SUBROUTINE WOBG (CENT, TT, UTC, XJD, GMST2K, TSKIP, FA2K, FAD2K, & & UT1, DUT1AT, Xti, Yti, dXti, dYti, Xli, Yli, & & dXli, dYli, UT1li, dUT1li, UT1ti, dUT1ti, & & WOBXR, WOBYR, WOBXD, WOBYD, SP, DSP, RW2K) IMPLICIT None ! ! WOBG is the geometry section of the Wobble Module. It computes the ! wobble portion of the complete crust fixed to J2000.0 rotation matrix. ! Although this subroutine uses the BIH sign convention for a left-handed ! coordinate system, the values for WOBX and WOBY leave this routine as ! WOBXR and WOBYR, values in a right-handed system. WOBXR and WOBYR are ! passed to all routines outside the Wobble Module. (Used in Pole Tide ! module.) ! ! References - Ash, M.E., 'Determination of Earth Satellite Orbits", Lincoln ! Laboratory Technical Report 1972-75, 04/19/72, p. 229-230. ! ! - Mueller, I.P., "Spherical and Practical Astronomy as Applied ! to Geodesy", 1969, p. 80-85. (NOTE: The reference in Mueller ! refers to the calculation of the wobble portion of the ! complete J2000.0 to crust fixed rotation matrix. Program CALC ! however, needs the transpose of this matrix, so be cautious ! if comparing the reference to the following program.) ! ! IERS Conventions (2003). ! ! Calling sequence - ! Input Variables: ! 1. CENT - ! 1. CT - Coordinate time (ephemeris time). ! 1. TT - Terrestrial Time fraction of the day. ! 2. UTC - The UTC fraction of the UTC day (days). ! 3. XJD - The Julian date at zero hours UTC of the date in ! question. (days) ! 4. TSKIP - Skip time-dependent computations if TSKIP=1 ! (same time as previous observation). ! 5. Xti - Short period X tidal contribution. (mas) ! 6. Yti - Short period Y tidal contribution. (mas) ! 7. dXti - Time derivative of Xti. (mas/sec) ! 8. dYti - Time derivative of Yti. (mas/sec) ! Output Variables: ! 1. RW2K(3,3,2)-The wobble portion of the complete crust fixed ! to J2000.0 rotation matrix and its first time' ! derivative. (unitless, 1/sec) ! 2. WOBXR - The long period wobble X-offset. (RAD) ! This variable, along with WOBYR, are for use in a ! right-handed coordinate system. WOBXR and WOBYR ! are the variables passed to all routines external ! to the Wobble Module. ! 3. WOBYR - The long period wobble Y-offset. (RAD) ! To be used in a right-handed system (see WOBXR). ! 4. SP - S' angle, positions the Terrestrial Ephemeris ! Origin on the equator of the Celestial ! Intermediate Pole. ! 5. DSP - dS'/dt, time derivative of SP (above). ! ! Common blocks used - ! Real*8 PI, TWOPI, HALFPI, CONVD, CONVDS, CONVHS, SECDAY COMMON / CMATH / PI, TWOPI, HALFPI, CONVD, CONVDS, CONVHS, SECDAY ! Variables 'FROM': ! 1. CONVDS - The conversion factor of radians per arcsecond. ! (radians/arcsecond) ! INCLUDE 'cmwob11.i' ! Variables 'TO': ! 1. RWOBX(3,3) - The rotation matrix which rotates about the ! crust fixed Y-axis by an angle equal to WOBX. ! 2. RWOBY(3,3) - The rotation matrix which rotates about the new ! X-axis by an angle equal to WOBY. (unitless) ! 3. RWOBZ(3,3) - The rotation matrix which rotates about the ! Z-axis by the angle SP. ! 4. WOBX - The left-handed X-wobble. (rad) ! 5. DWOBX - Time derivative of WOBX. (rad/sec) ! 6. WOBY - The left-handed Y-wobble. (rad) ! 7. DWOBY - Time derivative of WOBY. (rad/sec) ! 8. RWX(3,3) - Rotation matrix used in computation of time ! derivative of wobble rotation matrix. ! 9. RWY(3,3) - Rotation matrix used in computation of time ! derivative of wobble rotation matrix. ! 10. RWZ(3,3) - Rotation matrix used in computation of time ! derivative of wobble rotation matrix. ! 11. WOBXli - Short period X libration contribution. (rad) ! 12. WOBYli - Short period Y libration contribution. (rad) ! 13. dWOBXli - Time derivative of WOBXn. (rad/sec) ! 14. dWOBYli - Time derivative of WOBYn. (rad/sec) ! 15. WOBXti - Short period X tidal contribution. (rad) ! 16. WOBYti - Short period Y tidal contribution. (rad) ! INCLUDE 'cmxut11.i' ! Variables 'FROM': ! 1. EOP_time_scale - EOP table time scale, allowed values: ! 'TAI ', 'TCG ', 'TDB ', ! 'TDT ', 'UTC ', 'UNDEF '. ! INCLUDE 'cuser11.i' ! Variables from: ! 1. Calc_user - Calc user type. 'A' for Calc/SOLVE analysis. ! 'C' for VLBI correlator. ! 2. Hifreq_tidal_EOP - Correlator option to add the high ! frequency (diurnal and sub-diurnal) EOP ! correction for ocean tidal effects from ! subroutine ORTHO_EOP. ! 'Y' => Add high frequency EOP corrections. ! 'N' => Don't add high frequency EOP correction. ! 3. Hifreq_nut_EOP - Correlator option to add the EOP ! correction for high frequency (periods less ! than 2 days) nutation. ! 'Y' => Add EOP nutation corrections. ! 'N' => Don't add EOP nutation corrections. ! INCLUDE 'ccon.i' ! Variables 'FROM': ! 1. KWOBC - The Wobble Module flow control flag. ! 2. KWOBD - The Wobble Module debug output flag. ! INCLUDE 'put2s.i' ! Variables to: ! 1. WOBIN - The X and Y polar motion values interpolated to ! the time of this observation in the conventional ! ! Real*8 ATMUTC(3), ROTEPH(2,20), A1UTC(3), A1DIFF(3) COMMON / EOPCM / ATMUTC, ROTEPH, A1UTC, A1DIFF ! VARIABLES 'TO': ! 1. ATMUTC(3) - THE 'TAI MINUS UTC' INFORMATION ARRAY. THIS ARRAY ! CONTAINS RESPECTIVELY THE EPOCH, VALUE, AND TIME ! RATE OF CHANGE OF 'TAI MINUS UTC'. Used in the ! atomic time module. (DAYS, SEC, SEC/SEC) ! ! Program Specifications - Real*8 UTC, XJD, WOBXR, WOBYR, WOBXL, & & WOBYL, DWOBXL, DWOBYL, CT, tab_time,rw1(3,3), rw2(3,3), & & CENT, GMST2K(2), FA2K(14), FAD2K(14), TT Real*8 WOBXD, WOBYD REAL*8 SP,DSP, RW2K(3,3,2),DRWC1(3,3), & & DRWC2(3,3), DRWC3(3,3), Xli, Yli, dXli, dYli, UT1ti, & & dUT1ti, TMJD, Xti, Yti, dXti, dYti, UT1li, dUT1li Real*8 UT1, DUT1AT Integer*4 TSKIP ! ! Subroutine interface - ! Caller subroutines: DRIVG ! Called subroutines: WOBMU, XYLIB, UT1_LIB, MMUL3, ! ROTAT, DROTT, MADD3 ! ! Program Variables - ! 1. WOBXL - The left-handed X-Wobble. (milliarcsec) ! 2. WOBYL - The left-handed Y-Wobble. (milliarcsec) ! 3. DWOBXL - Time derivative of WOBXL. (masec/sec) ! 4. DWOBYL - Time derivative of WOBYL. (masec/sec) ! 5. WOBIN - Both wobbles, to be put into the database. ! 6. rw1(3,3)-Rotation matrix used in computation of time ! derivative of wobble rotation matrix. ! 7. rw2(3,3)-Rotation matrix used in computation of time ! derivative of wobble rotation matrix. ! ! Programmer - Dale Markham 02/17/77 ! 77.07.14 Peter Denatale ! 77.03.31 Kathy Watts ! 78.01.09 Bruce Schupler ! 88.12.21 Gregg Cooke ! 89.07.26 Jim Ryan Documentation simplifed and strings. ! 89.12.12 Jim Ryan UNIX-like database interface implimented. ! 90.01.02 Jim Ryan WOBIN converted to left-handed. ! 91.06.06 Jim Ryan Clean up documentation. ! 94.04.15 D. Gordon Converted to Implicit None. ! 94.05.23 D. Gordon Fixed bug - use_cubic, use_linear, use_spline were ! being dimensioned both Logical*2 and Real*8. ! 95.10.05 D. Gordon Skip interpolation if Module OFF (KWOBC=1); set ! WOBXL and WOBYL equal to zero (previously undefined). ! 95.12.04 D. Gordon Changing interpolation epoch variable to tab_time ! (previously was UTC). Tab_time set to CT for ! consistency with UT1 interpolation which is in CT. ! 95.12.11 D. Gordon Adding DWOBXL and DWOBYL, derivatives of X-wobble and ! Y-wobble, to WOBMU argument list. Variables DWOBX, ! DWOBY, rwx, rwy, rw1, and rw2 added. Code added to ! compute the time derivative of the wobble rotation ! matrix. RW(3,3) changed to RW(3,3,2). ! 96.02.09 D. Gordon Added dwobx, dwoby, rwx, and rwy to Common/WOBCM/. ! 2001.01.02 D. Gordon Code added to determine time scale of EOP table ! (CT/TDB, UTC, TDT or TAI). ! 2002 Sept Jim Ryan Integer*2/4 mods. ! 2003.05.07 D. Gordon Code added to compute S' (SP) and dS'/dt (DSP), ! to position the Terrestrial Ephemeris Origin on ! the equator of the Celestial Intermediate Pole. ! 2003/2004 D.Gordon Modified for CEO-based rotation computations and ! for high frequency (tidal and nutation) polar ! motion. ! 2007.12.28 D.Gordon Options to add high frequency (diurnal and ! sub-diurnal) EOP corrections due to ocean tides ! and nutation for correlator usage. ! Nov. 2012 D.Gordon Added new subroutine calls. XYLIB computes ! short period polar motion due to libration ! effects. UT1_LIB computes short period UT1 ! due to libration effects. UT1_LIB is called ! here instead of UT1G because GMST2K is not ! defined when UT1G is called. ! Dec. 2012 D.Gordon Moved PUT's to PUT_G. ! ! ! WOBG Program Structure. ! IF (TSKIP .eq. 1) Go to 250 ! ! Call 'WOBMU' to obtain WOBXL and WOBYL If ( Then ! Module ON ! ! Determine time scale of EOP table epochs. TT is now the default. ! tab_time = CT tab_time = TT If (EOP_time_scale .eq. 'UTC ') tab_time = UTC If (EOP_time_scale .eq. 'TAI ') tab_time = UTC + & & ATMUTC(2)/SECDAY + ATMUTC(3)*(XJD-ATMUTC(1)) If (EOP_time_scale .eq. 'TDT ') tab_time = UTC + & & (ATMUTC(2) + 32.184D0)/SECDAY + ATMUTC(3)*(XJD-ATMUTC(1)) ! CALL WOBMU (XJD,tab_time,WOBXL,WOBYL,DWOBXL,DWOBYL) ! ! Get short period libration (formerly called nutation) contribution ! to X and Y. Xli and Yli are in milli-arc-seconds CALL XYLIB (GMST2K, FA2K, FAD2K, Xli, Yli, dXli, dYli) ! ! WRITE(6,*) 'WOBG: Xli,dXli(mas) ', Xli, dXli ! WRITE(6,*) 'WOBG: Yli,dYli(mas) ', Yli, dYli ! ! --- ORTHO_EOP moved to UT1G. ! Get short period tidal contribution to X and Y and UT1. ! CALL ORTHO_EOP (TMJD, Xti, Yti, UT1t, dXti, dYti, dUT1t) ! Else ! Module OFF WOBXL = 0.D0 WOBYL = 0.D0 DWOBXL = 0.D0 DWOBYL = 0.D0 Endif ! ! Compute the short period corrections to UT1 due to libration. (msec) !!!! We have to do this here because GMST2K is defined after the call to UT1G!!!!!!! CALL UT1_LIB (GMST2K, FA2K, FAD2K, UT1li, dUT1li) ! WRITE(6,*) 'WOBG: UT1li,dUT1li(mas) ', UT1li, dUT1li ! WRITE(6,*) 'WOBG: UT1, UT1+li ', UT1, UT1 + UT1li*1.D-3 ! ! Convert the variables WOBXL and WOBYL from units of milliarcseconds ! to units of radians. WOBX = WOBXL * CONVDS * 1.0D-3 WOBY = WOBYL * CONVDS * 1.0D-3 DWOBX = DWOBXL * CONVDS * 1.0D-3 DWOBY = DWOBYL * CONVDS * 1.0D-3 ! ! Save short period nutation and tidal contributions in radians and ! short period UT1 tidal contribution in seconds. WOBXli = Xli * CONVDS * 1.0D-3 WOBYli = Yli * CONVDS * 1.0D-3 dWOBXli = dXli * CONVDS * 1.0D-3 dWOBYli = dYli * CONVDS * 1.0D-3 WOBXti = Xti * CONVDS * 1.0D-3 WOBYti = Yti * CONVDS * 1.0D-3 ! ! If (Calc_user .eq. 'C' .and. Hifreq_tidal_EOP .eq. 'Y') Then ! WOBX = WOBX + WOBXti ! WOBY = WOBY + WOBYti ! DWOBX = DWOBX + (dXti * CONVDS * 1.0D-3) ! DWOBY = DWOBY + (dYti * CONVDS * 1.0D-3) ! Endif ! ! If (Calc_user .eq. 'C' .and. Hifreq_nut_EOP .eq. 'Y') Then ! WOBX = WOBX + WOBXli ! WOBY = WOBY + WOBYli ! DWOBX = DWOBX + dWOBXli ! DWOBY = DWOBY + dWOBYli ! UT1 = UT1 + UT1li*1.D-3 ! Endif ! ! Create variables WOBXR and WOBYR, for external use, in subroutines ! using a right-handed coordinate system. WOBXR = WOBX WOBYR = -WOBY WOBXD = DWOBX WOBYD = DWOBY ! ! Compute the wobble portion of the complete crust fixed to J2000.0 ! rotation matrix. (NOTE: WOBY is still left-handed, however, ! the wobble matrix is constructed to take this into account. ! Thus the final wobble matrix is right-handed.) ! ! Construct the rotation matrix which rotates about the crust fixed ! Y-axis by an angle equal to +WOBX. CALL ROTAT ( +WOBX, int2(2), RWOBX) ! ! Construct the rotation matrix which rotates about the X-axis by ! an angle equal to +WOBY. CALL ROTAT ( +WOBY, int2(1), RWOBY) ! ! Compute S' and dS'/dt. (Taken from IERS function SP2000.) SP = -47.D-6 * CENT * CONVDS DSP = SP/(CENT*36525.D0*86400.D0) ! ! Construct the rotation matrix which rotates about the Z-axis by ! an angle equal to -SP. CALL ROTAT ( -SP, int2(3), RWOBZ) ! ! Compute the new polar motion (CEO-based) rotation matrix ! below agrees with POM2000 and IERS Conventions (2003) CALL MMUL3 ( RWOBZ, RWOBX, RWOBY, RW2K(1,1,1) ) ! below agrees with IERS Conventions (1996) ! CALL MMUL3 ( RWOBZ, RWOBY, RWOBX, RW2K(1,1,1) ) ! ! Compute the time derivative of the CEO-based wobble rotation matrix. ! Compute the X derivative component CALL DROTT (WOBX, DWOBX, int2(2), RWX) ! Compute the Y derivative component CALL DROTT (WOBY, DWOBY, int2(1), RWY) ! Compute the Z derivative component CALL DROTT (-SP, -DSP, Int2(3), RWZ) ! Compute the three time derivative components ... ! ! Below agrees with POM2000 and IERS Conventions (2003) CALL MMUL3 ( RWZ, RWOBX, RWOBY, DRWC1 ) CALL MMUL3 ( RWOBZ, RWX, RWOBY, DRWC2 ) CALL MMUL3 ( RWOBZ, RWOBX, RWY, DRWC3 ) ! ! Below agrees with IERS Conventions (1996) ! CALL MMUL3 ( RWZ, RWOBY, RWOBX, DRWC1 ) ! CALL MMUL3 ( RWOBZ, RWY, RWOBX, DRWC2 ) ! CALL MMUL3 ( RWOBZ, RWOBY, RWX, DRWC3 ) ! ! and add them together (chain rule). CALL MADD3 ( DRWC1, DRWC2, DRWC3, RW2K(1,1,2) ) ! !**************************************************** ! Check KWOBC to determine if the wobble module is to be turned off. IF ( KWOBC .EQ. 1 ) THEN CALL ROTAT ( 0.D0, int2(3), RW2K(1,1,1)) CALL ROTAT ( 0.D0, int2(3), RW2K(1,1,2)) WOBXR = 0.0D0 WOBYR = 0.0D0 ENDIF ! 250 CONTINUE ! ! 'PUT' the left-handed wobble values (radians) into the database. WOBIN(1) = WOBX WOBIN(2) = WOBY ! The 'PUT' was moved to Subroutine PUT_G ! ! Check KWOBD for debug output. If (KWOBD .ne. 0) then WRITE (6,9) 9 FORMAT (1X, 'Debug output for subroutine WOBG.' ) WRITE(6,8)' CONVDS ',CONVDS 8 FORMAT(A,4D25.16/(7X,5D25.16)) 18 FORMAT(A,3D30.20/(10X,3D30.20)) WRITE(6,8)' WOBXL, WOBYL = ',WOBXL, WOBYL WRITE(6,8)' DWOBXL, DWOBYL = ',DWOBXL, DWOBYL WRITE(6,8)' CT ',CT WRITE(6,8)' tab_time',tab_time WRITE ( 6, 9200 ) UTC, XJD, RW2K WRITE(6,8)' WOBX, WOBY = ', WOBX, WOBY WRITE(6,8)' DWOBX, DWOBY = ',DWOBX, DWOBY WRITE(6,18)' RWOBX = ', RWOBX WRITE(6,18)' RWOBY = ', RWOBY WRITE(6,18)' RWOBZ = ', RWOBZ WRITE(6,18)' RWX = ', RWX WRITE(6,18)' RWY = ', RWY WRITE(6,18)' RWZ = ', RWZ WRITE ( 6, * ) ' WOBG/ORTHO_EOP: Xti,Yti,UT1t: ', & & Xti,Yti,UT1ti WRITE ( 6, * ) ' WOBXti, WOBYti (rad) =', WOBXti, WOBYti WRITE(6,8)' WOBG/WOBX (radians): ', WOBX,DWOBX WRITE(6,8)' WOBG/WOBY (radians): ', WOBY,DWOBY ! Write(6,1015) RW2K 1015 Format(1x,'WOBG/RW2K ',(3(/,3E30.20))) 9200 FORMAT (1X,' UTC = ',D26.16,9X,'XJD = ',D30.16,/, & & ' RW2K = ',3D30.20,/,5(6x,3d30.20,/) ) ! ! Normal Conclusion. endif END !****************************************************************** SUBROUTINE WOBP (CFBASE, STAR, EARTH, RPN2K, RS2K, SITEV) Implicit None ! ! WOBP is the partial derivatives section of the Wobble module. It computes ! the partial derivatives of the delay and rate with respect to the polar ! motion offsets. ! ! Calling sequence - ! Input Variables: ! 1. CFBASE(3) - The crust fixed baseline vector. (m) ! 3. RPN2K(3,3,2)- The nutation portion of the complete crust fixed ! to J2000.0 rotation matrix and its CT time ! derivative. (unitless, 1/sec) ! 5. RS2K(3,3,3) - The diurnal spin portion of the complete crust ! fixed to J2000.0 rotation matrix and its first ! two CT time derivatives. (unitless, 1/s, 1/s**2) ! 6. STAR(3) - The J2000.0 source unit vector. ! 7. EARTH(3,3) - The SSBC position, velocity, and acceleration ! vectors of the Earth. (m, m/s, m/s**2) ! 8. SITEV(3,2) - THE J2000.0 GEOCENTRIC VELOCITY VECTORS OF ! EACH OBSERVATION SITE. (M/SEC) ! ! Common blocks used - ! INCLUDE 'cphys11.i' ! Variables 'FROM': ! 1. VLIGHT - The velocity of light in a vacuum. (m/s) ! 2. VLIGHT2 - The velocity of light squared. (m**2/s**2) ! INCLUDE 'cmwob11.i' ! Variables 'FROM': ! 1. RWOBX(3,3) - The rotation matrix which rotates about the crust ! fixed Y-axis by an angle equal to WOBX. ! 2. RWOBY(3,3) - The rotation matrix which rotates about the new ! X-axis by an angle equal to WOBY. (unitless) ! 3. WOBX - The left-handed X-wobble. (rad) ! 4. DWOBX - Time derivative of WOBX. (rad/sec) ! 5. WOBY - The left-handed Y-wobble. (rad) ! 6. DWOBY - Time derivative of WOBY. (rad/sec) ! 7. RWX(3,3) - Rotation matrix used in computation of time ! derivative of wobble rotation matrix. ! 8. RWY(3,3) - Rotation matrix used in computation of time ! derivative of wobble rotation matrix. ! 9. RWZ(3,3) - Rotation matrix used in computation of time ! derivative of wobble rotation matrix. ! Variables 'TO': ! 1. DWOBP(2,2) - The partial derivatives of the delay and rate ! with respect to the X and Y polar motion. The ! first index runs over the X and Y offsets ! and the second runs over delay and rate. ! (s/radian, (s/s)/radian) ! INCLUDE 'ccon.i' ! Variables 'FROM': ! 1. KWOBC - The wobble module flow control flag. ! 2. KWOBD - The wobble module debug output flag. ! ! Program specifications - ! Real*8 CFBASE(3), DWOBDX(3,3), DWOBDY(3,3), STAR(3),WOBXDX(3,3), & & WOBYDY(3,3), XBASE(3,2), XR2000(3,3,2), YBASE(3,2), & & YR2000(3,3,2),EARTH(3,3), VG(3), c1, c2, tt, DOTP, & & RPN2K(3,3,2), RS2K(3,3,3), SITEV(3,2), VE(3) Real*8 pRWdx(3,3), pRWdy(3,3), prwxdx(3,3), prwydy(3,3), & & pRWx1(3,3), pRWx2(3,3), pRWy1(3,3), pRWy2(3,3), & & pdRWdtdx(3,3), pdRWdtdy(3,3), XRW2000(3,3,2), & & YRW2000(3,3,2), rx1(3,3), rx2(3,3), rx3(3,3), rx4(3,3), & & ry1(3,3), ry2(3,3), ry3(3,3), ry4(3,3), pRW2Kx(3,3,2), & & pRW2Ky(3,3,2), pDRWX1(3,3), pDRWX2(3,3),pDRWX3(3,3), & & pDRWY1(3,3), pDRWY2(3,3),pDRWY3(3,3), pR2Kx(3,3,2), & & pR2Ky(3,3,2), dR2Kx1(3,3), dR2Kx2(3,3), dR2Kx3(3,3), & & dR2Ky1(3,3), dR2Ky2(3,3), dR2Ky3(3,3) Integer*4 K, I ! ! Subroutine Interface - ! Caller subroutines: DRIVP ! Called subroutines: DOTP, DROTT, MMUL3, MADD3, VECRT ! ! Constants used - VLIGHT, VLIGHT2 ! ! Program Variables - ! 1. pRWdx(3,3) - The partial derivative of the wobble matrix with ! respect to the x-offset. (1/radian) ! 2. pRWdy(3,3) - The partial derivative of the wobble matrix with ! respect to the y-offset. (1/radian) ! 3. WOBXDX(3,3) - The partial derivative of the rotation matrix ! RWOBX with respect to the X offset. (1/radian) ! 4. WOBYDY(3,3) - The partial derivative of the rotation matrix ! RWOBY with respect to the Y offset. (1/radian) ! 5. XBASE(3,2) - The partial derivatives of the J2000.0 baseline ! position and velocity vectors with respect to ! the X offset. (m/radian, (m/s)/radian) ! 6. YBASE(3,2) - The partial derivatives of the J2000.0 baseline ! position and velocity vectors with respect to ! the Y offset. (m/radian, (m/s)/radian) ! 7. XR2000(3,3,2) - The partial derivative of the complete crust ! fixed to J2000.0 rotation matrix and its first ! CT time derivative with respect to the X offset. ! (1/radian,(1/x)/radian) ! 8. YR2000(3,3,2) - The partial derivative of the complete crust ! fixed to J2000.0 rotation matrix and its first ! CT time derivative with respect to the Y offset. ! (1/radian, (1/s)/radian) ! 9. vg(3) - A local copy of the SSBC velocity vector of the ! Earth. See EARTH. ! 10. c1, c2, tt - Temporary variables used to simplify the ! expression for computing the partials. ! 11. pRWxdx - Partial derivative of RWX w.r.t. X-pole. ! 12. pRWydy - Partial derivative of RWY w.r.t. Y-pole. ! ! Programmer - Dale Markham 02/17/77 ! 77.07.14 Peter Denatale ! 77.03.28 Kathy Watts ! 77.12.23 Bruce Schupler ! 89.07.26 Jim Ryan Documentation simplifed and strings. ! 89.10.05 Jim Ryan CPHYS common made an include file. ! 89.12.12 Jim Ryan UNIX-like database interface implimented. ! 91.06.06 Jim Ryan Documentation cleanup. ! 91.11.25 Jim Ryan Second term in Shapiro's model added to ! the computation of the partials. ! 94.04.15 D. Gordon Converted to Implicit None. ! 94.05.23 D. Gordon Fixed bug - use_cubic, use_linear, use_spline were ! being dimensioned both Logical*2 and Real*8. ! 95.11.27 D. Gordon Corrected error in second part of DWOBP(2,1). ! 96.02.09 D. Gordon Added dwobx, dwoby, rwx, and rwy to Common/WOBCM/. ! Put in all 4 terms for computation of the partials ! of the first derivative of the J2000.0 rotation ! matrix w.r.t X-pole and Y-pole. Changed DWOBDX to ! pRWdx and DWOBDY to pRWdx and reversed order of ! multiplication to compute them. ! 98.05.01 D. Gordon Common /WOBCM/ moved into include file cmwob.i. ! 2002 Sept Jim Ryan Integer*2/4 mods. ! 2003/2004 D.Gordon Modified for CEO-based rotation computations. ! 2004.11.09 D.Gordon Modified partial to use Consensus model. ! Jan. 2013 D.Gordon Moved PUT to subroutine P_PUT. ! ! WOBP Program Structure ! ! Compute the partial derivatives of the rotation matrices RWOBX and RWOBY ! with respect to the long period X and Y offsets, respectively. CALL DROTT ( WOBX, 1.D0, int2(2), WOBXDX) CALL DROTT ( WOBY, 1.D0, int2(1), WOBYDY) ! ! Compute the partial derivatives of RWX w.r.t. X-pole and of RWY w.r.t. ! Y-pole. Call DDROT ( WOBX, DWOBX, int2(2), pRWxdx) Call DDROT ( WOBY, DWOBY, int2(1), pRWydy) ! !************************** ! Compute partials of the new CEO based wobble rotation matrix, ! RW2K(1,1,1), with respect to X-pole and Y-pole. ! Below agrees with POM2000 and IERS Conventions (2003) CALL MMUL3 ( RWOBZ, WOBXDX, RWOBY, pRW2Kx(1,1,1) ) CALL MMUL3 ( RWOBZ, RWOBX, WOBYDY,pRW2Ky(1,1,1) ) ! ! Compute partials of the time derivative of the new CEO based ! wobble rotation matrix, ! RW2K(1,1,2), with respect to X-pole and Y-pole. ! ! Below agrees with POM2000 and IERS Conventions (2003) CALL MMUL3 ( RWOBZ, WOBXDX, RWY, pDRWX1 ) CALL MMUL3 ( RWOBZ, pRWXDX, RWOBY, pDRWX2 ) CALL MMUL3 ( RWZ, WOBXDX, RWOBY, pDRWX3 ) CALL MADD3 ( pDRWX1, pDRWX2, pDRWX3, pRW2Kx(1,1,2) ) ! ! Below agrees with POM2000 and IERS Conventions (2003) CALL MMUL3 ( RWOBZ, RWOBX, pRWYDY, pDRWY1 ) CALL MMUL3 ( RWOBZ, RWX, WOBYDY, pDRWY2 ) CALL MMUL3 ( RWZ, RWOBX, WOBYDY, pDRWY3 ) CALL MADD3 ( pDRWY1, pDRWY2, pDRWY3, pRW2Ky(1,1,2) ) ! ! Compute partials of CEO-based J2000 rotation matrix, R2K(3,3,2), ! w.r.t. X-pole and Y-pole. CALL MMUL3 (RPN2K(1,1,1),RS2K(1,1,1),pRW2Kx(1,1,1),pR2Kx(1,1,1)) CALL MMUL3 (RPN2K(1,1,1),RS2K(1,1,1),pRW2Ky(1,1,1),pR2Ky(1,1,1)) ! ! Compute partials of the time derivative of R2K(3,3,2) w.r.t. X-pole ! and Y-pole. ! Compute the three terms necessary for the X-pole calculation. CALL MMUL3 ( RPN2K(1,1,2), RS2K(1,1,1), pRW2Kx(1,1,1), dR2Kx1 ) CALL MMUL3 ( RPN2K(1,1,1), RS2K(1,1,2), pRW2Kx(1,1,1), dR2Kx2 ) CALL MMUL3 ( RPN2K(1,1,1), RS2K(1,1,1), pRW2Kx(1,1,2), dR2Kx3 ) ! Add the three terms to complete the calculation. CALL MADD3 ( dR2Kx1, dR2Kx2, dR2Kx3, pR2Kx(1,1,2 ) ) ! Compute the three terms necessary for the Y-pole calculation. CALL MMUL3 ( RPN2K(1,1,2), RS2K(1,1,1), pRW2Ky(1,1,1), dR2Ky1 ) CALL MMUL3 ( RPN2K(1,1,1), RS2K(1,1,2), pRW2Ky(1,1,1), dR2Ky2 ) CALL MMUL3 ( RPN2K(1,1,1), RS2K(1,1,1), pRW2Ky(1,1,2), dR2Ky3 ) ! Add the three terms to complete the calculation. CALL MADD3 ( dR2Ky1, dR2Ky2, dR2Ky3, pR2Ky(1,1,2 ) ) ! !*************************************************** ! ! Compute the partial derivatives of the J2000.0 baseline position and ! velocity vectors with respect to the long period wobble X and Y offsets. ! DO 300 K = 1,2 ! New CEO-based partials CALL VECRT ( pR2Kx (1,1,K), CFBASE, XBASE(1,K) ) CALL VECRT ( pR2Ky (1,1,K), CFBASE, YBASE(1,K) ) 300 CONTINUE ! ! Compute the partial derivatives of the delay and the delay rate with ! respect to the long period wobble X and Y offsets. ! Use the Consensus model definition. DO I =1,3 VG(I) = EARTH(I,2) + SITEV(I,2) VE(I) = EARTH(I,2) Enddo TT = 1.d0 + DOTP(STAR,VG)/VLIGHT ! DWOBP(1,1) = Dotp(XBASE(1,1),STAR )/VLIGHT/TT + & & Dotp(Xbase(1,1),VE)/VLIGHT2 DWOBP(1,2) = Dotp(XBASE(1,2),STAR )/VLIGHT/TT + & & Dotp(Xbase(1,2),VE)/VLIGHT2 DWOBP(2,1) = Dotp(YBASE(1,1),STAR )/VLIGHT/TT + & & Dotp(Ybase(1,1),VE)/VLIGHT2 DWOBP(2,2) = Dotp(YBASE(1,2),STAR )/VLIGHT/TT + & & Dotp(Ybase(1,2),VE)/VLIGHT2 ! ! 'PUT' of the wobble partial derivatives, DWOBP, moved to sub. PUT_P. ! ! Check KWOBD for debug. If (KWOBD .ne. 0) then WRITE (6,9) 7 FORMAT(A,3D25.16,5(/,9X,3D25.16)) 8 FORMAT(A,4D25.16/(7X,5D25.16)) 9 FORMAT (1X, 'DEBUG OUTPUT FOR SUBROUTINE WOBP.' ) ! Write(6,1020) WOBXDX !1020 Format(1x,'WOBP/WOBXDX: ',(3(/,3E25.15))) ! Write(6,1021) WOBYDY !1021 Format(1x,'WOBP/WOBYDY: ',(3(/,3E25.15))) ! Write(6,1022) pRWxdx !1022 Format(1x,'WOBP/pRWxdx ',(3(/,3E25.15))) ! Write(6,1023) pRWydy !1023 Format(1x,'WOBP/pRWydy ',(3(/,3E25.15))) ! Write(6,1025) pRW2Kx 1025 Format(1x,'WOBP/pRW2Kx: ',(6(/,3E25.15))) ! Write(6,1026) pRW2Ky 1026 Format(1x,'WOBP/pRW2Ky: ',(6(/,3E25.15))) ! Write(6,1028) pR2Kx 1028 Format(1x,'WOBP/pR2Kx: ',(6(/,3E25.15))) ! Write(6,1029) pR2Ky 1029 Format(1x,'WOBP/pR2Ky: ',(6(/,3E25.15))) WRITE(6,7)' WOBX, DWOBX ', WOBX, DWOBX WRITE(6,7)' WOBY, DWOBY ', WOBY, DWOBY WRITE(6,7)' WOBXDX ', WOBXDX WRITE(6,7)' WOBYDY ', WOBYDY WRITE(6,7)' RWOBX ',RWOBX WRITE(6,7)' RWOBY ',RWOBY WRITE(6,7)' RWX ', RWX WRITE(6,7)' pRWxdx ', pRWxdx WRITE(6,7)' RWY ', RWY WRITE(6,7)' pRWydy ', prwydy WRITE(6,7)' pRW2Kx ', pRW2Kx WRITE(6,7)' pRW2Ky ', pRW2Ky WRITE(6,7)' pR2Kx ', pR2Kx WRITE(6,7)' pR2Ky ', pR2Ky WRITE(6,8)' DWOBP ',DWOBP WRITE(6,8)' VLIGHT, VLIGHT2 ', VLIGHT, VLIGHT2 WRITE(6,8)' XBASE ',XBASE WRITE(6,8)' YBASE ',YBASE WRITE(6,8)' C1, C2, TT ', C1, C2, TT WRITE(6,8)' VG ',VG WRITE ( 6, 9200 ) CFBASE, RPN2K, RS2K, STAR 9200 FORMAT (1X, 'CFBASE = ', 3 ( D30.16, 10X ), /, 1X, & & 'RPN2K = ', 6 ( 3 ( D30.16, 10X ), /, 1X ), & & 'RS2K = ', 9 ( 3 ( D30.16, 10X ), /, 1X ), & & 'STAR = ', 3 ( D30.16)) ! ! Normal conclusion. endif END !*************************************************************************** SUBROUTINE WOBC(Xti, Yti, dXti, dYti) Implicit None ! ! WOBC is the contributions section of the wobble module. It computes the ! contributions to the delay and rate due to polar motion X and Y offsets. ! ! Common blocks used - ! INCLUDE 'cmwob11.i' ! Variables 'FROM': ! 1. DWOBP(2,2) - The polar motion partials. (See above.) ! 2. WOBX - The left-handed X-wobble. (rad) ! 3. DWOBX - Time derivative of WOBX. (rad/sec) ! 4. WOBY - The left-handed Y-wobble. (rad) ! 5. DWOBY - Time derivative of WOBY. (rad/sec) ! 6. WOBXn - Short period X libration contribution. (rad) ! 7. WOBYn - Short period Y libration contribution. (rad) ! 8. dWOBXn - Time derivative of WOBXn. (rad/sec) ! 9. dWOBYn - Time derivative of WOBYn. (rad/sec) ! 10. WOBXli - Short period X libration contribution. (rad) ! 11. WOBYli - Short period Y libration contribution. (rad) ! 12. dWOBXli - Time derivative of WOBXn. (rad/sec) ! 13. dWOBYli - Time derivative of WOBYn. (rad/sec) ! 14. WOBXti - Short period X tidal contribution. (rad) ! 15. WOBYti - Short period Y tidal contribution. (rad) ! INCLUDE 'ccon.i' ! Variables 'FROM': ! 1. KWOBC - The wobble module flow control flag. ! 2. KWOBD - The wobble module debug output flag. ! ! Common blocks used: INCLUDE 'put2s.i' ! Variables from: ! 1. DWOBXC(2) - The contributions to the delay and rate due to ! the X-pole offset. (s, s/s) ! 2. DWOBYC(2) - The contributions to the delay and rate due to ! the Y-pole offset. (s, s/s) ! 3. DWOBlib(2) - The contributions to the delay and rate due to ! the X and Y short period libration. (s, s/s) ! 4. DWOBtid(2) - The contributions to the delay and rate due to ! the X and Y ocean tides. (s, s/s) ! ! Real*8 PI, TWOPI, HALFPI, CONVD, CONVDS, CONVHS, SECDAY COMMON / CMATH / PI, TWOPI, HALFPI, CONVD, CONVDS, CONVHS, SECDAY ! Variables 'FROM': ! 1. CONVDS - The conversion factor of radians per arcsecond. ! (radians/arcsecond). ! ! Program specifications - Real*8 Xti, Yti, dXti, dYti Integer*4 K, J ! ! Subroutine interface - ! Caller subroutines: DRIVC ! Called subroutines: ! ! Program variables - None ! ! Programmer - Dale Marknam 02/17/77 ! 77.07.14 Peter Denatale ! 77.03.28 Kathy Watts ! 77.12.23 Bruce Schupler ! 89.07.26 Jim Ryan Documentation simplifed and strings. ! 89.12.12 Jim Ryan UNIX-like database interface implimented. ! 91.06.06 Jim Ryan Documentation cleaned up. ! 91.12.17 D. Gordon Bug fixed. For KWOBC = 2 or 3, contributions were ! incorrectly being set to zero. (Calc 7.n versions) ! 94.04.15 D.Gordon Converted to Implicit None. ! 94.05.23 D.Gordon Fixed bug - use_cubic, use_linear, use_spline were ! being dimensioned both Logical*2 and Real*8. ! 94.06.29 D.Gordon Wobble contribution (DWOBC(2,2)) split into X and Y ! components (dwobxc(2) and dwobyc(2)) for ! compatability with SOLVE. ! 95.10.05 D.Gordon Corrected wobble contributions when KWOBC=1 (Wobble ! module turned OFF). DO loops restructured. ! 95.11.27 D.Gordon Added DWOBXC and DWOBYC to debug printout, removed ! DWOBC which is no longer used. Documentation ! corrected. ! 98.05.01 D. Gordon Common /WOBCM/ moved into include file cmwob.i. ! 2002 Sept Jim Ryan Integer*2/4 mods. ! 2004.08.10 D. Gordon Added contributions for short period tidal ! and nutation polar motion. ! 2012Oct/Nov D.Gordon Mods for IERS 2010. Short period 'nutation' ! changed to 'libration'. 'WOBNUTAT' lcode changed ! to 'WOBLIBRA'. ! Jan. 2013 D. Gordon Moved all PUT's to subroutine PUT_C. ! ! WOBC Program Structure ! ! Compute the contributions. Do K=1,2 DWOBXC(k) = DWOBP(1,K) * WOBX DWOBYC(k) = DWOBP(2,K) * WOBY Enddo ! print *,' DWOBXC (psec): ', DWOBXC(1)*1.D12,DWOBXC(2)*1.D12 ! print *,' DWOBYC (psec): ', DWOBYC(1)*1.D12,DWOBYC(2)*1.D12 ! print *,' DWOBP(1,1)/(1,2):', DWOBP(1,1), DWOBP(1,2) ! print *,' DWOBP(2,1)/(2,2):', DWOBP(2,1), DWOBP(2,1) ! ! print *,' WOBXti: ', WOBXti ! print *,' WOBXli, dWOBXli:', WOBXli, dWOBXli ! ! Compute the short period (libration/nutation and tidal) contributions. DO K=1,2 DWOBlib(K) = DWOBP(1,K)*WOBXli + DWOBP(2,K)*WOBYli ! DWOBorth(K) = DWOBP(1,K)*WOBXti + DWOBP(2,K)*WOBYti ! DWOBorth(K) = DWOBP(1,K) * Xti*CONVDS*1.0D-3 + & ! & DWOBP(2,K) * Yti*CONVDS*1.0D-3 ENDDO ! print *,' DWOBorth (psec): ', DWOBorth(1)*1.D12,DWOBorth(2)*1.D12 ! print *,' DWOBlib (psec): ', DWOBlib(1)*1.D12, DWOBlib(2)*1.D12 ! ! Check KWOBC to see if wobble is to be turned off. IF (KWOBC .EQ. 1) Then Do K=1,2 DWOBXC(K) = 0.d0 DWOBYC(K) = 0.d0 Enddo ENDIF ! ! PUT the wobble contributions => moved to subroutine PUT_C. ! 300 Continue ! ! Check KWOBD for debug output. IF ( KWOBD .EQ. 0 ) GO TO 600 WRITE ( 6, 9 ) 9 FORMAT (1X, 'Debug output for subroutine WOBC.' ) WRITE(6,8)' DWOBXC ',DWOBXC WRITE(6,8)' DWOBYC ',DWOBYC 8 FORMAT(A,4D25.16/(7X,5D25.16)) WRITE(6,8)' DWOBP ',DWOBP WRITE(6,8)' WOBX, WOBY ', WOBX, WOBY WRITE(6,8)' DWOBlib ', DWOBlib WRITE(6,8)' DWOBorth ', DWOBorth ! WRITE(6,8)' DWOBP ',DWOBP(1,1),DWOBP(2,1),DWOBP(1,2),DWOBP(2,2) ! print *, ' DWOBXC (psec) ', DWOBXC(1)*1.D12, DWOBXC(2)*1.D12 ! print *, ' DWOBYC (psec) ', DWOBYC(1)*1.D12, DWOBYC(2)*1.D12 ! print *, ' DWOBlib (psec) ', DWOBlib(1)*1.D12, DWOBlib(2)*1.D12 ! print *, ' DWOBtid (psec) ', DWOBtid(1)*1.D12, DWOBtid(2)*1.D12 ! ! Normal conclusion. 600 RETURN END !************************************************************************* SUBROUTINE WOBMU(XJD,tab_time,WOBXL,WOBYL,DWOBXL,DWOBYL) Implicit None ! ! WOBMU is the Wobble module utility. It provides interpolated values of the ! X and Y wobble at the epochs specified in the calling sequence. If the ! specified epoch is outside the range of the interpolation table, the ! program issues a message and stops. ! ! Calling sequence - CALL WOBMU(XJD,UTC,WOBXL,WOBYL) ! ! Input Variables: ! 1) XJD - The Julian date at 0:00 hours UTC of the epoch for ! interpolation. (days) ! 2) tab_time - The fraction of the day in the timescale of the ! input EOP series (CT, UTC, or ???). ! ! Output variables: ! 1) WOBXL - The interpolated value of the X wobble. ! (left-handed, milliarcsec) ! 2) WOBYL - The interpolated value of the Y wobble. ! (left-handed, milliarcsec) ! ! Common blocks used - ! INCLUDE 'cmwob11.i' ! Variables 'FROM': ! 1) WOBIF(3) - The wobble information array. (See above.) ! 2) XYWOB(2,10) - The tabular points for the X & Y offsets. ! (milliarcsec) ! INCLUDE 'ccon.i' ! Variables 'FROM': ! 1) KWOBC - The Wobble module flow control flag. ! 0 --> Default, module on; spline interpolation for 1-day ! series, cubic for 5-day series. ! 1 --> Module off. No polar motion applied. ! 2 --> Module on; linear interpolation for any series. ! 3 --> Module on; cubic interpolation for 1-day series, ! spline for 5-day series. ! 2) KWOBD - The wobble module debug control flag. ! Real*8 PI, TWOPI, HALFPI, CONVD, CONVDS, CONVHS, SECDAY COMMON / CMATH / PI, TWOPI, HALFPI, CONVD, CONVDS, CONVHS, SECDAY ! Variables 'FROM': ! 1. SECDAY - The number of seconds in a day (s/day). ! ! Program specifications - ! Real*8 XJD, UTC, WOBXL, WOBYL, T, DWOBXL, DWOBYL, S, tab_time Real*8 XINT(4,2), F2(2), Y1(2,2), Y2(2,2) Real*8 x_spline, yx_spline, yy_spline, yxdot, yydot, yxdot2, & & yydot2, yxdot3, yydot3 Integer*4 INT, I, N, NN, NR, ILAST, ierr4 ! ! Subroutine interface: ! Caller subroutines: WOBI, WOBG ! Called subroutines: SPLINT4 ! ! Programmer - Bruce Schupler 12/23/77 ! 89.07.26 Jim Ryan Documentation simplifed and strings. ! 90.05.06 Jim Ryan Mods for linear interpolation. ! 91.06.06 Jim Ryan Linear interpolation mods and clean up. ! 93.12.17 D. Gordon Spline interpolation mods. ! 94.04.13 D. Gordon DFLOT changed to Fortran 77 DFLOTJ. ! 94.04.15 D. Gordon Converted to Implicit None. ! 94.05.23 D. Gordon Fixed bug - use_cubic, use_linear, use_spline were ! being dimensioned both Logical*2 and Real*8. ! 95.06.09 D. Gordon Cleaned up debug printout. ! 95.12.11 D. Gordon Adding computation of time derivatives of X- and ! Y-wobble for linear interpolation. ! 95.12.28 D. Gordon Adding computation of time derivatives of X- and ! Y-wobble for cubic polynomial interpolation. Debug ! printout mods and additions. ! 98.05.01 D. Gordon Common /WOBCM/ moved into include file cmwob.i. ! 2002 Sept Jim Ryan Integer*2/4 mods. ! ! WOBMU Program Structure ! ! Convert UTC and XJD to the units of the interval of the table relative to ! the first point of the table. INT is computed so that INT+2 is the number ! of the tabular point just before (or at) the time of the observation and ! INT+3 is the number of the point after the time of the observation. ! T = (XJD - WOBIF(1)) T = (T + tab_time) / WOBIF(2) INT = T T = T - DFLOAT (INT) INT = INT - 1 ! !************************************** ! Code for cubic spline interpolation IF (use_spline) then ! Spline interpolation ! ! Compute time of obs. and divide by interval x_spline = (xjd + tab_time)/ WOBIF(2) ! ! In case the interval (WOBIF(2)) is not 1.0 days, divide by interval ! x_spline = x_spline / WOBIF(2) ! ! Perform cubic spline for X-wobble interpolation call splint4(xa,yax,y2sx,n_spline,x_spline,yx_spline,yxdot, & & yxdot2,yxdot3,ierr4) WOBXL = yx_spline DWOBXL = yxdot / (WOBIF(2) * SECDAY) ! ! Perform cubic spline for Y-wobble interpolation call splint4(xa,yay,y2sy,n_spline,x_spline,yy_spline,yydot, & & yydot2,yydot3,ierr4) WOBYL = yy_spline DWOBYL = yydot / (WOBIF(2) * SECDAY) ! Endif ! Spline interpolation ! !************************************** ! Code for cubic polynomial interpolation If(use_cubic) Then !3rd order polynomial interpolation ! ! Select the four tabular points from each of the XWOB and YWOB arrays and ! verify that the interpolation is not outside the range of the table. ! (NOTE: If the interpolation is outside the range of the table, a message is ! written and the program terminates.) ! ILAST = IDINT ( WOBIF(3) ) Do N = 1,4 NN = INT + N IF ( ( NN .LT. 1 ) .OR. ( NN .GT. ILAST ) ) GO TO 900 XINT(N,1) = XYWOB(1,NN) XINT(N,2) = XYWOB(2,NN) Enddo ! ! Do the cubic interpolation. DO I = 1,2 DO N = 1,2 NR = N + 1 F2(I) = ( XINT ( NR+1, I ) + XINT ( NR-1, I ) ) / 6.D0 Y1(N,I) = + ( 4.D0 / 3.D0 ) * XINT ( NR, I ) - F2(I) Y2(N,I) = - ( 1.D0 / 3.D0 ) * XINT ( NR, I ) + F2(I) enddo enddo ! S = 1.D0 - T WOBXL = T * ( Y1(2,1) + T**2 * Y2(2,1) ) & & + S * ( Y1(1,1) + S**2 * Y2(1,1) ) WOBYL = T * ( Y1(2,2) + T**2 * Y2(2,2) ) & & + S * ( Y1(1,2) + S**2 * Y2(1,2) ) ! DWOBXL = ( Y1(2,1) + (3.D0*T**2*Y2(2,1)) & & - Y1(1,1) - (3.D0*S**2*Y2(1,1)) ) / (WOBIF(2)*SECDAY) DWOBYL = ( Y1(2,2) + (3.D0*T**2*Y2(2,2)) & & - Y1(1,2) - (3.D0*S**2*Y2(1,2)) ) / (WOBIF(2)*SECDAY) ! Endif !3rd order polynomial interpolation ! !************************************** ! Code for linear interpolation If(use_linear) Then !2 point linear interpolation If(INT+1 .lt. 1 .or. & & INT+1 .gt. DINT(WOBIF(3)+.001)) Then Write(6,'( & & "Error in WOBMU! Attempted to interpolate polar motion",/, & & "outside of PM table. INT =",i5)') INT Call TERMINATE_CALC( 'WOBMU ', int2(0), int2(0)) Endif ! ! Interpolate linearly. Don't change the units. WOBXL = (XYWOB(1,INT+3)-XYWOB(1,INT+2))*T + XYWOB(1,INT+2) WOBYL = (XYWOB(2,INT+3)-XYWOB(2,INT+2))*T + XYWOB(2,INT+2) ! Compute time derivative. DWOBXL = (XYWOB(1,INT+3)-XYWOB(1,INT+2)) / (WOBIF(2) * SECDAY) DWOBYL = (XYWOB(2,INT+3)-XYWOB(2,INT+2)) / (WOBIF(2) * SECDAY) ! Endif !2 point linear interpolation ! !************************************** ! Check to see if debug output is requested. IF (KWOBD .NE. 1) GO TO 400 WRITE(6,9) If(use_spline) write(6,'(" Spline interpolation used.")') If(use_cubic) write(6,'(" Cubic polynomial interpolation used.")') If(use_linear) write(6,'(" Linear interpolation used.")') WRITE(6,8)' T ',T WRITE(6,7)' INT ',INT WRITE(6,8)' XYWOB ',XYWOB WRITE(6,9120) XJD, tab_time, WOBXL, WOBYL, DWOBXL, DWOBYL ! if (use_spline) then WRITE(6,8)' x_spline ', x_spline write (6,'(" xa: ",5d20.10,3(/,6x,5d20.10))') xa write (6,'("n_spline",i5,"x_spline ",d25.16)') n_spline,x_spline write (6,'(" yax: ",5d20.10,3(/,6x,5d20.10))') yax write (6,'("y2sx: ",5d20.10,3(/,6x,5d20.10))') y2sx write (6,8)' yx_spline ', yx_spline write (6,8)' yxdot, yxdot2, yxdot3 ', yxdot, yxdot2, yxdot write (6,'(" yay: ",5d20.10,3(/,6x,5d20.10))') yay write (6,'("y2sy: ",5d20.10,3(/,6x,5d20.10))') y2sy write (6,8)' yy_spline ', yy_spline write (6,8)' yydot, yydot2, yydot3 ', yydot, yydot2, yydot endif ! if (use_cubic) then WRITE(6,7)' ILAST ', ILAST WRITE(6,8)' XINT ', XINT WRITE(6,8)' F2 ', F2 WRITE(6,8)' Y1 ', Y1 WRITE(6,8)' Y2 ', Y2 WRITE(6,8)' S ', S endif ! 7 FORMAT(A,15I8/(9X,15I8)) 8 FORMAT(A,4D25.16/(7X,5D25.16)) 9 FORMAT(1X,'Debug output for subroutine WOBMU') 9120 FORMAT(1X,' XJD = ',D30.16,3X,'tab_time = ',D30.16,/, & & 1X,' WOBXL = ',D30.16,3X,' WOBYL = ',D30.16,/, & & 1X,'DWOBXL = ',D30.16,3X,' DWOBYL = ',D30.16) ! ! Normal Conclusion. 400 RETURN ! ! Abnormal conclusion. 900 WRITE ( 6, 9300 ) NN, ILAST 9300 FORMAT (1X, ' CALC has terminated in subroutine WOBMU.',/, & & ' The interpolation is outside the range of the wobble table.', & & /,' NN = ', I2, ' ILAST = ', I2, '.' ) CALL TERMINATE_CALC ( 'WOBMU ', int2(0), int2(0)) END ! !************************************************************************** SUBROUTINE XYLIB (GMST2K, FA2K, FAD2K, Xp, Yp, dXp, dYp) IMPLICIT None ! ! Input Variables: ! GMST2K(2) = Greenwich mean siderial time and its first time ! derivative (radians, radians/sec) ! FA2K(14) = Fundamental arguments from subroutine NUTFA (radians) ! FAD2K(14) = Time derivatives of fundamental arguments (rad/sec) ! Output Variables: ! Xp = Short term nutation correction to X-polar motion (mas) ! Yp = Short term nutation correction to Y-polar motion (mas) ! dXp = Time derivative of Short term nutation correction to ! X-polar motion (mas/sec) ! dYp = Time derivative of Short term nutation correction to ! Y-polar motion (mas/sec) ! REAL*8 GMST2K(2), Xp, Yp, dXp, dYp REAL*8 L, LP, fa(5), fad(5), ARG, dARG Integer*4 N, I REAL*8 XS(10,10), X1(100) EQUIVALENCE(XS(1,1),X1(1)) ! INCLUDE 'ccon.i' ! REAL*8 FA2K(14), FAD2K(14) ! COMMON / NFA2K / FA2K, FAD2K ! Real*8 PI, TWOPI, HALFPI, CONVD, CONVDS, CONVHS, SECDAY COMMON / CMATH / PI, TWOPI, HALFPI, CONVD, CONVDS, CONVHS, SECDAY ! Variables 'from': ! 1. SECDAY - The number of seconds in a day. (s/day) ! 2. TWOPI - PI times 2.0D0 ! 3. CONVDS - THE CONVERSION FACTOR FROM ARCSECONDS TO RADIANS ! (RAD/ARCSECOND) ! N=Number of tidal terms to be used (10 for full set). ! (This was an argument in the original zontids routine.) DATA N/10/ ! !*********************************************************************** ! Short period nutation terms ! From Table 5.1, IERS Conventions (2003) ! ! Multiple of Xp Yp ! l l' F D OMEGA Chi sin cos sin cos ! DATA X1/-1., 0., -2., 0., -1., 1., -0.44, 0.25, -0.25, -0.44, & ! & -1., 0., -2., 0., -2., 1., -2.31, 1.32, -1.32, -2.31, & ! & 1., 0., -2., -2., -2., 1., -0.44, 0.25, -0.25, -0.44, & ! & 0., 0., -2., 0., -1., 1., -2.14, 1.23, -1.23, -2.14, & ! & 0., 0., -2., 0., -2., 1., -11.36, 6.52, -6.52, -11.36, & ! & -1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0.84, -0.48, 0.48, 0.84, & ! & 0., 0., -2., 2., -2., 1., -4.76, 2.73, -2.73, -4.76, & ! & 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 14.27, -8.19, 8.19, 14.27, & ! & 0., 0., 0., 0., -1., 1., 1.93, -1.11, 1.11, 1.93, & ! & 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0.76, -0.43, 0.43, 0.76/ ! !*********************************************************************** ! Short period nutation terms ! From Table 5.1a, IERS Conventions (2010) ! ! Multiple of Xp Yp ! l l' F D OMEGA Chi sin cos sin cos DATA X1/-1., 0., -2., 0., -1., 1., -0.4 , 0.3 , -0.3 , -0.4 , & & -1., 0., -2., 0., -2., 1., -2.3 , 1.3 , -1.3 , -2.3 , & & 1., 0., -2., -2., -2., 1., -0.4 , 0.3 , -0.3 , -0.4 , & & 0., 0., -2., 0., -1., 1., -2.1 , 1.2 , -1.2 , -2.1 , & & 0., 0., -2., 0., -2., 1., -11.4 , 6.5 , -6.5 , -11.4 , & & -1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0.8 , -0.5 , 0.5 , 0.8 , & & 0., 0., -2., 2., -2., 1., -4.8 , 2.7 , -2.7 , -4.8 , & & 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 14.3 , -8.2 , 8.2 , 14.3 , & & 0., 0., 0., 0., -1., 1., 1.9 , -1.1 , 1.1 , 1.9 , & & 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0.8 , -0.4 , 0.4 , 0.8 / !*********************************************************************** ! ! Xp = 0.0D+0 Yp = 0.0D+0 dXp = 0.0D+0 dYp = 0.0D+0 ! ! Sum zonal tide terms ! DO 10 I=1, N ! Formation of multiples of arguments ARG = XS(1,I)*FA2K(1) + XS(2,I)*FA2K(2) + XS(3,I)*FA2K(3) & & + XS(4,I)*FA2K(4) + XS(5,I)*FA2K(5) + XS(6,I)*(GMST2K(1)+PI) ARG = DMOD(ARG,TWOPI) ! ARG = DMOD(ARG,1296000.0D0) * CONVDS ! First derivative dARG = XS(1,I)*FAD2K(1) + XS(2,I)*FAD2K(2) + XS(3,I)*FAD2K(3) & & + XS(4,I)*FAD2K(4) + XS(5,I)*FAD2K(5) + XS(6,I)*(GMST2K(2)) ! ! Evaluate zonal tidal terms (micro-arcsec) Xp = XS(7,I)*DSIN(ARG) + XS(8,I)*DCOS(ARG) + Xp Yp = XS(9,I)*DSIN(ARG) + XS(10,I)*DCOS(ARG) + Yp dXp = XS(7,I)*DCOS(ARG)*dARG - XS(8,I)*DSIN(ARG)*dARG + dXp dYp = XS(9,I)*DCOS(ARG)*dARG - XS(10,I)*DSIN(ARG)*dARG + dYp 10 CONTINUE ! ! Change from micro-arsecs to milli-arcsecs Xp = Xp*1.0D-3 Yp = Yp*1.0D-3 dXp = dXp*1.0D-3 dYp = dYp*1.0D-3 ! ! print *, ' XYNUT: GMST2K: ', GMST2K ! print *, ' XYNUT: Xp, dXp: ', Xp, dXp ! print *, ' XYNUT: Yp, dYp: ', Yp, dYp ! RETURN END ! !************************************************************************** SUBROUTINE XYTID (GMST2K, FA2K, FAD2K, Xt, Yt, dXt, dYt) IMPLICIT None ! ! Input Variables: ! GMST2K(2) = Greenwich mean siderial time and its first time ! derivative (radians, radians/sec) ! FA2K(14) = Fundamental arguments from subroutine NUTFA (radians) ! FAD2K(14) = Time derivatives of fundamental arguments (rad/sec) ! Output Variables: ! Xt = ! Yt = ! REAL*8 GMST2K(2), Xt, Yt, dXt, dYt REAL*8 L, LP, fa(5), fad(5), ARG, dARG Integer*4 N, I REAL*8 XS(11,71), X1(781) EQUIVALENCE(XS(1,1),X1(1)) ! INCLUDE 'ccon.i' ! REAL*8 FA2K(14), FAD2K(14) ! COMMON / NFA2K / FA2K, FAD2K ! Real*8 PI, TWOPI, HALFPI, CONVD, CONVDS, CONVHS, SECDAY COMMON / CMATH / PI, TWOPI, HALFPI, CONVD, CONVDS, CONVHS, SECDAY ! Variables 'from': ! 1. SECDAY - The number of seconds in a day. (s/day) ! 2. TWOPI - PI times 2.0D0 ! 3. CONVDS - THE CONVERSION FACTOR FROM ARCSECONDS TO RADIANS ! (RAD/ARCSECOND) ! N=Number of tidal terms to be used (71 for full set). ! (This was an argument in the original zontids routine.) DATA N/71/ ! !*********************************************************************** ! Short period ocean tidal terms ! From Table 8.2, IERS Conventions (2003) ! Multiple of Xp Yp ! l l' F D OMGA Chi Period sin cos sin cos DATA X1/ & & -1., 0.,-2.,-2.,-2., 1., 1.2113611, 0.0, 0.9, -0.9, -0.1, & & -2., 0.,-2., 0.,-1., 1., 1.1671262, 0.1, 0.6, -0.6, 0.1, & & -2., 0.,-2., 0.,-2., 1., 1.1669259, 0.3, 3.4, -3.4, 0.3, & & 0., 0.,-2.,-2.,-1., 1., 1.1605476, 0.1, 0.8, -0.8, 0.1, & & 0., 0.,-2.,-2.,-2., 1., 1.1603495, 0.5, 4.2, -4.1, 0.5, & & -1., 0.,-2., 0.,-1., 1., 1.1196993, 1.2, 5.0, -5.0, 1.2, & & -1., 0.,-2., 0.,-2., 1., 1.1195148, 6.2, 26.3, -26.3, 6.2, & & 1., 0.,-2.,-2.,-1., 1., 1.1136429, 0.2, 0.9, -0.9, 0.2, & & 1., 0.,-2.,-2.,-2., 1., 1.1134606, 1.3, 5.0, -5.0, 1.3, & & 0., 0.,-2., 0., 0., 1., 1.0761465, -0.3, -0.8, 0.8, -0.3, & & 0., 0.,-2., 0.,-1., 1., 1.0759762, 9.2, 25.1, -25.1, 9.2, & & 0., 0.,-2., 0.,-2., 1., 1.0758059, 48.8, 132.9, -132.9, 48.8, & & -2., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 1.0750901, -0.3, -0.9, 0.9, -0.3, & & 0., 0., 0.,-2., 0., 1., 1.0695055, -0.7, -1.7, 1.7, -0.7, & & -1., 0.,-2., 2.,-2., 1., 1.0406147, -0.4, -0.9, 0.9, -0.4, & & 1., 0.,-2., 0.,-1., 1., 1.0355395, -0.3, -0.6, 0.6, -0.3, & & 1., 0.,-2., 0.,-2., 1., 1.0353817, -1.6, -3.5, 3.5, -1.6, & & -1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 1.0347187, -4.5, -9.6, 9.6, -4.5, & & -1., 0., 0., 0.,-1., 1., 1.0345612, -0.9, -1.9, 1.9, -0.9, & & 1., 0., 0.,-2., 0., 1., 1.0295447, -0.9, -1.8, 1.8, -0.9, & & 0.,-1.,-2., 2.,-2., 1., 1.0055058, 1.5, 3.0, -3.0, 1.5, & & 0., 0.,-2., 2.,-1., 1., 1.0028933, -0.3, -0.6, 0.6, -0.3, & & 0., 0.,-2., 2.,-2., 1., 1.0027454, 26.1, 51.2, -51.2, 26.1, & & 0., 1.,-2., 2.,-2., 1., 1.0000001, -0.2, -0.4, 0.4, -0.2, & & 0.,-1., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0.9999999, -0.6, -1.2, 1.2, -0.6, & & 0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 1., 0.9974159, 1.5, 3.0, -3.0, 1.5, & & 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0.9972695, -77.5,-151.7, 151.7,-77.5, & & 0., 0., 0., 0.,-1., 1., 0.9971233, -10.5, -20.6, 20.6,-10.5, & & 0., 0., 0., 0.,-2., 1., 0.9969771, 0.2, 0.4, -0.4, 0.2, & & 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0.9945541, -0.6, -1.2, 1.2, -0.6, & & 0., 0., 2.,-2., 2., 1., 0.9918532, -1.1, -2.1, 2.1, -1.1, & & -1., 0., 0., 2., 0., 1., 0.9669565, -0.7, -1.4, 1.4, -0.7, & & 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0.9624365, -3.5, -7.3, 7.3, -3.5, & & 1., 0., 0., 0.,-1., 1., 0.9623003, -0.7, -1.4, 1.4, -0.7, & & 0., 0., 0., 2., 0., 1., 0.9341741, -0.4, -1.1, 1.1, -0.4, & & 2., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0.9299547, -0.2, -0.5, 0.5, -0.2, & & 0., 0., 2., 0., 2., 1., 0.9294198, -1.1, -3.4, 3.4, -1.1, & & 0., 0., 2., 0., 1., 1., 0.9292927, -0.7, -2.2, 2.2, -0.7, & & 0., 0., 2., 0., 0., 1., 0.9291657, -0.1, -0.5, 0.5, -0.1, & & 1., 0., 2., 0., 2., 1., 0.8990932, 0.0, -0.6, 0.6, 0.0, & & 1., 0., 2., 0., 1., 1., 0.8989743, 0.0, -0.4, 0.4, 0.0, & & -3., 0.,-2., 0.,-2., 2., 0.5484264, -0.5, 0.0, 0.6, 0.2, & & -1., 0.,-2.,-2.,-2., 2., 0.5469695, -1.3, -0.2, 1.5, 0.7, & & -2., 0.,-2., 0.,-2., 2., 0.5377239, -6.1, -1.6, 3.1, 3.4, & & 0., 0.,-2.,-2.,-2., 2., 0.5363232, -7.6, -2.0, 3.4, 4.2, & & 0., 1.,-2.,-2.,-2., 2., 0.5355369, -0.5, -0.1, 0.2, 0.3, & & -1.,-1.,-2., 0.,-2., 2., 0.5281939, 0.5, 0.1, -0.1, -0.3, & & -1., 0.,-2., 0.,-1., 2., 0.5274721, 2.1, 0.5, -0.4, -1.2, & & -1., 0.,-2., 0.,-2., 2., 0.5274312, -56.9, -12.9, 11.1, 32.9, & & -1., 1.,-2., 0.,-2., 2., 0.5266707, -0.5, -0.1, 0.1, 0.3, & & 1., 0.,-2.,-2.,-2., 2., 0.5260835, -11.0, -2.4, 1.9, 6.4, & & 1., 1.,-2.,-2.,-2., 2., 0.5253269, -0.5, -0.1, 0.1, 0.3, & & -2., 0.,-2., 2.,-2., 2., 0.5188292, 1.0, 0.1, -0.1, -0.6, & & 0.,-1.,-2., 0.,-2., 2., 0.5182593, 1.1, 0.1, -0.1, -0.7, & & 0., 0.,-2., 0.,-1., 2., 0.5175645, 12.3, 1.0, -1.4, -7.3, & & 0., 0.,-2., 0.,-2., 2., 0.5175251, -330.2, -27.0, 37.6,195.9, & & 0., 1.,-2., 0.,-2., 2., 0.5167928, -1.0, -0.1, 0.1, 0.6, & & -1., 0.,-2., 2.,-2., 2., 0.5092406, 2.5, -0.3, -0.4, -1.5, & & 1., 0.,-2., 0.,-2., 2., 0.5079842, 9.4, -1.4, -1.9, -5.6, & & -1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 2., 0.5078245, -2.4, 0.4, 0.5, 1.4, & & -1., 0., 0., 0.,-1., 2., 0.5077866, -1.0, 0.2, 0.2, 0.6, & & 0.,-1.,-2., 2.,-2., 2., 0.5006854, -8.5, 3.5, 3.3, 5.1, & & 0., 0.,-2., 2.,-2., 2., 0.5000000, -144.1, 63.6, 59.2, 86.6, & & 0., 1.,-2., 2.,-2., 2., 0.4993165, 1.2, -0.6, -0.5, -0.7, & & 0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 2., 0.4986714, 0.5, -0.2, -0.2, -0.3, & & 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 2., 0.4986348, -38.5, 19.1, 17.7, 23.1, & & 0., 0., 0., 0.,-1., 2., 0.4985982, -11.4, 5.8, 5.3, 6.9, & & 0., 0., 0., 0.,-2., 2., 0.4985616, -1.2, 0.6, 0.6, 0.7, & & 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 2., 0.4897717, -1.8, 1.8, 1.7, 1.0, & & 1., 0., 0., 0.,-1., 2., 0.4897365, -0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.5, & & 0., 0., 2., 0., 2., 2., 0.4810750, -0.3, 0.6, 0.7, 0.2/ ! !*********************************************************************** Xt = 0.0D+0 Yt = 0.0D+0 dXt = 0.0D+0 dYt = 0.0D+0 ! ! Sum zonal tide terms ! DO 10 I=1, N ! Formation of multiples of arguments ARG = XS(1,I)*FA2K(1) + XS(2,I)*FA2K(2) + XS(3,I)*FA2K(3) & & + XS(4,I)*FA2K(4) + XS(5,I)*FA2K(5) + XS(6,I)*(GMST2K(1)+PI) ARG = DMOD(ARG,TWOPI) ! ARG = DMOD(ARG,1296000.0D0) * CONVDS ! First derivative dARG = XS(1,I)*FAD2K(1) + XS(2,I)*FAD2K(2) + XS(3,I)*FAD2K(3) & & + XS(4,I)*FAD2K(4) + XS(5,I)*FAD2K(5) + XS(6,I)*(GMST2K(2)) ! ! Evaluate zonal tidal terms (micro-arcsec) Xt = XS(8,I)*DSIN(ARG) + XS(9,I)*DCOS(ARG) + Xt Yt = XS(10,I)*DSIN(ARG) + XS(11,I)*DCOS(ARG) + Yt dXt = XS(8,I)*DCOS(ARG)*dARG - XS(9,I)*DSIN(ARG)*dARG + dXt dYt = XS(10,I)*DCOS(ARG)*dARG - XS(11,I)*DSIN(ARG)*dARG + dYt 10 CONTINUE ! ! Change from micro-arsecs to milli-arcsecs Xt = Xt*1.0D-3 Yt = Yt*1.0D-3 dXt = dXt*1.0D-3 dYt = dYt*1.0D-3 ! ! print *,' XYTID/GMST2K: ', GMST2K ! print *,' XYTID/Xt,dXt: ', Xt,dXt ! print *,' XYTID/Yt,dYt: ', Yt,dYt ! RETURN END ! !********************************************************************** SUBROUTINE ORTHO_EOP (TMJD, Xt, Yt, UT1t, dXt, dYt, dUT1t ) IMPLICIT None ! ! Subroutines to compute the diurnal and semidiurnal variations ! in the earth orientation from the version of Richard Ray's ocean ! tide model that was listed in IERS Technical Note 21, July 1996. ! This code includes the variations from 71 diurnal and semidiurnal ! terms instead of the 8 that are listed in the report. ! !...Purpose: to compute the diurnal and semidiurnal variations ! in EOP (x,y,UT1) from ocean tides ! !...Coded by: Richard Eanes, UT/CSR, Feb 1997 ! 2004: D. Gordon, Modified for Calc 10 usage. ! !...Input: time = Modified Julian Date ! !...Output: eop = (delta_x, delta_y, delta_UT1) ! microarcsec for x and y, microsec for UT1 ! REAL*8 TMJD, Xt, Yt, UT1t, dXt, dYt, dUT1t REAL*8 TIME, eop(3), orthow(12,3), H(12) REAL*8 d_H(12), d_eop(3) INTEGER*4 K, J ! !...Diurnal and semidiurnal orthoweights fit to the 8 constituents ! listed in IERS Technical Note 21, July 1996 which are from the ! paper "Diurnal and Semidiurnal Variations in the Earth's Rotation ! Rate Induced by Ocean Tides" by Ray, R.D., Steinberg, D.J., ! Chao, B.F., and Cartwright, D.E., Science, 264, pp. 830-832. ! Data Orthow / & & -6.77832,-14.86323, 0.47884, -1.45303, 0.16406, 0.42030, & & 0.09398, 25.73054, -4.77974, 0.28080, 1.94539, -0.73089, & & 14.86283, -6.77846, 1.45234, 0.47888, -0.42056, 0.16469, & & 15.30276, -4.30615, 0.07564, 2.28321, -0.45717, -1.62010, & & -1.76335, 1.03364, -0.27553, 0.34569, -0.12343, -0.10146, & & -0.47119, 1.28997, -0.19336, 0.02724, 0.08955, 0.04726/ ! ! Initialize: Xt = 0.0D0 Yt = 0.0D0 UT1t = 0.0D0 dXt = 0.0D0 dYt = 0.0D0 dUT1t = 0.0D0 ! !...compute the partials of the tidal variations to the orthoweights time = TMJD Call CNMTX (Time, H) ! Call CNMTX (TIME, H, d_H) ! print *, 'Ortho_eop/H: ', H ! !...compute eop changes do k=1,3 eop(k) = 0. ! d_eop(k) = 0. do j=1,12 eop(k) = eop(k) + h(j)*orthow(j,k) ! d_eop(k) = d_eop(k) + d_h(j)*orthow(j,k) enddo enddo ! Change X and Y to milli-arcsec and UT1 to milli-sec Xt = eop(1)*1.D-3 Yt = eop(2)*1.D-3 UT1t = eop(3)*1.D-3 ! dXt = d_eop(1)*1.D-3 ! dYt = d_eop(2)*1.D-3 ! dUT1t = d_eop(3)*1.D-3 ! ! print *, ' ORTHO_EOP/Time: ', Time ! print *, ' ORTHO_EOP/Xt,Yt,UT1t: ', Xt,Yt,UT1t ! print *, ' ORTHO_EOP/dXt,dYt,dUT1t: ', dXt,dYt,dUT1t ! return end ! !********************************************************************** SUBROUTINE CNMTX (DMJD, H) IMPLICIT None ! !...Purpose: To compute the time dependent part of the second degree ! diurnal and semidiurnal tidal potential from the dominant ! spectral lines in the Cartwright-Tayler-Edden harmonic ! decomposition. ! !...Coded by: Richard Eanes, UT/CSR, Feb 1997 ! 2004: D. Gordon, Modified for Calc 10 usage. ! !...Input: DMJD = Modified Julian Date ! !...Output: H = vector of length 12 with partials of the tidal ! variation with respect to the orthoweights. ! Real*8 DMJD, H(12) Real*8 hs(71), phase(71), freq(71), twopi, dt, dt60, d1960, & & pinm, alpha, ap, am, bp, bm, sp(6,2) Real*8 anm(2:3,0:3,-1:1), bnm(2:3,0:3,-1:1) Real*8 p(0:2,2), q(0:2,2) INTEGER*4 NLINES, i, j, k, m, n, nj(71), mj(71), nmax Character*7 Numarg(71), ndum ! !...The orthotide weight factors Data ((sp(i,m),i=1,6),m=1,2) / & & 0.0298, 0.1408, +0.0805, 0.6002, +0.3025, 0.1517, & & 0.0200, 0.0905, +0.0638, 0.3476, +0.1645, 0.0923/ ! Data twopi /6.2831853071796D0/ Data dt / 2.D0 / Data nmax /2/ Data nlines /71/ ! !...Tidal potential model for 71 diurnal and semidiurnal lines ! Data d1960/37076.5/ data (nj(j),mj(j),hs(j),phase(j),freq(j),numarg(j),j=1,15) & &/2, 1, -1.94, 9.0899831, 5.18688050, '117.655', & & 2, 1, -1.25, 8.8234208, 5.38346657, '125.745', & & 2, 1, -6.64, 12.1189598, 5.38439079, '125.755', & & 2, 1, -1.51, 1.4425700, 5.41398343, '127.545', & & 2, 1, -8.02, 4.7381090, 5.41490765, '127.555', & & 2, 1, -9.47, 4.4715466, 5.61149372, '135.645', & & 2, 1, -50.20, 7.7670857, 5.61241794, '135.655', & & 2, 1, -1.80, -2.9093042, 5.64201057, '137.445', & & 2, 1, -9.54, 0.3862349, 5.64293479, '137.455', & & 2, 1, 1.52, -3.1758666, 5.83859664, '145.535', & & 2, 1, -49.45, 0.1196725, 5.83952086, '145.545', & & 2, 1,-262.21, 3.4152116, 5.84044508, '145.555', & & 2, 1, 1.70, 12.8946194, 5.84433381, '145.755', & & 2, 1, 3.43, 5.5137686, 5.87485066, '147.555', & & 2, 1, 1.94, 6.4441883, 6.03795537, '153.655'/ Data (nj(j),mj(j),hs(j),phase(j),freq(j),numarg(j),j=16,30) & &/2, 1, 1.37, -4.2322016, 6.06754801, '155.445', & & 2, 1, 7.41, -0.9366625, 6.06847223, '155.455', & & 2, 1, 20.62, 8.5427453, 6.07236095, '155.655', & & 2, 1, 4.14, 11.8382843, 6.07328517, '155.665', & & 2, 1, 3.94, 1.1618945, 6.10287781, '157.455', & & 2, 1, -7.14, 5.9693878, 6.24878055, '162.556', & & 2, 1, 1.37, -1.2032249, 6.26505830, '163.545', & & 2, 1,-122.03, 2.0923141, 6.26598252, '163.555', & & 2, 1, 1.02, -1.7847596, 6.28318449, '164.554', & & 2, 1, 2.89, 8.0679449, 6.28318613, '164.556', & & 2, 1, -7.30, 0.8953321, 6.29946388, '165.545', & & 2, 1, 368.78, 4.1908712, 6.30038810, '165.555', & & 2, 1, 50.01, 7.4864102, 6.30131232, '165.565', & & 2, 1, -1.08, 10.7819493, 6.30223654, '165.575', & & 2, 1, 2.93, 0.3137975, 6.31759007, '166.554'/ Data (nj(j),mj(j),hs(j),phase(j),freq(j),numarg(j),j=31,45) & &/2, 1, 5.25, 6.2894282, 6.33479368, '167.555', & & 2, 1, 3.95, 7.2198478, 6.49789839, '173.655', & & 2, 1, 20.62, -0.1610030, 6.52841524, '175.455', & & 2, 1, 4.09, 3.1345361, 6.52933946, '175.465', & & 2, 1, 3.42, 2.8679737, 6.72592553, '183.555', & & 2, 1, 1.69, -4.5128771, 6.75644239, '185.355', & & 2, 1, 11.29, 4.9665307, 6.76033111, '185.555', & & 2, 1, 7.23, 8.2620698, 6.76125533, '185.565', & & 2, 1, 1.51, 11.5576089, 6.76217955, '185.575', & & 2, 1, 2.16, 0.6146566, 6.98835826, '195.455', & & 2, 1, 1.38, 3.9101957, 6.98928248, '195.465', & & 2, 2, 1.80, 20.6617051, 11.45675174, '225.855', & & 2, 2, 4.67, 13.2808543, 11.48726860, '227.655', & & 2, 2, 16.01, 16.3098310, 11.68477889, '235.755', & & 2, 2, 19.32, 8.9289802, 11.71529575, '237.555'/ Data (nj(j),mj(j),hs(j),phase(j),freq(j),numarg(j),j=46,60) & &/2, 2, 1.30, 5.0519065, 11.73249771, '238.554', & & 2, 2, -1.02, 15.8350306, 11.89560406, '244.656', & & 2, 2, -4.51, 8.6624178, 11.91188181, '245.645', & & 2, 2, 120.99, 11.9579569, 11.91280603, '245.655', & & 2, 2, 1.13, 8.0808832, 11.93000800, '246.654', & & 2, 2, 22.98, 4.5771061, 11.94332289, '247.455', & & 2, 2, 1.06, 0.7000324, 11.96052486, '248.454', & & 2, 2, -1.90, 14.9869335, 12.11031632, '253.755', & & 2, 2, -2.18, 11.4831564, 12.12363121, '254.556', & & 2, 2, -23.58, 4.3105437, 12.13990896, '255.545', & & 2, 2, 631.92, 7.6060827, 12.14083318, '255.555', & & 2, 2, 1.92, 3.7290090, 12.15803515, '256.554', & & 2, 2, -4.66, 10.6350594, 12.33834347, '263.655', & & 2, 2, -17.86, 3.2542086, 12.36886033, '265.455', & & 2, 2, 4.47, 12.7336164, 12.37274905, '265.655'/ Data (nj(j),mj(j),hs(j),phase(j),freq(j),numarg(j),j=61,71) & &/2, 2, 1.97, 16.0291555, 12.37367327, '265.665', & & 2, 2, 17.20, 10.1602590, 12.54916865, '272.556', & & 2, 2, 294.00, 6.2831853, 12.56637061, '273.555', & & 2, 2, -2.46, 2.4061116, 12.58357258, '274.554', & & 2, 2, -1.02, 5.0862033, 12.59985198, '275.545', & & 2, 2, 79.96, 8.3817423, 12.60077620, '275.555', & & 2, 2, 23.83, 11.6772814, 12.60170041, '275.565', & & 2, 2, 2.59, 14.9728205, 12.60262463, '275.575', & & 2, 2, 4.47, 4.0298682, 12.82880334, '285.455', & & 2, 2, 1.95, 7.3254073, 12.82972756, '285.465', & & 2, 2, 1.17, 9.1574019, 13.06071921, '295.555'/ ! !...Compute the time dependent potential matrix ! do n = 2,3 do m = 0,3 do k = -1,1 anm(n,m,k) = 0. bnm(n,m,k) = 0. enddo enddo enddo ! do k=-1,1 dt60 = (dmjd - k*dt) - d1960 ! anm(2,1:2,k) = 0. ! bnm(2,1:2,k) = 0. do j=1,nlines n = nj(j) m = mj(j) pinm = mod(n+m,2)*twopi/4.D0 alpha = phase(j) + freq(j)*dt60 - pinm alpha = mod(alpha,twopi) anm(n,m,k) = anm(n,m,k) + hs(j)*cos(alpha) bnm(n,m,k) = bnm(n,m,k) - hs(j)*sin(alpha) enddo enddo ! !...Orthogonalize the response terms ! do m = 1,2 ap = anm(2,m,1) + anm(2,m,-1) am = anm(2,m,1) - anm(2,m,-1) bp = bnm(2,m,1) + bnm(2,m,-1) bm = bnm(2,m,1) - bnm(2,m,-1) p(0,m) = sp(1,m)*anm(2,m,0) p(1,m) = sp(2,m)*anm(2,m,0) - sp(3,m)*ap p(2,m) = sp(4,m)*anm(2,m,0) - sp(5,m)*ap + sp(6,m)*bm q(0,m) = sp(1,m)*bnm(2,m,0) q(1,m) = sp(2,m)*bnm(2,m,0) - sp(3,m)*bp q(2,m) = sp(4,m)*bnm(2,m,0) - sp(5,m)*bp - sp(6,m)*am anm(2,m,-1) = p(0,m) anm(2,m, 0) = p(1,m) anm(2,m, 1) = p(2,m) bnm(2,m,-1) = q(0,m) bnm(2,m, 0) = q(1,m) bnm(2,m, 1) = q(2,m) enddo ! !...Fill partials vector j = 1 do n=2,nmax do m = 1,n do k = -1,1 h(j) = anm(n,m,k) h(j+1) = bnm(n,m,k) j = j + 2 enddo enddo enddo ! return end ! !********************************************************************** SUBROUTINE CNMTXzz (DMJD, H, d_H) IMPLICIT None ! !...Purpose: To compute the time dependent part of the second degree ! diurnal and semidiurnal tidal potential from the dominant ! spectral lines in the Cartwright-Tayler-Edden harmonic ! decomposition ! !...Coded by: Richard Eanes, UT/CSR, Feb 1997 ! 2004: D. Gordon, Modified for Calc 10 usage. ! !...Input: dmjd = modified julian date ! !...Output: h = vector of length 12 with partials of the tidal ! variation with respect to the orthoweights ! Real*8 DMJD, H(12), d_H(12) INTEGER*4 NLINES, i, j, k, m, n, nj(71), mj(71), nmax ! Parameter (nlines=71) Character*7 numarg(71) Real*8 dt60 Real*8 hs(71), phase(71), freq(71), twopi, dt, d1960, & & pinm, alpha, ap, am, bp, bm, sp(6,2) Real*8 d_dt60, d_alpha, d_ap, d_am, d_bp, d_bm Real*8 anm(2:3,0:3,-1:1), bnm(2:3,0:3,-1:1) Real*8 p(0:2,2), q(0:2,2) Real*8 d_anm(2:3,0:3,-1:1), d_bnm(2:3,0:3,-1:1) Real*8 d_p(0:2,2), d_q(0:2,2) ! !...The orthotide weight factors data ((sp(i,m),i=1,6),m=1,2) / & & 0.0298, 0.1408, +0.0805, 0.6002, +0.3025, 0.1517, & & 0.0200, 0.0905, +0.0638, 0.3476, +0.1645, 0.0923/ ! data twopi /6.2831853071796/ data dt / 2. / data nmax /2/ data nlines /71/ ! !...Tidal potential model for 71 diurnal and semidiurnal lines ! data d1960/37076.5/ data (nj(j),mj(j),hs(j),phase(j),freq(j),numarg(j),j=1,15) & &/2, 1, -1.94, 9.0899831, 5.18688050, '117.655', & & 2, 1, -1.25, 8.8234208, 5.38346657, '125.745', & & 2, 1, -6.64,12.1189598, 5.38439079, '125.755', & & 2, 1, -1.51, 1.4425700, 5.41398343, '127.545', & & 2, 1, -8.02, 4.7381090, 5.41490765, '127.555', & & 2, 1, -9.47, 4.4715466, 5.61149372, '135.645', & & 2, 1, -50.20, 7.7670857, 5.61241794, '135.655', & & 2, 1, -1.80,-2.9093042, 5.64201057, '137.445', & & 2, 1, -9.54, 0.3862349, 5.64293479, '137.455', & & 2, 1, 1.52,-3.1758666, 5.83859664, '145.535', & & 2, 1, -49.45, 0.1196725, 5.83952086, '145.545', & & 2, 1,-262.21, 3.4152116, 5.84044508, '145.555', & & 2, 1, 1.70,12.8946194, 5.84433381, '145.755', & & 2, 1, 3.43, 5.5137686, 5.87485066, '147.555', & & 2, 1, 1.94, 6.4441883, 6.03795537, '153.655'/ data (nj(j),mj(j),hs(j),phase(j),freq(j),numarg(j),j=16,30) & &/2, 1, 1.37,-4.2322016, 6.06754801, '155.445', & & 2, 1, 7.41,-0.9366625, 6.06847223, '155.455', & & 2, 1, 20.62, 8.5427453, 6.07236095, '155.655', & & 2, 1, 4.14,11.8382843, 6.07328517, '155.665', & & 2, 1, 3.94, 1.1618945, 6.10287781, '157.455', & & 2, 1, -7.14, 5.9693878, 6.24878055, '162.556', & & 2, 1, 1.37,-1.2032249, 6.26505830, '163.545', & & 2, 1,-122.03, 2.0923141, 6.26598252, '163.555', & & 2, 1, 1.02,-1.7847596, 6.28318449, '164.554', & & 2, 1, 2.89, 8.0679449, 6.28318613, '164.556', & & 2, 1, -7.30, 0.8953321, 6.29946388, '165.545', & & 2, 1, 368.78, 4.1908712, 6.30038810, '165.555', & & 2, 1, 50.01, 7.4864102, 6.30131232, '165.565', & & 2, 1, -1.08,10.7819493, 6.30223654, '165.575', & & 2, 1, 2.93, 0.3137975, 6.31759007, '166.554'/ data (nj(j),mj(j),hs(j),phase(j),freq(j),numarg(j),j=31,45) & &/2, 1, 5.25, 6.2894282, 6.33479368, '167.555', & & 2, 1, 3.95, 7.2198478, 6.49789839, '173.655', & & 2, 1, 20.62,-0.1610030, 6.52841524, '175.455', & & 2, 1, 4.09, 3.1345361, 6.52933946, '175.465', & & 2, 1, 3.42, 2.8679737, 6.72592553, '183.555', & & 2, 1, 1.69,-4.5128771, 6.75644239, '185.355', & & 2, 1, 11.29, 4.9665307, 6.76033111, '185.555', & & 2, 1, 7.23, 8.2620698, 6.76125533, '185.565', & & 2, 1, 1.51,11.5576089, 6.76217955, '185.575', & & 2, 1, 2.16, 0.6146566, 6.98835826, '195.455', & & 2, 1, 1.38, 3.9101957, 6.98928248, '195.465', & & 2, 2, 1.80,20.6617051,11.45675174, '225.855', & & 2, 2, 4.67,13.2808543,11.48726860, '227.655', & & 2, 2, 16.01,16.3098310,11.68477889, '235.755', & & 2, 2, 19.32, 8.9289802,11.71529575, '237.555'/ data (nj(j),mj(j),hs(j),phase(j),freq(j),numarg(j),j=46,60) & &/2, 2, 1.30, 5.0519065,11.73249771, '238.554', & & 2, 2, -1.02,15.8350306,11.89560406, '244.656', & & 2, 2, -4.51, 8.6624178,11.91188181, '245.645', & & 2, 2, 120.99,11.9579569,11.91280603, '245.655', & & 2, 2, 1.13, 8.0808832,11.93000800, '246.654', & & 2, 2, 22.98, 4.5771061,11.94332289, '247.455', & & 2, 2, 1.06, 0.7000324,11.96052486, '248.454', & & 2, 2, -1.90,14.9869335,12.11031632, '253.755', & & 2, 2, -2.18,11.4831564,12.12363121, '254.556', & & 2, 2, -23.58, 4.3105437,12.13990896, '255.545', & & 2, 2, 631.92, 7.6060827,12.14083318, '255.555', & & 2, 2, 1.92, 3.7290090,12.15803515, '256.554', & & 2, 2, -4.66,10.6350594,12.33834347, '263.655', & & 2, 2, -17.86, 3.2542086,12.36886033, '265.455', & & 2, 2, 4.47,12.7336164,12.37274905, '265.655'/ data (nj(j),mj(j),hs(j),phase(j),freq(j),numarg(j),j=61,71) & &/2, 2, 1.97,16.0291555,12.37367327, '265.665', & & 2, 2, 17.20,10.1602590,12.54916865, '272.556', & & 2, 2, 294.00, 6.2831853,12.56637061, '273.555', & & 2, 2, -2.46, 2.4061116,12.58357258, '274.554', & & 2, 2, -1.02, 5.0862033,12.59985198, '275.545', & & 2, 2, 79.96, 8.3817423,12.60077620, '275.555', & & 2, 2, 23.83,11.6772814,12.60170041, '275.565', & & 2, 2, 2.59,14.9728205,12.60262463, '275.575', & & 2, 2, 4.47, 4.0298682,12.82880334, '285.455', & & 2, 2, 1.95, 7.3254073,12.82972756, '285.465', & & 2, 2, 1.17, 9.1574019,13.06071921, '295.555'/ ! !...Compute the time dependent potential matrix ! d_dt60 = 1./86400. ! do n = 2,3 do m = 0,3 do k = -1,1 anm(n,m,k) = 0. bnm(n,m,k) = 0. d_anm(n,m,k) = 0. d_bnm(n,m,k) = 0. enddo enddo enddo ! do k=-1,1 dt60 = (dmjd - k*dt) - d1960 ! write(6,1011) dt60,d_dt60 !1011 format(' dt60,d_dt60 ', F20.10,F20.15) ! anm(2,1:2,k) = 0. ! bnm(2,1:2,k) = 0. ! d_anm(2,1:2,k) = 0. ! d_bnm(2,1:2,k) = 0. do j=1,nlines n = nj(j) m = mj(j) pinm = mod(n+m,2)*twopi/4. alpha = phase(j) + freq(j)*dt60 - pinm alpha = mod(alpha,twopi) d_alpha = freq(j)*d_dt60 ! if(j.le.2) print *,'j,alpha,d_alpha ', j,alpha,d_alpha anm(n,m,k) = anm(n,m,k) + hs(j)*cos(alpha) bnm(n,m,k) = bnm(n,m,k) - hs(j)*sin(alpha) d_anm(n,m,k) = d_anm(n,m,k) - hs(j)*sin(alpha)*d_alpha d_bnm(n,m,k) = d_bnm(n,m,k) - hs(j)*cos(alpha)*d_alpha enddo enddo ! print *,'anm ', anm ! print *,'d_anm ', d_anm ! print *,'bnm ', bnm ! print *,'d_bnm ',d_bnm ! !...Orthogonalize the response terms ! do m = 1,2 ap = anm(2,m,1) + anm(2,m,-1) am = anm(2,m,1) - anm(2,m,-1) bp = bnm(2,m,1) + bnm(2,m,-1) bm = bnm(2,m,1) - bnm(2,m,-1) p(0,m) = sp(1,m)*anm(2,m,0) p(1,m) = sp(2,m)*anm(2,m,0) - sp(3,m)*ap p(2,m) = sp(4,m)*anm(2,m,0) - sp(5,m)*ap + sp(6,m)*bm q(0,m) = sp(1,m)*bnm(2,m,0) q(1,m) = sp(2,m)*bnm(2,m,0) - sp(3,m)*bp q(2,m) = sp(4,m)*bnm(2,m,0) - sp(5,m)*bp - sp(6,m)*am anm(2,m,-1) = p(0,m) anm(2,m, 0) = p(1,m) anm(2,m, 1) = p(2,m) bnm(2,m,-1) = q(0,m) bnm(2,m, 0) = q(1,m) bnm(2,m, 1) = q(2,m) ! d_ap = d_anm(2,m,1) + d_anm(2,m,-1) d_am = d_anm(2,m,1) - d_anm(2,m,-1) d_bp = d_bnm(2,m,1) + d_bnm(2,m,-1) d_bm = d_bnm(2,m,1) - d_bnm(2,m,-1) d_p(0,m) = sp(1,m)*d_anm(2,m,0) d_p(1,m) = sp(2,m)*d_anm(2,m,0) - sp(3,m)*d_ap d_p(2,m) = sp(4,m)*d_anm(2,m,0) - sp(5,m)*d_ap + sp(6,m)*d_bm d_q(0,m) = sp(1,m)*d_bnm(2,m,0) d_q(1,m) = sp(2,m)*d_bnm(2,m,0) - sp(3,m)*d_bp d_q(2,m) = sp(4,m)*d_bnm(2,m,0) - sp(5,m)*d_bp - sp(6,m)*d_am d_anm(2,m,-1) = d_p(0,m) d_anm(2,m, 0) = d_p(1,m) d_anm(2,m, 1) = d_p(2,m) d_bnm(2,m,-1) = d_q(0,m) d_bnm(2,m, 0) = d_q(1,m) d_bnm(2,m, 1) = d_q(2,m) ! ! print *,'m ', m ! print *,'ap,d_ap ', ap,d_ap ! print *,'am,d_am ', am,d_am ! print *,'bp,d_bp ', bp,d_bp ! print *,'bm,d_bm ', bm,d_bm ! print *,'p(0,m),d_p(0,m)', p(0,m),d_p(0,m) ! print *,'p(1,m),d_p(1,m)', p(1,m),d_p(1,m) ! print *,'p(2,m),d_p(2,m)', p(2,m),d_p(2,m) ! print *,'q(0,m),d_q(0,m)', q(0,m),d_q(0,m) ! print *,'q(1,m),d_q(1,m)', q(1,m),d_q(1,m) ! print *,'q(2,m),d_q(2,m)', q(2,m),d_q(2,m) ! print *,'anm(2,m,-1),d_anm(2,m,-1) ', anm(2,m,-1),d_anm(2,m,-1) ! print *,'anm(2,m,0),d_anm(2,m,0) ', anm(2,m,0), d_anm(2,m,0) ! print *,'anm(2,m,1),d_anm(2,m,1) ', anm(2,m,1), d_anm(2,m,1) ! print *,'bnm(2,m,-1),d_bnm(2,m,-1) ', bnm(2,m,-1),d_bnm(2,m,-1) ! print *,'bnm(2,m,0),d_bnm(2,m,0) ', bnm(2,m,0), d_bnm(2,m,0) ! print *,'bnm(2,m,1),d_bnm(2,m,1) ', bnm(2,m,1), d_bnm(2,m,1) ! enddo ! !...Fill partials vector j = 1 do n=2,nmax do m = 1,n do k = -1,1 h(j) = anm(n,m,k) h(j+1) = bnm(n,m,k) d_h(j) = d_anm(n,m,k) d_h(j+1) = d_bnm(n,m,k) j = j + 2 enddo enddo enddo ! print *,'h ', h ! print *,'d_h ', d_h ! return end