Requirements: *DiFX-2.4 or above *GSL *GSLCBLAS *automake autoconf libtool Description: Limitations: 1. 2-bits sampling 2. Only generate single-thread multi-channel VDIF 3. Default SEFD for 3 antennas 4. VDIF packet of all antennas need to repsent the same time length Installation: libtoolize --force aclocal -I m4 autoheader automake --force-missing --add-missing autoconf ./configure --prefix=$HOME make make install Usage: 1. source DiFX setup.bash file 2. source HOPS hops.bash file 3. 'datasim --help' shows a list of possible options 4. generate v2d and VEX file: './ expDir datasim.inp', see for example datasim.inp.template for example settings 5. in the directory of the generated v2d and VEX file, proceed to generate DiFX .input and .calc-->.im files 'cd expDir-7000' 'vex2difx expDir.7000.v2d' 'calcif2 expDir_7000.calc' 6. in the same directory proceed to create simulated .vdif data: 'datasim -f 100 -s 1000,2000,3000 -d 12345 expDir_7004.input' where -f is the source flux density, -s is a list of antenna SEFDs, -d is the random number seed