#!/usr/bin/env python3 #************************************************************************** # Copyright (C) 2014-2019 by Walter Brisken * # * # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * # (at your option) any later version. * # * # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * # GNU General Public License for more details. * # * # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * # along with this program; if not, write to the * # Free Software Foundation, Inc., * # 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * #************************************************************************** # Note: this utility can run under python2.7 or python3 from sys import argv, exit from math import * from os import popen import gzip from pylab import np, plot, show, scatter, xlabel, ylabel, title, axes, savefig program = 'plotpcal2' author = 'Walter Brisken ' version = '0.4' legalOps = ['amp', 'phase', 'delay', 'xy', 'ampphase'] def usage(prog): print('\n%s ver. %s %s\n' % (program, version, author)) print('Usage: %s [options] operation toneSelections dataFiles\n' % prog) print('Some more details are at: https://www.atnf.csiro.au/vlbi/dokuwiki/doku.php/difx/plotpcal\n') print('or by running %s --doc' % prog) documentation = ''' plotpcal2 is packaged the difx2fits package. It was introduced with DiFX-2.4 and currently only operates on DiFX output from DiFX-2.4 and later. It allows plotting of DiFX-extracted pulse cal tones in a number of ways. The program gets its input from the command line. The general structure of a command line is: plotpcal2 [options] [operation] [tone selection] [data] This utility is distributed within the difx2fits package. [options] will eventually be more useful, but currently the only things it can support are: -lines -combinefiles which replaces the scatter plot with a line plot [operation] chooses what calculation to perform. Currently there are 4 options: phase plot the phase of the tone(s) vs. time amp plot the amplitude of the tone(s) vs. time xy plot the real part vs. imag part ampphase plot the amplitude of the tone(s) vs. their phase delay plot the delay as determined by differencing phases of 2 tones [tone selection] is where things get complicated. For the first three operations, where a single tone is considered at a time the following syntax is currently supported. One or more of these can be included on the command line and they can be of different kinds. The operations that these are relevant for are amp, phase and xy. rt=x,y "Record Channel Tone" x is the record baseband channel (0-based) y is the tone number in that baseband channel (0-based) rf=x,y "Record Channel Freq" x is the record baseband channel (0-based) y is the frequency (MHz) of the desired tone f=x "Frequency" x is the frequency (MHz) of the desired tone(s) Note: more than one tone may match. They will be orderd by record channel f=%x "Frequency mod x" Select all tones from all recorded channels where frequency mod x = 0 (MHz) r=x "Record channel" x is the record baseband channel (0-based) Note: all tones in that channel will be selected. Usually for USB the tones will be in order of inceasing frequency and for LSB the tones will be in order of decreasing frequency t=x "Tone number" x is the tone number in that baseband channel (0-based) For all record channels, tone x will be selected. The ordering is by record number (starting with 0) For the delay operation two tones are differenced. They must come from the same record baseband channel. The following tone selections can be used: rt=x,y,z "Record channel, tone 1, tone 2" x is the record baseband channel (0-based) y is one tone from that record band (0-based) z is the other tone from that record band (0-based) Delay is calculated from (Phi(tone1)-Phi(tone2))/(Freq(tone1)-Freq(tone2)) rt=x,ends "Extreme channels from one record channel" x is the record baseband channel (0-based) Selected tones are the highest and lowest frequency tones from the band. Sometimes this is not good because tones near the edge of the band can be corrupted by filter response / aliasing. rt=x,good "Channels near the end of one record channel" x is the record baseband channel (0-based) Selected channels try to be 1/8 of the band away from the edge frequency when possible. rt=x,pairs "Select pairs of channels across one record channel" x is the record baseband channel (0-based) For a channel with nTone tones, form nTone/2 delays by considering first and second tones for first delay, third and fourth for second delay, ... t=x,y "Tone 1 and Tone 2 from all channels" Like rt=x,y,z but for all record channels. Will produce nChannel delays ordered by record channel number. t=ends "Extreme channels from all record channels" Like rt=x,ends but for all channels. Will produce nChannel delays ordered by record channel number. t=good "Channels near the end of all record channels" Like rt=x,good, but for all channels. Will produce nChannel delays ordered by record channel number. [data] is a list of DiFX derived pulse cal data. When produced thay come from the .difx/ directories produced by DiFX. There will be a separate file per antenna per job. When plotpcal is run it first sorts data by antenna name and makes one plot per antenna using the python matplotlib plotting package. All standard matplotlib features are available. Example ------- First grab some data (or use data you collected yourself) Amplitude of a single tone (record channel 2, tone 0) plotpcal amp rt=2,0 *.difx/PCAL* Things to note: first sample is low, then three pairs of scans, each pair being a 5 MHz spacing followed by a 1 MHz spacing. 5 MHz spacing should have 5 times the voltage (as plotted) or 25x the power. Note: there are two stations: HN and SC. When you close the first (HN) window, a second window will appear shortly for SC. Kill that to end the program. Note: you can zoom, # Amp of 2 tones: plotpcal amp rt=2,0 rt=4,0 *.difx/PCAL* Amp of 2 tones (but only one tone for the 5 MHz mode): plotpcal amp rt=2,0 rt=4,2 *.difx/PCAL* Phase of 2 tones: plotpcal phase rt=2,0 rt=2,1 *.difx/PCAL* Note: tone 0 and tone 1 differ in actual frequency between two setups. Phase of 2 tones on 5 MHz steps plotpcal phase rf=0,%5 *.difx/PCAL* Plot re vs im for all tones for one record band plotpcal xy r=5 *.difx/PCAL* Plot one delay for each record channel plotpcal delay t=good *.difx/PCAL* Note how much more precise (factor of 5ish) the 5 MHz pulse cals are! Except for 2 baseband channels from HN (cyan on top and magenta on bottom, corresponding to record channels 6 and 7), delays from a single IF match well, as expected. The mismatch here is curious. ''' class Tone: def __init__(self, recBand, toneNum, freq, re, im): self.recBand = recBand self.toneNum = toneNum self.freq = freq self.re = re self.im = im def amp(self): return sqrt(self.re*self.re + self.im*self.im) def phase(self): return atan2(self.im, self.re) class Record: # all tones for one time from one file def __init__(self, mjd, tones): self.mjd = mjd self.tones = tones def getRecBands(self): rbs = [] def getFreqs(self): freqs = [] for t in self.tones: freqs.append(t.freq) return freqs class File: def __init__(self, filename): s = filename.strip().split(':') self.filename = s[-1] if len(s) > 1: self.antenna = s[0] else: self.antenna = None self.pcalVersion = None # file version self.records = [] self.mjdStart = 0.0 self.mjdStop = 0.0 self.load() self.index() self.section = '0' def index(self): self.tonesInRecBand = {} # number of tones in recBand of given index for r in self.records[0].tones: if r.recBand in self.tonesInRecBand: self.tonesInRecBand[r.recBand] += 1 else: self.tonesInRecBand[r.recBand] = 1 self.toneKeys = sorted(self.tonesInRecBand.keys()) self.nRecBand = len(self.tonesInRecBand) self.totalTones = len(self.records[0].tones) self.mjdStart = self.records[0].mjd self.mjdStop = self.records[-1].mjd def split(self, maxGapSec): maxGapDay = maxGapSec/86400.0 breaks = [] freqs = self.records[0].getFreqs() lastmjd = self.records[0].mjd for r in range(1, len(self.records)): fq = self.records[r].getFreqs() mjd = self.records[r].mjd if fq != freqs or mjd > lastmjd + maxGapDay: breaks.append(r) freqs = fq lastmjd = mjd breaks.append(len(self.records)) if len(breaks) == 1: return [self] else: sections = [] s = 0 secNum = 0 for b in breaks: nf = File(self.filename) nf.antenna = self.antenna nf.pcalVersion = self.pcalVersion nf.records = self.records[s:b] nf.index() nf.section = self.section + '.%d' % secNum sections.append(nf) s = b secNum += 1 return sections def quack(self, skip): self.records = self.records[skip:] self.index() def average(self, aveSec): pass def __lt__(self, other): return self.mjdStart < other.mjdStart def summary(self): print('Data file:') print(' File = %s' % self.filename) print(' Section = %s' % self.section) if self.antenna != None: print(' Antenna = %s' % self.antenna) else: print(' No antenna specified') if self.pcalVersion != None: print(' Pcal file version = %d' % self.pcalVersion) else: print(' Weird: no Pcal version determined!') print(' Num records = %d' % len(self.records)) print(' Time range: %14.8f to %14.8f' % (self.mjdStart, self.mjdStop)) print(' Tone counts: ', self.tonesInRecBand) def load(self): # here choose how to load based on extension if self.filename[-3:] == '.gz': raw = gzip.open(self.filename).readlines() elif self.filename[-3:] == '.xz': raw = popen('xzcat %s' % self.filename).readlines() else: raw = open(self.filename).readlines() extracts = {} # dictionary; text of MJD is key for r in raw: s = r.strip().split() if len(s) < 1: continue if self.pcalVersion == None: if r[:17] == '# File version = ': self.pcalVersion = int(r[17:]) mjdColumn = 1 extraColumns = 6 columnsPerTone = 4 dbeColumn = -1 recBandColumn = -1 freqColumn = 0 toneColumn = 2 elif r[0] != '#': if len(s[0]) > 5: # not versioned / from Xcube self.pcalVersion = -1 mjdColumn = 0 extraColumns = 4 columnsPerTone = 7 recBandColumn = 3 dbeColumn = 2 freqColumn = 6 toneColumn = 0 else: self.pcalVersion = 0 mjdColumn = 1 extraColumns = 9 columnsPerTone = 4 dbeColumn = -1 recBandColumn = 0 freqColumn = 1 toneColumn = 2 if r[0] == '#': continue if self.pcalVersion != -1 and self.antenna == None: self.antenna = s[0] if self.pcalVersion != None: if s[0] in extracts: record = extracts[s[mjdColumn]] else: extracts[s[mjdColumn]] = [] record = extracts[s[mjdColumn]] mjd = float(s[mjdColumn]) totalTones = (len(s)-extraColumns)/columnsPerTone lastRB = -1 toneNum = 0 if self.pcalVersion == 1: tonesPerRecBand = int(s[5]) for t in range(totalTones): i = t*columnsPerTone + extraColumns if self.pcalVersion == 1: rb = t/tonesPerRecBand else: rb = int(s[i+recBandColumn]) if dbeColumn >= 0: rb += 100*int(s[i+dbeColumn]) if lastRB != rb: lastRB = rb toneNum = 0 freq = float(s[i+freqColumn]) if rb >= 0 and freq >= 0: record.append(Tone(rb, toneNum, freq, float(s[i+toneColumn]), float(s[i+toneColumn+1]))) toneNum += 1 keys = sorted(extracts.keys()) for k in keys: self.records.append(Record(float(k), extracts[k])) # returns: op, toneSelect, files, options def parseCommandLine(): op = None toneSelect = [] fileList = [] options = {} options['verbose'] = 1 options['subday'] = 1 options['minsectionsize'] = 10 options['maxgap'] = 10 # seconds options['average'] = 6 # seconds options['timeunits'] = 'Hours' options['quack'] = 1 for a in argv[1:]: if a[0] == '-': # this is an option if a in ['-h', '--help']: usage(argv[0]) exit(0) elif a == '--doc': print(documentation) exit(0) elif a in ['-v', '--verbose']: options['verbose'] += 1 elif a in ['-q', '--quiet']: options['verbose'] -= 1 elif a in ['-d1']: options['subday'] = 1 elif a in ['-d2']: options['subday'] = 2 else: if len(a) > 2 and a[1] == '-': options[a[2:]] = 1 else: options[a[1:]] = 1 elif '=' in a: # this is a tone selector toneSelect.append(a) elif op == None: op = a else: fileList.append(a) die = False if len(fileList) == 0: print('Error: no data files provided') die = True if len(toneSelect) == 0: print('Error: no tone selection') die = True if op == None: print('Error: operation not specified') die = True elif not op in legalOps: print('Error: operation must be one of ', legalOps) die = True if die: print('\nRun with --help or --doc for more info\n') exit(0) if options['verbose'] > 1: print('op = %s' % op) print('toneSection =', toneSelect) print('data files =', fileList) print('options =', options) return op, toneSelect, fileList, options def antList(fileData): antennas = [] for f in fileData: if not f.antenna in antennas: antennas.append(f.antenna) antennas.sort() return antennas def appendAntennaData(fileData, A, D): for f in fileData: if f.antenna == A: D.append(f) D.sort() return D def getAntennaData(fileData, A): D = [] D = appendAntennaData(fileData, A, D) return D def calculateAmplitudes(plotData, row, rec, toneColumns): plotData[0][row] = rec.mjd for i in range(len(toneColumns)): plotData[i+1][row] = rec.tones[toneColumns[i]].amp() def calculatePhases(plotData, row, rec, toneColumns): plotData[0][row] = rec.mjd for i in range(len(toneColumns)): plotData[i+1][row] = rec.tones[toneColumns[i]].phase() def calculateComplex(plotDataX, plotDataY, row, rec, toneColumns): for i in range(len(toneColumns)): plotDataX[i][row] = rec.tones[toneColumns[i]].re plotDataY[i][row] = rec.tones[toneColumns[i]].im def calculateAmpPhase(plotDataX, plotDataY, row, rec, toneColumns): for i in range(len(toneColumns)): plotDataX[i][row] = rec.tones[toneColumns[i]].amp() plotDataY[i][row] = rec.tones[toneColumns[i]].phase() # in units of picoseconds def calculateDelays(plotData, row, rec, toneColumns): plotData[0][row] = rec.mjd for i in range(len(toneColumns)): tone1 = rec.tones[toneColumns[i][0]] tone2 = rec.tones[toneColumns[i][1]] df = tone1.freq-tone2.freq plotData[i+1][row] = 1.0e6*(tone1.phase()-tone2.phase())/(2*pi*df) def unwrapPhases(phaseData): lastPhase = phaseData[0] for i in range(1, len(phaseData)): while phaseData[i] > lastPhase+pi: phaseData[i] -= 2*pi while phaseData[i] < lastPhase-pi: phaseData[i] += 2*pi lastPhase = phaseData[i] def unwrapDelays(delayData, ambig): lastDelay = 0 for i in range(len(delayData)): while delayData[i] > lastDelay + ambig/2: delayData[i] -= ambig while delayData[i] < lastDelay - ambig/2: delayData[i] += ambig lastDelay = delayData[i] def getOneToneColumns(toneSelect, d): columns = [] record = d.records[0] for ts in toneSelect: tss = ts.split('=') if tss[0] == 'rt': # look for specific tone number. Should be unambiguous cd = tss[1].split(',') # column identifying data rbi = int(cd[0]) # rec band (0 based) if rbi < 0: rbi += d.nRecBand if rbi < 0 or rbi >= d.nRecBand: print('selection %s is invalid for %s section %s. Skipping.' % (ts, d.filename, d.section)) continue rb = d.toneKeys[rbi] tn = int(cd[1]) # tone num if tn < 0: # negative number means count from back, python style tn += d.tonesInRecBand[rbi] if tn < 0 or tn >= d.tonesInRecBand[rbi]: print('selection %s is invalid for %s section %s. Skipping.' % (ts, d.filename, d.section)) continue for t in range(d.totalTones): tone = record.tones[t] if tone.recBand == rb and tone.toneNum == tn: columns.append(t) elif tss[0] == 'rf': # look for frequency within a specific record band. Should be unambiguous cd = tss[1].split(',') # column identifying data rbi = int(cd[0]) # rec band (0 based) if rbi < 0: rbi += d.nRecBand if rbi < 0 or rbi >= d.nRecBand: print('selection %s is invalid for %s section %s. Skipping.' % (ts, d.filename, d.section)) continue rb = d.toneKeys[rbi] if cd[1][0] == '%': # freq modulo this amount, not absolute freq fq = float(cd[1][1:]) # freq (MHz) for t in range(d.totalTones): tone = record.tones[t] if tone.recBand == rb and tone.freq % fq == 0: columns.append(t) else: # absolute frequency fq = float(cd[1]) # freq (MHz) for t in range(d.totalTones): tone = record.tones[t] if tone.recBand == rb and tone.freq ==fq: columns.append(t) elif tss[0] == 'f': # look for specific frequency. There could be many cd = tss[1].split(',') # column identifying data for c in cd: if c[0] == '%': # freq modulo this amount, not absolute freq fq = float(c[1:]) # freq (MHz) for t in range(d.totalTones): tone = record.tones[t] if tone.freq % fq == 0: columns.append(t) else: # absolute frequency fq = float(c) # freq (MHz) for t in range(d.totalTones): tone = record.tones[t] if tone.freq == fq: columns.append(t) elif tss[0] == 'r': # look for all tones in given record band cd = tss[1].split(',') # column identifying data rbList = [] for c in cd: rbi = int(c) # rec band (0 based) if rbi < 0: rbi += d.nRecBand if rbi < 0 or rbi >= d.nRecBand: continue rb = d.toneKeys[rbi] rbList.append(rb) if len(rbList) == 0: print('selection %s is invalid for %s sec. %s. Skipping.' % (ts, d.filename, d.section)) continue for t in range(d.totalTones): tone = record.tones[t] if tone.recBand in rbList: columns.append(t) elif tss[0] == 't': # look for specific tone number. Should be unambiguous cd = tss[1].split(',') # column identifying data tnList = [] for c in cd: tnList.append(int(c)) # tone num for t in range(d.totalTones): tone = record.tones[t] if tone.toneNum in tnList or tone.toneNum-d.tonesInRecBand[tone.recBand] in tnList: columns.append(t) return columns def getTwoToneColumns(toneSelect, d): columns = [] record = d.records[0] for ts in toneSelect: tss = ts.split('=') if tss[0] == 'rt': # look for specific tone number. Should be unambiguous cd = tss[1].split(',') # column identifying data rbi = int(cd[0]) # rec band (0 based) if rbi < 0: rbi += d.nRecBand if rbi < 0 or rbi >= d.nRecBand: print('selection %s is invalid for %s section %s. Skipping.' % (ts, d.filename, d.section)) continue rb = d.toneKeys[rbi] nTone = d.tonesInRecBand[rb] if nTone < 2: print('selection %s is invalid for %s section %s. Too few tones. Skipping.' % (ts, d.filename, d.section)) continue if cd[1] == 'pairs': for t in range(d.totalTones, 2): tone1 = record.tones[t] tone2 = record.tones[t+1] if tone1.recBand == rb and tone2.recBand == rb: columns.append([t,t+1]) else: if cd[1] == 'ends': tn1 = 0 tn2 = nTone-1 elif cd[1] == 'good': if nTone <= 4: tn1 = 0 tn2 = nTone-1 elif nTone < 8: tn1 = 1 tn2 = nTone-2 else: tn1 = nTone/8 tn2 = nTone-1-tn1 elif cd[1] == 'mid': tn1 = (nTone-1)/2 tn2 = tn1+1 else: tn1 = int(cd[1]) tn2 = int(cd[2]) if tn1 < 0: tn1 += nTone if tn2 < 0: tn2 += nTone tns = [] for t in range(d.totalTones): tone = record.tones[t] if tone.recBand == rb: if tone.toneNum in [tn1, tn2]: tns.append(t) if len(tns) == 2: columns.append(tns) elif tss[0] == 't': # look for specific tone number. Should be unambiguous cd = tss[1].split(',') # column identifying data for rbi in range(d.nRecBand): rb = d.toneKeys[rbi] nTone = d.tonesInRecBand[rb] if nTone < 2: print('selection %s is invalid for %s section %s. Too few tones. Skipping.' % (ts, d.filename, d.section)) continue if cd[0] == 'pairs': for t in range(0, d.totalTones, 2): tone1 = record.tones[t] tone2 = record.tones[t+1] if tone1.recBand == rb and tone2.recBand == rb: columns.append([t,t+1]) else: if cd[0] == 'ends': tn1 = 0 tn2 = nTone-1 elif cd[0] == 'good': if nTone < 4: tn1 = 0 tn2 = nTone-1 elif nTone < 8: tn1 = 1 tn2 = nTone-2 else: tn1 = nTone/8 tn2 = nTone-1-tn1 else: tn1 = int(cd[0]) tn2 = int(cd[1]) if tn1 < 0: tn1 += nTone if tn2 < 0: tn2 += nTone tns = [] for t in range(d.totalTones): tone = record.tones[t] if tone.recBand == rb: if tone.toneNum in [tn1, tn2]: tns.append(t) if len(tns) == 2: columns.append(tns) return columns def makeTimeAxis(options, plotData, nRow, start): if options['subday'] > 0: factors = {'Days':1.0, 'Hours':24.0, 'Minutes':1440.0, 'Seconds':86400.0} factor = factors[options['timeunits']] if options['subday'] == 1: d0 = int(start) elif options['subday'] == 2: d0 = start for row in range(nRow): plotData[0][row] = (plotData[0][row]-d0)*factor xlabel('Time (%s since MJD %14.8f)' % (options['timeunits'], d0)) else: xlabel('Time (Day of Year)') def generatePlots(op, toneSelect, data, options): colors = ['red', 'orange', 'green', 'blue', 'purple', 'brown', 'cyan', 'magenta'] start = data[0].mjdStart stop = data[-1].mjdStop antenna = data[0].antenna title('Pulse cal %s for antenna %s' % (op, antenna)) nPoints = 0 for d in data: if len(d.records) < options['minsectionsize']: print('skipping %s sec. %s because it has only %d records' % (d.filename, d.section, len(d.records))) continue if op == 'amp': toneColumns = getOneToneColumns(toneSelect, d) if options['verbose'] > 0: print('From %s, the following tone columns will be used:' % d.filename, toneColumns) nColumn = 1+len(toneColumns) nRow = len(d.records) nPoints += nRow * len(toneColumns) plotData = np.zeros((nColumn, nRow)) for row in range(nRow): calculateAmplitudes(plotData, row, d.records[row], toneColumns) makeTimeAxis(options, plotData, nRow, start) ylabel('Amplitude') for i in range(1, nColumn): if 'lines' in options: plot(plotData[0], plotData[i], color=colors[(i-1)%len(colors)], linewidth=1) else: scatter(plotData[0], plotData[i], color=colors[(i-1)%len(colors)], s=3) elif op == 'phase': toneColumns = getOneToneColumns(toneSelect, d) if options['verbose'] > 0: print('From %s, the following tone columns will be used:' % d.filename, toneColumns) nColumn = 1+len(toneColumns) nRow = len(d.records) plotData = np.zeros((nColumn, nRow)) nPoints += nRow * len(toneColumns) for row in range(nRow): calculatePhases(plotData, row, d.records[row], toneColumns) for i in range(1, nColumn): unwrapPhases(plotData[i]) makeTimeAxis(options, plotData, nRow, start) ylabel('Phase (rad):') for i in range(1, nColumn): if 'lines' in options: plot(plotData[0], plotData[i], color=colors[(i-1)%len(colors)], linewidth=1) else: scatter(plotData[0], plotData[i], color=colors[(i-1)%len(colors)], s=3) elif op == 'delay': toneColumns = getTwoToneColumns(toneSelect, d) if options['verbose'] > 0: print('From %s:%s, the following tone columns will be used:' % (d.filename, d.section), toneColumns) nColumn = 1+len(toneColumns) nRow = len(d.records) plotData = np.zeros((nColumn, nRow)) nPoints += nRow * len(toneColumns) for row in range(nRow): calculateDelays(plotData, row, d.records[row], toneColumns) makeTimeAxis(options, plotData, nRow, start) ylabel('Delay (ps):') for i in range(1, nColumn): if 'lines' in options: plot(plotData[0], plotData[i], color=colors[(i-1)%len(colors)], linewidth=1) else: scatter(plotData[0], plotData[i], color=colors[(i-1)%len(colors)], s=3) elif op == 'xy': toneColumns = getOneToneColumns(toneSelect, d) if options['verbose'] > 0: print('From %s:%s, the following tone columns will be used:' % (d.filename, d.section), toneColumns) nColumn = len(toneColumns) nRow = len(d.records) plotDataX = np.zeros((nColumn, nRow)) plotDataY = np.zeros((nColumn, nRow)) nPoints += nRow * nColumn for row in range(nRow): calculateComplex(plotDataX, plotDataY, row, d.records[row], toneColumns) xlabel('Real:') ylabel('Imag:') for i in range(nColumn): if 'lines' in options: plot(plotDataX[i], plotDataY[i], color=colors[(i-1)%len(colors)], linewidth=1) else: scatter(plotDataX[i], plotDataY[i], color=colors[(i-1)%len(colors)], s=3) elif op == 'ampphase': toneColumns = getOneToneColumns(toneSelect, d) if options['verbose'] > 0: print('From %s, the following tone columns will be used:' % d.filename, toneColumns) nColumn = len(toneColumns) nRow = len(d.records) print('nCol nRow : ', nColumn, nRow) plotDataX = np.zeros((nColumn, nRow)) plotDataY = np.zeros((nColumn, nRow)) nPoints += nRow * nColumn for row in range(nRow): calculateAmpPhase(plotDataX, plotDataY, row, d.records[row], toneColumns) for i in range(0, nColumn): unwrapPhases(plotDataY[i]) xlabel('Amplitude') ylabel('Phase (degrees)') for i in range(0, nColumn): if 'lines' in options: plot(plotDataX[i], plotDataY[i], color=colors[(i-1)%len(colors)], linewidth=1) else: scatter(plotDataX[i], plotDataY[i], color=colors[(i-1)%len(colors)], s=3) if nPoints == 0: print('Nothing to see! No data points generated.') else: print('Plotted %d points' % nPoints) #savefig('%s-pcal-%s.pdf' % (a, op), bbox_inches='tight') show() op, toneSelect, fileList, options = parseCommandLine() data = [] for f in fileList: fd = File(f) sections = fd.split(options['maxgap']) for s in sections: if len(s.records) > options['quack']+2: if options['quack'] > 0: print('Quacking %d records' % options['quack']) s.quack(options['quack']) s.summary() data.append(s) else: print('Dropping %s:%s because it has only %d records' % (s.filename, s.section, len(s.records))) antennas = antList(data) if 'combinefiles' in options: D = [] for A in antennas: print('Processing %s: %d files' % (A, len(D))) D = appendAntennaData(data, A, D) generatePlots(op, toneSelect, D, options) else: for A in antennas: D = getAntennaData(data, A) print('Processing %s: %d files' % (A, len(D))) generatePlots(op, toneSelect, D, options) # vim: tabstop=8:softtabstop=8:shiftwidth=8:noexpandtab