SUBROUTINE dDRIVR(Iscan,J2m) IMPLICIT None ! ! 1. DRIVR ! ! 1.1 DRIVR PROGRAM SPECIFICATION ! ! 1.1.1 DRIVR is the main calculation subroutine. It calculates the theoretical ! delays and delay rates, the contributions of each model module to the ! delays and delay rates, the partials of the delays and delay rates with ! respect to model module parameters, and the coordinate time at site #1. ! ! 1.1.2 RESTRICTIONS - NONE ! ! 1.1.3 REFERENCES - PEP MANUAL, GREENBOOK, D. ROBERTSON'S THESIS, ! P. McCLURES X-DOCUMENT. ! ! 1.2 DRIVR PROGRAM INTERFACE ! ! 1.2.1 CALLING SEQUENCE - CALL DRIVR ! INPUT VARIABLES -NONE ! OUTPUT VARIABLES - NONE ! ! 1.2.2 COMMON BLOCKS USED ! INCLUDE 'd_input.i' ! Variables from: ! 1. NumEpochs - Number of epochs for this calc run. Each will ! be d_interval seconds apart. ! 2. d_interval - Interval between Calc epochs (seconds). ! Nominally Calc is run every 24 seconds for the ! difx correlator, and then a fifth degree ! polynomial is fit to the delays for each ! minute interval to obtain the correlator ! model. ! 3. Base_mode - If 'geocenter ' mode, first station is always ! the geocenter. If 'baseline ' mode, will do ! all baselines (site2->site3, ..., site2->siten, ! site3->site4, ..., siten-1->siten). ! If limited baseline mode, will do site2->site3, ! site2->site4, ..., site2->siten only. ! 4. Near_Far - Character*10 variable specifying whether to ! use the 'Far-field ' or the 'Near-field model. ! INCLUDE 'get2s.i' ! Variables from: ! 1. LNBASE(4,2) - THE EIGHT CHARACTER SITE NAMES OF THE BASELINE ! OF THE CURRENT OBSERVATION. (ALPHAMERIC) ! INCLUDE 'put2s.i' ! Variables from: ! 1. ELEV(2,2) - The elevation angle of the source corrrected for ! aberration and its CT time derivative at each ! site. (rad,rad/sec) ! 2. AZ(2,2) - The azimuth angle of the source corrrected for ! aberration and its CT time derivative at each ! site. (rad,rad/sec) ! INCLUDE 'cmxut11.i' ! Variables 'to': ! 1. Xintv(2) - First and last Julian Date of data in the ! current data base. ! 2. Intrvl(5,2) - First and last time tag of data in the current ! data base. (First index: year, month, day, ! hour, minute. Second index: first, last.) ! INCLUDE 'cmxst11.i' ! Variables 'to': ! 1. NUMSIT - The total number of sites in the data base. ! INCLUDE 'cuser11.i' ! Variables from: ! 1. Calc_user - Calc user type. 'A' for Calc/SOLVE analysis. ! 'C' for VLBI correlator. ! 2. Apply_ocean - Switch to apply ocean loading to theoreticals ! for correlator usage. 'Y' to apply (recommended), ! 'N' for do not apply. ! INCLUDE 'cphys11.i' ! Variables 'from': ! 1. VLIGHT - The velocity of light in vacuum. (m/sec) ! Real*8 PI,TWOPI,HALFPI,CONVD,CONVDS,CONVHS,SECDAY COMMON /CMATH/ PI,TWOPI,HALFPI,CONVD,CONVDS,CONVHS,SECDAY ! Variables 'from' : ! 1. CONVD - ! INCLUDE 'c2poly.i' ! ! ! 1.2.3 PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS - Character*50 Buf1, Buf2 REAL*8 EPSMD, CENT, JDY2K Real*8 AXOFF(2), CFBASE(3), CFLAT(3,2), CFLON(3,2), & & CFSITE(3,2), CFSITN(3,2), DIONC(2), & & EARTH(3,3), EPBASE(3,2), SUN(3,2), & & EPLATP(3,2), EPLATV(3,2), EPLONP(3,2), EPLONV(3,2), & & EPS(2), EPSITN(3,2), OCEAMP(11,3,2), & & OCEPHS(11,3,2), SITEA(3,2),SITEP(3,2), & & SITEV(3,2), SITLAT(2), SITLON(2), SITRAD(2), STAR(3), & & SUNCU(3), TCTOCF(3,3,2), DATMC(2,2), ZPATH(2), & & TIDEP(3,2), TIDEV(3,2), USITEP(3,2), USITEV(3,2), & & XLOADP(3,2), XLOADV(3,2), XMOON(3,2), STARdt(3), & & POLTDP(3,2), POLTDV(3,2), SITEP1(3,2), SITEV1(3,2), & & SITHEIGHT(2), RTTOCF(3,3,2), GEOLAT(2), STAR12dt(3,2), & & AXTILT(2,2), ROTAXIS(3,3,2), OPTLcoef(6,2), STAR12(3,2), & & WOBXds, WOBYds, OPTLOADP(3,2), OPTLOADV(3,2) Real*8 WBP(3) Real*8 WBQ(3) Real*8 R1(3), R2(3), R1dt(3), R2dt(3), R1mag, R2mag, R1magdt, & & R2magdt, T0_T1, STARff(3), RIGHT_ASC, DECLINATION, & & R1_TDB(3), R2_TDB(3), R1mag_TDB, R2mag_TDB, Site2_TDB(3) Real*8 AXIS2000(3,2), DAXIS2000(3,2), STAR_ABERRATED(3,2), & & dATMCdh(2,2), STAR_ABERRATEDdt(3,2) Real*8 UTC, XJD, AT, DUTCAT, CT, DATDCT, DLPGR, DUT1AT, UT1, & & EPSMNR, DIURNV, WOBXR, WOBYR, CD, CRA, SD, SRA, & & NUTDIF(2,2), SJD, TJD, OBSDIF Real*8 WOBXD,WOBYD,THETA,RPOM(3,3),RBPN(3,3),RT2C(3,3), & & RBPNC(3,3),RT2CC(3,3) Real*8 DAS2R, APC2R, RPNKK(3,3,2), DR1(3,3), DR2(3,3) Real*8 RPN2K(3,3,2),X,Y, ERA2K,DERA2K,RS2K(3,3,3), & & SP,DSP,RW2K(3,3,2),R2K(3,3,3), RPC2K(3,3,2), FA2K(14), & & FAD2K(14), GAST2K(2), RSC2K(3,3,3), RNC2K(3,3,2), & & RC2K (3,3,3), GMST2K(2), & & RFR2K(3,3), pERA2K, DNUpe(2,2), Xn(2), Yn(2), Sn(2) Real*8 RPN2K6(3,3,2), X06(2), Y06(2), S06(2), RS2K6(3,3,3), & & R2K6(3,3,3), R2K6m1(3,3,3), R2K6p1(3,3,3) Real*8 Xti, Yti, UT1ti, dXti, dYti, dUT1ti, Xli, Yli, & & dXli, dYli, UT1li, dUT1li, TAG_SEC Real*8 RS2Km1(3,3,3), RS2Kp1(3,3,3), & & RPNm1(3,3,2), RWm1(3,3,2), RPNp1(3,3,2), RWp1(3,3,2) Real*8 tg2_tg1, dtg2_tg1, delta_t_grav, d_delta_t_grav, & & delta_t_grav_Sun, d_delta_t_grav_Sun Real*8 Xscale, Dt, Rt, DOTP ! Real*8 UT1td ! Real*8 R2Kdif(3,3) Real*8 TDBminusTT Real*8 TT,TDBmTT,TDB,TDBg,Elong,Udist,Vdist Real*8 delay6(6), poly6(6) Real*8 Ph_Dec, Ph_RA, CD1, SD1, CRA1, SRA1 Real*8 tr2_tr1, dtr2_tr1, td2_td1, dtd2_td1 Real*8 C2000STR(3) Real*8 K_EWNS(3,4), K_EWNS_ab(3,4), dKew, dKns, AZ_ab(4), & & EL_ab(4), gmfh(2), gmfw(2), Datmc_h_EWNS(4), & & Datmc_w_EWNS(4), STAR2(3,4), STAR2_ab(3,4), tg2_tg1ewns(4) ! Character*8 Baseline(2), Sourc8 Character*20 Sourc20 Equivalence (LNBASE(1,1), Baseline(1)) ! Integer*4 TSKIP, I, J, ierc2, c_out2, c_out, c2_out, get4unit, & & LC, ios, IDEC, IRA, I_ph, I_mid, Iscan, J2m, IS1, IS2 Integer*4 IYY, IM, ID, JTAG(5), K, L, I11, I12, I21, I22, K1, K2 Integer*4 Itime, Istation1, Istation2, Isource, Isrc, IndexB Integer*2 KAXIS(2) ! DATA SJD /-999.D6/ ! ! SAVE BLOCK - SAVE SITEA, SITEP, & & SITEV, SITLAT, STAR, SUNCU, TCTOCF, TIDEP, SITRAD, & & TIDEV, XLOADP, XLOADV, ZPATH, EPS, & & POLTDP, POLTDV, SUN, AXOFF, CFBASE, DIURNV, DLPGR, EPBASE, & & CFSITE, CFSITN, CFLON, CFLAT, SITLON, OCEAMP, OCEPHS, & & KAXIS, EARTH, EPSMNR, STAR_ABERRATED, & & EPSMD, XMOON, SITHEIGHT, FA2K, FAD2K, & & NUTDIF, XJD, CT, SJD, TJD, OBSDIF, CENT, UT1, DUT1AT, & & RTTOCF, GEOLAT, WOBXR, WOBYR, UTC, AT, DUTCAT, DATDCT, & & RPN2K, Xn, Yn, Sn, ERA2K, RS2K, SP, RW2K, R2K, & & WOBXD, WOBYD, DERA2K, RPC2K, GAST2K, RSC2K, & & RNC2K, RC2K, RFR2K, GMST2K, pERA2K, & & AXTILT, ROTAXIS, DNUpe, Xti, Yti, UT1ti, dXti, dYti, & & dUT1ti, TT, RPN2K6, X06, Y06, S06, R2K6, TDB, TDBg, & & Xli, Yli, dXli, dYli, UT1li, dUT1li, OPTLcoef, WOBXds, & & WOBYds, OPTLOADP, OPTLOADV, STARdt, STAR12, STAR12dt, & & STAR_ABERRATEDdt, RS2Km1, RS2Kp1, R2K6m1, R2K6p1, STARff, & & Sourc20, Sourc8 ! ! 1.2.4 DATA BASE ACCESS - NONE ! ! 1.2.5 EXTERNAL INPUT/OUTPUT - NONE ! ! 1.2.6 SUBROUTINE INTERFACE - ! CALLER SUBROUTINES: MAIN ! CALLED SUBROUTINES: INITL, OBSNT, START, TOCUP, WRIDR, ! ATIME, ATMG, AXOG, CTIMG, RMPAR, ! DIURNL, ETDG, M2000, NUTG, OCEG, ! PEP, PREG, PTDG, RELG, ROSIT, SITG, ! SITCOR, STRCOR, STRG, SUNCOR, UT1G, ! UTCTME, WOBG, PLXG, ATMP, AXOP, ETDP, ! NUTP, OCEP, PREP, RELP, SITP, STRP, ! UT1P, WOBP, PLXP, PTDP, ATMC, AXOC, ! ETDC, OCEC, PTDC, RELC, CSTAR, WOBC ! ! 1.2.7 CONSTANTS USED - NONE ! ! 1.2.8 PROGRAM VARIABLES - ! 1. AXOFF(2) - THE ANTENNA AXIS OFFSETS AT EACH OBSERVATION ! SITE. (M) ! 2. CFBASE(3) - THE GEOCENTRIC CRUST FIXED BASELINE VECTOR. (M) ! 3. DATMC(2,2) - THE CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE DELAY AND DELAY ! RATE DUE TO TROPOSPHERIC REFRACTION AT EACH ! OBSERVATION SITE. (SEC, SEC/SEC) ! 4. DAXOC(2,2) - THE CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE DELAY AND DELAY ! RATE DUE TO THE ANTENNA AXIS OFFSETS AT EACH ! OBSERVATION SITE. (SEC, SEC/SEC) ! 7. DIONC(2) - THE CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE DELAY AND DELAY ! RATE DUE TO IONOSPHERE EFFECTS. (SEC, SEC/SEC) ! Dummy variables! ! 8. DIURNV - THE DIURNAL ANGULAR VELOCITY OF THE EARTH. ! (RAD/SEC) ! --- No longer computed !!!! ! 9. DLPGR - THE CT TIME DERIVATIVE OF THE LONG PERIOD ! TERMS IN THE 'AT MINUS CT' OFFSET. (SEC/SEC) ! 10. EARTH(3,3) - THE SOLAR SYSTEM BARYCENTRIC EARTH POSITION, ! VELOCITY, AND ACCELERATION VECTORS. ! (M, M/SEC, M/SEC**2) ! 11. EPBASE(3,2) - THE J2000.0 GEOCENTRIC BASELINE POSITION AND ! VELOCITY VECTORS. (M, M/SEC) ! 12. EPS(2) - THE TRUE OBLIQUITY OF THE ECLIPTIC AND ITS CT ! TIME DERIVATIVE. (RAD, RAD/SEC) ! 13. EPSMNR - MEAN OBLIQUITY AT EPOCH J2000.0. (RAD) ! 14. EPSMD - Mean obliquity of date (radians) ! 15. FA2K(14) - The Fundamental arguments (5 Luni-solar, ! 8 planetary, accumulated precession) ! (Radians) ! 16. FAD2K(14) - Time derivative of the fundamental arguments ! (Radians/second) ! 17. CENT - Number of Julian centuries elapsed since the ! epoch January 1.5, 2000. (centuries) ! 18. KEND - THE 'END OF DATA' FLAG. KEND = 0 IF THERE IS ! MORE DATA TO BE PROCESSED. KEND = 1 IF THE END ! OF THE DATA HAS BEEN REACHED. ! 19. KOUNT - THE FLAG WHICH INITIALIZES THE COUNTING OF THE ! OBSERVATION ITEMS. ! 20. PANGL(2) - THE PARALLACTIC ANGLE DUE TO FEED BOX ROTATION ! AT EACH OBSERVATION SITE. (RAD) ! 21. POLTDP(3,2) - GEOCENTRIC J2000.0 SITE POSITION CORRECTION FOR ! THE EFFECTS OF THE POLE TIDE. (M) ! 22. POLTDV(3,2) - GEOCENTRIC J2000.0 SITE VELOCITY CORRECTION FOR ! THE EFFECTS OF THE POLE TIDE. (M/SEC) ! 23. RPC2K(3,3,2) - THE PRECESSION PORTION OF THE COMPLETE CRUST ! FIXED TO J2000.0 ROTATION MATRIX AND ITS CT ! TIME DERIVATIVE, consistent with the IERS ! Conventions (2003). (UNITLESS, 1/SEC) ! 24. RS2K(3,3,3) - THE DIURNAL SPIN PORTION OF THE COMPLETE CRUST ! FIXED TO J2000.0 ROTATION MATRIX AND ITS FIRST ! TWO CT TIME DERIVATIVES, consistent with the ! IERS Conventions (2003) - CEO based version. ! (UNITLESS, 1/SEC, 1/SEC**2) ! 25. RSC2K(3,3,3) - THE DIURNAL SPIN PORTION OF THE COMPLETE CRUST ! FIXED TO J2000.0 ROTATION MATRIX AND ITS FIRST ! TWO CT TIME DERIVATIVES, consistent with the ! IERS Conventions (2003) - Classical version. ! (UNITLESS, 1/SEC, 1/SEC**2) ! 26. RW2K(3,3,2) - THE WOBBLE PORTION OF THE COMPLETE CRUST FIXED ! TO J2000.0 ROTATION MATRIX and its time ! derivative, consistent with the IERS ! Conventions (2003). (unitless, 1/sec) ! 27. SITEA(3,2) - THE J2000.0 GEOCENTRIC ACCELERATION VECTORS OF ! EACH OBSERVATION SITE. (M/SEC**2) ! 28. SITEP(3,2) - THE J2000.0 GEOCENTRIC POSITION VECTORS OF EACH ! OBSERVATION SITE. (M) ! 29. SITEV(3,2) - THE J2000.0 GEOCENTRIC VELOCITY VECTORS OF EACH ! OBSERVATION SITE. (M/SEC) ! 30. SITLAT(2) - THE SITE GEODETIC LATITUDES. (RAD) ! 31. SITLON(2) - The site East longitudes. (rad) ! 32. SITHEIGHT(2) - The site heights above the geoid. (m) ! 33. STAR(3) - THE J2000.0 SOURCE UNIT VECTOR. (UNITLESS) ! 33.5 STAR12(3,2) - The J2000.0 source unit vectors from stations ! 1 and 2. (unitless). For Far-field sources, ! these are the same as STAR(3). ! 34. SUN(3,2) - THE J2000.0 GEOCENTRIC SUN POSITION AND ! VELOCITY VECTORS. (M, M/SEC) ! 35. TCTOCF(3,3,2) - THE ROTATION MATRIX WHICH ROTATES THE ! TOPOCENTRIC REFERENCE SYSTEM TO THE CRUST FIXED ! REFERENCE SYSTEM AT EACH OBSERVATION SITE. ! 36. TIDEP(3,2) - THE CORRECTIONS TO THE J2000.0 GEOCENTRIC SITE ! POSITION VECTORS DUE TO EARTH TIDE EFFECTS. (M) ! 37. TIDEV(3,2) - THE CORRECTIONS TO THE J2000.0 GEOCENTRIC SITE ! VELOCITY VECTORS DUE TO EARTH TIDES. (M/SEC) ! 38. WOBX - THE LONG PERIOD WOBBLE X-OFFSET. (RAD) ! 39. WOBY - THE LONG PERIOD WOBBLE Y-OFFSET. (RAD) ! (NOTE: WOBY IS LEFT HANDED.) ! 40. XLOADP(3,2) - THE CORRECTIONS TO THE J2000.0 GEOCENTRIC SITE ! POSITION VECTORS DUE TO OCEAN LOADING. (M) ! 41. XLOADV(3,2) - THE CORRECTIONS TO THE J2000.0 GEOCENTRIC SITE ! VELOCTY VECTORS DUE TO OCEAN LOADING. (M/SEC) ! 42. ZPATH(2) - THE ZENITH ELECTRICAL PATH LENGTH AT EACH ! OBSERVATION SITE. (SEC) ! 43. STAR_ABERRATED(3,2) - THE J2000.0 SOURCE UNIT VECTOR AT EACH ! SITE CORRECTED FOR ABERRATION. (UNITLESS) ! 44. axis2000(3,2) - Vector axis offset of antenna in the J2000.0 ! frame (effect on baseline). First index is ! X,Y,Z (meters), second runs over sites. ! 45. daxis2000(3,2) -Time derivative of axis2000, rate of change ! of vector axis offset of antenna in the ! J2000.0 frame (effect on baseline). First ! index is velocity, second runs over sites. ! 46. ELEV(2,2) - The elevation angle of the source corrrected ! for aberration and its CT time derivative at ! each site (rad,rad/sec) ! 47. AZ(2,2) - The azimuth angle of the source corrrected ! for aberration and its CT time derivative ! at each site (rad,rad/sec) !**** 48. DSTRP(2,2) - Partial derivatives of the delay and delay !**** rate with respect to source RA and Dec. First !**** runs over RA and Dec, second runs over delay !**** and delay rate. (sec/rad, sec/sec-rad ! difference. (radians, radians/sec) ! 51. RTTOCF(3,3,2) - The rotation matrix which rotates the ! 'radial-transverse' reference system to the ! crust fixed reference system at each site. ! 52. GEOLAT(2) - The geocentric latitude at each site. (rad) ! 53. SJD - Time of the previous observation. ! 54. XJD - The Julian Date at zero hours UTC of the ! observation. ! 55. UTC - UTC time fraction of the UTC day. ! 56. RPN2K(3,3,2) - The Bias Precession Nutation portion of ! the complete Fixed to J2000.0 rotation ! matrix and its CT time derivative, ! consistent with the IERS Conventions ! (2003). (unitless, 1/sec) ! 56.5 RPN2K6(3,3,2) - The Bias Precession Nutation portion of ! the complete Fixed to J2000.0 rotation ! matrix and its CT time derivative, ! consistent with the IERS Conventions ! (2010). (unitless, 1/sec) ! 57. RNC2K(3,3,2) - The IAU200A Nutation portion of ! the complete Fixed to J2000.0 rotation ! matrix and its CT time derivative, ! consistent with the IERS Conventions ! (2003). (unitless, 1/sec) ! 58. Xn(2) - X-component of the CIP (Celestial ! Intermediate Pole) in the GCRS (Geocentric ! Celestial Reference System), and its time ! derivative. (Radians, Radians/sec) ! 59. Yn(2) - Y-component of the CIP (Celestial ! Intermediate Pole) in the GCRS (Geocentric ! Celestial Reference System), and its time ! derivative. (Radians, Radians/sec) ! 60. Sn(2) - Position of the CEO (Celestial Ephemeris ! Origin) on the equator of the CIP, and its ! time derivative. (Radians, Radians/sec) ! 61. ERA2K - The Earth Rotation Angle, angle between ! the CEO Celestial Ephemeris Origin) and ! the TEO (Terrestrial Ephemeris Origin) ! on the equator of the the CIP at the ! observation epoch. (Radians) ! 62. DERA2K - Time derivative of ERA2K (Radians/sec) ! 63. SP - S-prime, position of the TEO (Terrestrial ! Ephemeris Origin) on the equator of the ! CIP. (Radians) ! 64. DSP - Time derivative of SP. (Radians/sec) ! 65. R2K(3,3,3) - THE COMPLETE CRUST FIXED TO J2000.0 ROTATION ! MATRIX AND ITS FIRST TWO CT TIME DERIVATIVES. ! CEO-based version. (UNITLESS, 1/SEC, 1/SEC**2) ! 65.5 R2K6(3,3,3) - THE COMPLETE CRUST FIXED TO J2000.0 ROTATION ! MATRIX AND ITS FIRST TWO CT TIME DERIVATIVES. ! CEO-based version. (UNITLESS, 1/SEC, 1/SEC**2) ! Updated for IERS Conventions (2010). ! 66. RC2K(3,3,3) - THE COMPLETE CRUST FIXED TO J2000.0 ROTATION ! MATRIX AND ITS FIRST TWO CT TIME DERIVATIVES. ! Classical version. (UNITLESS, 1/SEC, 1/SEC**2) ! 67. RSC2K(3,3,3) - THE DIURNAL SPIN PORTION OF THE COMPLETE CRUST ! FIXED TO J2000.0 ROTATION MATRIX AND ITS FIRST ! TWO CT TIME DERIVATIVES. (UNITLESS, 1/SEC, ! 1/SEC**2) ! 68. GAST2K(2) - THE GREENWICH APPARENT SIDEREAL TIME AND ! ITS CT TIME DERIVATIVE. (RAD, RAD/SEC) ! 69. AXTILT(2,2) - Antenna fixed axis tilts (arc-seconds). ! First index runs over the two orthogonal ! tilt directions (Alt-Az: 1 => East, ! 2 => North; (X-Y (N-S or E-W fixed) and ! Equatorial: 1 => Az error, 2 => Elev error). ! Second index runs over the two stations. ! 70. ROTAXIS(3,3,2)- Topocentric rotation matrices representing ! the fixed axis tilts for station 1 and ! station 2 of the current observation. ! 71. RFR2K(3,3) - The frame bias rotation matrix ! 72 OPTLcoef(6,2) - The 6 coefficients for computing the ocean ! pole tide loading offsets at each site, and ! in the following order: Up-real, Up-imaginary, ! North-real, North-imaginary, East-real, and ! East-imaginary. ! 73. C2000STR(3) - Aberrated/refracted source unit vector in the ! J2000.0 frame. ! ! ! 1.2.9 PROGRAMMER - David Gordon Jan. 2013 ! January 2015 D. Gordon Difx version: updated for multi-phase ! centers and multiple scans. ! ! PROGRAM STRUCTURE ! ! Perform the geometry and time calculations. ! The basic coordinate system is referenced to the Epoch of 2000.0 and is a ! right-handed Cartesian system oriented to the mean celestial pole and mean ! equator of that epoch. The nominal origin is the solar system barycenter. ! There is also an Earth fixed coordinate system which is a right-handed ! Cartesian system oriented to the mean geographic pole of 1900-1906 and the ! Greenwich Meridian. The nominal origin is the Earth's center of mass. The ! basic unit of time is the coordinate second as used by the PEP Tape. UTC, ! AT, AND UT1 are also used. The geometry of the observation is calculated ! with an accuracy goal of 0.1 picoseconds of delay. In doing the ! calculations for the geometry, much of the work neccesary for the ! computation of model contributions to delay and delay rate and partials of ! delay and delay rate with respect to model parameters is also done. ! Matrices which represent coordinate rotations (precession, nutation, ! diurnal spin, diurnal polar motion, and wobble) and their CT time ! derivatives are stored as (3,3,N) arrays, where N indixes the N-1'th time ! derivative. The subroutines suffixed G are sections of model modules. The ! other subroutines may be considered utilities and either superseed or ! incorporate many present PEP routines. ! ! write(6,*) ' !!!! ddrvr/UVW = ', UVW ! Pass # of sites to c2poly.i. Numsite = Numsit ! Open the output file if requested ! If (I_out .eq. 1) Then ! LC = get4unit() ! Open(LC, file=calc_out_file, status='new', iostat=ios ) ! If( Then ! Write(6,'("File ",A40,"already exists. Stopping.")') & ! & calc_out_file ! Stop ! Endif ! If (Atmdr .eq. 'Add-dry ') & ! & Buf1 = 'Dry atmosphere contributions added to delays. ' ! If (Atmdr .eq. 'no-Add-dry') & ! & Buf1 = 'Dry atmosphere contributions NOT added to delays. ' ! If (Atmwt .eq. 'Add-wet ') & ! & Buf2 = 'Wet atmosphere contributions added to delays. ' ! If (Atmwt .eq. 'no-Add-wet') & ! & Buf2 = 'Wet atmosphere contributions NOT added to delays. ' ! Write(LC,'("Calc 11 output. ")') ! IF (NumSpace .le. 0) Write (LC,'("Using far-field model.")') ! If (NumSpace .ge. 1) Write (LC,'("Using Sekido & Fukushima", & ! & " near-field model.")') ! If (NumSpace .ge. 1 .and. L_time .eq. 'solve ') & ! & Write (LC,'("Solving for light travel time. ")') ! Write(LC,'(A50,/,A50)') Buf1, Buf2 ! Write(LC,'("Calc delays every ",F4.1," seconds.",/)') d_interval ! Endif ! ! UTC epoch at start of current 2-minute interval JTAG(1) = Intrvl(1,1) ! year JTAG(2) = Intrvl(2,1) ! month JTAG(3) = Intrvl(3,1) ! day JTAG(4) = Intrvl(4,1) ! hour JTAG(5) = Intrvl(5,1) + (J2m-1)*2 ! minute TAG_SEC = 0.D0 IF (JTAG(5) .ge. 60) Call FixEpoch2(JTAG, TAG_SEC) ! ! Start the loop over time. We do all observations at each epoch before ! moving to the next epoch because it is the most efficient in terms of ! CPU time. ! DO Itime = 1, Epoch2m ! Start of epoch loop ! ! Define UTC for this epoch If (Itime .gt. 1) TAG_SEC = TAG_SEC + d_interval ! seconds IF (TAG_SEC .ge. 59.999999999D0) Call FixEpoch2(JTAG, TAG_SEC) TAGSEC = TAG_SEC ! ! Compute the Julian date at 0 hours UTC for the year, month, day. ! Use function JDY2K to convert year, month, day to Julian date. ! Year can be either 2-digit or 4-digit. IYY = JTAG(1) IM = JTAG(2) ID = JTAG(3) XJD = JDY2K(IYY,IM,ID) ! write(6,*) ' ' ! write(6,'("ddrvr: JTAG,TAGSEC,XJD = ",5I5,F5.1,F12.2)') & ! & JTAG,TAGSEC,XJD ! write(6,*) ' ' ! Fill output time array Iymdhms_f(Itime,1) = JTAG(1) Iymdhms_f(Itime,2) = JTAG(2) Iymdhms_f(Itime,3) = JTAG(3) Iymdhms_f(Itime,4) = JTAG(4) Iymdhms_f(Itime,5) = JTAG(5) Iymdhms_f(Itime,6) = TAGSEC ! ! Compute the UTC time as a fraction of the UTC day. UTC = ( DFLOAT ( JTAG(4) ) * 3600.D0 & & + DFLOAT ( JTAG(5) ) * 60.D0 & & + TAGSEC ) / 86400.D0 ! ! write(6,'("ddrvr: UTC ",F15.10)') UTC ! ! Call ATIME for the atomic time fraction of the atomic time day (AT) and ! for the partial derivative of the UTC time with respect to the atomic ! time (DUTCAT). CALL ATIME (UTC, XJD, AT, DUTCAT, TT) ! write(6,*) ' ATIME: UTC,XJD,AT,DUTCAT,TT ', UTC,XJD,AT,DUTCAT,TT ! ! Call CTIMG for the coordinate time fraction of the coordinate time day at ! site #1 (CT), the partial derivative of the atomic time with respect to ! the coordinate time (DATDCT), and the partial derivative of the long ! period terms in the 'AT minus CT' offset with respect to the coordinate ! time (DLPGR). CALL CTIMG (AT, TT, CFSITE, SITLON, UTC, XJD, CT, DATDCT, DLPGR, & & TDB, TDBg ) ! write(6,*) ' CTIME: CFSITE,SITLON,CT,DATDCT,DLPGR,TDB,TDBg ', & ! & CFSITE,SITLON,CT,DATDCT,DLPGR,TDB,TDBg ! ! Compute epoch and compare with previous observation. If same, set ! TSKIP=1, otherwise TSKIP=0. If TSKIP=1, then we can skip many steps in ! the geometry subroutines. TJD = XJD + TT OBSDIF = DABS(TJD - SJD) IF (OBSDIF .lt. 1.D-16) THEN TSKIP = 1 ELSE TSKIP = 0 SJD = TJD ENDIF ! ! Call PEP for the J2000.0 geocentric Sun (SUN) and Moon (XMOON) position ! and velocity vectors; the J2000.0 solar system barycentric Earth ! position, velocity, and acceleration vectors (EARTH); the other planets' ! (except Pluto) barycentric and geocentric positions and velocities. ! The solar system info comes from the DE421 JPL Ephemeris. CALL PEP (XJD, TDBg, TSKIP, EARTH, SUN, XMOON) ! write(6,*) ' PEP: EARTH,SUN,XMOON ', EARTH,SUN,XMOON ! ! Call NUTFA before NUTG and before UT1G to get epoch in centuries and ! the fundamental arguments for the nutation series. CALL NUTFA (XJD, TT, CT, CENT, FA2K, FAD2K) ! write(6,*) ' NUTFA: FA2K, FAD2K ', FA2K, FAD2K ! ! Call UT1G for the UT1 fraction of the UT1 day (UT1) and for the partial ! derivative of the UT1 time with respect to the atomic time (DUT1AT). CALL UT1G (AT, DUTCAT, UTC, XJD, CT, TT, FA2K, FAD2K, & & CENT, TSKIP, DUT1AT, UT1, Xti, Yti, UT1ti, & & dXti, dYti, dUT1ti) ! write(6,*) ' UT1G: DUT1AT, UT1 ', DUT1AT, UT1 ! write(6,*) ' UT1G: Xti,Yti,dXti,dYti(mas) ', Xti,Yti,dXti,dYti ! write(6,*) ' UT1G: UT1ti,dUT1ti(msec) ', UT1ti,dUT1ti ! ! Call NUTG for the nutation portion of the complete crust fixed to ! J2000.0 rotation matrices and their CT time derivatives (RPN2K6), ! the true obliquity of the ecliptic and its CT time derivative, ! (EPS), the mean obliquity at J2000.0 (EPSMNR), and the CEO-based ! nutation offsets (X06, Y06, S06). CALL NUTG (CENT, FA2K, FAD2K, XJD, TT, TSKIP, EPS, & & EPSMNR, RPN2K6, X06, Y06, S06) ! write(6,*) ' NUTG: X06, Y06, S06 ', X06, Y06, S06 ! write(6,*) ' NUTG: RPN2K6 ', RPN2K6 ! ! Call DIRNL for the diurnal spin portion of the complete crust fixed to ! J2000.0 rotation matrices and their first two CT time derivatives (RS2K ! and RSC2K), the Earth rotation angle and its CT time derivative ! (ERA2K and DERA2K), the Greenwich apparent siderial time and its CT ! time derivative (GAST2K), the Greenwich mean siderial time (GMST2K), ! and the diurnal rotational velocity of the Earth (DIURNV). ! ---> DIURNV removed, not used ! CALL DIRNL (DATDCT, DUT1AT, EPS, FA2K, FAD2K, UT1, & & XJD, CT, DUTCAT, CENT, & & RPN2K6, S06, & & ERA2K, DERA2K, pERA2K, RS2K, RS2Km1, RS2Kp1, & & GAST2K, GMST2K, RSC2K) !!!!!! GMST2K updated, GAST2K not updated !!!!!!!!! ! write(6,*) ' DIRNL: ERA2K, DERA2K ', ERA2K, DERA2K ! ! Call WOBG for the wobble portion of the complete crust fixed to J2000.0 ! rotation matrix and its first time derivative (RW2K), and the long period ! wobble X and Y OFFSETS. (NOTE: Right-handed coordinate system.) CALL WOBG (CENT, TT, UTC, XJD, GMST2K, TSKIP, FA2K, FAD2K, & & UT1, DUT1AT, Xti, Yti, dXti, dYti, Xli, Yli, & & dXli, dYli, UT1li, dUT1li, UT1ti, dUT1ti, & & WOBXR, WOBYR, WOBXD, WOBYD, SP, DSP, RW2K) ! write(6,*) ' WOBG: WOBXR,WOBYR,WOBXD,WOBYD ', WOBXR,WOBYR,WOBXD,WOBYD ! ! Call M2K to complete the IERS 2010 CEO-based TRF ==> CRF ! tranformation matrix and its first two time derivatives. CALL M2K (RPN2K6, RS2K, RW2K, TSKIP, R2K6 ) !! IF (NumSpace .ge. 1) THEN IF (Near_Far .eq. 'Near-field') THEN TSKIP = 0 ! Rotation matrix at -1 second. CALL MSUB2 (RPN2K6(1,1,1), RPN2K6(1,1,2), RPNm1(1,1,1)) CALL MATEQ (RPN2K6(1,1,2), RPNm1(1,1,2)) CALL MSUB2 (RW2K (1,1,1), RW2K (1,1,2), RWm1(1,1,1)) CALL MATEQ (RW2K (1,1,2), RWm1(1,1,2)) CALL M2K (RPNm1, RS2Km1, RWm1, TSKIP, R2K6m1) ! ! Rotation matrix at +1 second. CALL MADD2 (RPN2K6(1,1,1), RPN2K6(1,1,2), RPNp1(1,1,1)) CALL MATEQ (RPN2K6(1,1,2), RPNp1(1,1,2)) CALL MADD2 (RW2K (1,1,1), RW2K (1,1,2), RWp1(1,1,1)) CALL MATEQ (RW2K (1,1,2), RWp1(1,1,2)) CALL M2K (RPNp1, RS2Kp1, RWp1, TSKIP, R2K6p1) ! Write(6,1037) R2K6 1037 Format(1x,'DRIVR/R2K6 : ',(9(/,3E25.15))) ! Write(6,1047) R2K6m1 1047 Format(1x,'DRIVR/R2K6m1: ',(9(/,3E25.15))) ! Write(6,1057) R2K6p1 1057 Format(1x,'DRIVR/R2K6p1: ',(9(/,3E25.15))) ENDIF ! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! Set up baseline definitions If (Base_mode .eq. 'geocenter ') Then ! Station 1 is always the geocenter I11 = 1 I12 = 1 ! Station 2 runs over all antennas I21 = 2 I22 = Numsite Endif ! If (Base_mode .eq. 'master-stn') Then ! Station 1 is always the first antenna I11 = 2 I12 = 2 ! Station 2 runs over all other antennas I21 = 3 I22 = Numsite Endif ! If (Base_mode .eq. 'baseline ') Then ! Station 1 runs from first to next-to-last antenna I11 = 2 I12 = Numsite - 1 Endif ! ! Assign a unique baseline index number IndexB = 0 ! ! Begin Station Loops. Process all the baselines for the current epoch. ! DO Istation1 = I11, I12 ! Start of station 1 loop ! If (Base_mode .eq. 'baseline ') Then ! Station 2 runs from next antenna to the last antenna I21 = Istation1 + 1 I22 = Numsite Endif ! DO Istation2 = I21, I22 ! Start of station 2 loop ! ! Define baseline. Baseline(1) = Sites(Istation1) Baseline(2) = Sites(Istation2) ! Assign a unique baseline index number IndexB = IndexB + 1 Site1(IndexB,Itime) = Baseline(1) Site2(IndexB,Itime) = Baseline(2) Numbaseline = IndexB ! ! write(6,*) ' ' ! write(6,'(5I5,F5.1,2X,A8,1X,A8)') JTAG, TAGSEC, Baseline(1), & ! & Baseline(2) ! ! Call SITG for the geographical site data. SITG provides the following ! geocentric information for each observing site: the antenna axis offsets ! (AXOFF), the antenna types (KAXIS), the crust fixed site vectors (CFSITE), ! the crust fixed baseline vector (CFBASE), the crust fixed site normal unit ! vectors (CFSITN), the geodetic latitudes (SITLAT), the site east ! longitudes (SITLON), the spherical Earth radii, the partial derivatives of ! the crust fixed site vector components with respect to the geodetic ! latitudes (CFLAT) and east longitudes (CFLON), the rotation matrices which ! rotate the topocentric site reference system to the geocentric system at ! each site (TCTOCF), and the zenith tropospheric path delays at each ! observing site. SITG is the only routine which 'knows' which two sites are ! involved in the observation. All other routines merely work with site #1 ! and site #2. CALL SITG (AXOFF, CFBASE, CFLAT, CFLON, CFSITE, CFSITN, KAXIS, & & OCEAMP, OCEPHS, SITLAT, SITLON, SITRAD, TCTOCF, RTTOCF, & & ZPATH, SITHEIGHT, GEOLAT, AXTILT, ROTAXIS, OPTLcoef ) ! ! Call ROT2K to rotate the crust fixed site data into the J2000.0 inertial ! reference system. The following variables are output for each observing ! site in J2000.0 coordinates: the site position vectors (USITEP) and ! velocity vectors (USITEV) uncorrected for Earth tidal and ocean loading ! effects; the site accelerations (SITEA); the site normal unit vectors ! (EPSITN); and the partial derivatives of the site position and velocity ! vector components with respect to the site geodetic latitudes (EPLATP ! and EPLATV) and east longitudes (EPLONP and EPLONV). ! IERS 2010 version: CALL ROT2K (CFLAT, CFLON, CFSITE, CFSITN, R2K6, EPLATP, EPLATV, & & EPLONP, EPLONV, EPSITN, SITEA, USITEP, USITEV) ! write(6,237) USITEP, USITEV, SITEA 237 format(' USITEP, USITEV, SITEA',/,6(3D30.16,/)) ! ! Call ETDG for the corrections to the J2000 site position vectors (TIDEP) ! and velocity vectors (TIDEV) due to Earth tide effects. CALL ETDG ( R2K6, SITLAT, SITLON, SUN, TCTOCF, RTTOCF, & & USITEP, USITEV, XMOON, EARTH, GAST2K, & & FA2K, FAD2K, CENT, GEOLAT, TIDEP, TIDEV) ! ! Call 'PTDG' for the corrections to the J2000.0 site positions ! and site velocity vectors due to the solid Earth pole tide. CALL PTDG (SITLAT, SITLON, SITRAD, WOBXR, WOBYR, & & TCTOCF, R2K6, CENT, POLTDP, POLTDV, WOBXds, WOBYds) ! ! Call OCEG for the corrections to the J2000.0 site position vectors ! (XLOADP) and velocity vectors (XLOADV) due to ocean loading effects. CALL OCEG (CFSITE, UT1, OCEAMP, OCEPHS, R2K6, XJD, TCTOCF, TSKIP, & & FA2K, CENT, UTC, XLOADP, XLOADV) ! ! Call OCPTG for the corrections to the J2000.0 site position vectors ! (XLOADP) and velocity vectors (XLOADV) due to ocean pole tide ! loading effects. CALL OPTLG (WOBXds, WOBYds, OPTLcoef, R2K6, TCTOCF, TSKIP, & & OPTLOADP, OPTLOADV) ! ! Call dSITCR to apply the Earth tide, ocean loading, and pole tide ! corrections to the J2000.0 site position vectors (SITEP), site ! velocity vectors (SITEV), and the J2000.0 baseline position and ! velocity vectors (EPBASE). CALL dSITCR (TIDEP, TIDEV, USITEP, USITEV, XLOADP, XLOADV, & & EPBASE, SITEP, SITEV, POLTDP, POLTDV, OPTLOADP, OPTLOADV) ! write(6,238) SITEP 238 format(' Site positions:',/,3D26.16,/,3D26.16) ! write(6,239) SITEV 239 format(' Site velocities:',/,3D26.16,/,3D26.16) ! WBP(1) = SITEP(1,2) WBP(2) = SITEP(2,2) WBP(3) = SITEP(3,2) WBQ(1) = R2K6(1,1,1)*WBP(1)+R2K6(2,1,1)*WBP(2)+R2K6(3,1,1)*WBP(3) WBQ(2) = R2K6(1,2,1)*WBP(1)+R2K6(2,2,1)*WBP(2)+R2K6(3,2,1)*WBP(3) WBQ(3) = R2K6(1,3,1)*WBP(1)+R2K6(2,3,1)*WBP(2)+R2K6(3,3,1)*WBP(3) ! DO Isrc = 1, (NumPhCntr+1) ! Start of source/phase center loop ! If (Isrc .eq. 1) Isource = PointingSrc If (Isrc .gt. 1) Isource = PhCntr(Isrc-1) ! write(6,*) 'ddrvr: Isrc, Isource ', Isrc, Isource ! ! Call STRG for the J2000.0 unit vector in the direction of the ! radio source. (STAR) ! Far-field: IF (Near_Far .eq. 'Far-field ') Then CALL STRG (XJD, UTC, Isource, & & STAR, STAR12, RIGHT_ASC, DECLINATION, Sourc20) ! If (UVW .eq. 'exact ' .or. UVW .eq. 'noatmo') Then ! write (6,*) 'Itime, ANT, Isrc: ', Itime, (Istation2-2), Isrc Call STAR_NSEW (STAR, K_EWNS, RIGHT_ASC,DECLINATION, STAR12, & & dKew,dKns) Endif Endif ! ! Near-field: If (Near_Far .eq. 'Near-field') Then CALL NFSTRG (XJD, UTC, Isource, EARTH, & & SITEP, SITEV, SUN, XMOON,R2K6,STAR, STARdt, STAR12, STAR12dt, & & T0_T1, R1, R1dt, R1mag, R1magdt, R2, R2dt, R2mag, & & R2magdt, STARff, R1_TDB, R2_TDB, R1mag_TDB, R2mag_TDB, & & Site2_TDB, Sourc20) ! write(6,*) 'ddrvr1/R1mag,R1magdt ', R1mag,R1magdt ! write(6,*) 'ddrvr1/R2mag,R2magdt ', R2mag,R2magdt ! write(6,'(" R1mag: ",F20.7," AU")') R2mag/1.4959787D11 ! write(6,*) 'STARff: ', STARff If (UVW .eq. 'exact ' .or. UVW .eq. 'noatmo') Then Call NFSTewns( R1, R1dt, R1mag, R1magdt, R2, R2dt, R2mag, & & R2magdt, STAR, STARdt, STAR12, STAR12dt, SITEP, SITEV, & & R1_TDB, R2_TDB, R1mag_TDB, R2mag_TDB, Site2_TDB, K_EWNS, & & STAR2 ) ! Write (6,*) '*** ddrvr *** ' ! Write (6,*) 'STAR2(n,1): ', STAR2(1,1), STAR2(2,1), STAR2(3,1) ! Write (6,*) 'STAR2(n,2): ', STAR2(1,2), STAR2(2,2), STAR2(3,2) ! Write (6,*) 'STAR2(n,3): ', STAR2(1,3), STAR2(2,3), STAR2(3,3) ! Write (6,*) 'STAR2(n,4): ', STAR2(1,4), STAR2(2,4), STAR2(3,4) ! Write (6,*) '************* ' Endif Endif ! ! xSource = Sourc8 xSource = Sourc20 ! write(6,*) 'ddrvr: Sourc20,xSource,RIGHT_ASC, DECLINATION', & ! & Sourc20,xSource,RIGHT_ASC, DECLINATION ! ! ! Call ATMG for the aberrated elevation and azimuth angles of the ! source and their CT time derivatives, and the aberrated source ! unit vector. !! IF (NumSpace .eq. 0) Then IF (Near_Far .eq. 'Far-field ') Then CALL ATMG (R2K6, STAR, STAR12, EARTH, TCTOCF, SITEV, & & STAR_ABERRATED) DO I = 1,3 DO J = 1,2 STAR_ABERRATEDdt(I,J) = 0.D0 ENDDO ENDDO If (UVW .eq. 'exact ') Then CALL ATMGuv (R2K6, K_EWNS, EARTH, TCTOCF, SITEV, K_EWNS_ab, & & AZ_ab, EL_ab) Endif ENDIF ! !! IF (NumSpace .ge. 1) & IF (Near_Far .eq. 'Near-field') Then CALL NFATM (R2K6, STAR, STAR12, STAR12dt, EARTH, TCTOCF, SITEV, & & SITEA, R2K6m1, R2K6p1, R1mag, R2mag, & & STAR_ABERRATED, STAR_ABERRATEDdt) ! write(6,*) 'ddrvr2/R1mag,R1magdt ', R1mag,R1magdt ! write(6,*) 'ddrvr2/R2mag,R2magdt ', R2mag,R2magdt ! If (UVW .eq. 'exact ' .or. UVW .eq. 'noatmo') Then Call NFATMuv (R2K6, STAR2, TCTOCF, SITEV, STAR12, STAR2_ab, & & AZ_ab, EL_ab) Endif ENDIF ! ! Call AXOG for the J2000.0 vector axis offsets of the antennas and ! their time derivatives at each site. CALL AXOG (KAXIS, R2K6, SITLAT, STAR, TCTOCF, SITEV, AXOFF, & & EARTH, STAR_ABERRATED, STAR_ABERRATEDdt, SITHEIGHT, AXTILT, & & ROTAXIS, AXIS2000, DAXIS2000, C2000STR) ! C2000STR(3) = Aberrated/refracted source unit vector in the J2000.0 frame. ! ! Add axis offset to the baseline instead of computing a contribution Do J=1,2 Do I=1,3 SITEP1(I,J) = SITEP(I,J) + AXIS2000(I,J) SITEV1(I,J) = SITEV(I,J) + DAXIS2000(I,J) Enddo Enddo Do I=1,3 EPBASE(I,1) = SITEP1(I,1) - SITEP1(I,2) EPBASE(I,2) = SITEV1(I,1) - SITEV1(I,2) Enddo ! ! Call UVG to compute the (U,V) coordinates of the baseline. If (UVW .eq. 'uncorr') Then CALL UVG_un (STAR, EPBASE) ! [ABERRATION CORR = UNCORRECTED] ! Write (6,*) 'UVG_un: U,V,W ', U_V, Wb Endif ! ! Call UVG_ab to compute the (U,V) coordinates of the baseline, ! using the aberrated source unit vector. If (UVW .eq. 'approx') Then CALL UVG_ab (STAR_ABERRATED, EPBASE) ! [ABERRATION CORR = APPROXIMATE] ! Write (6,*) 'UVG_ab: U,V,W ', U_V, Wb Endif ! ! Call UVG_no to compute the (U,V) coordinates of the baseline, ! using the partial derivative technique without atmosphere !# CALL UVG_plus (EPBASE, STAR, STAR_ABERRATED, EARTH, SITEV1) ! [ABERRATION CORR = NO ATMOS] !!!! CALL UVG_plus (EPBASE, STAR, STAR , EARTH, SITEV1) ! [ABERRATION CORR = NO ATMOS??] !!!!!! Write (6,*) 'UVG_noatmo: U,V ', U_V ! ! Call UVG_exact to compute the (U,V) coordinates of the baseline, ! using the partial derivative technique with atmosphere !# CALL UVG_plus (EPBASE, STAR, C2000STR, EARTH, SITEV1) ! [ABERRATION CORR = EXACT ] !# Write (6,*) 'UVG_exact: U,V ', U_V ! ! Load U,V,W coordinates: ! Ubase_f(Itime,Istation1,(Istation2-1),Isrc) = U_V(1) ! Vbase_f(Itime,Istation1,(Istation2-1),Isrc) = U_V(2) ! Wbase_f(Itime,Istation1,(Istation2-1),Isrc) = Wb ! ! ! Perform the partial derivatives calculations. ! For difx, only the atmosphere partials are needed. ! The others are left for future use but commented out. ! ! Compute the atmosphere partials. CALL ATMP (SITLAT, SITLON, SITHEIGHT, XJD, CT, dATMCdh, & & gmfh, gmfw) ! ! Compute the axis offset partials. !** CALL AXOP (AXOFF, STAR12, EARTH, SITEV1) ! ! Compute the Earth tide partials. !** CALL ETDP (R2K6, SITLAT, STAR, TCTOCF) ! ! Compute the pole tide partials. !** CALL PTDP (STAR) ! ! Compute the nutation partials. (IERS 2010) !** CALL NUTP (CFBASE, X06,Y06,S06, & ! & STAR, RPN2K6, RS2K, RW2K, TSKIP) ! ! Compute the ocean loading partials. !** CALL OCEP() ! ! Compute the site partials. !** CALL SITP (R2K6, STAR, STAR12, EARTH, SITEV1) ! ! Compute the star partials. CALL STRP (EPBASE, STAR, EARTH, SITEV1, CD, CRA, SD, SRA) !* Write(6,'(" U,V,W: ",7x,3D22.14)') U_V(1), U_V(2), Wb ! WRITE(6,'(" DSTRP*Vlight: ",4D22.14)') DSTRP(1,1)*Vlight/CD, & ! & DSTRP(2,1)*Vlight, DSTRP(1,2)*Vlight/CD, DSTRP(2,2)*Vlight ! ! Compute the UT1 partials. !** CALL UT1P (CFBASE, STAR,EARTH, RPN2K6, RW2K, ERA2K, dERA2K, & !** & pERA2K, SITEV ) ! ! Compute the wobble partials. !** CALL WOBP (CFBASE, STAR, EARTH, RPN2K6, RS2K, SITEV1) ! ! Compute the parallax partials. !** CALL PLXP (SUN, CD, CRA, SD, SRA, EARTH, STAR, EPBASE, SITEV1) ! ! ! Perform the contributions calculations. ! For difx, only the atmosphere contributions are needed. ! The others are left for future use but commented out. ! ! Compute the atmosphere contributions. CALL ATMC (ZPATH, DATMC) If (UVW .eq. 'exact ') Then Call EWNS_atmC (gmfh,gmfw, EL_ab,Datmc_h_EWNS,Datmc_w_EWNS) Endif ! If (Base_mode .eq. 'geocenter ') IS2 = 1 If (Base_mode .ne. 'geocenter ') Then IS1 = 1 IS2 = 2 Endif ! ! Station 2: ATMdryd_f(IS2,Itime,Istation1,(Istation2-1),Isrc) = DATMC(2,1) ATMdryr_f(IS2,Itime,Istation1,(Istation2-1),Isrc) = DATMC(2,2) ATMwetd_f(IS2,Itime,Istation1,(Istation2-1),Isrc) = Datmc_wmf(2,1) ATMwetr_f(IS2,Itime,Istation1,(Istation2-1),Isrc) = Datmc_wmf(2,2) El_f(IS2,Itime,Istation1,(Istation2-1),Isrc) = ELEV(2,1) * 57.295779512D0 Az_f(IS2,Itime,Istation1,(Istation2-1),Isrc) = AZ(2,1) * 57.295779512D0 StaX_f(IS2,Itime,Istation1,(Istation2-1),Isrc) = WBP(1) StaY_f(IS2,Itime,Istation1,(Istation2-1),Isrc) = WBP(2) StaZ_f(IS2,Itime,Istation1,(Istation2-1),Isrc) = WBP(3) StaXt_f(IS2,Itime,Istation1,(Istation2-1),Isrc) = WBQ(1) StaYt_f(IS2,Itime,Istation1,(Istation2-1),Isrc) = WBQ(2) StaZt_f(IS2,Itime,Istation1,(Istation2-1),Isrc) = WBQ(3) ! Station 1 (usually the geocenter): ! If (Base_mode .ne. 'geocenter ') Then ! ATMdryd_f(IS1,Itime,Istation1,(Istation2-1),Isrc) = DATMC(1,1) ! ATMdryr_f(IS1,Itime,Istation1,(Istation2-1),Isrc) = DATMC(1,2) ! ATMwetd_f(IS1,Itime,Istation1,(Istation2-1),Isrc) = Datmc_wmf(1,1) ! ATMwetr_f(IS1,Itime,Istation1,(Istation2-1),Isrc) = Datmc_wmf(1,2) ! Endif ! ! Compute the axis offset contributions. !** CALL AXOC (AXOFF) ! ! Compute the Earth tide contributions. !** CALL ETDC (TIDEP1, TIDEV1, STAR) ! ! Compute the pole tide contributions. !** CALL PTDC (STAR) ! ! Compute the ocean loading contributions. !** CALL OCEC (STAR) ! ! Compute the ocean pole tide loading contributions. !** CALL OPTLC(OPTLOADP, OPTLOADV, STAR) ! ! Compute the UT1 contributions. !** CALL UT1C ( UT1ti, dUT1ti, UT1li, dUT1li) ! ! Compute the wobble contributions. !** CALL WOBC(Xti,Yti,dXti,dYti) ! ! Compute the parallax contributions. !** CALL PLXC() ! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! Perform the calculation for the complete theoretical delay and rate. ! Also do all the work of all elements of the Relativity Module, ! including the contributions and partials. This now includes only ! the Consensus relativity model computations: !!! IF (NumSpace .le. 0) & IF (Near_Far .eq. 'Far-field ') & & Call CONSEN ( DATMC, EARTH, EPBASE, SITEP1, SITEV1, & & SITEA, SUN, XMOON, STAR, K_EWNS, Datmc_h_EWNS,Datmc_w_EWNS, & & tg2_tg1, dtg2_tg1, & & delta_t_grav, d_delta_t_grav, delta_t_grav_Sun, & & d_delta_t_grav_Sun ) ! ! write(6,*) 'ddrvr3/R1mag,R1magdt ', R1mag,R1magdt ! write(6,*) 'ddrvr3/R2mag,R2magdt ', R2mag,R2magdt ! ! IF (NumSpace .ge. 1) THEN IF (Near_Far .eq. 'Near-field') THEN ! If (NF_model .eq. 'Sekido ') Then Call SEKIDO ( DATMC, EARTH, EPBASE, SITEP1, SITEV1, SITEA, SUN, & & XMOON, STAR, STARdt, T0_T1, R1, R1dt, R1mag, R1magdt, & & R2, R2dt, R2mag, R2magdt, STAR12, STAR12dt, & & tg2_tg1, dtg2_tg1) ! write(6,*) 'tg2_tg1,dtg2_tg1 ', tg2_tg1,dtg2_tg1 If (UVW .eq. 'exact ' .or. UVW .eq. 'noatmo') Then ! write (6,*) ' tg2_tg1 ', tg2_tg1 Call SEKIDOewns ( Datmc_h_EWNS, Datmc_w_EWNS, EARTH, EPBASE, & & SITEP, SITEV, SITEA, SUN, XMOON, T0_T1 ) Endif Endif ! If (NF_model .eq. 'Ranging ') Then Call RANGE (DATMC, SITEP, SITEV, SITEA, SUN, & & T0_T1, R1, R1dt, R1mag, R1magdt, & & R2, R2dt, R2mag, R2magdt, & & tr2_tr1, dtr2_tr1) tg2_tg1 = tr2_tr1 dtg2_tg1 = 0.D0 If (UVW .eq. 'exact ' .or. UVW .eq. 'noatmo') Then ! write(6,*) 'tr2_tr1 ', tr2_tr1 Call RANGEewns (Datmc_h_EWNS, Datmc_w_EWNS, SITEP, SITEV, & & SITEA, SUN, T0_T1, & & R1, R1dt, R1mag, R1magdt, R2, R2dt, R2mag, R2magdt) Endif Endif ! If (NF_model .eq. 'Duev ') Then CALL DUEV (DATMC, SITEP, SITEV, SITEA, SUN, T0_T1, & & EARTH, XMOON, UTC, TT, TDB, TDBg, td2_td1, dtd2_td1) tg2_tg1 = td2_td1 dtg2_tg1 = 0.D0 ! write(6,*) 'td2_td1 ', td2_td1 If (UVW .eq. 'exact ' .or. UVW .eq. 'noatmo') Then Call DUEVewns (Datmc_h_EWNS, Datmc_w_EWNS, SITEP, SITEV, & & SITEA, SUN, T0_T1, EARTH, XMOON, UTC, TT, TDB, TDBg) Endif Endif ! ! write(6,*) 'tg2_tg1,tr2_tr1,td2_td1 ', tg2_tg1,tr2_tr1,td2_td1 ! write(6,*) 'diffs: ', tg2_tg1-tr2_tr1, tg2_tg1-td2_td1, tr2_tr1-td2_td1 ! write(6,*) ' ' ! ENDIF ! ! ! Load delay and rate arrays Delay_f(Itime,Istation1,(Istation2-1),Isrc) = tg2_tg1 Rate_f(Itime,Istation1,(Istation2-1),Isrc) = dtg2_tg1 ! write(6,*) 'ddrvr: ', Iscan,J2m,Itime,Istation1,(Istation2-1), & ! & Isrc, Delay_f(Itime,Istation1,(Istation2-1),Isrc),DATMC(1,1), DATMC(2,1) ! If (Atmdr .eq. 'Add-dry ') Then Delay_f(Itime,Istation1,(Istation2-1),Isrc) = & & Delay_f(Itime,Istation1,(Istation2-1),Isrc) + & & DATMC(1,1) + DATMC(2,1) Rate_f(Itime,Istation1,(Istation2-1),Isrc) = & & Rate_f(Itime,Istation1,(Istation2-1),Isrc) + & & DATMC(1,2) + DATMC(2,2) Endif ! If (Atmwt .eq. 'Add-wet ') Then Delay_f(Itime,Istation1,(Istation2-1),Isrc) = & & Delay_f(Itime,Istation1,(Istation2-1),Isrc) + & & Datmc_wmf(1,1) + Datmc_wmf(2,1) Rate_f(Itime,Istation1,(Istation2-1),Isrc) = & & Rate_f(Itime,Istation1,(Istation2-1),Isrc) + & & Datmc_wmf(1,2) + Datmc_wmf(2,2) Endif ! ! W coordinate of UVW: If (UVW .eq. 'noatmo') Then Wb = tg2_tg1 * VLIGHT ! Write (6,*) 'noatmo: U,V,W ', U_V, Wb Endif ! If (UVW .eq. 'exact ') Then Wb = (tg2_tg1 + DATMC(1,1) + DATMC(2,1) + & & Datmc_wmf(1,1) + Datmc_wmf(2,1)) * VLIGHT ! Write (6,*) 'exact: U,V,W ', U_V, Wb Endif ! ! Load U,V,W coordinates: Ubase_f(Itime,Istation1,(Istation2-1),Isrc) = U_V(1) Vbase_f(Itime,Istation1,(Istation2-1),Isrc) = U_V(2) Wbase_f(Itime,Istation1,(Istation2-1),Isrc) = Wb ! ! If (I_out .eq. 1) Then ! L = Itime !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! write (LC,1016) RIGHT_ASC, DECLINATION, IRA,IDec, Ph_RA, Ph_Dec !1016 Format(' RA/Dec: ',2F20.15,' Phase Center(',I3,',',I3,'):',2F20.15) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! If (Base_mode .eq. 'geocenter ') Then ! write (LC,1011) IndexB, Iymdhms_f(L,1), Iymdhms_f(L,2), & ! & Iymdhms_f(L,3), & ! & Iymdhms_f(L,4), Iymdhms_f(L,5), Iymdhms_f(L,6), & ! & Site1(IndexB,L), Site2(IndexB,L), xSource, & ! & Delay_f(IndexB,L)*1.D6, Rate_f(IndexB,L)*1.D6, & ! & Atmdryd_f(IndexB,2,L)*1.D6, Atmdryr_f(IndexB,2,L)*1.D6, & ! & Atmwetd_f(IndexB,2,L)*1.D6, Atmwetr_f(IndexB,2,L)*1.D6, & ! Ubase_f(IndexB,L), Vbase_f(IndexB,L), Wbase_f(IndexB,L) !1011 Format(I3,I7,5I3,3X,A8,2X,A8,3X,A8,/,'Delay(us): ',2E25.16,/, & 1011 Format(I3,I7,5I3,3X,A8,2X,A8,3X,A20,/,'Delay(us): ',2E25.16,/, & & 'Atm-dry(us): ', 2E25.16,/, 'Atm-wet(us): ', 2E25.16,/, & & 'U,V,W(m): ', 3E25.16,/) ! Endif ! ! If (Base_mode .eq. 'master-stn' .or. Base_mode .eq. 'baseline ') Then !! Write(LC,'("KdotB/C(us): ",2E25.16)') (DOTP(STAR,EPBASE(1,1)))/VLIGHT*1.D6, & !! & (Delay_f(IndexB,L) - (DOTP(STAR,EPBASE(1,1)))/VLIGHT)*1.D6 !! Write(LC,'("R2-R1/C(us): ",2E25.16)') (R2mag - R1mag)/VLIGHT*1.D6, & !! & (Delay_f(IndexB,L) - (R2mag - R1mag)/VLIGHT)*1.D6 ! write (LC,1012) IndexB, Iymdhms_f(L,1), Iymdhms_f(L,2), & ! & Iymdhms_f(L,3), & ! & Iymdhms_f(L,4), Iymdhms_f(L,5), Iymdhms_f(L,6), & ! & Site1(IndexB,L), Site2(IndexB,L), xSource, & ! & Delay_f(IndexB,L)*1.D6, Rate_f(IndexB,L)*1.D6, & ! & DATMC(1,1)*1.D6, DATMC(1,2)*1.D6, & ! & Datmc_wmf(1,1)*1.D6, Datmc_wmf(1,2)*1.D6, & ! & DATMC(2,1)*1.D6, DATMC(2,2)*1.D6, & ! & Datmc_wmf(2,1)*1.D6, Datmc_wmf(2,2)*1.D6, & ! Ubase_f(IndexB,L), Vbase_f(IndexB,L), Wbase_f(IndexB,L) !1012 Format(I3,I7,5I3,3X,A8,2X,A8,3X,A8,/,'Delay(us): ',2E25.16,/, & 1012 Format(I3,I7,5I3,3X,A8,2X,A8,3X,A20,/,'Delay(us): ',2E25.16,/, & & 'Atm-dry(us): ', 2E25.16,/, 'Atm-wet(us): ', 2E25.16,/, & & 'Atm-dry(us): ', 2E25.16,/, 'Atm-wet(us): ', 2E25.16,/, & & 'U,V,W(m): ', 3E25.16,/) ! Endif ! ! Endif ! ! ! write (6,*) ' ' ! Write(6,'("NF: Elev:",4F15.10)') Elev(1,1)/CONVD,Elev(2,1)/CONVD, & ! & Elev(1,2)/CONVD,Elev(2,2)/CONVD ! Write(6,'("NF: AZ: ",4F15.10)') AZ(1,1)/CONVD, AZ(2,1)/CONVD, & ! & AZ(1,2)/CONVD, AZ(2,2)/CONVD ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!! Compare near-field to far-field: ! IF (NumSpace .ge. 1) THEN ! write(6,*) ' ' ! write(6,*) ' Switching to far-field model ' ! write(6,*) ' ' ! CALL STRG (XJD, UTC, Isource, STAR, STAR12, Sourc8) ! write(6,*) 'STAR: ', STAR ! write(6,*) 'STAR12: ', STAR12 ! CALL ATMG (R2K6, STAR, STAR12, EARTH, TCTOCF, SITEV, & ! & STAR_ABERRATED) ! write (6,*) ' ' ! Write(6,'("FF: Elev:",4F15.10)') Elev(1,1)/CONVD,Elev(2,1)/CONVD, & ! & Elev(1,2)/CONVD,Elev(2,2)/CONVD ! Write(6,'("FF: AZ: ",4F15.10)') AZ(1,1)/CONVD, AZ(2,1)/CONVD, & ! & AZ(1,2)/CONVD, AZ(2,2)/CONVD ! DO I = 1,3 ! DO J = 1,2 ! STAR_ABERRATEDdt(I,J) = 0.D0 ! ENDDO ! ENDDO ! CALL AXOG (KAXIS, R2K6, SITLAT, STAR, TCTOCF, SITEV, AXOFF, & ! & EARTH, STAR_ABERRATED, STAR_ABERRATEDdt, SITHEIGHT, AXTILT, & ! & ROTAXIS, AXIS2000, DAXIS2000) ! CALL ATMP ( SITLAT, SITHEIGHT, XJD, CT, dATMCdh) ! CALL AXOP (AXOFF, STAR12, EARTH, SITEV) ! CALL ATMC (ZPATH, DATMC) ! CALL AXOC (AXOFF ) ! CALL UVG_ab (STAR_ABERRATED, EPBASE) ! CALL THERY (DATMC, DIONC, DLPGR, EARTH, EPBASE, SITEP, SITEV, & ! & SITEA, SUN, STAR, XMOON, AT) ! Call CONSEN ( DATMC, EARTH, EPBASE, SITEP, SITEV, & ! & SITEA, SUN, XMOON, STAR, tg2_tg1, dtg2_tg1, & ! & delta_t_grav, d_delta_t_grav, delta_t_grav_Sun, & ! & d_delta_t_grav_Sun ) ! ! Dt = tg2_tg1 + DATMC(1,1) + DATMC(2,1) + Datmc_wmf(1,1) + & ! & Datmc_wmf(2,1) ! Rt = dtg2_tg1 + DATMC(1,2) + DATMC(2,2) + Datmc_wmf(1,2) + & ! & Datmc_wmf(2,2) ! ! Write(6,1021) Dt*1.D6, Rt*1.D6, DATMC(2,1)*1.D6, DATMC(2,2)*1.D6, & ! & Datmc_wmf(2,1)*1.D6, Datmc_wmf(2,2)*1.D6, U_V(1), U_V(2), Wb ! Write(6,1022) (Dt - Delay_f(IndexB,L))*1.D12, & ! & (Rt - Rate_f(IndexB,L))*1.D12, & ! & (DATMC(2,1) - Atmdryd_f(IndexB,2,L))*1.D12, & ! & (DATMC(2,2) - Atmdryr_f(IndexB,2,L))*1.D12, & ! & (Datmc_wmf(2,1) - Atmwetd_f(IndexB,2,L))*1.D12, & ! & (Datmc_wmf(2,2) - Atmwetr_f(IndexB,2,L))*1.D12, & ! & U_V(1) - Ubase_f(IndexB,L), & ! & U_V(2) - Vbase_f(IndexB,L), & ! & Wb - Wbase_f(IndexB,L) !1021 Format(6E25.16,/,3E25.16) !1022 Format(2F12.4,1X,2F12.4,1X,2F12.4,1X,3F10.4) ! ENDIF !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! ENDDO ! End of source/phase center loop ! ENDDO ! End of station2 loop ENDDO ! End of station1 loop ENDDO ! End of epoch loop ! ! If (I_out .eq. 1) Close (LC) ! ! write (6,*) ' ' ! write (6,*) ' Numbaseline = ', Numbaseline ! write (6,*) ' ' ! ! ! write (6,*) ' ' ! Call c_out2(delay_f(1,1)) ! delay6(1) = Delay_f(1,1) ! delay6(2) = Delay_f(1,2) ! ierc2 = c_out(delay6, poly6) ! write (6,*) ' poly6 ', poly6 !!! call f2c1(delay6) ! write (6,*) ' ' ! ierc2 = c2_out( %REF(delay_f(I11,I21,1))) ! ierc2 = c_out2( ) ! write (6,*) ' ' ! ! ! Go back to the main. RETURN END