SUBROUTINE d_out1(lu_out,fd_out,Kjob) IMPLICIT None ! Integer*4 I, J, K, I1, I6, UTCsec, ierr, lu_out, npoly, intrval, & & MJD, Isec, Numpoly, get4unit, N, M, II, L, ISRC, Kjob ! Integer*4 Numtel, Polynum, K1 Integer*4 fitPoly, c_out1, c_out2, c_out3, ierr1, ierr2, ierr3 Integer*4 fd_out Integer*4 calcVersion Integer*4 difxiowriteint0 Integer*4 difxiowriteint1 Integer*4 difxiowriteint2 Integer*4 difxiowritestring0 Integer*4 difxiowritestring1 Integer*4 difxiowritestring2 Integer*4 difxiowritepoly26 ! SAVE lu_out, fd_out ! INCLUDE 'cmxst11.i' ! Variables 'from': ! 1. NUMSIT - The total number of sites in the current job. Character*9 Site_c(Max_stat) INCLUDE 'd_input.i' ! INCLUDE 'c2poly.i' ! ! Pass # of sites to c2poly.i. Numsite = Numsit ! calcVersion = 11 If (Kjob .eq. 1) lu_out = get4unit() Open(lu_out,File= IM_file_name,status='new',iostat=ierr) If (ierr .ne. 0) write (6,'(" IM file already exists.")') ! fd_out = fnum(lu_out) ! write (6,*) 'd_out1: Kjob,lu_out,fd_out ', Kjob,lu_out,fd_out npoly = 5 intrval = npoly * d_interval ! flush(lu_out) ierr = difxiowritestring0(fd_out, "CALC SERVER:", "NONE") ierr = difxiowritestring0(fd_out, "CALC PROGRAM:", "DIFXCALC") ierr = difxiowriteint0(fd_out, "CALC VERSION:", calcVersion) ierr = difxiowriteint0(fd_out, "START YEAR:", StartYr) ierr = difxiowriteint0(fd_out, "START MONTH:", StartMo) ierr = difxiowriteint0(fd_out, "START DAY:", StartDay) ierr = difxiowriteint0(fd_out, "START HOUR:", StartHr) ierr = difxiowriteint0(fd_out, "START MINUTE:", StartMin) ierr = difxiowriteint0(fd_out, "START SECOND:", StartSec) ierr = difxiowriteint0(fd_out, "POLYNOMIAL ORDER:", npoly) ierr = difxiowriteint0(fd_out, "INTERVAL (SECS):", intrval) ! if (UVW .eq. 'uncorr') & & ierr = difxiowritestring0(fd_out, "ABERRATION CORR:", & & "UNCORRECTED") if (UVW .eq. 'approx') & & ierr = difxiowritestring0(fd_out, "ABERRATION CORR:", & & "APPROXIMATE") if (UVW .eq. 'exact ') & & ierr = difxiowritestring0(fd_out, "ABERRATION CORR:", & & "EXACT") if (UVW .eq. 'noatmo') & & ierr = difxiowritestring0(fd_out, "ABERRATION CORR:", & & "NO ATMOS") ! ierr = difxiowriteint0(fd_out, "NUM TELESCOPES:", Numsite-1) Do I = 1, numsite-1 ierr = difxiowritestring1(fd_out, "TELESCOPE %d NAME:", & & I-1, Sites(I+1)) Enddo ierr = difxiowriteint0(fd_out, "NUM SCANS:", NumScans) ! Return End ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SUBROUTINE d_out2(Iscan,J2m,lu_out,fd_out) IMPLICIT None ! INCLUDE 'cmxsr11.i' ! Variables 'to': ! 1. NUMSTR - The total number of stars (radio sources) in the ! data base. ! Character*20 SrcName(MAX_ARC_SRC) Equivalence (LNSTAR(1,1), SrcName(1)) ! Character*28 Bufout Real*8 Delay6(10), Atmdry6(10), Atmwet6(10), Ubase6(10), & & Vbase6(10), Wbase6(10), Acoef(10), delta, El6(10), Az6(10) Real*8 StaX6(10), StaY6(10), StaZ6(10) Real*8 StaXt6(10), StaYt6(10), StaZt6(10) Real*8 JDY2K Real*8 Delcoef(40 ,10), Atmdrycoef(40 ,10), & & Atmwetcoef(40 ,10), Ubasecoef(40 ,10), & & Vbasecoef(40 ,10), Wbasecoef(40 ,10) Integer*4 Iscan, J2m, Iph Integer*4 I, J, K, I1, I6, UTCsec, ierr, lu_out, npoly, intrval, & & MJD, Isec, Numpoly, get4unit, N, M, II, L, ISRC ! Integer*4 Numtel, Scannum, Polynum, K1 Integer*4 Numtel, Polynum, K1 Integer*4 fitPoly, c_out1, c_out2, c_out3, ierr1, ierr2, ierr3 Integer*4 fd_out Integer*4 calcVersion Integer*4 difxiowriteint0 Integer*4 difxiowriteint1 Integer*4 difxiowriteint2 Integer*4 difxiowritestring0 Integer*4 difxiowritestring1 Integer*4 difxiowritestring2 Integer*4 difxiowritepoly26 INCLUDE 'cmxst11.i' Character*9 Site_c(Max_stat) ! INCLUDE 'c2poly.i' ! INCLUDE 'd_input.i' ! Numtel = Numsite - 1 Do k1 = 1, Numsite Site_C(k1)(1:8) = Sites(k1+1) Site_C(k1)(9:9) = CHAR(0) Enddo ! ! ! Numpoly = NumEpochs/5 Numpoly = Intrvls2min ! ! If (J2m .eq. 1) Then ierr = difxiowritestring1(fd_out, "SCAN %d POINTING SRC:", & & Iscan-1, SrcName(PointingSrc) ) ierr = difxiowriteint1(fd_out, "SCAN %d NUM PHS CTRS:", & & Iscan-1, NumPhCntr) Do Iph = 1,NumPhCntr ierr = difxiowritestring2(fd_out, "SCAN %d PHS CTR %d SRC:", & & Iscan-1, Iph-1, SrcName(PhCntr(Iph)) ) Enddo ierr = difxiowriteint1(fd_out, "SCAN %d NUM POLY:", & & Iscan-1, Numpoly) Endif ! ! N = 6 M = 1 delta = 24. ! I1 = (I-1)*5 ! ! MJD and seconds (out of 86400) at I1 time MJD = JDY2K(Iymdhms_f(1,1),Iymdhms_f(1,2),Iymdhms_f(1,3)) & & - 2400000.D0 Isec = Iymdhms_f(1,6) + Iymdhms_f(1,5)*60. + & & Iymdhms_f(1,4)*3600. ! flush(lu_out) ierr = difxiowriteint2(fd_out, "SCAN %d POLY %d MJD:", Iscan-1, J2m-1, MJD) ierr = difxiowriteint2(fd_out, "SCAN %d POLY %d SEC:", Iscan-1, J2m-1, Isec) ! Do ISRC = 1, (NumPhCntr+1) ! Pointing source/Phase centers loop Do J = 1, Numtel ! Station loop ! Do K = 1, 6 Delay6(K) = -Delay_f(K,1,J,ISRC) * 1.D6 Atmdry6(K) = Atmdryd_f(1,K,1,J,ISRC) * 1.D6 Atmwet6(K) = Atmwetd_f(1,K,1,J,ISRC) * 1.D6 Ubase6(K) = Ubase_f(K,1,J,ISRC) Vbase6(K) = Vbase_f(K,1,J,ISRC) Wbase6(K) = Wbase_f(K,1,J,ISRC) El6(K) = El_f(1,K,1,J,ISRC) Az6(K) = Az_f(1,K,1,J,ISRC) StaX6(K) = StaX_f(1,K,1,J,ISRC) StaY6(K) = StaY_f(1,K,1,J,ISRC) StaZ6(K) = StaZ_f(1,K,1,J,ISRC) StaXt6(K) = StaXt_f(1,K,1,J,ISRC) StaYt6(K) = StaYt_f(1,K,1,J,ISRC) StaZt6(K) = StaZt_f(1,K,1,J,ISRC) Enddo ! ! Send to C routine fitPoly to compute polynomial coefficients ierr = fitPoly(Acoef, Delay6, %VAL(n), %VAL(m), %VAL(delta)) ierr = difxiowritepoly26(fd_out, "SRC %d ANT %d DELAY (us):", & ISRC-1, J-1, Acoef(1), Acoef(2), Acoef(3), Acoef(4), & Acoef(5), Acoef(6)) Do L = 1, N Delcoef(J,L) = Acoef(L) Enddo ! ierr = fitPoly(Acoef, Atmdry6, %VAL(n), %VAL(m), %VAL(delta)) ierr = difxiowritepoly26(fd_out, "SRC %d ANT %d DRY (us):", & ISRC-1, J-1, Acoef(1), Acoef(2), Acoef(3), Acoef(4), & Acoef(5), Acoef(6)) Do L = 1, N Atmdrycoef(J,L) = Acoef(L) Enddo ! ierr = fitPoly(Acoef, Atmwet6, %VAL(n), %VAL(m), %VAL(delta)) ierr = difxiowritepoly26(fd_out, "SRC %d ANT %d WET (us):", & ISRC-1, J-1, Acoef(1), Acoef(2), Acoef(3), Acoef(4), & Acoef(5), Acoef(6)) Do L = 1, N Atmwetcoef(J,L) = Acoef(L) Enddo ! ierr = fitPoly(Acoef, Az6, %VAL(n), %VAL(m), %VAL(delta)) ierr = difxiowritepoly26(fd_out, "SRC %d ANT %d AZ: ", & ISRC-1, J-1, Acoef(1), Acoef(2), Acoef(3), Acoef(4), & Acoef(5), Acoef(6)) ! ierr = fitPoly(Acoef, El6, %VAL(n), %VAL(m), %VAL(delta)) ierr = difxiowritepoly26(fd_out, "SRC %d ANT %d EL GEOM:", & ISRC-1, J-1, Acoef(1), Acoef(2), Acoef(3), Acoef(4), & Acoef(5), Acoef(6)) ! ierr = fitPoly(Acoef, StaX6, %VAL(n), %VAL(m), %VAL(delta)) if (DoStnPos .eq. 1) & ierr = difxiowritepoly26(fd_out, "SRC %d ANT %d STA X (m):", & ISRC-1, J-1, Acoef(1), Acoef(2), Acoef(3), Acoef(4), & Acoef(5), Acoef(6)) ! ierr = fitPoly(Acoef, StaY6, %VAL(n), %VAL(m), %VAL(delta)) if (DoStnPos .eq. 1) & ierr = difxiowritepoly26(fd_out, "SRC %d ANT %d STA Y (m):", & ISRC-1, J-1, Acoef(1), Acoef(2), Acoef(3), Acoef(4), & Acoef(5), Acoef(6)) ! ierr = fitPoly(Acoef, StaZ6, %VAL(n), %VAL(m), %VAL(delta)) if (DoStnPos .eq. 1) & ierr = difxiowritepoly26(fd_out, "SRC %d ANT %d STA Z (m):", & ISRC-1, J-1, Acoef(1), Acoef(2), Acoef(3), Acoef(4), & Acoef(5), Acoef(6)) ! ierr = fitPoly(Acoef, StaXt6, %VAL(n), %VAL(m), %VAL(delta)) if (DoStnPos .eq. 2) & ierr = difxiowritepoly26(fd_out, "SRC %d ANT %d STA X (m):", & ISRC-1, J-1, Acoef(1), Acoef(2), Acoef(3), Acoef(4), & Acoef(5), Acoef(6)) ! ierr = fitPoly(Acoef, StaYt6, %VAL(n), %VAL(m), %VAL(delta)) if (DoStnPos .eq. 2) & ierr = difxiowritepoly26(fd_out, "SRC %d ANT %d STA Y (m):", & ISRC-1, J-1, Acoef(1), Acoef(2), Acoef(3), Acoef(4), & Acoef(5), Acoef(6)) ! ierr = fitPoly(Acoef, StaZt6, %VAL(n), %VAL(m), %VAL(delta)) if (DoStnPos .eq. 2) & ierr = difxiowritepoly26(fd_out, "SRC %d ANT %d STA Z (m):", & ISRC-1, J-1, Acoef(1), Acoef(2), Acoef(3), Acoef(4), & Acoef(5), Acoef(6)) ! ierr = fitPoly(Acoef, Ubase6, %VAL(n), %VAL(m), %VAL(delta)) ! If (IM_out .eq. 1) & ierr = difxiowritepoly26(fd_out, "SRC %d ANT %d U (m):", & ISRC-1, J-1, Acoef(1), Acoef(2), Acoef(3), Acoef(4), & Acoef(5), Acoef(6)) Do L = 1, N Ubasecoef(J,L) = Acoef(L) Enddo ! ierr = fitPoly(Acoef, Vbase6, %VAL(n), %VAL(m), %VAL(delta)) ! If (IM_out .eq. 1) & ierr = difxiowritepoly26(fd_out, "SRC %d ANT %d V (m):", & ISRC-1, J-1, Acoef(1), Acoef(2), Acoef(3), Acoef(4), & Acoef(5), Acoef(6)) Do L = 1, N Vbasecoef(J,L) = Acoef(L) Enddo ! ierr = fitPoly(Acoef, Wbase6, %VAL(n), %VAL(m), %VAL(delta)) ! If (IM_out .eq. 1) & ierr = difxiowritepoly26(fd_out, "SRC %d ANT %d W (m):", & ISRC-1, J-1, Acoef(1), Acoef(2), Acoef(3), Acoef(4), & Acoef(5), Acoef(6)) Do L = 1, N Wbasecoef(J,L) = Acoef(L) Enddo ! Enddo ! Station loop Enddo ! Source loop ! Return End