SUBROUTINE UVA IMPLICIT None C INCLUDE 'ccon.i' C VARIABLES 'FROM' C 1. KASTC - The Dave Shaffer switch to turn on the computation C of (U,V) coordinates. C = 0 ==> Switched OFF (default). C = 1 ==> Switched ON. C C UVA adds entries to the table of contents for the U, V C coordinates Lcode. Only done if KASTC = 1. C C DATA BASE ACCESS - C ACCESS CODES ADDED: C 1. 'UVF/ASEC' - The data base access code for the C U, V coordinates .......... C C 1.2.6 SUBROUTINE INTERFACE - C CALLER SUBROUTINES: TOCUP C CALLED SUBROUTINES: ADDR C C Programmer: C David Gordon 98.11.17 C C UVA PROGRAM STRUCTURE C C ADD for U,V coordinates ???? If (KASTC .eq. 1) * CALL ADDR (2,'UVF/ASEC','U,V in FR per arcsec, from CALC ', * 2, 2, 1 ) C RETURN END C C****************************************************************************** SUBROUTINE UVG (STAR, EPBASE ) IMPLICIT None C C UVG computes the (U,V) coordinates of the baseline, if KASTC=1. C C 3.2.1 CALLING SEQUENCE - C INPUT VARIABLES: C 1. STAR(3) - The J2000.0 Source unit vector. C 2. EPBASE(3,3) - The J2000.0 Geocentric baseline position, C velocity, acceleration vectors. (m, m/sec, m/sec/sec) C C 3.2.2 COMMON BLOCKS USED - C INCLUDE 'ccon.i' C VARIABLES 'FROM': C 1. KASTC - The Dave Shaffer switch to turn on the computation C of (U,V) coordinates. C = 0 ==> Switched OFF (default). C = 1 ==> Switched ON. C INCLUDE 'cphys.i' C VARIABLES 'FROM': C 1. VLIGHT - The velocity of light in a vacuum (m/sec). C Real*8 PI,TWOPI,HALFPI,CONVD,CONVDS,CONVHS,SECDAY COMMON /CMATH/ PI,TWOPI,HALFPI,CONVD,CONVDS,CONVHS,SECDAY EXTERNAL CMATHB C VARIABLES 'FROM': C 1. CONVDS - THE CONVERSION FACTOR FROM ARCSECONDS TO RADIANS C (RAD/ARCSECOND) C Real*8 STAR(3), EPBASE(3,3) Real*8 DOTP, REF_FREQ, B(3), NCP(3), vectr(3), Bpr(3), NCPpr(3), * U_V(2), VECMG Integer*2 KERR, NDO(3) C C PROGRAMMER - David Gordon 98.11.17 C C UVG PROGRAM STRUCTURE C IF (KASTC .ne. 1) Go to 800 C C Get the reference frequency for use in the phase delay rate corrections. CALL GET4('REF FREQ ',REF_FREQ,1,1,1,NDO,KERR) C print *, ' REF_FREQ ', REF_FREQ C CALL GET4('UVF/ASEC ',U_V ,2,1,1,NDO,KERR) C print *, ' Database (U,V) ', U_V IF(KERR.NE.0) then write(6,'("UVG: Failure to obtain ref frequency.")') CALL CKILL(6HUVG ,1,KERR) Endif C Convert from MHz to Hz. REF_FREQ = REF_FREQ*1.D6 C C Baseline vector B(1) = EPBASE(1,1) * REF_FREQ/VLIGHT*CONVDS B(2) = EPBASE(2,1) * REF_FREQ/VLIGHT*CONVDS B(3) = EPBASE(3,1) * REF_FREQ/VLIGHT*CONVDS C NCP unit vector NCP(1) = 0.D0 NCP(2) = 0.D0 NCP(3) = 1.D0 C C Get component of baseline vector projected into the plane perpendicular to C the STAR vector: CALL CROSP(STAR, B, vectr) CALL CROSP(vectr, STAR, Bpr) C Get component of NCP vector projected into the plane perpendicular to C the STAR vector: CALL CROSP(STAR, NCP, vectr) CALL CROSP(vectr, STAR, NCPpr) C Convert to a unit vector CALL VUNIT(NCPpr, NCP) C U_V(2) = DOTP(Bpr, NCP) CALL CROSP(Bpr, NCP, vectr) U_V(1) = VECMG(vectr) If (DOTP(STAR,vectr) .lt. 0.d0) U_V(1) = -U_V(1) C C print *, ' Computed U_V ', U_V C PUT the U,V coordinates in the database. CALL PUT4 ('UVF/ASEC ', U_V, 2, 1, 1 ) C C Normal conclusion. 800 CONTINUE RETURN END