Subroutine dscan(Iscan, Kjob) implicit none ! ! Common blocks used - ! INCLUDE 'ccon.i' ! Variables 'to': ! 1. ILUOUT - A flag controlling output. ! INCLUDE 'cmxst11.i' ! Variables 'to': ! 1. NUMSIT - The total number of sites in the data base. ! 2. Zero_site - The site number of the site at the geocenter. ! INCLUDE 'cmxsr11.i' ! Variables 'to': ! 1. NUMSTR - The total number of stars (radio sources) in the ! data base. Character*20 SrcName(MAX_ARC_SRC) Equivalence (LNSTAR(1,1), SrcName(1)) ! INCLUDE 'cmxut11.i' ! Variables 'to': ! 1. Xintv(2) - First and last Julian Date of the current scan. ! 2. Intrvl(5,2) - First and last time tag of data in the current ! scan. (First index: year, month, day, ! hour, minute. Second index: first, last.) ! INCLUDE 'd_input.i' ! Input variables: ! 1) calc_file_name - Job file '.calc' file name. ! INCLUDE 'c2poly.i' ! ! ! Program specifications - ! Character*200 Buf1 CHARACTER*12 Scan12 Real*8 JDY2K, Jsecstart, Jsecstop, Jsec2 Real*8 FJD2, Fday Real*8 JD1, JD2, StrtUTCmin, StopUTCmin, ProcMin Integer*4 IX, IX1, IX2, Iscan, Min2, IOS, ScanN, Kjob Integer*4 JTAG1(5), JTAG2(5) Integer*4 get4unit Integer*4 I, N, Unit1, J SAVE Unit1 ! ! PROGRAMMER - David Gordon January 2015 ! DG, 2016-July-07 Kjob added to conserve LU numbers ! ! ! Initialize scan inputs. ScanID = ' ' ScanNum = -1 ScanStrt = -1 ScanDur = -1 PointingSrc = -1 NumPhCntr = -1 PhCntrNum = -1 Do I = 1, 500 PhCntr(I) = -1 Enddo Near_Far = 'Far-field ' ! If (Iscan .gt. 1) Go to 200 ! ! First time: open the file and read down to the 'SCAN' section. If (Kjob .eq. 1) Unit1 = get4unit() OPEN(Unit1,FILE=calc_file_name,STATUS='OLD',ACTION='READ',IOSTAT=IOS) IF( Write(6,'("Open Error for file: ",A128)') calc_file_name ! 100 Continue Read(Unit1,'(A200)',end=200) Buf1 If (Buf1(1:10).eq.'NUM SCANS:') Go to 200 Go to 100 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! 200 Continue ! Read (Unit1,'(A200)',end=300) Buf1 ! If (Buf1(1:4).eq.'SCAN') Then IX = INDEX(Buf1,'IDENTIFIER:') If (IX .gt. 0) Then Read(Buf1(5:IX-1),*) ScanN If(ScanN+1 .eq. Iscan) Then ScanNum = ScanN + 1 ! For Fortran Scan12 = Buf1((IX+11):(IX+22)) Scan12 = ADJUSTL(Scan12) ScanID = Scan12(1:10) Go To 200 Else Backspace(Unit1) Go to 300 Endif Endif ! IX = INDEX(Buf1,'START (S):') If (IX .gt. 0) Then Read(Buf1(5:IX-1),*) ScanN If(ScanN+1 .eq. Iscan) Then ScanNum = ScanN + 1 ! For Fortran Read(Buf1((IX+10):(IX+17)),*) ScanStrt Go To 200 Else Backspace(Unit1) Go to 300 Endif Endif ! IX = INDEX(Buf1,'DUR (S):') If (IX .gt. 0) Then Read(Buf1(5:IX-1),*) ScanN If(ScanN+1 .eq. Iscan) Then ScanNum = ScanN + 1 ! For Fortran Read(Buf1((IX+8):(IX+17)),*) ScanDur Go To 200 Else Backspace(Unit1) Go to 300 Endif Endif ! IX = INDEX(Buf1,'POINTING SRC:') If (IX .gt. 0) Then Read(Buf1(5:IX-1),*) ScanN If(ScanN+1 .eq. Iscan) Then ScanNum = ScanN + 1 ! For Fortran Read(Buf1((IX+13):(IX+16)),*) PointingSrc PointingSrc = PointingSrc + 1 ! For Fortran Go To 200 Else Backspace(Unit1) Go to 300 Endif Endif ! IX = INDEX(Buf1,'NUM PHS CTRS:') If (IX .gt. 0) Then Read(Buf1(5:IX-1),*) ScanN If(ScanN+1 .eq. Iscan) Then ScanNum = ScanN + 1 ! For Fortran Read(Buf1((IX+13):(IX+16)),*) NumPhCntr Go To 200 Else Backspace(Unit1) Go to 300 Endif Endif ! ! IX = INDEX(Buf1,'PHS CTR 0:') IX1 = INDEX(Buf1,'PHS CTR') IX2 = INDEX(Buf1,':') If (IX1 .gt. 0 .and. IX2 .gt. 0) Then Read(Buf1(5:IX1-1),*) ScanN If(ScanN+1 .eq. Iscan) Then ScanNum = ScanN + 1 ! For Fortran Read(Buf1((IX1+7):(IX2-1)),*) PhCntrNum PhCntrNum = PhCntrNum +1 ! For Fortran Read(Buf1((IX2+1):(IX2+6)),*) PhCntr(PhCntrNum) PhCntr(PhCntrNum) = PhCntr(PhCntrNum) +1 ! For Fortran Go To 200 Else Backspace(Unit1) Go to 300 Endif Endif ! Endif ! Go to 200 ! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! 300 Continue ! If (Iscan .eq. NumScans) Close(Unit1) ! ! ! Get the start and stop times, all on the even minute JTAG1(1) = StartYr JTAG1(2) = StartMo JTAG1(3) = StartDay JTAG1(4) = StartHr JTAG1(5) = StartMin Jsecstart = StartSec + ScanStrt ! Recompute starting yr, month, day, hr, min, sec. IF (Jsecstart .ge. 59.999999999D0) Call FixEpoch(JTAG1,Jsecstart) ! JTAG2(1) = JTAG1(1) JTAG2(2) = JTAG1(2) JTAG2(3) = JTAG1(3) JTAG2(4) = JTAG1(4) JTAG2(5) = JTAG1(5) ! Stop time plus 1 second (to get an additional polynomial interval ! if stop time is on the even minute). Jsecstop = Jsecstart + ScanDur + 1 IF (Jsecstop .ge. 59.999999999D0) Call FixEpoch(JTAG2,Jsecstop) ! ! Convert start and stop times to the even minute before and after the ! scan start and stop. Intrvl(1,1) = JTAG1(1) Intrvl(2,1) = JTAG1(2) Intrvl(3,1) = JTAG1(3) Intrvl(4,1) = JTAG1(4) Min2 = JTAG1(5)/2 JTAG1(5) = Min2*2 Intrvl(5,1) = JTAG1(5) ! Julian date of 2-minute interval start time JD1 = JDY2K (JTAG1(1),JTAG1(2),JTAG1(3)) Xintv(1) = JD1 + JTAG1(4)/24.D0 + JTAG1(5)/1440.D0 ! Jsec2 = Jsecstop + 119 Call FixEpoch(JTAG2,Jsec2) Intrvl(1,2) = JTAG2(1) Intrvl(2,2) = JTAG2(2) Intrvl(3,2) = JTAG2(3) Intrvl(4,2) = JTAG2(4) Min2 = JTAG2(5)/2 JTAG2(5) = Min2*2 Intrvl(5,2) = JTAG2(5) ! Julian date of 2-minute interval stop time JD2 = JDY2K (JTAG2(1),JTAG2(2),JTAG2(3)) Xintv(2) = JD2 + JTAG2(4)/24.D0 + JTAG2(5)/1440.D0 ! ! Start/Stop time in UTC minutes (1 day = 1440 minutes) StrtUTCmin = (Xintv(1) - JD1) * 1440.D0 StopUTCmin = (Xintv(2) - JD1) * 1440.D0 ProcMin = StopUTCmin - StrtUTCmin + .00001 ! # of 2-minute intervals this scan Intrvls2min = ProcMin/2 + 1 ! Add an extra 2-minutes ! # of calc epochs this scan NumEpochs = ((ProcMin*60. + .001)/d_interval) + 1 ! ! write(6,*) 'dScan: Numsrc,Numstr,NumSpace: ', Numsrc,Numstr,NumSpace ! write(6,*) 'dScan: SrcName: ', (SrcName(J), J=1,Numsrc) ! write(6,*) 'dScan: SpName: ', (SpName(J), J=1,NumSpace) ! Far-field or Near-field? If(NumSpace .ge. 1) Then Do J = 1, NumSpace If(SrcName(PointingSrc) .eq. SpName(J)) Then Near_Far = 'Near-field' If(Verbose .ge. 1) Write(6,1011) NF_Model, Iscan-1, SrcName(PointingSrc) 1011 Format(' Using the ',A8,' Near-field model for scan ',I3,' Source ',A20) Call SPACEI(J) Go to 310 Endif Enddo 310 Continue Endif If(Verbose .ge. 1 .and. Near_Far .eq. 'Far-field ') & & write(6,1012) Iscan-1, SrcName(PointingSrc) 1012 Format(' Using the Far-field model for scan ',I3,' Source ',A20) ! ! Go back to the main. RETURN END