C cmxsr.i C C***The maximum number of sources can be changed in the parameter C***statement here and is the only change necessary. C C Written: B. Archinal, 95.11.13. C 98.09.08 - D. Gordon: Added variables P_motion, D_psec, Pmotion, and C Dpaec for proper motion and parallax corrections, mainly C for correlator usage; added additional documentation of C variables. C 98.11.25 - D. Gordon: Added variable PRcorr to hold proper motion C RA and Dec corrections for each source. C 2012.06.10-James M Anderson: Added 3-D source vectors for near-field C and multi-reference frame purposes C C Maximum number of radio sources per database. C (should equal or be greater than MAX_ARC_SRC in C /mk3/src/solve/include/gsfcb.i and MAXSTR in C /mk3/src/dbedit/sitstr.i). C Integer*4 MAX_ARC_SRC Parameter(MAX_ARC_SRC=300) C Real*8 CD, CRA, RADEC(2,MAX_ARC_SRC), SD, SRA, * P_motion(4,MAX_ARC_SRC), D_psec(MAX_ARC_SRC), * PRcorr(2,MAX_ARC_SRC), SRC_DIR_VEC(3,MAX_ARC_SRC) Integer*4 Pmotion, Dpsec, SRC_REF_FRAME(MAX_ARC_SRC) Integer*2 NUMSTR, LNSTAR(4,MAX_ARC_SRC), i1dum COMMON / STRCM / CD, CRA, RADEC, SD, SRA, P_motion, D_psec, * PRcorr, SRC_DIR_VEC, * Pmotion, Dpsec, SRC_REF_FRAME, * LNSTAR, NUMSTR, i1dum C C Variables: C 1. CD - Cosine of Declination of source in the C current observation. C 2. CRA - Cosine of Right Ascension of source in the C current observation. C 3. RADEC(2,MAX_ARC_SRC) - THE RIGHT ASCENSIONS AND DECLINATIONS OF THE C STARS IN THE STAR CATALOG. (RAD, RAD) C 4. SD - Sine of Declination of source in the C current observation. C 5. SRA - Sine of Right Ascension of source in the C current observation. C 6. P_motion(4,Max_arc_src)-Proper motion array. 1) Proper motion in RA, C 2) Proper motion in Dec, and 3) Epoch for C which RADEC( ) above is correct, for each C source. (arc-sec/year, arc-sec/year, C year (1995.0, etc.)) C If P_motion(4,?) > 10000 then C P_motion(1--3,?) are the vector quantities C of the proper motion, in units of m/s, C and P_motion(4,?) is the MJD of the zero epoch C 7. D_psec(Max_arc_src) - The estimated distances to each source. C (Parsecs) C 8. PRcorr(2,Max_arc_src) - Proper motion corrections in RA and C Declination. (radians) C 9. SRC_DIR_VEC(3,MAX_ARC_SRC)-Source directions as 3-D vectors. C The units are meters C If all 3 components of the vector are C 0.D0, then use the RADEC array. If C the magnitude of the vector is ~ 1.0, C then treat this as a unit vector. Otherwise, C the vector is the actual position of C the source with respect to the center C of the reference frame. C 10. Pmotion - Proper motion indicator. If greater than C zero, compute proper motion contributions. C 11. Dpsec - Parallax indicator. If greater than zero, C compute parallax contributions. C 12. SRC_REF_FRAME(MAX_ARC_SRC)- Refrence frame of the source positions. C 0 Solar barycenter position and velocity, C J2000 C 1 Earth center position and velocity, J2000 C 13. NUMSTR - THE NUMBER OF STARS IN THE STAR CATALOG. C 14. LNSTAR(4,MAX_ARC_SRC) - THE EIGHT ALPHANUMERIC CHARACTER NAMES OF C THE STARS IN THE STAR CATALOG. C