ! Increment minutes Imin = TAG_SEC/60.D0 + .00001 TAG_SEC = TAG_SEC - Imin*60.0D0 JTAG(5) = JTAG(5) + Imin ! minutes If (JTAG(5) .ge. 60) Then ! Increment hours JTAG(5) = JTAG(5) - 60 JTAG(4) = JTAG(4) + 1 ! hours If (JTAG(4) .ge. 24) Then ! Increment days JTAG(4) = JTAG(4) - 24 JTAG(3) = JTAG(3) + 1 ! days If (JTAG(3) .gt. IMNTHS(JTAG(2))) Then ! Increment month JTAG(3) = JTAG(3) - IMNTHS(JTAG(2)) ! days, should be 1 JTAG(2) = JTAG(2) + 1 ! month If (JTAG(2) .gt. 12) Then ! Increment year JTAG(2) = 1 JTAG(1) = JTAG(1) + 1 Else Return Endif ! Increment year Else Return Endif ! Increment month Else Return Endif ! Increment days Else Return Endif ! Increment hours ENDIF ! Increment minutes ! Write (6,*) 'FixEpoch: ', JTAG, TAG_SEC ! Return End ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SUBROUTINE FixEpoch2(JTAG, TAG_SEC) IMPLICIT None ! Real*8 TAG_SEC, Xmin, Xhr Integer*4 JTAG(5), Imin, Ihr Integer IMNTHS(12) DATA IMNTHS /31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31/ ! ! Write (6,*) 'FixEpoch2/Before: ', JTAG, TAG_SEC ! ! Check for leap year IF(MOD(JTAG(1),4) .EQ. 0) IMNTHS(2) = 29 ! IF (TAG_SEC .ge. 59.9999999) Then ! Reset seconds and increment minutes Xmin = TAG_SEC/60.D0 + .00001 Imin = Xmin TAG_SEC = TAG_SEC - Imin*60.0D0 JTAG(5) = JTAG(5) + Imin ! minutes ENDIF ! If (JTAG(5) .ge. 60) Then ! Reset minutes ana increment hours Xmin = JTAG(5) Xhr = Xmin/60.D0 Ihr = Xhr JTAG(5) = JTAG(5) - Ihr * 60 ! minutes JTAG(4) = JTAG(4) + Ihr Endif ! If (JTAG(4) .ge. 24) Then ! Reset hours and increment days JTAG(4) = JTAG(4) - 24 JTAG(3) = JTAG(3) + 1 ! days If (JTAG(3) .gt. IMNTHS(JTAG(2))) Then ! Increment month JTAG(3) = JTAG(3) - IMNTHS(JTAG(2)) ! days, should be 1 JTAG(2) = JTAG(2) + 1 ! month If (JTAG(2) .gt. 12) Then ! Increment year JTAG(2) = 1 JTAG(1) = JTAG(1) + 1 Else Return Endif ! Increment year Else Return Endif ! Increment month Else Return Endif ! Increment days ! ! Write (6,*) 'FixEpoch2/After: ', JTAG, TAG_SEC ! Return End ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! SUBROUTINE USAGE() IMPLICIT None ! Write(6,1001) 1001 Format(/,' Program difxcalc: Calc 11 for the difx correlator.',/, & & ' Send comments, suggestions, requests, etc to', & & ' ',/ , & & ' ************** 2016 July 07 Version ************* ',//, & & ' Usage: difxcalc [options] ',/, & & ' or: difxcalc [options] ... ',/, & & ' or: difxcalc [options] --all ',/, & & ' or: difxcalc [options] all ',/, & ! & ' or: difxcalc [options] * ',//, & & ' , etc. should be .calc files. ',//, & ! & ' "*", "all" or "--all" processes all .calc files in the working', & & ' all or --all processes all .calc files in the working', & & ' directory (2000 max). ',//, & & ' If the .calc file contains a spacecraft ephemeris, then', & & ' difxcalc will',/,' switch to the near-field model.',//, & ! & ' Uses the Sekido and Fukushima (2006) model for near-', & ! & 'field delays. ',//, & & ' Options can include: ',/, & & ' --help ',/ & & ' -h Print this help and quit. ',//, & ! & ' --verbose ',/, & & ' -v Verbose: Small printout. ',//, & ! & ' -v 1 Verbose: Small printout. ',//, & ! & ' -v 2 Verbose: More printout. ',/, & ! & ' -v 3 Verbose: Much more printout. ',//, & ! & ' --quiet ',/, & ! & ' -q Be less verbose in operation. ',//, & & ' -s Write station J2000 positions. ',//, & & ' -n Write station ITRF positions. ',//, & & ' -dry DO NOT ADD dry atm delays. '/, & & ' (Default is to ADD dry atm.) ',//, & & ' -wet DO NOT ADD wet atm delays. '/, & & ' (Default is to ADD wet atm.) ',//, & ! & ' -b Baseline mode. Do ALL baselines. ',/, & ! & ' (Default is geocenter mode.) ',//, & ! & ' -m Master station mode. First ',/, & ! & ' antenna to all others. ',//, & ! & ' -e Epoch interval. Default: 24 seconds. ',/, & ! & ' Permitted values of n (seconds): ',/, & ! & ' 1,2,3,4,5,6,8,10,12,15,20,24,30,60. ',//, & ! & ' -im Turn OFF the .im file output. ',/, & ! & ' (Default is to write a .im file.) ',//, & ! & ' -o Write calc output to a ',/, & ! & ' *.calc.out file. ',//, & & ' -f Force execution, overwrite existing .im files.',//, & & ' -uncorr U,V,W: non-relativistic geometry.',//, & & ' -approx U,V,W: n-r geometry with aberration.',//, & & ' -exact U,V,W: partial derivatives (default).',//, & & ' -noatmo U,V,W: exact but no atmosphere. ',//, & & ' -S Use modified Sekido near-field model.',/, & ! & ' --Sekido Use modified Sekido near-field model.',/, & & ' -D Use Duev near-field model. (default)',/, & ! & ' --Duev Use Duev near-field model. (default)',/, & & ' -R Use satellite ranging near-field model.',//, & ! & ' --Ranging Use satellite ranging near-field model.',//, & & ' -lt Solve for light travel time. ',/, & & ' (Near-field mode only) ',//, & & ' -t Near-field ephemeris epoch offset. ',/, & & ' (in seconds, Real or Integer) ',//, & & ' ') ! Stop End