SUBROUTINE START (ILU, CALCON_NAME, Iout) IMPLICIT None C C START initializes CALC. It reads the run title, the database experiment C file to be processed, and the control namelist which contains non-default C model module and utility routine flow control and debug output flags. It C obtains the date and time of the CALC run from subroutine FDATE. It writes C the CALC run title, the database experiment file to be processed, the run C date and time, the load module message, and the values of all flow control C and debug output flags in the program. The database is initialized for C update, and the CALC run title, run date, run time, and the load module C message are placed in the database through the call to PHIST. All flow C control and debug output flags are loaded into the global common area CON C for distribution to the routines called by DRIVR. START is called only C once per database. START is the routine which stops CALC when the end of C the control data set is reached. C C Calling sequence - CALL START(ILU, CALCON_NAME, iout) C C Input variables: C 1) ILU - The output message logical unit. C 2) CALCON_NAME - Full name with path for CALC control file. C C Common blocks used - C INCLUDE 'ccon.i' C Variables 'to': C 1. KMODC - The model module flow control flags. C 2. KMODD - The model module debug output flags. C 3. KUTLC - The utility routine flow contol flags. C 4. KUTLD - The utility routine debug output flags. C 5. ILUOUT - A flag controlling output. C INCLUDE 'cmxst.i' C Variables 'to': C 1. NUMSIT - The total number of sites in the data base. C INCLUDE 'cmxsr.i' C Variables 'to': C 1. NUMSTR - The total number of stars (radio sources) in the C data base. C INCLUDE 'cmxut.i' C Variables 'to': C 1. Xintv(2) - First and last Julian Date of data in the C current data base. C 2. Intrvl(5,2) - First and last time tag of data in the current C data base. (First index: year, month, day, C hour, minute. Second index: first, last.) C INCLUDE 'inputs.i' C Variables 'from': C 1. External_inputs - Character*80 string containing the name C of the file which contains the external C file inputs (source position, site C position, etc. files) C 2. External_aprioris - Logical variable controlling whether C external a priori inputs will be looked C for. If .FALSE., will not look for them. C If .TRUE., will look for them. C Variables 'to': C 1. Ex_sites - File name for site info C 2. Ex_stars - File name for stars (radio sources) info C 3. Ex_ocean - File name for ocean loading info C 4. Ex_EOP - File name for Earth orientation parameters C 5. Input_sites - T/F flag for using external site inputs C 6. Input_stars - T/F flag for using external source inputs C 7. Input_ocean - T/F flag for using external ocean loading C 8. Input_EOP - T/F flag for using external EOP inputs C Data Ex_sites /' * '/ Data Ex_stars /' * '/ Data Ex_ocean /' * '/ Data Ex_EOP /' * '/ Data Input_sites /.False./ Data Input_stars /.False./ Data Input_ocean /.False./ Data Input_EOP /.False./ C Real*8 ATMUTC(3), ROTEPH(2,20), A1UTC(3), A1DIFF(3) COMMON / EOPCM / ATMUTC, ROTEPH, A1UTC, A1DIFF C VARIABLES 'TO': C 1. ROTEPH(2,20)- The array which contains the epochs at which C TAI - UT1 is desired. The entries are: C 1) JD at 0:00 hours UTC, C 2) The fraction of a UTC day from 0:00 hours C to the desired epoch. C Real*8 XCALC, FJLDY Integer*2 NFLAG,NFLAGC,loadm(7),LFILE(3) COMMON /STACM/ Computing_center,XCALC,NFLAG,NFLAGC,loadm,LFILE C Integer*4 gethostname, ierr4 Integer*2 imode, ILU, iout, idd1 Character*64 Computing_center Character*6 C_LFILE Character*128 CALCON_NAME Character*75 Lhist1 Equivalence (C_LFILE,LFILE) C C Variables 'from': C 1. loadm(7) - The load module compilation date message. C 2. NFLAG - The total number of CALC flow control and debug flags. C 3. LFILE(3) - The name of the CALC control file. C 7. XCALC - The CALC version number. C C Program specifications - C Real*8 JDY2K, JD1 Integer*4 Iyear, Imonth, Iday Integer*4 IFLAG(64) Integer*2 LCALC(40), LFCIO(40), LHIST(66), LNAME(5), LNAMO(5), * IBUF(40), IOS, trimlen, host_len, hist_len Integer*4 Ipid, Getpid, jj Real*8 xleap(5), tol CHARACTER LNAME_chr*10, LNAMO_chr*10, LFCIO_chr*80, LHIST_chr*132 Character*8 Ich8 Character*80 Ich80 CHARACTER*80 CBUF,CTIME*12,CDATE*16 EQUIVALENCE ( IFLAG(1), KATMC ), ( LCALC(1), LHIST(1) ), * ( IBUF, CBUF), (LNAME,LNAME_chr), * ( LNAMO,LNAMO_chr), (LFCIO,LFCIO_chr), * ( LHIST,LHIST_chr) Integer*2 IPAR(5), getunit, kruc, iveri, lfvo, isame, ivero, * kerr, NDO(3), idd2 Integer*4 I, N, Unit1, Unit2, isz, iup, MXUTPM Character*24 STR24 save Unit1, Unit2 CHARACTER*10 IPAR_C EQUIVALENCE (IPAR,IPAR_C) DATA KRUC / 2 / Data Lhist1 / . ' . '/ Data Unit1 /0/ C C Database access - The database is initialized by a call to subroutine C KAI. Inserted into the database via subroutine PHIST is C the CALC history text which consists of the CALC run C title, the CALC run date, the CALC run time and the C load module message. C C External I/O C Input variables: C 1. Non-default model module and utility routine flow control and C debug output flags. C 2. LCALC(40) - The CALC run title. C 3. LNAME(5) - The database experiment file to be processed. C 4. LNAMO(5) - The name of the output database. C Output variables: C 1. All model and module utility routine flow control and debug C output flags. C 2. LCALC(40) - The CALC run title. C 3. STR24(24) - The date and time of the CALC run. C 4. LDATI(5) - The creation date of the input database. C 5. LFCIO(40) - The text descriptor from the input database. C 6. LNAME(3) - The database experiment file to be processed. C 7. LNAMO(5) - The name of the output database. C C Subroutine interface - C Caller subroutines: MAIN C Called subroutines: QUIT_CALC, UPPER, gethostname, trimlen, C KAI, MVREC, GETI, PHIST, FDATE, OPEN, CLOSE, C JDY2K, GETEOP C C Program variables - C 1. IFLAG(NFLAG) - The variable used to initialize all flow C control and debug output flags. C 2. LHIST1(66) - The CALC history text. Included in the text C are the CALC run title, the run date, the run C time, and the load module message. C 3. KERR - The database error return flag. C 4. IVERI - The version number of the input database. C 5. LFVO - The version number of the output database. C 6. IBUF(40) - A buffer area for READF C 7. Intrvl(5,2) - First and last UTC tag for data in the current C data base. (First index - year(2 digits), C month(1-12), day of month, hours, minutes) C C Programmer - Dale Markham 01/12/77 C 77.07.07 Peter Denatale C 78.05.11 Bruce Schupler C 78.09.14 Bruce Schupler C 78.05.12 Bruce Schupler C 78.06.12 Bruce Schupler C 80.01.07 Bruce Schupler C 80.08.26 Bruce Schupler C 84.07.12 David Gordon Pole Tide C 85.01.08 David Gordon IDISC from RMPAR(3)) C 85.02.17 David Gordon Fixed bug in purge statement. C 87.06.02 Savita Goel CDS for A900. C 89.05.22 Gregg Cooke CALC 7.0 MODS. C 87.09.25 Jim Ryan Documentation simplified. C 89.12.12 Jim Ryan UNIX-like database interface implimented. C 90.02.03 Jim Ryan Removed from call to KAI. C 90.02.09 Jim Ryan CALCON file logic modified to use CI and fmgr c 90.11.26 Jim Ryan Upgraded to CALC 7.3. Improved history c message added. OLD calcon_name logic for c A900 lu's striped out. C 91.05.10 Brent Archinal Upgraded to CALC 7.4Beta with change to C ctheu.f to fix 'HELL EMS'. C 91.05.28 Jim Ryan Documentation cleaned up furthur and output c suppression fixed. c 91.06.23 JWR History message improved and made machine C independent. c 92.11.13 JWR Getunit introduced to get a unique unit number C 93.03.09 Brent Archinal Number of flags correctly set to 62. C 94.04.15 David Gordon Converted to Implicit None. C 94.06.08 David Gordon Corrected format statements, single and double C quotes reversed. C 94.06.27 David Gordon Changed to Calc 8.1. C 95.11.13 B. Archinal Fixed spelling of "pleasant"! Also now properly C handling error from gethostname. C 98.03.13 D. Gordon Added include file inputs.i; mods for external C file input of a priori's. C 98.04.13 D. Gordon Added include files cmxst.i, cmxsr.i, and C 'cmxut.i'. Added read-only data base open and C GET's for number of sites, number of sources, C and data interval. Other mods for external C site and source a priori's input. C 98.05.01 D. Gordon Added code to load rotation epoch array. Added C subroutine GETEOP and other mods for external C EOP input. C 98.07.23 D. Gordon Replacing FJLDY calls with JDY2k calls for Y2k C compliance. Will handle both 2-digit and 4-digit C years. Removed ISECU, IDISC, and IOPEN from C Common /STACM/. C 98.10.13 D. Gordon Code cleanup. ZTIME calls replaced with FDATE. C CDATE and CTIME replaced with STR24. C 98.11.04 D. Gordon Put in code to use proposed new Lcode C 'INTRVAL4', the start/stop interval C (yr/month/day/hr/min) using a 4-digit year. If C not there will use 'INTERVAL' (2-digit year). C 99.10.01 D.Gordon Changed to version 9.1. C 12.05.22 James M AndersonChanges for new TOPO flag C C START Program Structure C ILUOUT = iout MXUTPM = 20 C C Open the CALC control file first time through (first database). END C C****************************************************************************** BLOCK DATA STACMB IMPLICIT None C C 1. STABD C C 1.1.1 STABD IS THE BLOCK DATA INITIALIZATION SECTION FOR THE START MODULE. C IT HOLDS THE LOAD MODULE DATE MESSAGE. C C 1.2.2 COMMON BLOCKS USED Real*8 XCALC Integer*2 NFLAG,NFLAGC,loadm(7),LFILE(3) COMMON /STACM/ Computing_center,XCALC,NFLAG,NFLAGC,loadm,LFILE Character*64 Computing_center CHARACTER*14 LOADM_CHR EQUIVALENCE (LOADM,LOADM_CHR) CHARACTER*6 C_LFILE, xdum1 EQUIVALENCE (C_LFILE,LFILE) C C VARIABLES 'TO': C 1. LOADM - THE LOAD MODULE COMPILATION DATE MESSAGE. C 2. NFLAG - THE TOTAL NUMBER OF CALC FLOW CONTROL AND DEBUG FLAGS. C 3. LFILE(3) - THE NAME OF THE CALC CONTROL FILE. C 4. XCALC - THE CALC PROGRAM VERSION NUMBER. C DATA LOADM_CHR /'Load 99OCT04 '/ DATA NFLAG /62/ DATA C_LFILE /'CALCON'/ DATA XCALC/9.10D0/ C C 1.2.9 PROGRAMMER - BRUCE SCHUPLER 05/12/78 C BRUCE SCHUPLER 06/05/78 C BRUCE SCHUPLER 09/14/78 C BRUCE SCHUPLER 12/06/78 C BRUCE SCHUPLER 06/06/79 C BRUCE SCHUPLER 08/26/80 C DAVID GORDON 06/19/84 C DAVID GORDON 01/08/85 (REMOVED IDISC=59) C SAVITA GOEL 06/02/87 (CDS FOR A900) C Jim Ryan 89.07.25 Documentation simplified. C Jim Ryan 89.12.12 UNIX-like database interface C implimented. C David Gordon 94.04.15 Converted to Implicit None C David Gordon 98.07.23 Removed ISECU, IDISC, and IOPEN C from Common /STACM/. END C C***************************************************************************** SUBROUTINE STAA IMPLICIT None C C 1. STAA C C 1.1 STAA PROGRAM SPECIFICATION C C 1.1.1 STAA will do the ADDS to the database to provide for PUT'ing the CALC C flow control flag names and values into the database. STAA also places C the current version number of CALC into the database. C C 1.2 STAA PROGRAM INTERFACE C C 1.2.1 CALLING SEQUENCE - CALL STAA C C 1.2.2 COMMON BLOCKS USED - C Real*8 XCALC Integer*2 NFLAG,NFLAGC,loadm(7),LFILE(3) Character*64 Computing_center COMMON /STACM/ Computing_center,XCALC,NFLAG,NFLAGC,loadm,LFILE C C VARIABLES 'FROM' - C 1) NFLAG - THE TOTAL NUMBER OF CALC FLOW CONTROL AND DEBUG FLAGS. C VARIABLES 'TO' - C 1) NFLAGC - THE NUMBER OF CALC FLOW CONTROL FLAGS (= NFLAG / 2). C C 1.2.3 PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS - NONE C C 1.2.4 DATA BASE ACCESS - C ACCESS CODES - C 1) 'CALCFLGN' - THE DATA BASE ACCESS CODE FOR THE ARRAY OF THE CALC FLOW C CONTROL FLAG NAMES. C 2) 'CALCFLGV' - THE DATA BASE ACCESS CODE FOR THE ARRAY OF CALC FLOW C CONTROL FLAG VALUES. C 3) 'CALC VER' - THE DATA BASE ACCESS CODE FOR THE CURRENT VERSION NUMBER C OF PROGRAM CALC. C C 1.2.5 EXTERNAL INPUT/OUTPUT - NONE C C 1.2.6 SUBROUTINE INTERFACE - C CALLER SUBROUTINES - TOCUP C CALLED SUBROUTINES - ADDA,ADDI,ADDR C C 1.2.9 PROGRAMMER - BRUCE SCHUPLER 09/14/78 C DAVID GORDON 06/19/84 C Jim Ryan 89.07.25 Documentation simplified. C Jim Ryan 89.12.12 UNIX-like database interface C implimented. C David Gordon 94.04.15 Converted to Implicit None C David Gordon 98.07.23 Removed ISECU, IDISC, and IOPEN C from Common /STACM/. C C STAA Program Structure C C Compute NFLAGC NFLAGC = NFLAG / 2 C C Do the ADD for the flag names CALL ADDA (1,'CALCFLGN','CALC flow control flags name def', 1 2,NFLAGC,1) C C Do the ADD for the flag values CALL ADDI (1,'CALCFLGV','CALC flow control flags valu def', 1 NFLAGC,1,1) C C Do the ADD for the CALC version number CALL ADDR (1,'CALC VER','CALC version number ', 1 1,1,1) C RETURN END C C****************************************************************************** SUBROUTINE STAI IMPLICIT None C C 1. STAI C C 1.1 STAI PROGRAM SPECIFICATION C C 1.1.1 STAI is the routine which will PUT the CALC control flag names and C values and the CALC version number into the database. C C 1.2.2 COMMON BLOCKS USED - C INCLUDE 'ccon.i' C VARIABLES 'FROM' - C 1) IFLAG(64) - THE ARRAY OF CALC DEBUG AND CONTROL FLAGS. C Real*8 XCALC Integer*2 NFLAG,NFLAGC,loadm(7),LFILE(3) Character*64 Computing_center COMMON /STACM/ Computing_center,XCALC,NFLAG,NFLAGC,loadm,LFILE C VARIABLES 'FROM' - C 1) NFLAG - THE TOTAL NUMBER OF CALC DEBUG AND CONTROL FLAGS. C 2) NFLAGC - THE NUMBER OF CALC CONTROL FLAGS. C C 1.2.3 PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS C INTEGER*4 IFLAG(64), I, J INTEGER*2 LFLAGC(2,32), IFLAGC(32), idm7 CHARACTER*4 C_LFLAGC(32) EQUIVALENCE (IFLAG(1),KATMC), (C_LFLAGC,LFLAGC) C DATA C_LFLAGC / . 'ATMC','AXOC','PTDC','DNPC','ETDC','IONC', . 'NUTC','PREC','RELC','SITC','STRC','UT1C', . 'WOBC','UTCC','ATIC','CTIC','PEPC','DIUC', . 'M19C','ROSC','STEC','SUNC','SARC','THEC', . 'MATC','VECC','OCEC','ASTC','STAC','PLXC', . 'PANC','TOPC'/ C C 1.2.4 DATA BASE ACCESS C ACCESS CODES - C 1) 'CALCFLGN ' - THE DATA BASE ACCESS CODE FOR THE ARRAY C OF CALC CONTROL FLAG NAMES. C 2) 'CALCFLGV ' - THE DATA BASE ACCESS CODE FOR THE ARRAY OF C CALC CONTROL FLAG VALUES. C 3) 'CALC VER ' - THE DATA BASE ACCESS CODE FOR THE CURRENT C CALC VERSION NUMBER. C 'PUT' VARIABLES - C 1) LFLAGC(2,32) - THE ARRAY OF CALC CONTROL FLAG NAMES. C 2) IFLAGC(32) - THE ARRAY OF CALC CONTROL FLAG VALUES. C 3) XCALC - THE CALC VERSION NUMBER (REAL NUMBER). C C 1.2.6 SUBROUTINE INTERFACE C CALLER SUBROUTINES - INITAL C CALLED SUBROUTINES - PUTA,PUTI,PUT4 C C 1.2.9 PROGRAMMER - BRUCE SCHUPLER 09/18/78 C BRUCE SCHUPLER 01/09/80 C BRUCE SCHUPLER 08/26/80 C DAVID GORDON 06/19/84 (VERSION #) C DAVID GORDON 07/12/84 (POLE TIDE) C DAVID GORDON 01/14/86 (IFLAG & OTHER DIMENSIONS FIXED) C SAVITA GOEL 06/02/87 (CDS FOR A900) C Jim Ryan 89.07.26 Documentation simplified. C Jim Ryan 89.12.12 UNIX-like database interface C implimented. C David Gordon 94.04.15 Converted to Implicit None C David Gordon 98.07.23 Removed ISECU, IDISC, and IOPEN C from Common /STACM/. C James M Anderson 12.05.22 Changes for new TOPO flag C C STAI Program Structure C C Copy the control flag from IFLAG to IFLAGC J = 0 DO 100 I=1,NFLAG,2 J = J + 1 IFLAGC(J) = IFLAG(I) 100 CONTINUE C C PUT the flag values. CALL PUTI ('CALCFLGV ',IFLAGC,NFLAGC,1,1) C C PUT the flag names. CALL PUTA ('CALCFLGN ',LFLAGC,2,NFLAGC,1) C C PUT the CALC version number. CALL PUT4 ('CALC VER ',XCALC,1,1,1) C C Check for debug output. IF(KSTAD .NE. 1) GO TO 1000 WRITE(6,200) 200 FORMAT(1X,'Debug output from subroutine STAI') WRITE(6,220) NFLAG,NFLAGC 220 FORMAT(1X,'NFLAG = ',I5,5X,'NFLAGC = ',I5) WRITE(6,230) IFLAG 230 FORMAT(1X,'IFLAG = ',32I2,/,9X,32I2) WRITE(6,240) IFLAGC 240 FORMAT(1X,'IFLAGC =' ,10I5,/, 9X,10I5,/, 9X,10I5,/, 9X,2I5) WRITE(6,250) LFLAGC 250 FORMAT(1X,'LFLAGC = ',10(2A2,1X),/,10X,10(2A2,1X), * /,10X,10(2A2,1X),/,10X,2(2A2,1X)) C 1000 CONTINUE RETURN END C C****************************************************************************** Subroutine Upper(Isize, Iup, String) Implicit None C C Subroutine to remove leading blanks in a character string and convert all C letters to upper case. C C Input: C Isize = Number of characters C Iup = 0 ==> Don't convert to upper case C Iup = 1 ==> Do convert to upper case C Input/Output: C String = The character string C C Programmer: C 98.03.13 David Gordon Original program written C Integer*4 Isize, I, J, Icnt, Iup Character*(*) String Character*26 Upper_case, Lower_case Data Upper_case /'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'/ Data Lower_case /'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'/ C Icnt = 0 C write(6,'(i4,2x,a)') Isize, String C C Get rid of leading blanks 20 Continue Icnt = Icnt + 1 If (Icnt .ge. Isize) Return If (String(1:1) .eq. ' ') Then Do J=2,Isize String(J-1:J-1) = String(J:J) Enddo String(Isize:Isize) = ' ' Go to 20 Endif C C Special case, 'None', 'NONE', 'none', etc. If (String(1:4) .eq. 'NONE') String(1:4) = 'None' If (String(1:4) .eq. 'none') String(1:4) = 'None' C If (Iup .ne. 1) Return C Make all letters upper case Do J=1,Isize Do I=1,26 If (String(J:J) .eq. Lower_case(I:I)) Then String(J:J) = Upper_case(I:I) Go to 30 Endif Enddo 30 Continue Enddo C Return End C***************************************************************************** C REAL*8 FUNCTION JDY2K (IYEAR, IMONTH, IDAY) Implicit None C C Fucntion JDY2K: Function to convert year, month, day to full Julian C day. The year can be either a four-digit year or a two-digit year. C C If a 4-digit year, this function is good from 1 March 1900 to 31 C December 2099. C C If a 2-digit year, this function is good from 1 January 1970 to C 31 December 2069. If year is 70 - 99, 1900 is added. If year is C 00 - 69, 2000 is added. C C Programmer: C 98.07.23 D. Gordon Function written from code in cutcu.f C Integer*4 IYEAR, IMONTH, IDAY, IY, IM, ID C IY = IYEAR IM = IMONTH ID = IDAY C If (IY .ge. 70 .and. IY .le. 99) Then IY = IY + 1900 Go To 100 Endif C If (IY .ge. 0 .and. IY .le. 69) Then IY = IY + 2000 Go To 100 Endif C If (IY .gt.1900 .and. IY .le. 2099) Then Go To 100 Endif C C Year out of range if we get here Print *, ' JDY2K, Year out of Range, Stopping! ', IY Stop C 100 Continue C JDY2K = 367.D0*IY - (7 * ( IY + (IM+9)/12) )/4 + . (275*IM)/9 + ID + 1721013.5D0 C C Write(6,1000) IYEAR, IMONTH, IDAY, IY, IM, ID, JDY2k 1000 Format(/,'Function JDY2K: ',/,' Input, Modified Y,M,D: ', . 2x,3I5,5x,3I5,/,' JDY2K ', F15.2) Return End