SUBROUTINE ATMG (R2K, STAR, STAR12, EARTH, TCTOCF, SITEV, & & STAR_ABERRATED ) Implicit none ! ! ATMG ! ! ATMG is the geometry section of the Atmosphere module. It computes the ! aberrated source vector and the elevation of the aberrated source and ! its CT time derivative at each site. ! ! References - Smart, W.M., 'Textbook on Spherical Astronomy', 1965, P. 68 ! ! ATMG program interface ! ! Calling sequence - ! Input variables: ! 1. R2K(3,3,3) - The complete crust fixed to J2000.0 rotation ! matrix and its first two CT time derivatives. ! (unitless, 1/sec, 1/sec**2) ! 2. STAR(3) - The J2000.0 source unit vector. (unitless) ! 3. EARTH(3,3) - The SSBC position, velocity and acceleration of ! the Earth. (m,m/s,m/s**2) ! 4. TCTOCF(3,3,2) - The rotation matrix which rotates the ! topocentric reference system to the crust fixed ! geocentric reference system at each observation ! site. (unitless) ! 5. SITEV(3,2) - The J2000.0 geocentric velocity of each site. ! (m/sec) ! 6. STAR12(3,2) - The J2000.0 source unit vestors from stations ! 1 and 2. (unitless). For Far-field sources, ! these are the same as STAR(3). ! ! Output variables: ! 1. STAR_ABERRATED(3,2) - The J2000 source unit vector with ! aberration applied at each observing site. ! ! Common blocks used - ! Real*8 RF(2), RTRACE(2), wetcon(2), Datmp_hmf(2,2), & & Datmp_wmf(2,2), Zen_dry(2,2), Zen_wet(2,2), Ngrad(2,2,2) COMMON /ATMCM/ RF, RTRACE, wetcon, Datmp_hmf, Datmp_wmf, Zen_dry, & & Zen_wet, Ngrad ! Variables 'from': ! 1. RF(2) - The constants appearing in terms 1 and 2 in the ! calculation of the correction angle to be added to ! the source zenith angle to find the apparent source ! direction due to tropospheric refraction. - See ! references. (Radians) ! INCLUDE 'ccon.i' ! Variables 'from': ! 1. KATMC - The atmosphere module flow control flag. ! 2. KATMD - The atmosphere module debug output flag. ! Include 'cphys11.i' ! Variables from: ! 1. VLIGHT - The speed of light. (m/s) ! INCLUDE 'cobsn11.i' ! Variables from: ! 1. Nzero - Set to 1 or 2 if station 1 or 2 is at the geocenter, ! otherwise equals zero. For correlator usage. ! INCLUDE 'cuser11.i' ! Variables to: ! 1. C_mode - ! INCLUDE 'put2s.i' ! Variables to: ! 1. ELEV(2,2) - The elevation angle of the source corrrected for ! aberration and its CT time derivative at each ! site. (rad,rad/sec) ! 2. AZ(2,2) - The azimuth angle of the source corrrected for ! aberration and its CT time derivative at each ! site. (rad,rad/sec) ! INCLUDE 'd_input.i' ! Variables from: ! 1. ! Real*8 PI,TWOPI,HALFPI,CONVD,CONVDS,CONVHS,SECDAY COMMON /CMATH/ PI,TWOPI,HALFPI,CONVD,CONVDS,CONVHS,SECDAY ! Variables 'from' : ! 1. TWOPI - The mathematical constant 2 * PI ! ! Program specifications - Real*8 CFSTAR(3,2), CFTOTC(3,3), R2K(3,3,3), SITLAT(2), & & STAR(3), TCSTAR(3,2), TCTOCF(3,3,2), TR2000(3,3,2), & & TAZ(2,2), STAR_ABERRATED(3,2), & & STAR12(3,2) ! Real*8 DOTP, EARTH(3,3), VR, SITEV(3,2), Earthplus(3) Real*8 Vecmg, starcheck, K_Unit_Aberr(3), Vel_dif(3) Real*8 AZQUAD Integer*4 I, L ! ! Subroutine interface - ! Caller subroutines: DRIVG ! Called subroutines: DASIN, DCOS, MTRAN, VECRT, DATAN2, PUT4 ! ! Program variables - ! 1. CFSTAR(3,2) - The aberratted source unit vector in the crust ! fixed geocentric reference system and its CT ! time derivative. (unitless, 1/sec) ! 2. CFTOTC(3,3) - The 3x3 rotation matrix which rotates the ! geocentric crust fixed reference system to the ! topocentric reference system. (unitless) ! 3. TCSTAR(3,2) - The aberratted source unit vector in the ! topocentric reference system and its CT time ! derivative. ! (unitless, 1/sec) ! 4. TR2000(3,3,2) - The complete J2000.0 to crust fixed rotation ! matrix and its first CT time derivative. ! (unitless, 1/sec) ! 5. TAZ(2,2) - A temporary array used in the computation of AZ ! (rad,rad/sec) ! 6. AZQUAD - A variable used to force the source azimuth into ! the range 0 to TWOPI rather than -PI to PI. ! 7. VR - Barycentric speed of the Earth in the direction ! of the source. ! ! Programmer - Dale Markham 01/13/77 ! 77.11.07 Peter Denatale ! 78.02.13 Bruce Schupler ! 87.06.03 Savita Goel CDS for A900) ! 89.05.22 Gregg Cooke ! 89.07.27 Jim Ryan Documentation simpfilied. ! 89.12.12 Jim Ryan UNIX-like database interface implimented. ! 89.05.25 Jim Ryan Documentation simplified again. ! 91:11:05 Jim Ryan Logic to account for source position ! aberration added to the elevation and ! azimuth computation. ! 91:12:30 Jim Ryan Two equations involving VR have had the sign ! flipped to make to use of VR consistent with ! it definition. ! 93.05.19 David Gordon STAR_ABERRATED spelling corrected, changed to ! a (3,2) variable, diurnal aberration added, ! and renormalized to a unit vector. Replaced ! derivative of STAR with STAR_ABERRATED for ! derivatives of azimuth and elevation ! computation. ! 94.03.03 David Gordon Added computation for unmodified (unaberrated) ! source elevations and azimuths. ! 94.10.24 David Gordon Removed computation of unmodified (unaberrated) ! source elevations and azimuths. ! 95.12.18 David Gordon SITEV added to debug printout. ! 98.08.05 David Gordon Mods for geocenter station. ! Sept 2002 Jim Ryan Interger*2/4 mods. ! Jan. 2013 David Gordon PUT's moved to subroutine PUT_G. ! ! ATMG program structure ! ! Loop twice for the calculation of the elevation and azimuth angles ! and their CT time derivatives at each site. ! DO 500 L = 1,2 ! ! Apply aberration to the J2000 unit vector. We now add in the diurnal ! component to each site's velocity, whereas previously only an annual ! term was used. ! If (NumSpace .gt. 0) Then ! Call VECSB (SITEV(1,L), SPvxyz, Vel_dif) ! Call Vecad(EARTH(1,2),Vel_dif,Earthplus) ! Else Call Vecad(EARTH(1,2),SITEV(1,L),Earthplus) ! Endif ! VR = DOTP(STAR12(1,L),Earthplus) Do I = 1,3 STAR_ABERRATED(I,L) = STAR12(I,L) & & + (Earthplus(i) - VR*STAR12(I,L)) / VLIGHT Enddo !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! Write (6,*) ' ATM Test: L = ', L ! Write (6,*) 'VR ', VR ! Write (6,*) 'STAR12 ', STAR12(1,L), STAR12(2,L), STAR12(3,L) ! Write (6,*) 'STAR_ABERRATED ', STAR_ABERRATED(1,L), & ! & STAR_ABERRATED(2,L), STAR_ABERRATED(3,L) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! ! Normalize for further use here, but keep initial vector for later use ! in the axis offset module Call VUNIT(Star_Aberrated(1,L), K_Unit_Aberr) ! ! ! Check for geocenter station IF (L .eq. Nzero) Go to 450 ! ! Rotate the J2000.0 source unit vector to the topocentric system. ! (NOTE: The topocentric system sits at the observation site with the axes ! pointing Up, East and North. ! ! Compute the rotation matrix which rotates from the geocentric crust fixed ! system to the topocentric system. CALL MTRAN ( TCTOCF(1,1,L), CFTOTC ) ! ! Compute the rotation matrix which rotates from the J2000.0 system to the ! geocentric crust fixed system. CALL MTRAN ( R2K(1,1,1), TR2000(1,1,1) ) ! ! Rotate to the crust fixed system: ! CALL VECRT (TR2000(1,1,1),STAR_ABERRATED(1,L),CFSTAR(1,1)) CALL VECRT (TR2000(1,1,1),K_Unit_Aberr ,CFSTAR(1,1)) ! Rotate to the topocentric system: CALL VECRT (CFTOTC, CFSTAR(1,1), TCSTAR(1,1)) ! ! Compute the elevation angle of the aberrated source. ELEV(L,1) = DASIN ( TCSTAR(1,1) ) ! ! Compute the azimuth angle of the aberrated source. TAZ(L,1) = DATAN2(TCSTAR(2,1),TCSTAR(3,1)) AZQUAD = 0.0D0 IF (TAZ(L,1) .LT. 0.0D0) AZQUAD = TWOPI AZ(L,1) = TAZ(L,1) + AZQUAD ! ! Compute the CT time derivative of the aberrated source unit vector ! in the topocentric system. CALL MTRAN (R2K(1,1,2), TR2000(1,1,2) ) ! CALL VECRT (TR2000(1,1,2),STAR_ABERRATED(1,L),CFSTAR(1,2)) CALL VECRT (TR2000(1,1,2),K_Unit_Aberr ,CFSTAR(1,2)) CALL VECRT (CFTOTC, CFSTAR(1,2), TCSTAR(1,2) ) ! ! Compute time derivatives of elevation and azimuth ELEV(L,2) = TCSTAR(1,2) / DCOS ( ELEV(L,1) ) ! AZ(L,2) = ( (TCSTAR(2,2) / TCSTAR(3,1)) - & & (TCSTAR(2,1) * TCSTAR(3,2) / TCSTAR(3,1)**2) ) / & & (1.0D0 + (TCSTAR(2,1) / TCSTAR(3,1))**2) ! GO TO 500 ! 450 CONTINUE ! Geocenter station special handling ! WRITE ( 6, * ) 'ATMG/Nzero: SITEV = ', SITEV ! call vecad(EARTH(1,2),SITEV(1,L),Earthplus) ! VR = DOTP(STAR,Earthplus) ! Do I = 1,3 ! STAR_ABERRATED(I,L) = STAR(I) & ! & + (Earthplus(i) - VR*STAR(I)) / VLIGHT ! Enddo ELEV(L,1) = HALFPI AZ(L,1) = 0.0D0 ELEV(L,2) = 0.0D0 AZ(L,2) = 0.0D0 ! ! Close the loop which runs over the sites. 500 CONTINUE ! ! ! Check for debug output. IF ( KATMD .ne. 0 ) Then WRITE ( 6, 9100 ) 9100 FORMAT (/," Debug output for subroutine ATMG." ) 8 FORMAT(A,3D25.16/(7X,3D25.16)) WRITE(6,8)' CFSTAR ',CFSTAR WRITE(6,8)' CFTOTC ',CFTOTC WRITE(6,8)' TCSTAR ',TCSTAR WRITE(6,8)' TR2000 ',TR2000 write(6,8) ' SITEV ', SITEV write(6,8) ' EARTH ', EARTH write(6,8) ' Earthplus ', Earthplus write(6,8) ' VR ', VR write(6,8) ' STAR ', STAR write(6,8) ' STAR_ABERRATED ', STAR_ABERRATED WRITE(6,8)' ELEV ',ELEV WRITE(6,8)' AZ ',AZ WRITE(6,8)' TAZ ',TAZ WRITE(6,8)' AZQUAD ',AZQUAD WRITE ( 6, 9200 ) R2K, STAR, TCTOCF,TWOPI 9200 FORMAT (1X, "R2K = ", 9 ( 3 ( D30.16, 10X ), /, 1X ), /, 1X, & & "STAR = ", 3 ( D30.16, 4X ), /, 1X, & & "TCTOCF = ", 6 ( 3 ( D30.16, 10X ), /, 1X ),1X, & & "TWOPI = ",D30.16) ! Endif ! RETURN END ! !************************************************************************ SUBROUTINE ATMP ( SITLAT, SITLON, SITHEIGHT, XJD, CT, dATMCdh, & & gmfh, gmfw ) Implicit none ! ! ATMP is the atmosphere module partial derivatives section. ATMP computes ! the partial derivatives of the delay and rate with respect to the zenith ! electrical path delay at each observing site. Separate computations are ! made for the Chau and the Niell (Nhmf and Whmf) models. ! ! Calling sequence: ! 'Input' variables: ! 1. SITLAT(2) - The geodetic site latitudes. (rad) ! 2. SITHEIGHT(2)-The site heights above the geoid. (meters) ! 3. XJD - Julian date at zero hours UTC of the date in question. ! 4. CT - The coordinate time fraction of the coordinate time ! day. ! 'Output' variables: ! 1. dATMCdh(2,2)-Derivative of the Niell dry atmosphere contribution ! with respect to station height. First index runs over ! the sites and the second over the delay and rate. ! (sec/meter, sec/sec/meter) ! Real*8 SITLAT(2), SITLON(2), SITHEIGHT(2), XJD, CT, dATMCdh(2,2) ! ! Common blocks used: ! Real*8 N_air(2),DAXOC_new(2,2), Daxoc_newer(2,2) Common /OBS/N_air,DAXOC_new, Daxoc_newer ! Real*8 RF(2), RTRACE(2), wetcon(2), Datmp_hmf(2,2), & & Datmp_wmf(2,2), Zen_dry(2,2), Zen_wet(2,2), Ngrad(2,2,2) COMMON /ATMCM/ RF, RTRACE, wetcon, Datmp_hmf, Datmp_wmf, Zen_dry, & & Zen_wet, Ngrad ! Variables 'from': ! 1. RTRACE(2) - The constants appearing in the calculation of the ! partial derivatives of the delay and the delay ! rate with respect to the zenith path delay at each ! site. These constants were determined from the ! best fit of the ray tracing algorithm for ! atmospheric thickness from the zenith to the ! horizon. (unitless) (See references.) ! 2. wetcon(2) - The same as RTRACE, except that RTRACE is ! appropriate for the dry atmosphere and wetcon is ! appropriate for the wet. ! Variables 'to': ! 1. Datmp_hmf(2,2) - The Niell (Nhmf) dry atmosphere partial ! derivatives of the delay and rate with respect to ! the zenith path delays at each site. The first ! index runs over the sites and the second runs ! over the delay and rate. (sec,sec/sec) ! 2. Datmp_wmf(2,2) - Same as Datmp_hmf, except for the wet Niell ! (Whmf) atmosphere partials. ! 3. Zen_dry(2,2)- Dry (hydrostatic) zenith delay (meters), and its ! rate of change (m/sec) from Niell. First index runs ! over sites, second runs over delay and rate. ! 4. Zen_wet(2,2)- Wet zenith delay (meters), and its rate of change ! (m/sec) from Niell. First index runs over sites, ! second runs over delay and rate. ! 5. Ngrad(2,2,2)-Atmosphere gradient partials, scaled using ! the Niell dry mapping function. First ! index runs over sites, second over North ! and East components, third over delay and ! rate. ! INCLUDE 'ccon.i' ! Variables 'from': ! 1. KATMC - The atmosphere module flow control flag. ! 2. KATMD - The atmosphere module debug output flag. ! INCLUDE 'cphys11.i' ! Variables 'from': ! 1. VLIGHT - Velocity of light in a vacuum. (m/sec) ! INCLUDE 'cobsn11.i' ! Variables from: ! 1. Nzero - Set to 1 or 2 if station 1 or 2 is at the geocenter, ! otherwise equals zero. For correlator usage. ! INCLUDE 'cuser11.i' ! Variables from: ! 1. Calc_user - Calc user type. 'A' for Calc/SOLVE analysis. ! 'C' for VLBI correlator. ! INCLUDE 'get2s.i' ! Variables from: ! 1. SurPR(2,2) ! 2. SurTP(2,2) ! 3. SurHM(2,2) ! 4. metPR ! 5. metTP ! 6. metHM ! INCLUDE 'put2s.i' ! Variables from: ! 1. ELEV(2,2) - The elevation angle of the source corrrected for ! aberration and its CT time derivative at each ! site. (rad,rad/sec) ! 2. AZ(2,2) - The azimuth angle of the source corrrected for ! aberration and its CT time derivative at each ! site. (rad,rad/sec) ! ! ! Program specifications - ! ! Database access - PUT's move to PUT_P ( 'NDRYPART'/Datmp_hmf, ! 'NWETPART'/Datmp_wmf and 'NGRADPAR'/Ngrad moved ! to PUT_P. ! ! Subroutine interface - ! Caller subroutines: DRIVP ! Called subroutines: DCOS, DSIN, DTAN ! ! Program variables: Real*8 hmf(2), wmf(2), hmf2(2,2), wmf2(2,2), epoch, el Real*8 Temp, Tdot, Press, Pdot, Relhum, Rdot, X, ZD, ZDdot, & & ZW, ZWdot, sithit, Rlat, dXdh, dPdh, dZDdh Real*8 gmfh(2), gmfw(2), rlon Integer*4 N Integer*2 ND0(3), Kerr ! ! 1. Press - Atmospheric pressure. (mbar) ! 2. Pdot - Rate of change of pressure (set to zero). ! 3. Relhum - Relative humidity. (fraction) ! 4. Temp - Temperature. (Celsius) ! 5. ZD,ZDdot-Dry (hydrostatic) zenith delay, and rate of change, ! from Niell model. (meters, meters/sec) ! 6. ZW,ZWdot-Wet zenith delay, and rate of change, from Niell model. ! (meters, meters/sec) ! 7. dPdh - Derivative of pressure with respect to station height. ! 8. dZDdh - Derivative of zenith delay with respect to station ! height. ! 9. hmf2(2,2)-Hydrstatic (dry) mapping function and its derivative ! with respect to source elevation. First index runs over ! sites, second over the function and the derivative. ! 10. wmf2(2,2)-Wet delay mapping function and its derivative with ! respect to source elevation. First index runs over sites, ! second over the function and the derivative. ! ! 5.2.9 PROGRAMMER - DALE MARKHAM 01/13/77 ! 77.07.11 Peter Denatale ! 89.07.27 Gregg Cooke ! 89.07.27 Jim Ryan Documentation simpfilied. ! 89.12.13 Jim Ryan UNIX-like database interface implemented. ! 89.05.24 Jim Ryan Wet partial introduced and dry partial recode ! to simplify. Documetation simplified. ! 94.02.03 David Gordon - Put in ADDR's for 'NDRYPART', 'NWETPART', ! access codes for Arthur Niell's NHMF2 and WHMF2 dry and wet ! mapping function partials. Added SITLAT, SITHEIGHT, XJD, and CT ! to ATMP calling sequence. DATMP changed to Datmp_Chau. Wetp ! changed to Datmp_wetChau. Added Datmp_hmf(2,2) and Datmp_wmf(2,2) ! to Common block ATMCM; these are the Niell model dry and wet ! atmosphere partials w.r.t. the zenith path delay. Calls to ! subroutines Nhmf2 and Nwmf2 added to get Niell dry and wet ! mapping functions. PUT4's added for NDRYPART and NWETPART. ! 94.03.23 David Gordon - Moved calls to SASTD and SASTW to compute zenith ! delays here instead of in ATMC. Added dATMCdh to calling sequence ! and moved computation to here instead of ATMC. ! 94.03.25 David Gordon - N_air(2) computation added, a priori index of ! refraction at each site. ! 95.12.18 David Gordon - Added about 30 variables to debug printout. ! 98.08.05 David Gordon - Mods for geocenter station. ! 98.10.01 David Gordon - New include file 'cuser.i' to tell if user is ! analysis center or correlator. If correlator, allowed to use ! measured pressures, temperatures, and humidities in ! computation of Saastomoinen zenith dry and/or wet delays. ! 98.11.19 David Gordon - Adding computation and put for atmosphere ! gradient partials, using the Niell dry mapping function. ! Removed all old Chau computations and PUT's. ! Sept 2002 Jim Ryan - Interger*2/4 mods. ! Jan. 2013 David Gordon - PUT's moved to subroutine PUT_P. GET's moved ! to subroutine GET_P. ! ! 5.3 ATMP PROGRAM STRUCTURE ! ! Check to see if we are to use surface met data: ! The GET's of 'ATM PRES'/SurPR, 'TEMP C'/SurTP, and 'REL.HUM.'/SurHM ! are now in GET_P. Only if (Calc_user .eq. 'C'). ! ! ! Now do Arthur Niell's mapping functions: epoch = XJD + CT Do N=1,2 ! Loop over sites ! ! First check for geocenter station IF (N .eq. Nzero) Go to 550 ! Rlat = SITLAT(N) sithit = SITHEIGHT(N) el = elev(N,1) ! call NHMF2(epoch, rlat, sithit, el, hmf) call NWMF2(rlat, el, wmf) ! ! Partials with respect to zenith path delays: if(N.eq.1) then ! reverse sign for station 1) Datmp_hmf(N,1) = -hmf(1) ! hydrostatic mapping function Datmp_hmf(N,2) = -hmf(2)*ELEV(N,2) ! derivative of above w.r.t. time. Datmp_wmf(N,1) = -wmf(1) ! wet mapping function Datmp_wmf(N,2) = -wmf(2)*ELEV(N,2) ! derivative of above w.r.t. time. else Datmp_hmf(N,1) = hmf(1) ! hydrostatic mapping function Datmp_hmf(N,2) = hmf(2)*ELEV(N,2) ! derivative of above w.r.t. time. Datmp_wmf(N,1) = wmf(1) ! wet mapping function Datmp_wmf(N,2) = wmf(2)*ELEV(N,2) ! derivative of above w.r.t. time. endif ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! Switch to GMF hydrostatic model: Rlon = SITLON(N) Call GMF11 (epoch, rlat, rlon, sithit, el, gmfh, gmfw) ! write(6,*) ' ' ! write(6,*) 'hmf1,gmfh ', hmf, gmfh ! write(6,*) 'wmf1,gmfw ', wmf, gmfw ! Partials with respect to zenith path delays: if(N.eq.1) then ! reverse sign for station 1) Datmp_hmf(N,1) = -gmfh(1) ! hydrostatic mapping function Datmp_hmf(N,2) = -gmfh(2)*ELEV(N,2) ! derivative of above w.r.t. time. Datmp_wmf(N,1) = -gmfw(1) ! wet mapping function Datmp_wmf(N,2) = -gmfw(2)*ELEV(N,2) ! derivative of above w.r.t. time. else Datmp_hmf(N,1) = gmfh(1) ! hydrostatic mapping function Datmp_hmf(N,2) = gmfh(2)*ELEV(N,2) ! derivative of above w.r.t. time. Datmp_wmf(N,1) = gmfw(1) ! wet mapping function Datmp_wmf(N,2) = gmfw(2)*ELEV(N,2) ! derivative of above w.r.t. time. endif !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! ! Atmosphere gradient partials using Niell mapping function ! Delay terms Ngrad(N,1,1) = DCOS(AZ(N,1)) / DTAN(ELEV(N,1)) * hmf(1) !North Ngrad(N,2,1) = DSIN(AZ(N,1)) / DTAN(ELEV(N,1)) * hmf(1) !East ! Rate terms Ngrad(N,1,2)= -DSIN(AZ(N,1))/DTAN(ELEV(N,1))*hmf(1)*AZ(N,2) & & - DCOS(AZ(N,1))/DSIN(ELEV(N,1))**2*hmf(1)*ELEV(N,2) & & + DCOS(AZ(N,1))/DTAN(ELEV(N,1))*hmf(2) * ELEV(N,2) Ngrad(N,2,2) = DCOS(AZ(N,1))/DTAN(ELEV(N,1))*hmf(1)*AZ(N,2) & & - DSIN(AZ(N,1))/DSIN(ELEV(N,1))**2*hmf(1)*ELEV(N,2) & & + DSIN(AZ(N,1))/DTAN(ELEV(N,1))*hmf(2) * ELEV(N,2) ! print *,' Ngrad ', Ngrad(N,1,1),Ngrad(N,2,1), ! * Ngrad(N,1,2),Ngrad(N,2,2) ! ! Now do the Niell dry and wet (Nhmf and Whmf) contributions: ! ! Met values, either measured or a priori computed: If (metTP .eq. 1 .and. SurTP(N,1).ne.-999.D0) Then Temp = SurTP(N,1) Tdot = SurTP(N,2) Else Temp = 293.15D0 - (6.5D-3)*Sithit - 273.16D0 Tdot = 0.D0 Endif ! If (metPR .eq. 1 .and. SurPR(N,1).ne.-99900.D0) Then Press = SurPR(N,1) Pdot = SurPR(N,2) Else X = 1.D0 - (6.5D-3)*Sithit / 293.15D0 Press = 1013.25D0 * (X**5.26D0) Pdot = 0.D0 Endif ! If (metHM .eq. 1 .and. SurHM(N,1).ne.-999.D0) Then Relhum = SurHM(N,1) Rdot = SurHM(N,2) Else Relhum = .5D0 Rdot = 0.D0 Endif ! ! Compute index of refraction in air at each site N_air(N) = 77.6D-6*Press/(Temp+273.16D0) + 1.D0 ! ! 94Feb15 - Take partials with respect to height X = 1.D0 - (6.5D-3)*Sithit / 293.15D0 dXdh = - 6.5D-3 / 293.15D0 dPdh = 1013.25D0 * 5.26 * (X**4.26D0) * dXdh ! ! Compute zenith dry and wet delays call SASTD(Press,Pdot,Rlat,Sithit,dPdh,ZD,ZDDOT,dZDdh) call SASTW(Relhum,Temp,Rdot,Tdot,ZW,ZWDOT) ! Zen_dry(N,1) = ZD / VLIGHT Zen_dry(N,2) = ZDDOT / VLIGHT Zen_wet(N,1) = ZW / VLIGHT Zen_wet(N,2) = ZWDOT / VLIGHT ! ! Find atmosphere contribution partial with respect to height (sec/meter) and ! its time derivative dATMCdh(N,1) = Datmp_hmf(N,1) * dZDdh / VLIGHT dATMCdh(N,2) = Datmp_hmf(N,2) * dZDdh / VLIGHT Go to 600 ! 550 Continue ! Geocenter handling: Datmp_hmf(N,1) = 0.0D0 Datmp_hmf(N,2) = 0.0D0 Datmp_wmf(N,1) = 0.0D0 Datmp_wmf(N,2) = 0.0D0 Zen_dry(N,1) = 0.0D0 Zen_dry(N,2) = 0.0D0 Zen_wet(N,1) = 0.0D0 Zen_wet(N,2) = 0.0D0 dATMCdh(N,1) = 0.0D0 dATMCdh(N,2) = 0.0D0 Ngrad(N,1,1) = 0.0D0 Ngrad(N,2,1) = 0.0D0 Ngrad(N,1,2) = 0.0D0 Ngrad(N,2,2) = 0.0D0 ! 600 Continue ! Enddo ! Loop over sites ! ! ! Check for debug output. IF ( KATMD .ne. 0 ) Then WRITE ( 6, 9100 ) 9100 FORMAT (1X, "Debug output for subroutine ATMP." ) 8 FORMAT(A,4D25.16/(7X,5D25.16)) WRITE(6,8)' ELEV ',ELEV write(6,8)' SITLAT ',SITLAT write(6,8)' SITHEIGHT ',SITHEIGHT write(6,8)' XJD, CT ',XJD, CT write(6,8)' epoch ',epoch write(6,8)' RLAT, Sithit, el ',RLAT, Sithit, el write(6,8)' hmf ',hmf write(6,8)' wmf ',wmf write(6,8)' Temp, Press, Relhum ',Temp, Press, Relhum write(6,8)' X ',X write(6,8)' N_air ',N_air write(6,8)' dXdh, dPdh ',dXdh, dPdh write(6,8)' ZD, ZDDOT, dZDdh ',ZD, ZDDOT, dZDdh write(6,8)' ZW, ZWDOT ',ZW, ZWDOT WRITE(6,8)' RTRACE ',RTRACE write(6,8)' wetcon ',wetcon WRITE(6,8)' Datmp_hmf ',Datmp_hmf WRITE(6,8)' Datmp_wmf ',Datmp_wmf WRITE(6,8)' Zen_dry ', Zen_dry WRITE(6,8)' Zen_wet ', Zen_wet WRITE(6,8)' dATMCdh ', dAtmcdh WRITE(6,8)' Ngrad ', Ngrad Endif ! RETURN END !************************************************************************ SUBROUTINE ATMC (ZPATH, DATMC) Implicit none ! ! ATMC is the atmosphere module contributions section. ATMC computes the ! contributions to the delay and rate due to tropospheric refraction at ! each observation site. ! Real*8 ZPATH(2), DATMC(2,2) ! ! Calling sequence - ! Input variables: ! 1. ZPATH(2) - The nominal zenith atmosphere path delay at each ! site. (sec) ! Output variables: ! 1. DATMC(2,2) - The contributions to the delay and rate due to ! tropospheric refraction at each site. The first ! index runs over the sites and the second over the ! delay and rate. (sec, sec/sec) ! ! Common blocks used - ! Real*8 RF(2), RTRACE(2), wetcon(2), Datmp_hmf(2,2), & & Datmp_wmf(2,2), Zen_dry(2,2), Zen_wet(2,2), Ngrad(2,2,2) COMMON /ATMCM/ RF, RTRACE, wetcon, Datmp_hmf, Datmp_wmf, Zen_dry, & & Zen_wet, Ngrad ! Variables 'from': ! 1. Datmp_hmf(2,2) - The Niell (Nhmf) dry atmosphere partial ! derivatives of the delay and rate with respect to ! the zenith path delays at each site. The first ! index runs over the sites and the second runs ! over the delay and rate. (sec,sec/sec) ! 2. Datmp_wmf(2,2) - Same as Datmp_hmf, except for the wet Niell ! (Whmf) atmosphere partials. ! 3. Zen_dry(2,2)- Dry (hydrostatic) zenith delay (meters), and its ! rate of change (m/sec) from Niell. First index runs ! over sites, second runs over delay and rate. ! 4. Zen_wet(2,2)- Wet zenith delay (meters), and its rate of change ! (m/sec) from Niell. First index runs over sites, ! second runs over delay and rate. ! INCLUDE 'ccon.i' ! Variables 'from': ! 1. KATMC - The atmosphere module flow control flag. ! 2. KATMD - the atmosphere module debug output flag. ! ! INCLUDE 'cphys11.i' ! Variables 'from': ! 1. VLIGHT - Velocity of light in a vacuum. (m/sec) ! INCLUDE 'cuser11.i' ! Variables from: ! 1. Calc_user - Calc user type. 'A' for Calc/SOLVE analysis. ! 'C' for VLBI correlator. ! 2. Wet_atm - Correlator option to combine dry and wet ! atmosphere corrections. ! = 'Y' => combine and output in 'NDRYCONT' access ! code. Set 'NWETCONT' access code to zero. ! = 'N' => don't combine. INCLUDE 'put2s.i' ! Variables to: ! 1. Datmc_hmf(2,2) - The contributions to the delay and rate due ! to the Niell (Nhmf) dry tropospheric refraction ! at each site. The first index runs over the sites ! and the second over the delay and rate. ! (sec, sec/sec) ! 2. Datmc_hmf(2,2) - The contributions to the delay and rate due ! to the Niell (Whmf) wet tropospheric refraction ! at each site. The first index runs over the sites ! and the second over the delay and rate. ! (sec, sec/sec) ! ! Program specifications - ! Local variables: Integer*4 L,K,N !** Real*8 Datmc_hmf(2,2), Datmc_wmf(2,2) ! ! Database access => PUT's moved to PUT_C ('NDRYCONT'/Datmc_hmf and ! 'NWETCONT'/Datmc_wmf). ! ! Subroutine interface - ! Caller subroutines: DRIVC ! Called subroutines: ! ! PROGRAMMER - Dale Markham 01/13/77 ! 77.07.07 Peter Denatale ! 87.06.03 David Gordon Changed flag definition. ! 87.06.03 Savita Goel CDS for A900) ! 89.05.22 Gregg Cooke ! 89.07.27 Jim Ryan Documentation simpfilied. ! 89.12.12 Jim Ryan UNIX-like database interface implimented. ! 91.05.24 Jim Ryan Documentation further simplified. ! 94.02.04 David Gordon Added SITLAT and SITHEIGHT to calling sequence. ! Added subroutines Sastd and Sastw and calls to ! to get Niell model dry and wet Zenith ! contributions. PUT4's added for NDRYCONT and ! NWETCONT. DATMC set equal to Datmc_hmf for use ! elsewhere in Calc. ! 94.03.04 David Gordon Changed dATMCdh to a (2,2) array and added ! computation for time derivative of Niell dry ! contribution. ! 94.03.23 David Gordon Moved Niell zenith delay and dATMCdh computations ! to ATMP. ! 98.11.19 David Gordon Removed all old Chau computations and PUT's. ! 99.10.05 David Gordon Added correlator option to use dry and ! wet atmosphere corrections in theory module. ! Sept 2002 Jim Ryan Interger*2/4 mods. ! Jan. 2013 David Gordon Moved PUT's to subroutine PUT_C. ! ! ! ATMC Program Structure ! ! Do the Niell dry and wet (Nhmf and Whmf) contributions: Do N=1,2 Datmc_hmf(N,1) = Datmp_hmf(N,1) * Zen_dry(N,1) Datmc_hmf(N,2) = Datmp_hmf(N,2) * Zen_dry(N,1) Datmc_wmf(N,1) = Datmp_wmf(N,1) * Zen_wet(N,1) Datmc_wmf(N,2) = Datmp_wmf(N,2) * Zen_wet(N,1) ! ! Store the Niell dry atmosphere delays for use elsewhere: DATMC(N,1) = Datmc_hmf(N,1) DATMC(N,2) = Datmc_hmf(N,2) Enddo ! write(6,*) 'ATMC: ', Datmc_hmf(2,1), Datmc_wmf(2,1) ! ! Mods for correlator usage. Add wet component to DATMC for use elsewhere ! If (Calc_user .eq. 'C' .and. Wet_atm .eq. 'Y') Then ! Do N=1,2 ! DATMC(N,1) = DATMC(N,1) + Datmc_wmf(N,1) ! DATMC(N,2) = DATMC(N,2) + Datmc_wmf(N,2) ! Enddo ! Endif ! ! ! Check for debug output. IF ( KATMD .ne. 0 ) Then WRITE ( 6, 9100 ) 9100 FORMAT (1X, "Debug output for subroutine ATMC." ) 8 FORMAT(A,4D25.16/(7X,5D25.16)) ! WRITE(6,8)' ZPATH ',ZPATH WRITE(6,8)' Zen_dry ', Zen_dry WRITE(6,8)' Zen_wet ', Zen_wet WRITE(6,8)' Datmc_hmf ',Datmc_hmf WRITE(6,8)' Datmc_wmf ',Datmc_wmf WRITE(6,8)' DATMC ',DATMC Endif ! RETURN END !************************************************************************ Subroutine NHMF2(epoch,latitude,height,elev,hmf) Implicit none ! ! Routine to compute the hydrostatic mapping function nhmf2 which depends on ! the day of the year (DOY), station latitude, and height above the geoid. ! Integer*4 I ! ! a,b,c - the a,b,and c coeffiecents in the continued fraction ! form of Marini ! beta - intermediate term in calculation ! gamma - intermediate term in calculation ! sine - sine of elevation angle ! cose - cos of elevation angle ! hmf(1) - delay mapping function ! hmf(2) - d_mapping_function/d_elevation (dhmf2/d_el) ! topcon - constant of top of mapping function to ensure ! that value is 1.0000 at zenith ! Real*8 a,b,c, beta, cose, hmf(2), gamma, sine, topcon ! ! height - Height of site above geoid (meters) ! hs_km - Height of site in kms ! latitude - Latitude (radians) ! latituded - Latitude (deg) ! l - Absolute value of latitude ! dl - Incremental latitude from last lat_hmf ! elev - Elevation (radians) ! epoch - Julian date of observation, used to get day of year ! doy - Days since Dec 31 ! doy_atm - Doy for atmosphere relative to Jan 28 ! doyr_atm - Doy_atm in radians; ! cost - Cosine(day of year) ! doy2rad - Convert doy to radians ! Real*8 epoch, doy, latitude,latituded, height, elev Real*8 hs_km, l, dl, doy_atm, doyr_atm, cost ! ! lat_hmf(5) - Latitudes at which coefficients are defined ! abc_avg - Continued fraction coefficients at latitudes lat_hmf ! abc_amp - Amplitude of annual variation of abc_avg ! daavg, daamp, etc - Incremental values for interpolation ! aavg, aamp, etc - Average and amplitude at latitude ! Real*8 lat_hmf(5), abc_avg(5,3), abc_amp(5,3), a_ht, b_ht, c_ht Common / hmf2_coef/ lat_hmf, abc_avg, abc_amp, a_ht, b_ht, c_ht ! Real*8 daavg, daamp, dbavg, dbamp, dcavg, dcamp ! ! a_ht, b_ht, c_ht - Parameters for continued fraction for height corr'n. ! ! Define parameters used for calculating coefficients. ! ! Data lat_hmf / 15, 30, 45, 60, 75/ ! ! Data abc_avg / ! .1.2769934D-3,1.2683230D-3,1.2465397D-3,1.2196049D-3,1.2045996D-3, ! .2.9153695D-3,2.9152299D-3,2.9288445D-3,2.9022565D-3,2.9024912D-3, ! .62.610505D-3,62.837393D-3,63.721774D-3,63.824265D-3,64.258455D-3/ ! ! Data abc_amp / ! . 0.0D0, 1.2709626D-5, 2.6523662D-5, 3.4000452D-5, 4.1202191D-5, ! . 0.0D0, 2.1414979D-5, 3.0160779D-5, 7.2562722D-5, 11.723375D-5, ! . 0.0D0, 9.0128400D-5, 4.3497037D-5, 84.795348D-5, 170.37206D-5/ ! ! Data a_ht / 2.53D-5/ ! . b_ht / 5.49D-3/ ! . c_ht / 1.14D-3/ ! Real*8 aavg, aamp, bavg, bamp, cavg, camp Real*8 ht_corr_coef, ht_corr real*8 dhmf_ht_del, dht_corr_coef_del, dht_corr_del ! CSJ ! ! Common Blocks: ! COMMON /CMATH/ PI,TWOPI,HALFPI,CONVD,CONVDS,CONVHS,SECDAY Real*8 PI,TWOPI,HALFPI,CONVD,CONVDS,CONVHS,SECDAY ! INCLUDE 'ccon.i' ! Variables 'from': ! 1. KATMC - The atmosphere module flow control flag. ! 2. KATMD - the atmosphere module debug output flag. ! ! Programmers: ! 00.00.00 Arthur Niell Subroutine created. ! 93.05.17 Arthur Niell Use phase of 28 days (winter extremum corresponds ! to Jan 28) based on least-square fit to raytrace ! of radiosonde data for DRT, ELP, ALB, CHH, FAI, ! MUN, and LIH. ! 94.01.27 Dan MacMillan Changed input latitude and elevation to radians, ! changed input time to Julian Day. ! 95.12.15 David Gordon Installed mods by Chris Jacobs (JPL) to compute ! height correction for hmf(2). Cleanup/additions to ! documentation and debug printout. ! ! Convert height in meters to kilometers hs_km = height/1000.d0 ! ! If Julian date is used for epoch, then calculate day of year; ! use 1980 Jan 0 as reference epoch. doy = epoch - 2444238.5 ! ! To account for the six month difference in seasons between hemispheres, ! add 365.25/2 days to doy if station is in the southern hemisphere. latituded = latitude/CONVD ! convert to degrees l = abs(latituded) if (latituded .lt. 0) doy = doy + 365.25/2 ! ! mod aen 930517 Use phase of 28 days (winter extremum corresponds to Jan 28) ! based on least-square fit to raytrace of radiosonde data for ! DRT, ELP, ALB, CHH, FAI, MUN, and LIH. doy_atm = doy - 28. ! convert to radians doyr_atm = doy_atm * TWOPI/365.25 ! cost = cos(doyr_atm) ! ! Coefficients for the continued fraction expansion for each latitude. ! ! For latitudes less than 15 degrees: if (l .le. lat_hmf(1)) then a = abc_avg(1,1) b = abc_avg(1,2) c = abc_avg(1,3) endif ! ! For latitudes between 15 and 75 degrees: do i = 1,4 if (l .gt. lat_hmf(i) .and. l .le. lat_hmf(i+1)) then dl = (l-lat_hmf(i))/(lat_hmf(i+1)-lat_hmf(i)) daavg = abc_avg(i+1,1)-abc_avg(i,1) daamp = abc_amp(i+1,1)-abc_amp(i,1) aavg = abc_avg(i,1) + dl*daavg aamp = abc_amp(i,1) + dl*daamp a = aavg - aamp*cost ! dbavg = abc_avg(i+1,2)-abc_avg(i,2) dbamp = abc_amp(i+1,2)-abc_amp(i,2) bavg = abc_avg(i,2) + dl*dbavg bamp = abc_amp(i,2) + dl*dbamp b = bavg - bamp*cost ! dcavg = abc_avg(i+1,3)-abc_avg(i,3) dcamp = abc_amp(i+1,3)-abc_amp(i,3) cavg = abc_avg(i,3) + dl*dcavg camp = abc_amp(i,3) + dl*dcamp c = cavg - camp*cost ! endif end do ! ! for latitudes greater than 75 degrees: if (l .ge. lat_hmf(5)) then a = abc_avg(5,1) b = abc_avg(5,2) c = abc_avg(5,3) endif ! ! Now the coefficients exist; calculate the mapping function, hmf(1), and the ! change of mapping function with elevation, dhmf/d_el = hmf(2). ! To get delay-rate correction d_tau/dt: ! d_tau/dt = d_tau-zen/dt*hmf(1) + tau-zen*dhmf/d_el*d_el/dt ! sine = sin(elev ) cose = cos(elev ) beta = b/(sine + c ) gamma = a/(sine + beta) topcon = (1.d0 + a/(1.d0 + b/(1.d0 + c))) ! hmf(1) = topcon / ( sine + gamma ) ! hmf(2) = -topcon / ( sine + gamma )**2 * & & ( cose - a/( sine + beta)**2 * cose * & & ( 1.d0 - b/( sine + c )**2 ) ) ! ! Apply height correction to mapping function only ! (not to dmf/d_el since this is a small correction): ! 1) height correction coefficient is ! 1/sine(elev) - continued fraction(a_ht,b_ht,c_ht). ! 2) height correction is ht_corr_coef times height in km. ! beta = b_ht/( sine + c_ht ) gamma = a_ht/( sine + beta) topcon = (1.d0 + a_ht/(1.d0 + b_ht/(1.d0 + c_ht))) ht_corr_coef = 1/sine - topcon/(sine + gamma) ht_corr = ht_corr_coef * hs_km hmf(1) = hmf(1) + ht_corr ! !************************************************ ! CSJ additions December 1995: ! Calculate the component of d hmf/ d el due to ht_corr. ! This will be needed for the second term in delay rate equation, ! d_tau/dt = d_tau-zen/dt*hmf(1) + tau-zen * dhmf/d_el * d_el/dt ! ! Assume ! 1) hs_km is constant. ! 2) d el /dt, hs_km, tau-zen are supplied outside this routine ! 3) For convenience of notation define eldot = d el /dt ! ! d ht_corr / dt = d ht_corr / d el * eldot ! d ht_corr / dt = d ht_corr_coef / d el * hs_km * eldot ! ! Thus we need d ht_corr_coef / d el ! Define hmf_ht = topcon/(sinel+gamma) ! ! d ht_corr_coef / d el = d csc(el) / d el - d hmf_ht /d el ! ! d csc(el) / d el = - ( cosel / sinel**2 ) ! ! d hmf_ht / d el = (-topcon*cosel/( sinel + gamma)**2) * ! (1.d0 - (a_ht/( sinel + betm )**2) * (1.d0 - (b_ht/( sinel + c_ht )**2))) ! 1 2 3 3 2 2 3 4 4 321 ! The numbers above show levels of parenthesis ! dhmf_ht_del = (-topcon*cose/( sine + gamma)**2) & & * (1.d0 - (a_ht/( sine + beta )**2) & & * (1.d0 - (b_ht/( sine + c_ht )**2) ) ) ! CSJ ! dht_corr_coef_del = -cose/sine**2 - dhmf_ht_del ! CSJ dht_corr_del = dht_corr_coef_del * hs_km ! CSJ hmf(2) = hmf(2) + dht_corr_del ! CSJ ! !************************************************ ! Check for debug output. IF ( KATMD .ne. 0 ) Then WRITE ( 6, 9100 ) 9100 FORMAT (1X, "Debug output for subroutine NHMF2." ) 8 FORMAT(A,4D25.16/(7X,5D25.16)) write(*,'("doy, doy_atm, doyr_atm = ", 3f20.9)') doy, doy_atm, & & doyr_atm WRITE(6,8)' epoch, elev ', epoch, elev WRITE(6,8)' Height, hs_km ', Height, hs_km WRITE(6,8)' Latitude, Latituded ', Latitude, Latituded WRITE(6,8)' a, b, c ', a, b, c write(*,'("sine, cose, beta, gamma, topcon = ", 5f10.5)') & & sine, cose, beta, gamma, topcon write(6,8)' ht_corr_coef, ht_corr ', ht_corr_coef, ht_corr WRITE(6,8)' dhmf_ht_del ', dhmf_ht_del WRITE(6,8)' dht_corr_coef_del ', dht_corr_coef_del WRITE(6,8)' dht_corr_del ', dht_corr_del write(6,8)' hmf(1), hmf(2) ', hmf Endif ! Return End !************************************************************************ Subroutine NWMF2(latitude, elev, wmf) Implicit none ! ! NWMF2: Routine to compute the new WMF2.0 mapping function which depends ! only on latitude and elevation. ! ! Input variables: ! 1. latitude - Latitude (radians) ! 2. elev - Source selevation. (radians) ! ! Output variables: ! 1. wmf(1) - Wet delay mapping function. ! 2. wmf(2) - Derivative of the wet delay mapping function (wmf(1) with ! respect to elevation. ! ! Program variables: ! 1. a,b,c - The a,b,and c coefficients in the continued fraction ! form of Marini ! 2. beta - Intermediate term in calculation ! 3. gamma - Intermediate term in calculation ! 4. sine - Sine of elevation angle ! 5. cose - Cos of elevation angle ! 6. topcon - Constant of top of mapping fuinction to ensure ! value is 1.0000 at zenith ! 7. latituded - latitude (degrees) ! 8. l - absolute latitude ! 9. dl - incremental latitude from last lat_wmf ! 10. dl,da,db,dc- used for interpolation ! Real*8 a,b,c, beta, cose, wmf(2), gamma, sine, topcon Real*8 lat_wmf(5), abc_w2p0(5,3) Real*8 dl, da, db, dc Real*8 latitude, latituded, l, elev Integer*4 I ! ! Define parameters used for calculating coefficients. Data lat_wmf / 15.D0, 30.D0, 45.D0, 60.D0, 75.D0/ ! ! Coefficients are from fits to raytraces of the standard atmospheres ! for July for latitudes 15, 45, 60, and 75 degrees latitude and for ! January for 30 degrees latitude (930517). Data abc_w2p0 / & & 5.8021897D-4,5.6794847D-4,5.8118019D-4,5.9727542D-4,6.1641693D-4, & & 1.4275268D-3,1.5138625D-3,1.4572752D-3,1.5007428D-3,1.7599082D-3, & & 4.3472961D-2,4.6729510D-2,4.3908931D-2,4.4626982D-2,5.4736038D-2/ ! ! Common Blocks: ! INCLUDE 'ccon.i' ! COMMON /CMATH/ PI,TWOPI,HALFPI,CONVD,CONVDS,CONVHS,SECDAY Real*8 PI,TWOPI,HALFPI,CONVD,CONVDS,CONVHS,SECDAY ! ! Programmers: ! 93.05.17 Arthur Niell Subroutine created. ! 94.01.27 Dan MacMillan Changed input latitude and elevation to radians. ! 95.12.18 David Gordon Documentation made 'Calc'-like, debug section ! added. ! latituded = latitude/CONVD ! convert to degrees l = abs(latituded) ! ! Coefficients for the continued fraction expansion for each latitude. ! ! for latitudes less than 15 degrees: if (l .le. lat_wmf(1)) then a = abc_w2p0(1,1) b = abc_w2p0(1,2) c = abc_w2p0(1,3) endif ! ! for latitudes between 15 and 75 degrees: do i = 1,4 if (l .gt. lat_wmf(i) .and. l .le. lat_wmf(i+1)) then dl = (l-lat_wmf(i))/(lat_wmf(i+1)-lat_wmf(i)) da = abc_w2p0(i+1,1)-abc_w2p0(i,1) a = abc_w2p0(i,1) + dl*da ! db = abc_w2p0(i+1,2)-abc_w2p0(i,2) b = abc_w2p0(i,2) + dl*db ! dc = abc_w2p0(i+1,3)-abc_w2p0(i,3) c = abc_w2p0(i,3) + dl*dc ! endif end do ! ! for latitudes greater than 75 degrees: if (l .ge. lat_wmf(5)) then a = abc_w2p0(5,1) b = abc_w2p0(5,2) c = abc_w2p0(5,3) endif ! ! Now the coefficients exist; calculate the mapping function, wmf(1), and the ! change of mapping function with elevation, dwmf/d_el =wmf(2). ! To calculate the delay-rate correction, d_tau/dt: ! d_tau/dt = d_tau_zen/dt * wmf(1) + tau_zen * dwmf/d_el * d_el/dt ! sine = sin( elev ) cose = cos( elev ) beta = b/( sine + c ) gamma = a/( sine + beta) topcon = (1.d0 + a/(1.d0 + b/(1.d0 + c))) ! wmf(1) = topcon / ( sine + gamma ) ! wmf(2) = -topcon / ( sine + gamma )**2 * & & ( cose - a/( sine + beta)**2 * cose * & & ( 1.d0 - b/( sine + c )**2 ) ) ! ! Check for debug output. IF ( KATMD .ne. 0 ) Then WRITE ( 6, 9100 ) 9100 FORMAT (1X, "Debug output for subroutine NWMF2." ) 8 FORMAT(A,4D25.16/(7X,5D25.16)) WRITE(6,8)' latitude, elev ', latitude, elev WRITE(6,8)' a, b, c ', a, b, c WRITE(6,8)' dl, da, db, dc ', dl, da, db, dc write(*,'("sine, cose, beta, gamma, topcon = ", 5f10.5)') & & sine, cose, beta, gamma, topcon write(6,8)' wmf(1), wmf(2) ', wmf Endif ! return end !************************************************************************ SUBROUTINE SASTD(P,PDOT,RLAT,SITEHT,dPdh,ZD,ZDDOT,dZDdh) IMPLICIT NONE ! ! SASTD PROGRAM SPECIFICATION ! ! Calculate zenith delay for "hydrostatic" component of the atmosphere using ! Saastamoinen formulation and constants from Davis et al. ! ! REFERENCES: ! 1) Saastamoinen, J. "The Use of Artificial Satellites for ! Geodesy", Geophys. Monograph Series, vol. 15, ed. by ! S.W.Henriksen et al, AGU, Wash., D.C., pp 247-251, 1972. ! 2) Davis, J.L., et al., "Geodesy by Radio Interferometry: ! Effects of Atmospheric Modeling Errors On Estimates Of ! Baseline Length", Radio Science, 20, 1593-1607, 1985. ! REAL*8 P, PDOT, RLAT, SITEHT, dPdh, ZD, ZDDOT, dZDdh ! ! Calling Sequence: ! ! Input Variables: ! 1. P - Pressure. (mbar) ! 2. PDOT - Rate of change of pressure, set to 0.0. (mbar/sec) ! 3. RLAT - Latitude. (radians) ! 4. SITEHT - Height of station above geoid. (meters) ! 5. dPdh - Derivative of pressure with respect to station height. ! ! Output Variables: ! 1. ZD - Zenith delay of "hydrostatic" component. (meters) ! 2. ZDDOT - Rate of change of zenith delay. (meters/second) ! 3. dZDdh - Derivative of ZD with respect to station height. ! ! SUBROUTINE INTERFACE ! CALLING SUBROUTINES - ATMP ! CALLED SUBROUTINES - None ! INCLUDE 'ccon.i' ! REAL*8 F, dFdh ! ! Program Variables ! 1. F - Intermediate result in zenith delay calculation ! 2. dFdh - Derivative of F with respect to height. ! ! Programmers: ! ??.??.?? JMG,AEN?? Created? ! 94.02.15 D. Gordon Added partials of ZD with respect to height. ! 95.12.18 D. Gordon Documentation made 'Calc'-like, debug printout ! section added. ! ! SASTD PROGRAM STRUCTURE ! !-----Calculate variation of gravity with station position. ! F = 1.0D0-0.00266D0*COS(2.0D0*RLAT) - 0.00028D0*SITEHT/1000.0D0 ZD = 0.0022768D0*P/F ZDDOT = ZD*PDOT/P ! ! 94FEB15 - take partials with respect to height -DG- dFdh = -2.8D-7 dZDdh = 0.0022768D0 * (dPdh - P*dFdh/F) / F ! If (KATMD .ne. 0) Then WRITE ( 6, 9100 ) 9100 FORMAT (1X, "Debug output for subroutine SASTD." ) 8 FORMAT(A,4D25.16/(7X,5D25.16)) WRITE(6,8)' P, PDOT, dPdh ', P, PDOT, dPdh WRITE(6,8)' RLAT, SITEHT ', RLAT, SITEHT WRITE(6,8)' ZD, ZDDOT, dZDdh ', ZD, ZDDOT, dZDdh WRITE(6,8)' F, dFdh ', F, dFdh Endif ! RETURN END !************************************************************************ SUBROUTINE SASTW(RH,TC,RHDOT,TCDOT,ZW,ZWDOT) IMPLICIT NONE ! ! SASTW PROGRAM SPECIFICATION ! ! Calculate zenith delay due to the 'wet' (non-hydrostatic) component of ! the atmosphere using Saastamoinen formula (19a) (Ref. 1). The saturation ! vapor pressure is calculated using the formula found in MET03, which is ! much simpler than that found in "Methods of Experimental Physics B" ! (1976) p. 187, but agrees to 0.3% over the range 0 - 40 deg. C. ! ! REFERENCES: ! 1) Saastamoinen, J. "The Use of Artificial Satellites for ! Geodesy", Geophys. Monograph Series, vol. 15, ed. by ! S.W.Henriksen et al, AGU, Wash, D.C., pp 247-251, 1972. ! 2) Davis, J.L., et al., "Geodesy by Radio Interferometry: ! Effects of Atmospheric Modeling Errors on Estimates of ! Baseline Length", Radio Science, 20, 1593-1607, 1985. ! ! SASTW INTERFACE ! REAL*8 RH, TC, RHDOT, TCDOT, ZW, ZWDOT ! ! Input Variables: ! 1. RH - Relative humidity (set equal to .5). (0 <= RH <= 1.0) ! 2. TC - Temperature (a function of height). (Celsius) ! 3. RHDOT - Time derivative of RH (set to 0.0). ! 4. TCDOT - Time derivative of TC (set to 0.0). ! ! Output Variables: ! 1. ZW - Zenith path delay of wet component. (meters) ! 2. ZWDOT - Time derivative of zenith delay. (meters/sec) ! ! SUBROUTINE INTERFACE ! CALLING SUBROUTINES - ATMP ! CALLED SUBROUTINES - None ! INCLUDE 'ccon.i' ! REAL*8 ESAT, TEMP, ESATDOT ! ! Program Variables: ! 1. ESAT - Saturation vapor pressure. ! 2. ESATDOT - Time derivative of saturation pressure. ! 3. TEMP - Used for intermediate values in calculations. ! ! Programmers: ! ??.??.?? ????????? Created? ! 95.12.18 D. Gordon Documentation made 'Calc'-like, debug printout ! section added. ! ! SASTW PROGRAM STRUCTURE ! !---Calculate zenith delay due to'wet' (non-hydrostatic) component ! of atmosphere using Saastamoinen formula 19a. (Ref 1). ! ! The saturation vapor pressure is calculated using the formula ! found in MET03 which is much simpler than that found in Methods ! of Experimental Physics B (1976) p. 187, but agrees to 0.3% ! over the range 0 - 40 deg. C. ! !---Calculate saturation vapor pressure, and time derivative. ! ESAT = 6.11 * 10**(7.5*TC/(TC+237.3)) TEMP = TC+237.3D0 ESAT = 6.11D0 * EXP(17.269D0*TC/TEMP) ESATDOT = ESAT * (17.269D0/TEMP - 17.269D0*TC/(TEMP*TEMP))*TCDOT ! !---Calculate zenith path delay ZW = 0.002277D0 * (1255.D0/(TC+273.16D0) + 0.05D0) * RH * ESAT ! ! ... AND RATE OF CHANGE OF ZENITH PATH DELAY ! CHANGED 255. TO 1255. IN TCDOT CONTRIBUTION 12-28-87 WEH ! CHANGED RHDOT CONTRIBUTION FROM ZW*RHDOT/RH 12-28-87 WEH TEMP = 273.16D0+TC ZWDOT = - 0.002277D0 * (TCDOT*1255.D0/(TEMP*TEMP))*RH*ESAT & & + 0.002277D0 * (1255.D0/(TC+273.16D0) + 0.05D0) * RHDOT * ESAT & & + ZW * ESATDOT/ESAT ! If (KATMD .ne. 0) Then WRITE ( 6, 9100 ) 9100 FORMAT (1X, "Debug output for subroutine SASTW." ) 8 FORMAT(A,4D25.16/(7X,5D25.16)) WRITE(6,8)' RH, RHDOT ', RH, RHDOT WRITE(6,8)' TC, TCDOT ', TC, TCDOT WRITE(6,8)' ZW, ZWDOT ', ZW, ZWDOT WRITE(6,8)' ESAT, TEMP, ESATDOT ', ESAT, TEMP, ESATDOT Endif ! RETURN END !************************************************************************ BLOCK DATA ATMCMB Implicit none ! ! ATMBD is the atmosphere module block data input and initialization ! section. ! ! References - Hopfield, H.S., 'Radio Science', 6, 357, 1971, ! 'JSR', 74, 4487, 1969. ! - Chau, C.C., 'JPL Technical Manual', #391-129, 1970. ! - SMART, W.M., 'Textbook on Spherical Astronomy', 1965, P. 68. ! - Chau, C.C., 'The Tropospheric Calibration Model for Mariner ! Mars 1971", JPL Technical Report 32-1587, (NASA Sci & Tech ! Info Facility N&$-16983) p. 75, eq. 19 - wet formulation. ! ! Common blocks: ! Real*8 RF(2), RTRACE(2), wetcon(2), Datmp_hmf(2,2), & & Datmp_wmf(2,2), Zen_dry(2,2), Zen_wet(2,2), Ngrad(2,2,2) COMMON /ATMCM/ RF, RTRACE, wetcon, Datmp_hmf, Datmp_wmf, Zen_dry, & & Zen_wet, Ngrad ! ! Variables 'to': ! 1. RF(2) - The constants appearing in terms 1 and 2 of the ! calculation of the correction angle to be added to ! the source elevation angle to find the apparent ! source direction due to tropospheric refraction. ! RF(1) = 2.826172873D-4 radians ! RF(2) = -3.23855539D-7 radians ! 2. RTRACE(2) - The constants appearing in the calculation of the ! partial derivatives of the delay and rate with ! respect to the zenith path delay at each observing ! site. These constants were determined from the ! best fit of the ray tracing algorithm for ! atmospheric thickness from the zenith to the ! horizon. (unitless) (See references) ! RTRACE(1) = 1.43D-3 ! RTRACE(2) = 4.45D-2 ! 3. wetcon(2) - The same as RTRACE, except that RTRACE is ! appropriate for the dry atmosphere and wetcon is ! appropriate for the wet. ! 4. lat_hmf(5)- Latitudes at which coefficients are defined for the ! Niell mapping function. ! 5. abc_avg(5,3) - Continued fraction coefficients at latitudes ! lat_hmf ! 6. abc_amp(5,3) - Amplitude of annual variation of abc_avg. ! 7. a_ht, b_ht, c_ht - Parameters for continued fraction for height ! correction. ! Real*8 lat_hmf(5), abc_avg(5,3), abc_amp(5,3), a_ht, b_ht, c_ht Common / hmf2_coef/ lat_hmf, abc_avg, abc_amp, a_ht, b_ht, c_ht ! ! Program specifications - ! ! Define parameters used for calculating coefficients. ! Data lat_hmf / 15.D0, 30.D0, 45.D0, 60.D0, 75.D0/ ! Data abc_avg / & &1.2769934D-3,1.2683230D-3,1.2465397D-3,1.2196049D-3,1.2045996D-3, & &2.9153695D-3,2.9152299D-3,2.9288445D-3,2.9022565D-3,2.9024912D-3, & &62.610505D-3,62.837393D-3,63.721774D-3,63.824265D-3,64.258455D-3/ ! Data abc_amp / & & 0.0, 1.2709626D-5, 2.6523662D-5, 3.4000452D-5, 4.1202191D-5, & & 0.0, 2.1414979D-5, 3.0160779D-5, 7.2562722D-5, 11.723375D-5, & & 0.0, 9.0128400D-5, 4.3497037D-5, 84.795348D-5, 170.37206D-5/ ! Data a_ht / 2.53D-5/ Data b_ht / 5.49D-3/ Data c_ht / 1.14D-3/ ! Data RF / 2.826172873D-4, -3.23855539D-7 / Data RTRACE / 1.43D-3, 4.45D-2 / Data wetcon / 0.35d-3, 1.7d-2 / ! ! Constants used - RF, RTRACE ! ! Programmer - Dale Markham 01/13/77 ! 77.07.11 Peter Denatale ! 89.05.24 Jim Ryan - Wet partials info added. ! END ! !*********************************************************************** ! SUBROUTINE NFATM (R2K, STAR, STAR12, STAR12dt, EARTH, TCTOCF, & & SITEV, SITEA, R2K6m1, R2K6p1, R1mag, R2mag, & & STAR_ABERRATED, STAR_ABERRATEDdt ) Implicit none ! ! NFATMG ! ! NFATMG is the geometry section for the near-field atmosphere ! computations. It computes the aberrated source vector and the ! elevation of the aberrated source and its CT time derivative at ! each site. ! NOT USED IN THE DATABASE VERSION. ! ! References - Smart, W.M., 'Textbook on Spherical Astronomy', 1965, P. 68 ! ! NFATMG program interface ! ! Calling sequence - ! Input variables: ! 1. R2K(3,3,3) - The complete crust fixed to J2000.0 rotation ! matrix and its first two CT time derivatives. ! (unitless, 1/sec, 1/sec**2) ! 2. STAR(3) - The J2000.0 source unit vector. (unitless) ! 3. EARTH(3,3) - The SSBC position, velocity and acceleration of ! the Earth. (m,m/s,m/s**2) ! 4. TCTOCF(3,3,2) - The rotation matrix which rotates the ! topocentric reference system to the crust fixed ! geocentric reference system at each observation ! site. (unitless) ! 5. SITEV(3,2) - The J2000.0 geocentric velocity of each site. ! (m/sec) ! 6. STAR12(3,2) - The J2000.0 source unit vestors from stations ! 1 and 2. (unitless). For Far-field sources, ! these are the same as STAR(3). ! ! Output variables: ! 1. STAR_ABERRATED(3,2) - The J2000 source unit vector with ! aberration applied at each observing site. ! ! Common blocks used - ! Real*8 RF(2), RTRACE(2), wetcon(2), Datmp_hmf(2,2), & & Datmp_wmf(2,2), Zen_dry(2,2), Zen_wet(2,2), Ngrad(2,2,2) COMMON /ATMCM/ RF, RTRACE, wetcon, Datmp_hmf, Datmp_wmf, Zen_dry, & & Zen_wet, Ngrad ! Variables 'from': ! 1. RF(2) - The constants appearing in terms 1 and 2 in the ! calculation of the correction angle to be added to ! the source zenith angle to find the apparent source ! direction due to tropospheric refraction. - See ! references. (Radians) ! INCLUDE 'ccon.i' ! Variables 'from': ! 1. KATMC - The atmosphere module flow control flag. ! 2. KATMD - The atmosphere module debug output flag. ! Include 'cphys11.i' ! Variables from: ! 1. VLIGHT - The speed of light. (m/s) ! INCLUDE 'cobsn11.i' ! Variables from: ! 1. Nzero - Set to 1 or 2 if station 1 or 2 is at the geocenter, ! otherwise equals zero. For correlator usage. ! INCLUDE 'cuser11.i' ! Variables to: ! 1. C_mode - ! INCLUDE 'put2s.i' ! Variables to: ! 1. ELEV(2,2) - The elevation angle of the source corrrected for ! aberration and its CT time derivative at each ! site. (rad,rad/sec) ! 2. AZ(2,2) - The azimuth angle of the source corrrected for ! aberration and its CT time derivative at each ! site. (rad,rad/sec) ! INCLUDE 'd_input.i' ! Variables from: ! 1. ! Real*8 PI,TWOPI,HALFPI,CONVD,CONVDS,CONVHS,SECDAY COMMON /CMATH/ PI,TWOPI,HALFPI,CONVD,CONVDS,CONVHS,SECDAY ! Variables 'from' : ! 1. TWOPI - The mathematical constant 2 * PI ! ! Program specifications - Real*8 CFSTAR(3,2), CFTOTC(3,3), R2K(3,3,3), SITLAT(2), & & STAR(3), TCSTAR(3,2), TCTOCF(3,3,2), TR2000(3,3,2), & & TAZ(2,2), STAR_ABERRATED(3,2), STAR_ABERRATEDdt(3,2), & & STAR12(3,2), STAR12dt(3,2), Earthplus(3), Earthplusdt(3), & & VRdt, STab Real*8 DOTP, EARTH(3,3), VR, SITEV(3,2), SITEA(3,2) Real*8 VECMG, starcheck, K_Unit_Aberr(3), K_Unit_Aberrdt(3), & & Vel_dif(3), Vel_difdt(3), CFdt1(3), CFdt2(3), CFdt3(3), CFdt4(3), TR2003(3,3) Real*8 cr1(3), cr2(3), cr3(3), R1mag, R2mag, Rmag Real*8 R2K6m1(3,3,3), R2K6p1(3,3,3) Real*8 Stm1(3), STAR_ABm1(3), TR2Km1(3,3), CFSTm1(3), Div, & & Stp1(3), STAR_ABp1(3), TR2Kp1(3,3), CFSTp1(3), CFSTdf(3) Real*8 AZQUAD Integer*4 I, L ! ! ! Subroutine interface - ! Caller subroutines: DRIVG ! Called subroutines: DASIN, DCOS, MTRAN, VECRT, DATAN2 ! ! Program variables - ! 1. CFSTAR(3,2) - The aberratted source unit vector in the crust ! fixed geocentric reference system and its CT ! time derivative. (unitless, 1/sec) ! 2. CFTOTC(3,3) - The 3x3 rotation matrix which rotates the ! geocentric crust fixed reference system to the ! topocentric reference system. (unitless) ! 3. TCSTAR(3,2) - The aberratted source unit vector in the ! topocentric reference system and its CT time ! derivative. ! (unitless, 1/sec) ! 4. TR2000(3,3,2) - The complete J2000.0 to crust fixed rotation ! matrix and its first CT time derivative. ! (unitless, 1/sec) ! 5. TAZ(2,2) - A temporary array used in the computation of AZ ! (rad,rad/sec) ! 6. AZQUAD - A variable used to force the source azimuth into ! the range 0 to TWOPI rather than -PI to PI. ! 7. VR - Barycentric speed of the Earth in the direction ! of the source. ! ! Programmer - Dale Markham 01/13/77 ! 77.11.07 Peter Denatale ! 78.02.13 Bruce Schupler ! 87.06.03 Savita Goel CDS for A900) ! 89.05.22 Gregg Cooke ! 89.07.27 Jim Ryan Documentation simpfilied. ! 89.12.12 Jim Ryan UNIX-like database interface implimented. ! 89.05.25 Jim Ryan Documentation simplified again. ! 91:11:05 Jim Ryan Logic to account for source position ! aberration added to the elevation and ! azimuth computation. ! 91:12:30 Jim Ryan Two equations involving VR have had the sign ! flipped to make to use of VR consistent with ! it definition. ! 93.05.19 David Gordon STAR_ABERRATED spelling corrected, changed to ! a (3,2) variable, diurnal aberration added, ! and renormalized to a unit vector. Replaced ! derivative of STAR with STAR_ABERRATED for ! derivatives of azimuth and elevation ! computation. ! 94.03.03 David Gordon Added computation for unmodified (unaberrated) ! source elevations and azimuths. ! 94.10.24 David Gordon Removed computation of unmodified (unaberrated) ! source elevations and azimuths. ! 95.12.18 David Gordon SITEV added to debug printout. ! 98.08.05 David Gordon Mods for geocenter station. ! Sept 2002 Jim Ryan Interger*2/4 mods. ! Jan. 2013 David Gordon PUT's moved to subroutine PUT_G. ! Feb-Mar 2013 D. Gordon Modified for the near-field case. ! ! ATMG program structure ! ! Loop twice for the calculation of the elevation and azimuth angles ! and their CT time derivatives at each site. ! DO 500 L = 1,2 ! ! Apply aberration to the J2000 unit vector. The near-field object's ! velocity is geocentric, so we do not include the Earth's SSB velocity. Call VECSB (SITEV(1,L), SPvxyz, Vel_dif) VR = DOTP(STAR12(1,L),Vel_dif ) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!! Temporary test for near/far field comparisons !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! Write (6,*) ' NFATM Test: L = ', L ! Write (6,*) 'VR ', VR ! Call Vecad(EARTH(1,2),Vel_dif,Earthplus) ! VR = DOTP(STAR12(1,L),Earthplus) ! Write (6,*) 'VR ', VR ! Vel_dif(1) = Earthplus(1) ! Vel_dif(2) = Earthplus(2) ! Vel_dif(3) = Earthplus(3) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! Write (6,*) ' ' ! Write (6,*) 'Subroutine NFATM: L= ', L ! Write (6,*) 'SITEV ', SITEV(1,L), SITEV(2,L), SITEV(3,L) ! Write (6,*) 'SPvxyz ', SPvxyz ! Write (6,*) 'Vel_dif ' , Vel_dif ! Write (6,*) 'EARTH(1,2) ', EARTH(1,2), EARTH(2,2), EARTH(3,2) ! Write (6,*) 'Earthplus ', Earthplus ! Do I = 1,3 STAR_ABERRATED(I,L) = STAR12(I,L) & & + (Vel_dif(I) - VR*STAR12(I,L)) / VLIGHT Enddo !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! Write (6,*) 'STAR12 ', STAR12(1,L), STAR12(2,L), STAR12(3,L) ! Write (6,*) 'STAR_ABERRATED ', STAR_ABERRATED(1,L), & ! & STAR_ABERRATED(2,L), STAR_ABERRATED(3,L) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! Normalize for further use here, but keep initial vector for later use ! in the axis offset module Call VUNIT(Star_Aberrated(1,L), K_Unit_Aberr) STab = VECMG(Star_Aberrated(1,L)) ! Write (6,*) 'K_Unit_Aberr ', K_Unit_Aberr(1), K_Unit_Aberr(2), & ! & K_Unit_Aberr(3) ! Write (6,*) 'STab ' , STab ! ! Time derivative of STAR_ABERRATED Call VECSB (SITEA(1,L), SPaxyz, Vel_difdt) ! Write (6,*) 'SITEA ', SITEA(1,L), SITEA(2,L), SITEA(3,L) ! Write (6,*) 'SPaxyz ', SPaxyz ! Write (6,*) 'Vel_difdt ' , Vel_difdt ! Write (6,*) 'EARTH(1,3) ', EARTH(1,3), EARTH(2,3), EARTH(3,3) ! Write (6,*) 'Earthplusdt ', Earthplusdt VRdt = DOTP(STAR12dt(1,L),Vel_dif) + & & DOTP(STAR12(1,L),Vel_difdt) ! Write (6,*) 'VRdt ', VRdt ! DO I = 1,3 STAR_ABERRATEDdt(I,L) = STAR12dt(I,L) + Vel_difdt(I)/VLIGHT & & - (VR*STAR12dt(I,L))/VLIGHT - (VRdt*STAR12(I,L))/VLIGHT ! Normalize: K_Unit_Aberrdt(I) = STAR_ABERRATEDdt(I,L) / STab Enddo ! Write (6,*) 'STAR12dt ', STAR12dt(1,L), STAR12dt(2,L), & ! & STAR12dt(3,L) ! Write (6,*) 'STAR_ABERRATEDdt ', STAR_ABERRATEDdt(1,L), & ! & STAR_ABERRATEDdt(2,L), STAR_ABERRATEDdt(3,L) ! Write (6,*) 'K_Unit_Aberrdt ', K_Unit_Aberrdt(1), & ! & K_Unit_Aberrdt(2), K_Unit_Aberrdt(3) ! ! ! Check for geocenter station IF (L .eq. Nzero) Go to 450 ! ! Rotate the J2000.0 source unit vector to the topocentric system. ! (NOTE: The topocentric system sits at the observation site with the axes ! pointing Up, East and North. ! ! Compute the rotation matrix which rotates from the geocentric crust fixed ! system to the topocentric system. CALL MTRAN ( TCTOCF(1,1,L), CFTOTC ) ! ! Compute the rotation matrix which rotates from the J2000.0 system to the ! geocentric crust fixed system. CALL MTRAN ( R2K(1,1,1), TR2000(1,1,1) ) ! ! ! Rotate to the crust fixed system: !!!!!! CALL VECRT (TR2000(1,1,1),STAR_ABERRATED(1,L),CFSTAR(1,1)) CALL VECRT (TR2000(1,1,1),K_Unit_Aberr ,CFSTAR(1,1)) ! ! Rotate to the topocentric system: CALL VECRT (CFTOTC, CFSTAR(1,1), TCSTAR(1,1)) ! ! Compute the CT time derivative of the aberrated source unit vector ! in the topocentric system. !* CALL MTRAN (R2K(1,1,2), TR2000(1,1,2) ) ! !* CALL VECRT (TR2000(1,1,2),K_Unit_Aberr,CFdt1) !* CALL VECRT (TR2000(1,1,1),K_Unit_Aberrdt,CFdt2) !* CALL VECAD (CFdt1, CFdt2, CFSTAR(1,2)) ! ! Write (6,*) ' NFATM: L = ', L ! WRITE(6,8)' R2K6 ', R2K ! WRITE(6,8)' TR2000 ',TR2000 !* Write (6,*) 'CFSTAR(1) ', CFSTAR(1,1), CFSTAR(2,1), CFSTAR(3,1) !* Write (6,*) 'CFSTAR(2) ', CFSTAR(1,2), CFSTAR(2,2), CFSTAR(3,2) !* Write (6,*) 'CFdt1 ', CFdt1 !* Write (6,*) 'CFdt2 ', CFdt2 ! !* CALL VECRT (TR2000(1,1,2),K_Unit_Aberrdt,CFdt3) !* CALL MTRAN (R2K(1,1,3), TR2003(1,1) ) !* CALL VECRT (TR2003(1,1),K_Unit_Aberr,CFdt4) !* Write (6,*) 'CFdt3 ', CFdt3 !* Write (6,*) 'CFdt4 ', CFdt4 ! Call CROSP(K_Unit_Aberr,SITEV(1,L), cr1) ! Call CROSP(K_Unit_Aberr,cr1,cr2) ! If (L .eq. 1) Rmag = R1mag ! If (L .eq. 2) Rmag = R2mag ! Call VECDV(cr2,Rmag,cr3) ! Write (6,*) 'cr3 ', cr3 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! Note: the traditional computations to get the time derivative of !! the crust-fixed and topocentric aberrated source vector does !! not work for the near-field case. Instead we compute a !! numerical derivative. ! Compute aberrated star vectors and the J2000 => Crust-Fixed rotation ! matrices at -1 and +1 second offset from epoch CALL VECSB (STAR_ABERRATED(1,L), STAR_ABERRATEDdt(1,L),Stm1) CALL VUNIT (Stm1, STAR_ABm1) ! Write (6,*) 'STAR_ABm1 ', STAR_ABm1 CALL MTRAN ( R2K6m1(1,1,1), TR2Km1 ) CALL VECRT (TR2Km1, STAR_ABm1, CFSTm1) ! Write (6,*) 'CFSTm1 ', CFSTm1 ! CALL VECAD (STAR_ABERRATED(1,L), STAR_ABERRATEDdt(1,L),Stp1) CALL VUNIT (Stp1, STAR_ABp1) ! Write (6,*) 'STAR_ABp1 ', STAR_ABp1 CALL MTRAN ( R2K6p1(1,1,1), TR2Kp1(1,1) ) CALL VECRT (TR2Kp1(1,1), STAR_ABp1, CFSTp1) ! Write (6,*) 'CFSTp1 ', CFSTp1 ! Take numerical derivative CALL VECSB (CFSTp1, CFSTm1, CFSTdf) Div = 2.0D0 CALL VECDV(CFSTdf, Div, CFSTAR(1,2)) ! Write (6,*) 'CFSTAR(1) ', CFSTAR(1,1), CFSTAR(2,1), CFSTAR(3,1) ! Write (6,*) 'CFSTAR(2) ', CFSTAR(1,2), CFSTAR(2,2), CFSTAR(3,2) !!! TEST, shift R2K(1,1,1) by +1 seconds?? ! Write(6,1037) R2K !1037 Format(1x,'NFATM/R2K6: ',(9(/,3E25.15))) ! Call MADD2 (R2K(1,1,1), R2K(1,1,2), R2Kp1) ! Write(6,1037) R2K ! Write(6,1038) R2Kp1 !1038 Format(1x,'NFATM/R2K6p1: ',(3(/,3E25.15))) ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! CALL VECRT (CFTOTC, CFSTAR(1,2), TCSTAR(1,2) ) ! Write (6,*) 'TCSTAR(1) ', TCSTAR(1,1), TCSTAR(2,1), TCSTAR(3,1) ! Write (6,*) 'TCSTAR(2) ', TCSTAR(1,2), TCSTAR(2,2), TCSTAR(3,2) ! ! Compute the elevation angle of the aberrated source. ELEV(L,1) = DASIN ( TCSTAR(1,1) ) ! Compute the azimuth angle of the aberrated source. TAZ(L,1) = DATAN2(TCSTAR(2,1),TCSTAR(3,1)) AZQUAD = 0.0D0 IF (TAZ(L,1) .LT. 0.0D0) AZQUAD = TWOPI AZ(L,1) = TAZ(L,1) + AZQUAD ! ! Compute time derivatives of elevation and azimuth ELEV(L,2) = TCSTAR(1,2) / DCOS ( ELEV(L,1) ) AZ(L,2) = ( (TCSTAR(2,2) / TCSTAR(3,1)) - & & (TCSTAR(2,1) * TCSTAR(3,2) / TCSTAR(3,1)**2) ) / & & (1.0D0 + (TCSTAR(2,1) / TCSTAR(3,1))**2) ! Write (6,*) 'ELEV ', ELEV(L,1), ELEV(L,2) ! Write (6,*) 'AZ ', AZ(L,1), AZ(L,2) ! GO TO 475 ! 450 CONTINUE ! Geocenter station special handling ! WRITE ( 6, * ) 'ATMG/Nzero: SITEV = ', SITEV ! call vecad(EARTH(1,2),SITEV(1,L),Earthplus) ! VR = DOTP(STAR,Earthplus) ! Do I = 1,3 ! STAR_ABERRATED(I,L) = STAR(I) & ! & + (Earthplus(i) - VR*STAR(I)) / VLIGHT ! Enddo ELEV(L,1) = HALFPI AZ(L,1) = 0.0D0 ELEV(L,2) = 0.0D0 AZ(L,2) = 0.0D0 475 CONTINUE ! ! Pass a unit vector to the axis offset module Do I = 1,3 STAR_ABERRATED(I,L) = K_Unit_Aberr(I) STAR_ABERRATEDdt(I,L) = K_Unit_Aberrdt(I) Enddo ! Close the loop which runs over the sites. 500 CONTINUE ! ! Write (6,*) 'Elevations: ', ELEV(1,1)/CONVD, ELEV(2,1)/CONVD ! Check for debug output. IF ( KATMD .ne. 0 ) Then WRITE ( 6, 9100 ) 9100 FORMAT (/," Debug output for subroutine ATMG." ) 8 FORMAT(A,3D25.16/(7X,3D25.16)) WRITE(6,8)' CFSTAR ',CFSTAR WRITE(6,8)' CFTOTC ',CFTOTC WRITE(6,8)' TCSTAR ',TCSTAR WRITE(6,8)' TR2000 ',TR2000 write(6,8) ' SITEV ', SITEV write(6,8) ' EARTH ', EARTH write(6,8) ' Earthplus ', Earthplus write(6,8) ' VR ', VR write(6,8) ' STAR ', STAR write(6,8) ' STAR_ABERRATED ', STAR_ABERRATED WRITE(6,8)' ELEV ',ELEV WRITE(6,8)' AZ ',AZ WRITE(6,8)' TAZ ',TAZ WRITE(6,8)' AZQUAD ',AZQUAD WRITE ( 6, 9200 ) R2K, STAR, TCTOCF,TWOPI 9200 FORMAT (1X, "R2K = ", 9 ( 3 ( D30.16, 10X ), /, 1X ), /, 1X, & & "STAR = ", 3 ( D30.16, 4X ), /, 1X, & & "TCTOCF = ", 6 ( 3 ( D30.16, 10X ), /, 1X ),1X, & & "TWOPI = ",D30.16) ! Endif ! RETURN END !************************************************************************ SUBROUTINE ATMGuv (R2K, K_EWNS, EARTH, TCTOCF, SITEV, K_EWNS_ab, & & AZ_ab, EL_ab) Implicit none ! ! ATMGab ! ! ATMGab computes the aberrated source vectors for the E,W,N,S ! offset source unit vectors and their elevation angles. ! ! Calling sequence - ! Input variables: ! 1. R2K(3,3,3) - The complete crust fixed to J2000.0 rotation ! matrix and its first two CT time derivatives. ! (unitless, 1/sec, 1/sec**2) ! 2. K_EWNS(3,4) - The J2000.0 E,W,N,S offset source unit vectors. ! 3. EARTH(3,3) - The SSBC position, velocity and acceleration of ! the Earth. (m,m/s,m/s**2) ! 4. TCTOCF(3,3,2) - The rotation matrix which rotates the ! topocentric reference system to the crust fixed ! geocentric reference system at each observation ! site. (unitless) ! 5. SITEV(3,2) - The J2000.0 geocentric velocity of each site. ! (m/sec) ! Output variables: ! 1. K_EWNS_ab(3,4)- The J2000 source unit vectors with ! aberration applied at each observing site. ! 1. ELEV_ab(4) - The E,W,N,S offset elevation angles corrrected for ! aberration at site 2. (rad) ! 2. AZ_ab(4) - The E,W,N,S offset azimuth angles corrrected for ! aberration at site 2. (rad) ! ! Common blocks used - ! ! INCLUDE 'ccon.i' ! Variables 'from': ! 1. KATMC - The atmosphere module flow control flag. ! 2. KATMD - The atmosphere module debug output flag. ! Include 'cphys11.i' ! Variables from: ! 1. VLIGHT - The speed of light. (m/s) ! ! INCLUDE 'cuser11.i' ! Variables to: ! 1. C_mode - ! INCLUDE 'put2s.i' ! Variables from: ! 1. ELEV(2,2) - The elevation angle of the source corrrected for ! aberration and its CT time derivative at each ! site. (rad,rad/sec) ! 2. AZ(2,2) - The azimuth angle of the source corrrected for ! aberration and its CT time derivative at each ! site. (rad,rad/sec) ! ! ! INCLUDE 'd_input.i' ! Variables from: ! Real*8 PI,TWOPI,HALFPI,CONVD,CONVDS,CONVHS,SECDAY COMMON /CMATH/ PI,TWOPI,HALFPI,CONVD,CONVDS,CONVHS,SECDAY ! Variables 'from' : ! 1. TWOPI - The mathematical constant 2 * PI ! ! Program specifications - Real*8 CFSTAR(3,2), CFTOTC(3,3), R2K(3,3,3), SITLAT(2), & & K_EWNS(3,4), TCSTAR(3,2), TCTOCF(3,3,2), TR2000(3,3,2), & & TAZ(4),K_EWNS_ab(3,4) ! Real*8 DOTP, EARTH(3,3), VR, SITEV(3,2), Earthplus(3) Real*8 Vecmg, starcheck, K_Unit_Aberr(3), Vel_dif(3) Real*8 AZQUAD, AZ_ab(4), EL_ab(4) Integer*4 I, L ! ! ! Program variables - ! 1. CFSTAR(3,2) - The aberratted source unit vector in the crust ! fixed geocentric reference system and its CT ! time derivative. (unitless, 1/sec) ! 2. CFTOTC(3,3) - The 3x3 rotation matrix which rotates the ! geocentric crust fixed reference system to the ! topocentric reference system. (unitless) ! 3. TCSTAR(3,2) - The aberratted source unit vector in the ! topocentric reference system and its CT time ! derivative. ! (unitless, 1/sec) ! 4. TR2000(3,3,2) - The complete J2000.0 to crust fixed rotation ! matrix and its first CT time derivative. ! (unitless, 1/sec) ! 5. TAZ(4) - A temporary array used in the computation of AZ ! (rad) ! 6. AZQUAD - A variable used to force the source azimuth into ! the range 0 to TWOPI rather than -PI to PI. ! 7. VR - Barycentric speed of the Earth in the direction ! of the source. ! ! Programmer: ! May 2016 David Gordon Modified version of Subroutine ATMG. ! ! Write(6,*) ' ATMGuv output: ' ! Write(6,*) ' Az, El: ', AZ(2,1)/CONVD, ELEV(2,1)/CONVD ! ! ATMGuv program structure ! ! Loop four times for the calculation of the elevation and azimuth angles. ! ! Compute the rotation matrix which rotates from the geocentric crust fixed ! system to the topocentric system. CALL MTRAN ( TCTOCF(1,1,2), CFTOTC ) ! Compute the rotation matrix which rotates from the J2000.0 system to the ! geocentric crust fixed system. CALL MTRAN ( R2K(1,1,1), TR2000(1,1,1) ) ! Call Vecad(EARTH(1,2),SITEV(1,2),Earthplus) ! DO L = 1, 4 ! Apply aberration to the J2000 unit vectors. VR = DOTP(K_EWNS(1,L),Earthplus) Do I = 1,3 K_EWNS_ab(I,L) = K_EWNS(I,L) & & + (Earthplus(I) - VR*K_EWNS(I,L)) / VLIGHT Enddo ! ! Normalize to a unit vector Call VUNIT(K_EWNS_ab(1,L), K_Unit_Aberr) ! ! Rotate to the crust fixed system: CALL VECRT (TR2000(1,1,1),K_Unit_Aberr ,CFSTAR(1,1)) ! Rotate to the topocentric system: CALL VECRT (CFTOTC, CFSTAR(1,1), TCSTAR(1,1)) ! ! Compute the aberrated elevation angles. EL_ab(L) = DASIN ( TCSTAR(1,1) ) ! Compute the aberrated azimuth angles. ! ATD: TAZ has been changed to length 4, but it seems that it could be ! a scalar quantity in any case? TAZ(L) = DATAN2(TCSTAR(2,1),TCSTAR(3,1)) AZQUAD = 0.0D0 IF (TAZ(L) .LT. 0.0D0) AZQUAD = TWOPI AZ_ab(L) = TAZ(L) + AZQUAD ! ! Write(6,*) 'L, AZ_ab, EL_ab: ', L, AZ_ab(L)/CONVD, EL_ab(L)/CONVD ! ENDDO ! RETURN END ! !*********************************************************************** SUBROUTINE NFATMuv (R2K, STAR2, TCTOCF, SITEV, STAR12, STAR2_ab, & & AZ_ab, EL_ab ) Implicit none ! ! NFATMG ! ! NFATMG is the geometry section for the near-field atmosphere ! computations. It computes the aberrated source vector and the ! elevation of the aberrated source and its CT time derivative at ! each site. ! ! Calling sequence - ! Input variables: ! 1. R2K(3,3,3) - The complete crust fixed to J2000.0 rotation ! matrix and its first two CT time derivatives. ! (unitless, 1/sec, 1/sec**2) ! 2. STAR2(3,4) - The J2000.0 source unit vector for the East, ! West, North, and South offsets. (unitless) ! 4. TCTOCF(3,3,2) - The rotation matrix which rotates the ! topocentric reference system to the crust fixed ! geocentric reference system at each observation ! site. (unitless) ! 5. SITEV(3,2) - The J2000.0 geocentric velocity of each site. ! (m/sec) ! 6. STAR12(3,2) - The J2000.0 source unit vestors from stations ! 1 and 2. (unitless). For Far-field sources, ! these are the same as STAR(3). ! ! Output variables: ! 1. STAR2_ab(3,4) - The STAR2(3,4) vectors with aberration applied ! at each site #2. ! ! Common blocks used - ! Real*8 SpEWNS(3,4), R1EWNS(3,4), R2EWNS(3,4), R1EWNSmag(4), & & R2EWNSmag(4), STAR12EWNS(3,4,2), STARewns(3,4) Common / NFewns/ SpEWNS, R1EWNS, R2EWNS, R1EWNSmag, R2EWNSmag, & & STAR12EWNS, STARewns ! Include 'cphys11.i' ! Variables from: ! 1. VLIGHT - The speed of light. (m/s) ! !??? INCLUDE 'cobsn11.i' ! Variables from: ! 1. Nzero - Set to 1 or 2 if station 1 or 2 is at the geocenter, ! otherwise equals zero. For correlator usage. ! !??? INCLUDE 'cuser11.i' ! Variables to: ! 1. C_mode - ! INCLUDE 'put2s.i' ! Variables to: ! 1. ELEV(2,2) - The elevation angle of the source corrrected for ! aberration and its CT time derivative at each ! site. (rad,rad/sec) ! 2. AZ(2,2) - The azimuth angle of the source corrrected for ! aberration and its CT time derivative at each ! site. (rad,rad/sec) ! INCLUDE 'd_input.i' ! Variables from: ! 1. ! Real*8 PI,TWOPI,HALFPI,CONVD,CONVDS,CONVHS,SECDAY COMMON /CMATH/ PI,TWOPI,HALFPI,CONVD,CONVDS,CONVHS,SECDAY ! Variables 'from' : ! 1. TWOPI - The mathematical constant 2 * PI ! ! Program specifications - Real*8 CFSTAR(3,2), CFTOTC(3,3), R2K(3,3,3), STAR2(3,4), & & TCSTAR(3,2), TCTOCF(3,3,2), TR2000(3,3,2), TAZ(4,2), & & AZQUAD, STAR2_ab(3,4),STAR12(3,2), SITEV(3,2) Real*8 Vec_ab(3), EL_ab(4), AZ_ab(4), Vel_dif(3) Real*8 DOTP, VR, VECMG Integer*4 I, L ! ! Program variables - ! 1. CFSTAR(3,2) - The aberratted source unit vector in the crust ! fixed geocentric reference system and its CT ! time derivative. (unitless, 1/sec) ! 2. CFTOTC(3,3) - The 3x3 rotation matrix which rotates the ! geocentric crust fixed reference system to the ! topocentric reference system. (unitless) ! 3. TCSTAR(3,2) - The aberratted source unit vector in the ! topocentric reference system and its CT time ! derivative. ! (unitless, 1/sec) ! 4. TR2000(3,3,2) - The complete J2000.0 to crust fixed rotation ! matrix and its first CT time derivative. ! (unitless, 1/sec) ! 5. TAZ(4,2) - A temporary array used in the computation of AZ ! (rad,rad/sec) ! 6. AZQUAD - A variable used to force the source azimuth into ! the range 0 to TWOPI rather than -PI to PI. ! 7. VR - Relative speed of site #2 in the direction ! of the source. ! ! Programmer - David Gordon 27-May-2016 ! ! NFATMuv program structure ! write(6,*) ' *********** NFATMuv *********** ' ! ! Compute the rotation matrix which rotates from the geocentric crust fixed ! system to the topocentric system. CALL MTRAN ( TCTOCF(1,1,2), CFTOTC ) ! Compute the rotation matrix which rotates from the J2000.0 system to the ! geocentric crust fixed system. CALL MTRAN ( R2K(1,1,1), TR2000(1,1,1) ) ! ! Calculate the elevation and azimuth angles for the 4 offset positions Do L = 1, 4 ! East, West, North, South offsets ! ! Apply aberration to the J2000 unit vectors at site 2. The near-field object's ! velocity is geocentric, so we do not include the Earth's SSB velocity. Call VECSB (SITEV(1,2), SPvxyz, Vel_dif) ! VR = DOTP(STAR2(1,L),Vel_dif ) VR = DOTP(STAR12EWNS(1,L,2),Vel_dif ) ! Do I = 1,3 ! Vec_ab(I) = STAR2(I,L) + (Vel_dif(I) - VR*STAR2(I,L)) / VLIGHT Vec_ab(I) = STAR12EWNS(I,L,2) + (Vel_dif(I) - & & VR*STAR12EWNS(I,L,2)) / VLIGHT Enddo Call VUNIT(Vec_ab, Star2_ab(1,L)) ! ! Write (6,*) 'L, STAR2 ', L, STAR2(1,L), STAR2(2,L), STAR2(3,L) ! Write (6,*) 'L, STAR2_ab ', L, STAR2_ab(1,L), STAR2_ab(2,L), STAR2_ab(3,L) ! ! Rotate to the crust fixed system: CALL VECRT (TR2000(1,1,1),STAR2_ab(1,L),CFSTAR(1,1)) ! Rotate to the topocentric system: CALL VECRT (CFTOTC, CFSTAR(1,1), TCSTAR(1,1)) ! ! Compute the elevation angle of the aberrated source. EL_ab(L) = DASIN ( TCSTAR(1,1) ) ! Compute the azimuth angle of the aberrated source. ! ATD: TAZ has been changed to length 4, but it seems that it could be ! a scalar quantity in any case? TAZ(L,1) = DATAN2(TCSTAR(2,1),TCSTAR(3,1)) AZQUAD = 0.0D0 IF (TAZ(L,1) .LT. 0.0D0) AZQUAD = TWOPI AZ_ab(L) = TAZ(L,1) + AZQUAD ! Enddo ! ! Write (6,*) 'AZ, ELEV ', AZ(2,1), ELEV(2,1) ! Do L=1,4 ! Write (6,*) 'L, AZ_ab, EL_ab ', L, AZ_ab(L), EL_ab(L) ! Enddo ! ! STOP ! RETURN END ! !*********************************************************************** SUBROUTINE GMF11 (epoch, dlat, dlon, dhgt, el, gmfh, gmfw) ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! Modified version of gmf.f from Vienna Technical University. ! Converted to Fortran 90 at GFSC, 2015-OCT-19 -DG- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! ! This subroutine determines the Global Mapping Functions GMF ! ! Reference: Boehm, J., A.E. Niell, P. Tregoning, H. Schuh (2006), ! Global Mapping Functions (GMF): A new empirical mapping function ! based on numerical weather model data, ! Geoph. Res. Letters, Vol. 33, L07304, doi:10.1029/2005GL025545. ! ! input data ! ---------- ! dmjd: modified julian date ! dlat: ellipsoidal latitude in radians ! dlon: longitude in radians ! dhgt: height in m ! zd: zenith distance in radians ! ! output data ! ----------- ! gmfh: hydrostatic mapping function ! gmfw: wet mapping function ! ! Johannes Boehm, 2005 August 30 ! Rev. Boehm 21 July 2011: latitude -> ellipsoidal latitude ! Implicit None ! Real*8 epoch, el, dmjd,dlat,dlon,dhgt,zd,gmfh(2),gmfw(2) Real*8 dfac(20),P(10,10),aP(55),bP(55), & & ah_mean(55),bh_mean(55),ah_amp(55),bh_amp(55), & & aw_mean(55),bw_mean(55),aw_amp(55),bw_amp(55) Real*8 T, DOY, bh, c0h, phh, c11h, c10h, ch, ahm, aha, ah, & & sine, beta, gamma, topcon, a_ht, b_ht, c_ht, hs_km, & & ht_corr_coef, ht_corr, bw, cw, awm, awa, aw, sum Real*8 d_sine, d_beta, d_gamma, d_ht_corr_coef, d_ht_corr Integer*4 I, J, K, N, M, IR ! Real*8 PI,TWOPI,HALFPI,CONVD,CONVDS,CONVHS,SECDAY COMMON /CMATH/ PI,TWOPI,HALFPI,CONVD,CONVDS,CONVHS,SECDAY ! data (ah_mean(i),i=1,55)/ & &+1.2517d+02, +8.503d-01, +6.936d-02, -6.760d+00, +1.771d-01, & & +1.130d-02, +5.963d-01, +1.808d-02, +2.801d-03, -1.414d-03, & & -1.212d+00, +9.300d-02, +3.683d-03, +1.095d-03, +4.671d-05, & & +3.959d-01, -3.867d-02, +5.413d-03, -5.289d-04, +3.229d-04, & & +2.067d-05, +3.000d-01, +2.031d-02, +5.900d-03, +4.573d-04, & & -7.619d-05, +2.327d-06, +3.845d-06, +1.182d-01, +1.158d-02, & & +5.445d-03, +6.219d-05, +4.204d-06, -2.093d-06, +1.540d-07, & & -4.280d-08, -4.751d-01, -3.490d-02, +1.758d-03, +4.019d-04, & & -2.799d-06, -1.287d-06, +5.468d-07, +7.580d-08, -6.300d-09, & & -1.160d-01, +8.301d-03, +8.771d-04, +9.955d-05, -1.718d-06, & & -2.012d-06, +1.170d-08, +1.790d-08, -1.300d-09, +1.000d-10/ ! data (bh_mean(i),i=1,55)/ & & +0.000d+00, +0.000d+00, +3.249d-02, +0.000d+00, +3.324d-02, & & +1.850d-02, +0.000d+00, -1.115d-01, +2.519d-02, +4.923d-03, & & +0.000d+00, +2.737d-02, +1.595d-02, -7.332d-04, +1.933d-04, & & +0.000d+00, -4.796d-02, +6.381d-03, -1.599d-04, -3.685d-04, & & +1.815d-05, +0.000d+00, +7.033d-02, +2.426d-03, -1.111d-03, & & -1.357d-04, -7.828d-06, +2.547d-06, +0.000d+00, +5.779d-03, & & +3.133d-03, -5.312d-04, -2.028d-05, +2.323d-07, -9.100d-08, & & -1.650d-08, +0.000d+00, +3.688d-02, -8.638d-04, -8.514d-05, & & -2.828d-05, +5.403d-07, +4.390d-07, +1.350d-08, +1.800d-09, & & +0.000d+00, -2.736d-02, -2.977d-04, +8.113d-05, +2.329d-07, & & +8.451d-07, +4.490d-08, -8.100d-09, -1.500d-09, +2.000d-10/ ! data (ah_amp(i),i=1,55)/ & & -2.738d-01, -2.837d+00, +1.298d-02, -3.588d-01, +2.413d-02, & & +3.427d-02, -7.624d-01, +7.272d-02, +2.160d-02, -3.385d-03, & & +4.424d-01, +3.722d-02, +2.195d-02, -1.503d-03, +2.426d-04, & & +3.013d-01, +5.762d-02, +1.019d-02, -4.476d-04, +6.790d-05, & & +3.227d-05, +3.123d-01, -3.535d-02, +4.840d-03, +3.025d-06, & & -4.363d-05, +2.854d-07, -1.286d-06, -6.725d-01, -3.730d-02, & & +8.964d-04, +1.399d-04, -3.990d-06, +7.431d-06, -2.796d-07, & & -1.601d-07, +4.068d-02, -1.352d-02, +7.282d-04, +9.594d-05, & & +2.070d-06, -9.620d-08, -2.742d-07, -6.370d-08, -6.300d-09, & & +8.625d-02, -5.971d-03, +4.705d-04, +2.335d-05, +4.226d-06, & & +2.475d-07, -8.850d-08, -3.600d-08, -2.900d-09, +0.000d+00/ ! data (bh_amp(i),i=1,55)/ & & +0.000d+00, +0.000d+00, -1.136d-01, +0.000d+00, -1.868d-01, & & -1.399d-02, +0.000d+00, -1.043d-01, +1.175d-02, -2.240d-03, & & +0.000d+00, -3.222d-02, +1.333d-02, -2.647d-03, -2.316d-05, & & +0.000d+00, +5.339d-02, +1.107d-02, -3.116d-03, -1.079d-04, & & -1.299d-05, +0.000d+00, +4.861d-03, +8.891d-03, -6.448d-04, & & -1.279d-05, +6.358d-06, -1.417d-07, +0.000d+00, +3.041d-02, & & +1.150d-03, -8.743d-04, -2.781d-05, +6.367d-07, -1.140d-08, & & -4.200d-08, +0.000d+00, -2.982d-02, -3.000d-03, +1.394d-05, & & -3.290d-05, -1.705d-07, +7.440d-08, +2.720d-08, -6.600d-09, & & +0.000d+00, +1.236d-02, -9.981d-04, -3.792d-05, -1.355d-05, & & +1.162d-06, -1.789d-07, +1.470d-08, -2.400d-09, -4.000d-10/ ! data (aw_mean(i),i=1,55)/ & & +5.640d+01, +1.555d+00, -1.011d+00, -3.975d+00, +3.171d-02, & & +1.065d-01, +6.175d-01, +1.376d-01, +4.229d-02, +3.028d-03, & & +1.688d+00, -1.692d-01, +5.478d-02, +2.473d-02, +6.059d-04, & & +2.278d+00, +6.614d-03, -3.505d-04, -6.697d-03, +8.402d-04, & & +7.033d-04, -3.236d+00, +2.184d-01, -4.611d-02, -1.613d-02, & & -1.604d-03, +5.420d-05, +7.922d-05, -2.711d-01, -4.406d-01, & & -3.376d-02, -2.801d-03, -4.090d-04, -2.056d-05, +6.894d-06, & & +2.317d-06, +1.941d+00, -2.562d-01, +1.598d-02, +5.449d-03, & & +3.544d-04, +1.148d-05, +7.503d-06, -5.667d-07, -3.660d-08, & & +8.683d-01, -5.931d-02, -1.864d-03, -1.277d-04, +2.029d-04, & & +1.269d-05, +1.629d-06, +9.660d-08, -1.015d-07, -5.000d-10/ ! data (bw_mean(i),i=1,55)/ & & +0.000d+00, +0.000d+00, +2.592d-01, +0.000d+00, +2.974d-02, & & -5.471d-01, +0.000d+00, -5.926d-01, -1.030d-01, -1.567d-02, & & +0.000d+00, +1.710d-01, +9.025d-02, +2.689d-02, +2.243d-03, & & +0.000d+00, +3.439d-01, +2.402d-02, +5.410d-03, +1.601d-03, & & +9.669d-05, +0.000d+00, +9.502d-02, -3.063d-02, -1.055d-03, & & -1.067d-04, -1.130d-04, +2.124d-05, +0.000d+00, -3.129d-01, & & +8.463d-03, +2.253d-04, +7.413d-05, -9.376d-05, -1.606d-06, & & +2.060d-06, +0.000d+00, +2.739d-01, +1.167d-03, -2.246d-05, & & -1.287d-04, -2.438d-05, -7.561d-07, +1.158d-06, +4.950d-08, & & +0.000d+00, -1.344d-01, +5.342d-03, +3.775d-04, -6.756d-05, & & -1.686d-06, -1.184d-06, +2.768d-07, +2.730d-08, +5.700d-09/ ! data (aw_amp(i),i=1,55)/ & & +1.023d-01, -2.695d+00, +3.417d-01, -1.405d-01, +3.175d-01, & & +2.116d-01, +3.536d+00, -1.505d-01, -1.660d-02, +2.967d-02, & & +3.819d-01, -1.695d-01, -7.444d-02, +7.409d-03, -6.262d-03, & & -1.836d+00, -1.759d-02, -6.256d-02, -2.371d-03, +7.947d-04, & & +1.501d-04, -8.603d-01, -1.360d-01, -3.629d-02, -3.706d-03, & & -2.976d-04, +1.857d-05, +3.021d-05, +2.248d+00, -1.178d-01, & & +1.255d-02, +1.134d-03, -2.161d-04, -5.817d-06, +8.836d-07, & & -1.769d-07, +7.313d-01, -1.188d-01, +1.145d-02, +1.011d-03, & & +1.083d-04, +2.570d-06, -2.140d-06, -5.710d-08, +2.000d-08, & & -1.632d+00, -6.948d-03, -3.893d-03, +8.592d-04, +7.577d-05, & & +4.539d-06, -3.852d-07, -2.213d-07, -1.370d-08, +5.800d-09/ ! data (bw_amp(i),i=1,55)/ & & +0.000d+00, +0.000d+00, -8.865d-02, +0.000d+00, -4.309d-01, & & +6.340d-02, +0.000d+00, +1.162d-01, +6.176d-02, -4.234d-03, & & +0.000d+00, +2.530d-01, +4.017d-02, -6.204d-03, +4.977d-03, & & +0.000d+00, -1.737d-01, -5.638d-03, +1.488d-04, +4.857d-04, & & -1.809d-04, +0.000d+00, -1.514d-01, -1.685d-02, +5.333d-03, & & -7.611d-05, +2.394d-05, +8.195d-06, +0.000d+00, +9.326d-02, & & -1.275d-02, -3.071d-04, +5.374d-05, -3.391d-05, -7.436d-06, & & +6.747d-07, +0.000d+00, -8.637d-02, -3.807d-03, -6.833d-04, & & -3.861d-05, -2.268d-05, +1.454d-06, +3.860d-07, -1.068d-07, & & +0.000d+00, -2.658d-02, -1.947d-03, +7.131d-04, -3.506d-05, & & +1.885d-07, +5.792d-07, +3.990d-08, +2.000d-08, -5.700d-09/ ! dmjd = epoch - 2400000.5D0 zd = HALFPI - el ! ! reference day is 28 January ! this is taken from Niell (1996) to be consistent doy = dmjd - 44239.d0 + 1 - 28 ! ! parameter t t = dsin(dlat) ! ! degree n and order m n = 9 m = 9 ! ! determine n! (faktorielle) moved by 1 dfac(1) = 1 do i = 1,(2*n + 1) dfac(i+1) = dfac(i)*i end do ! ! determine Legendre functions (Heiskanen and Moritz, Physical Geodesy, ! 1967, eq. 1-62) do i = 0,n do j = 0,min(i,m) ir = int((i - j)/2) sum = 0 do k = 0,ir sum = sum + (-1)**k*dfac(2*i - 2*k + 1)/dfac(k + 1)/ & & dfac(i - k + 1)/dfac(i - j - 2*k + 1)*t**(i - j - 2*k) end do ! Legendre functions moved by 1 P(i + 1,j + 1) = 1.d0/2**i*dsqrt((1 - t**2)**(j))*sum end do end do ! ! spherical harmonics i = 0 do n = 0,9 do m = 0,n i = i + 1 aP(i) = P(n+1,m+1)*dcos(m*dlon) bP(i) = P(n+1,m+1)*dsin(m*dlon) end do end do ! ! hydrostatic bh = 0.0029 c0h = 0.062 if ( then ! southern hemisphere phh = pi c11h = 0.007 c10h = 0.002 else ! northern hemisphere phh = 0 c11h = 0.005 c10h = 0.001 end if ch = c0h + ((dcos(doy/365.25d0*2*pi + phh)+1)*c11h/2 + c10h)* & & (1-dcos(dlat)) ! ahm = 0.d0 aha = 0.d0 do i = 1,55 ahm = ahm + (ah_mean(i)*aP(i) + bh_mean(i)*bP(i))*1d-5 aha = aha + (ah_amp(i) *aP(i) + bh_amp(i) *bP(i))*1d-5 end do ah = ahm + aha*dcos(doy/365.25d0*2.d0*pi) ! ! sine = dsin(pi/2 - zd) sine = dsin(el) ! DG mod d_sine = dcos(el) ! derivative of sine wrt elevation beta = bh/( sine + ch ) d_beta = -(bh * d_sine)/(sine + ch)**2 ! derivative of beta wrt elev gamma = ah/( sine + beta) d_gamma = -(ah * (d_sine+d_beta))/(sine + beta)**2 topcon = (1.d0 + ah/(1.d0 + bh/(1.d0 + ch))) gmfh(1)= topcon/(sine+gamma) gmfh(2)= -(topcon*(d_sine+d_gamma))/(sine+gamma)**2 !derivative wrt elev ! ! height correction for hydrostatic mapping function from Niell (1996) a_ht = 2.53d-5 b_ht = 5.49d-3 c_ht = 1.14d-3 hs_km = dhgt/1000.d0 ! beta = b_ht/( sine + c_ht ) d_beta = -(b_ht*d_sine)/(sine + c_ht)**2 ! derivative of beta wrt elev gamma = a_ht/( sine + beta) d_gamma = -(a_ht*(d_sine+d_beta))/(sine+beta)**2 topcon = (1.d0 + a_ht/(1.d0 + b_ht/(1.d0 + c_ht))) ht_corr_coef = 1.d0/sine - topcon/(sine + gamma) d_ht_corr_coef = -d_sine/sine**2 + topcon*(d_sine+d_gamma)/(sine+gamma)**2 ht_corr = ht_corr_coef * hs_km d_ht_corr = d_ht_corr_coef * hs_km gmfh(1) = gmfh(1) + ht_corr gmfh(2) = gmfh(2) + d_ht_corr ! ! wet bw = 0.00146 cw = 0.04391 ! awm = 0.d0 awa = 0.d0 do i = 1,55 awm = awm + (aw_mean(i)*aP(i) + bw_mean(i)*bP(i))*1d-5 awa = awa + (aw_amp(i) *aP(i) + bw_amp(i) *bP(i))*1d-5 end do aw = awm + awa*dcos(doy/365.25d0*2*pi) ! beta = bw/( sine + cw ) d_beta = -(bw*d_sine)/(sine + cw)**2 gamma = aw/( sine + beta) d_gamma = -(aw*(d_sine+d_beta))/(sine+beta)**2 topcon = (1.d0 + aw/(1.d0 + bw/(1.d0 + cw))) gmfw(1) = topcon/(sine+gamma) gmfw(2) = -(topcon*(d_sine+d_gamma))/(sine+gamma)**2 ! Return End !*********************************************************************** Subroutine EWNS_atmC (gmfh,gmfw, EL_ab, Datmc_h_EWNS,Datmc_w_EWNS) Implicit none ! ! Finds the dry and wet atmosphere delays at the East, West, North ! and South source offsets. For use in computing (U,V) using the ! partial derivatives method. ! Real*8 gmfh(2), gmfw(2), Datmc_h_EWNS(4), Datmc_w_EWNS(4), & & EL_ab(4) Real*8 Datmc_h, Datmc_w Integer*4 I ! ! Common blocks used - ! Real*8 RF(2), RTRACE(2), wetcon(2), Datmp_hmf(2,2), & & Datmp_wmf(2,2), Zen_dry(2,2), Zen_wet(2,2), Ngrad(2,2,2) COMMON /ATMCM/ RF, RTRACE, wetcon, Datmp_hmf, Datmp_wmf, Zen_dry, & & Zen_wet, Ngrad ! Variables 'from': ! 1. Zen_dry(2,2)- Dry (hydrostatic) zenith delay (meters), and its ! rate of change (m/sec) from Niell. First index runs ! over sites, second runs over delay and rate. ! 2. Zen_wet(2,2)- Wet zenith delay (meters), and its rate of change ! (m/sec) from Niell. First index runs over sites, ! second runs over delay and rate. ! INCLUDE 'put2s.i' ! Variables from: ! 1. ELEV(2,2) - The elevation angle of the source corrrected for ! aberration and its CT time derivative at each ! site. (rad,rad/sec) ! Real*8 PI,TWOPI,HALFPI,CONVD,CONVDS,CONVHS,SECDAY COMMON /CMATH/ PI,TWOPI,HALFPI,CONVD,CONVDS,CONVHS,SECDAY ! ! Datmc_h = gmfh(1) * Zen_dry(2,1) Datmc_w = gmfw(1) * Zen_wet(2,1) Do I = 1, 4 Datmc_h_EWNS(I) = Datmc_h + (EL_ab(I) - ELEV(2,1)) * gmfh(2) * & & Zen_dry(2,1) Datmc_w_EWNS(I) = Datmc_w + (EL_ab(I) - ELEV(2,1)) * gmfw(2) * & & Zen_wet(2,1) Enddo ! ! write(6,*) 'EWNS: ', ELEV(2,1)/CONVD, Datmc_h, Datmc_w ! write(6,*) 'E: ', EL_ab(1)/CONVD, Datmc_h_EWNS(1), Datmc_w_EWNS(1) ! write(6,*) 'W: ', EL_ab(2)/CONVD, Datmc_h_EWNS(2), Datmc_w_EWNS(2) ! write(6,*) 'N: ', EL_ab(3)/CONVD, Datmc_h_EWNS(3), Datmc_w_EWNS(3) ! write(6,*) 'S: ', EL_ab(4)/CONVD, Datmc_h_EWNS(4), Datmc_w_EWNS(4) ! Return End