SUBROUTINE DRIVR(BSLN,SRC,EARTHX,SRCELEV) IMPLICIT None C C-VLBA DRIVR has been modified to support the VLBA Correlator. C-VLBA Added arguments BSLN, SRC, EARTHX, SRCELEv C 1. DRIVR C C 1.1 DRIVR PROGRAM SPECIFICATION C C 1.1.1 DRIVR is the main calculation subroutine. It calculates the theoretical C delays and delay rates, the contributions of each model module to the C delays and delay rates, the partials of the delays and delay rates with C respect to model module parameters, and the coordinate time at site #1. C C 1.1.2 RESTRICTIONS - NONE C C 1.1.3 REFERENCES - PEP MANUAL, GREENBOOK, D. ROBERTSON'S THESIS, C P. McCLURES X-DOCUMENT. C C 1.2 DRIVR PROGRAM INTERFACE C C 1.2.1 CALLING SEQUENCE - CALL DRIVR C C INPUT VARIABLES -NONE C OUTPUT VARAIBLES - NONE C C 1.2.2 COMMON BLOCKS USED - SITCM C The SITCM common block is not actually used in this subroutine, C but per the FORTRAN standard, it is included here so that C calls among the subroutines called in this subroutine have C a consisten SITCM block INCLUDE 'cmxst.i' C C 1.2.3 PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS - REAL*8 epsmd, omega, gastd, fa(5), fad(5), cent, dut1p(2,2) Real*8 AXOFF(2), CFBASE(3), CFLAT(3,2), CFLON(3,2), PANGL(2), . CFSITE(3,2), CFSITV(3,2), CFSITA(3,2), . CFSITN(3,2), DEPS(2), DPSI(2), DIONC(2), . DPSID(2), DEPSD(2), EARTH(3,3), EPBASE(3,3), SUN(3,2), . EPLATP(3,2), EPLATV(3,2), EPLONP(3,2), EPLONV(3,2), . EPS(2), EPSITN(3,2), GAST(2), OCEAMP(11,3,2), . OCEPHS(11,3,2), R2000(3,3,3), RDNP(3,3), RN(3,3,2), . RP(3,3,2), RS(3,3,3), RW(3,3,2),SITEP(3,2), . SITEV(3,2), SITEA(3,2), SITLAT(2), SITLON(2), SITRAD(2), . STAR(3,2), SUNCU(3), TCTOCF(3,3,2), DATMC(2,2), ZPATH(2), . TIDEP(3,2), TIDEV(3,2), USITEP(3,2), USITEV(3,2), . XLOADP(3,2), XLOADV(3,2), XMOON(3,2), DAXOC(2,2), . POLTDP(3,2), POLTDV(3,2), AZ(2,2), ELEV(2,2), . SITHEIGHT(2), DSTRP(2,2), RTTOCF(3,3,2), GEOLAT(2) Real*8 AXIS2000(3,2), DAXIS2000(3,2), STAR_ABERRATED(3,2), . dATMCdh(2,2) C-VLBA Real*8 BSLN(3,3), SRC(3), EARTHX(3,3), SRCELEV(2,2) Integer*2 I, J C-VLBA Real*8 UTC, XJD, AT, DUTCAT, CT, DATDCT, DLPGR, DUT1AT, UT1, . EPSMNR, DIURNV, GMST, WOBXR, WOBYR, CD, CRA, SD, SRA, . NUTDIF(2,2), DNUTP(2,2), SJD, TJD, OBSDIF, FUKU(2) Integer*2 KAXIS(2) Integer*4 TSKIP C DATA SJD /-999.D6/ C C SAVE BLOCK - SAVE GAST, R2000, RDNP, RN, RP, RS, RW, SITEP, . SITEV, SITEA, SITLAT, STAR, SUNCU, TCTOCF, TIDEP, SITRAD, . TIDEV, XLOADP, XLOADV, ZPATH, DEPS, DPSI, EPS, DSTRP, . POLTDP, POLTDV, SUN, AXOFF, CFBASE, DIURNV, DLPGR, EPBASE, . CFSITE, CFSITV, CFSITA, CFSITN, CFLON, CFLAT, SITLON, . OCEAMP, OCEPHS, . PANGL, AZ, ELEV, KAXIS, EARTH, EPSMNR, STAR_ABERRATED, . EPSMD, OMEGA, GASTD, FA, FAD, DUT1P, XMOON, SITHEIGHT, . NUTDIF, XJD, CT, SJD, TJD, OBSDIF, CENT, UT1, DUT1AT, . RTTOCF, GEOLAT, WOBXR, WOBYR, UTC, AT, DUTCAT, DATDCT, . GMST, FUKU C C 1.2.4 DATA BASE ACCESS - NONE C C 1.2.5 EXTERNAL INPUT/OUTPUT - NONE C C 1.2.6 SUBROUTINE INTERFACE - C CALLER SUBROUTINES: MAIN C CALLED SUBROUTINES: INITL, OBSNT, START, TOCUP, WRIDR, C ATIME, ATMG, AXOG, CTIMG, RMPAR, C DIURNL, ETDG, M2000, NUTG, OCEG, C PEP, PREG, PTDG, RELG, ROSITE, SITG, C SITCOR, STRCOR, STRG, SUNCOR, UT1G, C UTCTME, WOBG, PLXG, ATMP, AXOP, ETDP, C NUTP, OCEP, PREP, RELP, SITP, STRP, C UT1P, WOBP, PLXP, PTDP, ATMC, AXOC, C ETDC, OCEC, PTDC, RELC, CSTAR, WOBC C C 1.2.7 CONSTANTS USED - NONE C C 1.2.8 PROGRAM VARIABLES - C 1. AXOFF(2) - THE ANTENNA AXIS OFFSETS AT EACH OBSERVATION C SITE. (M) C 2. CFBASE(3) - THE GEOCENTRIC CRUST FIXED BASELINE VECTOR. (M) C 3. DATMC(2,2) - THE CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE DELAY AND DELAY C RATE DUE TO TROPOSPHERIC REFRACTION AT EACH C OBSERVATION SITE. (SEC, SEC/SEC) C 4. DAXOC(2,2) - THE CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE DELAY AND DELAY C RATE DUE TO THE ANTENNA AXIS OFFSETS AT EACH C OBSERVATION SITE. (SEC, SEC/SEC) C 5. DEPS(2) - THE NUTATION IN OBLIQUITY AND ITS CT TIME C DERIVATIVE COMPUTED FROM WAHR OR TAKEN FROM C THE DATA BASE. (RAD, RAD/SEC) C 6. DIONC(2) - THE CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE DELAY AND DELAY C RATE DUE TO IONOSPHERE EFFECTS. (SEC, SEC/SEC) C 7. DIURNV - THE DIURNAL ANGULAR VELOCITY OF THE EARTH. C (RAD/SEC) C 8. DLPGR - THE CT TIME DERIVATIVE OF THE LONG PERIOD C TERMS IN THE 'AT MINUS CT' OFFSET. (SEC/SEC) C 9. DPSI(2) - THE NUTATION IN LONGITUDE AND ITS CT TIME C DERIVATIVE COMPUTED FROM WAHR OR TAKEN FROM THE C DATA BASE. (RAD, RAD/SEC) C 10. EARTH(3,3) - THE SOLAR SYSTEM BARYCENTRIC EARTH POSITION, C VELOCITY, AND ACCELERATION VECTORS. C (M, M/SEC, M/SEC**2) C 11. EPBASE(3,3) - THE J2000.0 GEOCENTRIC BASELINE POSITION, C VELOCITY, AND ACCELERATION VECTORS. C (M, M/SEC, M/SEC**2) C 12. EPS(2) - THE TRUE OBLIQUITY OF THE ECLIPTIC AND ITS CT C TIME DERIVATIVE. (RAD, RAD/SEC) C 13. EPSMNR - MEAN OBLIQUITY AT EPOCH J2000.0. (RAD) C 14. epsmd - Mean obliquity of date (radians) C 15. fa(5) - Fundamental arguments (see NUTFA) C 16. fad(5) - Time derivative of the fundamental arguments C (see NUTFA) C 17. cent - Number of Julian centuries elapsed since the C epoch January 1.5, 2000. (centuries) C 18. GAST(2) - THE GREENWICH APPARENT SIDEREAL TIME AND ITS CT C TIME DERIVATIVE. (RAD, RAD/SEC) C 19. KEND - THE 'END OF DATA' FLAG. KEND = 0 IF THERE IS C MORE DATA TO BE PROCESSED. KEND = 1 IF THE END C OF THE DATA HAS BEEN REACHED. C 20. KOUNT - THE FLAG WHICH INITIALIZES THE COUNTING OF THE C OBSERVATION ITEMS. C 21. PANGL(2,2) - THE PARALLACTIC ANGLE DUE TO FEED BOX ROTATION C AT EACH OBSERVATION SITE, AND ITS FIRST C CT TIME DERIVATIVE (RAD, RAD/SEC) C 22. POLTDP(3,2) - GEOCENTRIC J2000.0 SITE POSITION CORRECTION FOR C THE EFFECTS OF THE POLE TIDE. (M) C 23. POLTDV(3,2) - GEOCENTRIC J2000.0 SITE VELOCITY CORRECTION FOR C THE EFFECTS OF THE POLE TIDE. (M/SEC) C 24. R2000(3,3,3) - THE COMPLETE CRUST FIXED TO J2000.0 ROTATION C MATRIX AND ITS FIRST TWO CT TIME DERIVATIVES. C (UNITLESS, 1/SEC, 1/SEC**2) C 25. RDNP(3,3) - THE DIURNAL POLAR MOTION PORTION OF THE C COMPLETE CRUST FIXED TO J2000.0 ROTATION C MATRIX. (UNITLESS) C 26. RN(3,3,2) - THE NUTATION PORTION OF THE COMPLETE CRUST C FIXED TO J2000.0 ROTATION MATRIX AND ITS CT C TIME DERIVATIVE. (UNITLESS, 1/SEC) C 27. RP(3,3,2) - THE PRECESSION PORTION OF THE COMPLETE CRUST C FIXED TO J2000.0 ROTATION MATRIX AND ITS CT C TIME DERIVATIVE. (UNITLESS, 1/SEC) C 28. RS(3,3,3) - THE DIURNAL SPIN PORTION OF THE COMPLETE CRUST C FIXED TO J2000.0 ROTATION MATRIX AND ITS FIRST C TWO CT TIME DERIVATIVES. (UNITLESS, 1/SEC, C 1/SEC**2) C 29. RW(3,3,2) - THE WOBBLE PORTION OF THE COMPLETE CRUST FIXED C TO J2000.0 ROTATION MATRIX and its time C derivative. (unitless, 1/sec) C 30. SITEP(3,2) - THE J2000.0 GEOCENTRIC POSITION VECTORS OF EACH C OBSERVATION SITE. (M) C 31. SITEV(3,2) - THE J2000.0 GEOCENTRIC VELOCITY VECTORS OF EACH C OBSERVATION SITE. (M/SEC) C 32. SITEA(3,2) - THE J2000.0 GEOCENTRIC ACCELERATION VECTORS OF C EACH OBSERVATION SITE. (M/S/S) C 33. SITLAT(2) - THE SITE GEODETIC LATITUDES. (RAD) C 34. SITLON(2) - The site East longitudes. (rad) C 35. SITHEIGHT(2) - The site heights above the geoid. (m) C 36. STAR(3,2) - THE J2000.0 SOURCE UNIT VECTOR (UNITLESS) C FOR EACH SITE. C 37. POINTING(3,2) - THE J2000.0 POINTING DIRECTION UNIT VECTOR C (UNITLESS), WHICH MAY BE DIFFERENT FROM STAR, C FOR EACH SITE. C 38. STAR3D(3,2) - THE J2000.0 SOURCE VECTOR (M) FOR EACH SITE. C 39. POINTING3D(3,2)-THE J2000.0 POINTING DIRECTION VECTOR (M), C WHICH MAY BE DIFFERENT FROM STAR, FOR EACH SITE. C 40. SUN(3,2) - THE J2000.0 GEOCENTRIC SUN POSITION AND C VELOCITY VECTORS. (M, M/SEC) C 41. TCTOCF(3,3,2) - THE ROTATION MATRIX WHICH ROTATES THE C TOPOCENTRIC REFERENCE SYSTEM TO THE CRUST FIXED C REFERENCE SYSTEM AT EACH OBSERVATION SITE. C 42. TIDEP(3,2) - THE CORRECTIONS TO THE J2000.0 GEOCENTRIC SITE C POSITION VECTORS DUE TO EARTH TIDE EFFECTS. (M) C 43. TIDEV(3,2) - THE CORRECTIONS TO THE J2000.0 GEOCENTRIC SITE C VELOCITY VECTORS DUE TO EARTH TIDES. (M/SEC) C 44. WOBX - THE LONG PERIOD WOBBLE X-OFFSET. (RAD) C 45. WOBY - THE LONG PERIOD WOBBLE Y-OFFSET. (RAD) C (NOTE: WOBY IS LEFT HANDED.) C 46. XLOADP(3,2) - THE CORRECTIONS TO THE J2000.0 GEOCENTRIC SITE C POSITION VECTORS DUE TO OCEAN LOADING. (M) C 47. XLOADV(3,2) - THE CORRECTIONS TO THE J2000.0 GEOCENTRIC SITE C VELOCTY VECTORS DUE TO OCEAN LOADING. (M/SEC) C 48. ZPATH(2) - THE ZENITH ELECTRICAL PATH LENGTH AT EACH C OBSERVATION SITE. (SEC) C 49. STAR_ABERRATED(3,2) - THE J2000.0 SOURCE UNIT VECTOR AT EACH C SITE CORRECTED FOR ABERRATION. (UNITLESS) C 50. POINTING_ABERRATED(3,2) - THE J2000.0 POINTING UNIT VECTOR AT C EACH SITE CORRECTED FOR ABERRATION. (UNITLESS) C 51. STAR_ABERRATED3D(3,2) - THE J2000.0 SOURCE VECTOR AT EACH C SITE CORRECTED FOR ABERRATION. (M) C 52. POINTING_ABERRATED3D(3,2) - THE J2000.0 POINTING VECTOR AT C EACH SITE CORRECTED FOR ABERRATION. (M) C 53. axis2000(3,2) - Vector axis offset of antenna in the J2000.0 C frame (effect on baseline). First index is C X,Y,Z (meters), second runs over sites. C 54. daxis2000(3,2) - Time derivative of axis2000, rate of change C of vector axis offset of antenna in the C J2000.0 frame (effect on baseline). First C index is velocity, second runs over sites. C 55. ELEV(2,2) - The elevation angle of the source corrrected C for aberration and its CT time derivative at C each site (rad,rad/sec) C 56. AZ(2,2) - The azimuth angle of the source corrrected C for aberration and its CT time derivative C at each site (rad,rad/sec) C 57. DSTRP(2,2) - Partial derivatives of the delay and delay C rate with respect to source RA and Dec. First C runs over RA and Dec, second runs over delay C and delay rate. (sec/rad, sec/sec-rad C 58. NUTDIF(2,2) - Nutation difference: IAU1980 minus IERS1996. C First index over psi and epsilon; second C index over difference and derivative of C difference. (radians, radians/sec) C 59. DNUTP(2,2) - PARTIAL DERIVATIVES OF THE DELAY AND THE DELAY C RATE W.R.T DPSI AND DEPS. (SEC/RAD, C SEC/SEC/RAD) C 60. RTTOCF(3,3,2) - The rotation matrix which rotates the C 'radial-transverse' reference system to the C crust fixed reference system at each site. C 61. GEOLAT(2) - The geocentric latitude at each site. (rad) C 62. SJD - Time of the previous observation. C 63. XJD - C 64. UTC - C 65. FUKU(2) - Correction in longitude for the effect of C geodesic nutation, and its time derivative, C according to Fukushima. (radians, radians/sec) C C C 1.2.9 PROGRAMMER - DALE MARKHAM 01/12/77 C DALE MARKHAM 02/16/77 C KATHY WATTS 03/28/77 C PETER DENATALE 07/07/77 C BRUCE SCHUPLER 05/11/78 C BRUCE SCHUPLER 12/05/78 C BRUCE SCHUPLER 02/01/79 C BRUCE SCHUPLER 01/07/80 C BRUCE SCHUPLER 08/26/80 C CHOPO MA 08/03/81 C HAROLD M. SCHUH 10/08/83 C GEORGE KAPLAN ???????? C CHOPO MA / DAVID GORDON 04/09/84 C DAVID GORDON 05/15/84 C DAVID GORDON 06/11/84 C JIM RYAN 06/20/84 (OCEAN LOADING) C DAVID GORDON 07/12/84 (POLE TIDE) C DAVID GORDON 07/18/84 (K1 DISPLACEMENT TIDE) C DAVID GORDON 08/30/84 (CHANGED CALL TO OCEG) C DAVID GORDON 01/03/85 (REMOVED POLTDP & POLTDV C FROM CALL PTDC) C DAVID GORDON 01/08/85 (ADDED IDISC) C SAVITA GOEL 06/04/87 (CDS FOR A900) C GREGG COOKE 12/21/88 (CONSOLIDATED DRIVERS) C LOTHAR MOHLMANN 03/23/89 (CHANGED SITG, OCEG) C GREGG COOKE 05/22/89 (ADDED PANC) C 89.07.25 Jim Ryan Documentation simplified C 89.10.08 All code relating to computing a perturbed C source positon deleted. Logic changed for C Shapiro (89) algorithm. c 91.10.05 Jim Ryan Arrary EARTH passed to ATMG for c aberration computation. c 91.11.25 jwr The array EARTH added to the call to c SITP, STRP, UT1P, and WOBP. C 93MAY CONSEN added, AXOG & ATMG calls modified, etc. C 93.10.07 NZ/DG, added call to DIRNC, new equation of C equinox's contribution (IERS note 13) C 94.01.07 D. Gordon XMOON added to SAVE block, needed C (along with EARTH and SUN) in PEP to allow C reusing solar system info if obs. time doesn't C change. C 94.04.13 D. Gordon Converted to Implicit None. C 94.06.08 D. Gordon Removed unused variable 'TRHOHF' from C Save block C 94.09.21 D. Gordon Added SITHEIGHT(2) to AXOG argument C list. C 94.10.05 D. Gordon Removed unused arguments from call to C THERY C 94.10.24 D. Gordon Removed unused arguments from calls to C ATMG and AXOG. C 95.05.02 D. Gordon DSTRP(2,2) added, put in SAVE block; C added SUN and DSTRP to subroutine PLXP argument C list; added DSTRP to subroutine STRP argument C list. C 95.12.04 D. Gordon: Variable CT passed to WOBG for X,Y C interpolation. C 95.12.11 D. Gordon Changing RW(3,3) to RW(3,3,2). Time C derivative of wobble rotation matrix computed C in WOBG. C 98.02.04 D. Gordon: Added DNUTP to subroutine NUTP call. C Added call to subroutine NUTC for Wahr C contribution. Removed DEPSD and DPSID (database C nutation values) from call to PEP. Logic added C to allow skipping repeat time-dependent C computations. C 98.06.26 D. Gordon: Removed obsolete arguments from call C to ETDG and added rotation matrix RTTOCF(3,3,2) C 98.09.08 D. Gordon: Added SITEV to subroutine STRP C argument list. C 98.09.10 D. Gordon: Move 'CALL UTCTM' ahead of 'CALL C STRG' so that the time can be used for proper C motion corrections (optional) in the Star C geometry computations. Add XJD and UTC to C STRG and STRP argument list. C 98.10.15 D. Gordon: Added SITEV to subroutine SITP C argument list. C 98.10.16 D. Gordon: Added 'CALL PLXC' for optional C computation of parallax contributions. C 98.11.05 D. Gordon: Added WOBXR, WOBYR, UTC, AT, DUTCAT, C DATDCT, GMST to SAVE block. C 98.11.12 D. Gordon: Removed PANG subroutine call. The C feedbox rotation (parallactic angle) module C has been removed and its functions have been C merged into the axis offset module. C Added variable FUKU(2) to NUTG and NUTC C argument lists. Used to compute effect of C geodesic nutation. C 98.11.19 D. Gordon: Added EL(2,2) to ATMP argument C list to calculate the Niell atmosphere gadient C partials. C 98.11.24 D. Gordon: Added STAR to PTDP argument list to C calculate pole tide partials w.r.t. X and Y. C 98.12.17 D. Gordon: Added CENT to PTDP argument list to C compute and remove a secular mean value for C X-pole and Y-pole. C 99.01.14 D. Gordon: Put TSKIP in Subroutine PEP C argument list to check new/repeat time in PEP. C PEP now does PUT's of Earth, Moon, and Sun C coordinates. C James M Anderson 12.02.17 Update for spacecraft C James M Anderson 12.05.25 Update for spacecraft C C PROGRAM STRUCTURE C C Perform the geometry and time calculations. C The basic coordinate system is referenced to the Epoch of 2000.0 and is a C right-handed Cartesian system oriented to the mean celestial pole and mean C equator of that epoch. The nominal origin is the solar system barycenter. C There is also an Earth fixed coordinate system which is a right-handed C Cartesian system oriented to the mean geographic pole of 1900-1906 and the C Greenwich Meridian. The nominal origin is the Earth's center of mass. The C basic unit of time is the coordinate second as used by the PEP Tape. UTC, C AT, AND UT1 are also used. The geometry of the observation is calculated C with an accuracy goal of 0.1 picoseconds of delay. In doing the C calculations for the geometry, much of the work neccesary for the C computation of model contributions to delay and delay rate and partials of C delay and delay rate with respect to model parameters is also done. C Matrices which represent coordinate rotations (precession, nutation, C diurnal spin, diurnal polar motion, and wobble) and their CT time C derivatives are stored as (3,3,N) arrays, where N indixes the N-1'th time C derivative. The subroutines suffixed G are sections of model modules. The C other subroutines may be considered utilities and either superseed or C incorporate many present PEP routines. C C Call SITG for the geographical site data. SITG provides the following C geocentric information for each observing site: the antenna axis offsets C (AXOFF), the antenna types (KAXIS), the crust fixed site vectors (CFSITE), C the crust fixed velocity vectors (CFSITV), C the crust fixed acceleration vectors (CFSITA), C the crust fixed baseline vector (CFBASE), the crust fixed site normal unit C vectors (CFSITN), the geodetic latitudes (SITLAT), the site east C longitudes (SITLON), the spherical Earth radii, the partial derivatives of C the crust fixed site vector components with respect to the geodetic C latitudes (CFLAT) and east longitudes (CFLON), the rotation matrices which C rotate the topocentric site reference system to the geocentric system at C each site (TCTOCF), and the zenith tropospheric path delays at each C observing site. SITG is the only routine which 'knows' which two sites are C involved in the observation. All other routines merely work with site #1 C and site #2. Note that in the case of spacecraft antennas, the C CFSITE, CFSITV, and CFSITA vectors are actually in J2000 coordinates, C and the CFBASE vector is invalid. C CALL SITG (AXOFF, CFBASE, CFLAT, CFLON, CFSITE, CFSITV, CFSITA, * CFSITN, KAXIS, * OCEAMP, OCEPHS, SITLAT, SITLON, SITRAD, TCTOCF, RTTOCF, * ZPATH, SITHEIGHT, GEOLAT) PRINT*, 'JMA 0 ', CFSITE PRINT*, 'JMA SITG ZPATH ', ZPATH PRINT*, 'JMA SITG AXOFF ', AXOFF PRINT*, 'JMA SITG CFBASE ', CFBASE PRINT*, 'JMA SITG CFLAT ', CFLAT PRINT*, 'JMA SITG CFLON ', CFLON PRINT*, 'JMA SITG CFSITE ', CFSITE PRINT*, 'JMA SITG CFSITV ', CFSITV PRINT*, 'JMA SITG CFSITA ', CFSITA PRINT*, 'JMA SITG CFSITN ', CFSITN PRINT*, 'JMA SITG KAXIS ', KAXIS PRINT*, 'JMA SITG OCEAMP ', OCEAMP PRINT*, 'JMA SITG OCEPHS ', OCEPHS PRINT*, 'JMA SITG SITLAT ', SITLAT PRINT*, 'JMA SITG SITLON ', SITLON PRINT*, 'JMA SITG SITRAD ', SITRAD PRINT*, 'JMA SITG TCTOCF ', TCTOCF PRINT*, 'JMA SITG RTTOCF ', RTTOCF PRINT*, 'JMA SITG ZPATH ', ZPATH PRINT*, 'JMA SITG SITHEIGHT ', SITHEIGHT PRINT*, 'JMA SITG GEOLAT ', GEOLAT C C Call UTCTM for the UTC time fraction of the UTC day (UTC) and for C the Julian Date at zero hours UTC of the date in question (XJD). CALL UTCTM (UTC, XJD) C C Call STRG for the J2000.0 unit vector in the direction of the C radio source. (STAR) CALL STRG (XJD, UTC, STAR) C C Call ATIME for the atomic time fraction of the atomic time day (AT) and C for the partial derivative of the UTC time with respect to the atomic C time (DUTCAT). CALL ATIME (UTC, XJD, AT, DUTCAT) C C Call CTIMG for the coordinate time fraction of the coordinate time day at C site #1 (CT), the partial derivative of the atomic time with respect to C the coordinate time (DATDCT), and the partial derivative of the long C period terms in the 'AT minus CT' offset with respect to the coordinate C time (DLPGR). C Note that since correlator use always has site #1 at the center of the C Earth, there is no need to correct the equations in CTIMG for C spacecraft velocities being different than a site fixed to the Earth C solid body rotation. CALL CTIMG (AT, CFSITE, SITLON, UTC, XJD, CT, DATDCT, DLPGR) C C Compute epoch and compare with previous observation. If same, set C TSKIP=1, otherwise TSKIP=0. If TSKIP=1, then we can skip many steps in C the geometry subroutines. TJD = XJD + CT OBSDIF = DABS(TJD - SJD) IF (OBSDIF .lt. 2.D-10) THEN TSKIP = 1 ELSE TSKIP = 0 SJD = TJD ENDIF C C Call PEP for the J2000.0 geocentric Sun (SUN) and Moon (XMOON) position C and velocity vectors; the J2000.0 solar system barycentric Earth C position, velocity, and acceleration vectors (EARTH); the other planets' C (except Pluto) barycentric and geocentric positions and velocities. C The solar system info comes from the DE/LE403 JPL Ephemeris by default. CALL PEP (XJD, CT, TSKIP, EARTH, SUN, XMOON) C C Call NUTFA before NUTG and before UT1G to get epoch in centuries and C the fundamental arguments for the nutation series. IF (TSKIP .NE. 1) * CALL NUTFA (xjd, ct, cent, fa, fad) C C Call UT1G for the UT1 fraction of the UT1 day (UT1) and for the partial C derivative of the UT1 time with respect to the atomic time (DUT1AT). CALL UT1G (AT, DUTCAT, UTC, XJD, CT, fa, fad, cent, TSKIP, * DUT1AT, UT1) C C Call NUTG for the nutation portion of the complete crust fixed to J2000.0 C rotation matrix and its CT time derivative (RN), the true obliquity of C the ecliptic and its CT time derivative (EPS), and the mean obliquity at C J2000.0 (EPSMNR). CALL NUTG (cent, fa, fad, TSKIP, DEPS, DPSI, EPS, EPSMNR, RN, * NUTDIF, FUKU) C Call PREG for the precession portion of the complete crust fixed to C J2000.0 rotation matrix and its CT time derivative (RP). IF (TSKIP .NE. 1) CALL PREG (CT, EPSMNR, XJD, RP) C C Call DIRNL for the diurnal spin portion of the complete crust fixed to C J2000.0 rotation matrix and its first two CT time derivatives (RS), the C Greenwich apparent siderial time and its CT time derivative (GAST), the C Greenwich mean siderial time (GMST), the diurnal rotational velocity of C the Earth (DIURNV), and the difference in GAST according to two versions C of the equation of the equinoxes (gastd). C ??????? IF (TSKIP .NE. 1) * CALL DIRNL (DATDCT, DPSI, DUT1AT, EPS, DEPS, FA, UT1, XJD, * DIURNV, GAST, GMST, gastd, RS) C C Call WOBG for the wobble portion of the complete crust fixed to J2000.0 C rotation matrix and its first time derivative (RW), and the long period C wobble X and Y OFFSETS. (NOTE: Right-handed coordinate system.) CALL WOBG (CT, UTC, XJD, TSKIP, RW, WOBXR, WOBYR) C C Set the diurnal polar motion matrix to unity. (This effect now obsolete.) CALL ROTAT (0.D0, 3, RDNP) C C Call M2000 to compute the complete crust fixed to J2000.0 rotation matrix C and its first two CT time derivatives. CALL M2000 (RDNP, RN, RP, RS, RW, TSKIP, R2000) C C Call ROSIT to rotate the crust fixed site data into the J2000.0 inertial C reference system. The following variables are output for each observing C site in J2000.0 coordinates: the site position vectors (USITEP) and C velocity vectors (USITEV) uncorrected for Earth tidal and ocean loading C effects; the site accelerations (SITEA); the site normal unit vectors C (EPSITN); and the partial derivatives of the site position and velocity C vector components with respect to the site geodetic latitudes (EPLATP and C EPLATV) and east longitudes (EPLONP and EPLONV). CALL ROSIT (CFLAT, CFLON, CFSITE, CFSITV, CFSITA, . CFSITN, KAXIS, R2000, EPLATP, EPLATV, . EPLONP, EPLONV, EPSITN, SITEA, USITEP, USITEV) PRINT*, 'JMA ROSIT ', USITEP C C IF (TSKIP .NE. 1) THEN C Call ETDG for the corrections to the J2000 site position vectors (TIDEP) C and velocity vectors (TIDEV) due to Earth tide effects. CALL ETDG ( R2000, SITLAT, SITLON, SUN, TCTOCF, RTTOCF, * USITEP, USITEV, XMOON, EARTH, GAST, STAR, FA, * FAD, CENT, GEOLAT, KAXIS, TIDEP, TIDEV) C C Call 'PTDG' for the corrections to the J2000.0 site positions and site C velocity vectors due to the solid Earth pole tide. CALL PTDG (SITLAT, SITLON, SITRAD, WOBXR, WOBYR, DIURNV, . TCTOCF, R2000, CENT, KAXIS, POLTDP, POLTDV) C C Call OCEG for the corrections to the J2000.0 site position vectors C (XLOADP) and velocity vectors (XLOADV) due to ocean loading effects. CALL OCEG (CFSITE, UT1, OCEAMP, OCEPHS, R2000, XJD, TCTOCF, . KAXIS, TSKIP, XLOADP, XLOADV) C C END IF C C Call SITCR to apply the Earth tide, ocean loading, and pole tide C corrections to the J2000.0 site position vectors (SITEP), site velocity C vectors (SITEV), and the J2000.0 baseline position and velocity vectors C (EPBASE). CALL SITCR (TIDEP, TIDEV, USITEP, USITEV, XLOADP, . XLOADV, EPBASE, SITEP, SITEV, SITEA, POLTDP, POLTDV) PRINT*, 'JMA SITCR ', SITEP C C Call UVG to compute the (U,V) coordinates of the baseline, depending C on the value of KASTC. CALL UVG ( STAR, EPBASE ) C C Call ATMG for the aberrated elevation and azimuth angles of the source and C their CT time derivatives, and the aberrated source unit vector. CALL ATMG (R2000, STAR, EARTH, TCTOCF, SITEV, KAXIS, AZ, ELEV, . STAR_ABERRATED ) C C Call AXOG for the J2000.0 vector axis offsets of the antennas and their C time derivatives at each site. CALL AXOG (KAXIS, R2000, SITLAT, STAR, TCTOCF, SITEV, AXOFF, . EARTH, AZ, ELEV, STAR_ABERRATED, SITHEIGHT, AXIS2000, . DAXIS2000) PRINT*, 'JMA AXOG AXOFF ', AXOFF C C Call PLXG to compute the parallax goemetry. CALL PLXG C C Perform the partial derivatives calculations. C The partials are calculated using exact geometry wherever practical. Each C section PUT's its partials into the observation item using the database C handler. The calling sequence for each module has the form: Call C P(...) where ... are the variables passed from the geometry section C of DRIVR needed to calculate the partials. All of the subroutines are C parts of model modules. Note that the relativity partials are now in the C THERY subroutine. C C Compute the atmosphere partials. CALL ATMP (ELEV, AZ, SITLAT, SITHEIGHT, XJD, CT, KAXIS, dATMCdh) C C C Compute the axis offset partials. CALL AXOP (AXOFF, dATMCdh) C C Compute the Earth tide partials. CALL ETDP (R2000, SITLAT, STAR, TCTOCF) C C Compute the pole tide partials. CALL PTDP (STAR) C C Compute the nutation partials. CALL NUTP (CFBASE, DEPS, DPSI, EPS, GAST, RDNP, RN, RP, RS, . RW, STAR, DNUTP) C C Compute the ocean loading partials. CALL OCEP C C Compute the precession partials. CALL PREP (CFBASE, EPSMNR, RDNP, RN, RS, RW, STAR) C C Compute the site partials. CALL SITP (R2000, STAR, EARTH, SITEV, SITEA, KAXIS) C C Compute the star partials. CALL STRP (EPBASE, STAR, EARTH, SITEV, DSTRP, CD, CRA, SD, SRA) C C Compute the UT1 partials. CALL UT1P (CFBASE,DIURNV,GAST,RDNP,RN,RP,RW,STAR,EARTH, ! input . DUT1P) ! output C C Compute the wobble partials. CALL WOBP (CFBASE, RDNP, RN, RP, RS, STAR, EARTH) C C Compute the parallax partials. CALL PLXP (SUN, DSTRP, CD, CRA, SD, SRA, EARTH, STAR, EPBASE, * SITEV) C C Perform the contributions calculations. C The individual module contributions are calcualted so that they may be C removed from the theoretical in the program 'SOLVE' if desired. Some of C the routines are essentially dummies returning values passed from the C observation item. However, they are included to retain the capability of C using other models. In several cases the contributions can be calculated C to first order with sufficient accuracy using the partial derivatives of C the dalays and rates with respect to the model module parameters. Each C section will PUT its contributions into the observation item using the C database handler. Note that the relativity contributions are now in C subroutine THERY. C C Compute the atmosphere contributions. CALL ATMC (ZPATH, DATMC) PRINT*, 'JMA ATMC ZPATH ', ZPATH PRINT*, 'JMA ATMC DATMC ', DATMC C C Compute the axis offset contributions. CALL AXOC (AXOFF, DAXOC) PRINT*, 'JMA AXOC AXOFF ', AXOFF PRINT*, 'JMA AXOC DAXOC ', DAXOC C C Compute the earth tide contributions. CALL ETDC (TIDEP, TIDEV, STAR) C C Compute the pole tide contributions. CALL PTDC (STAR) C C Zero out the ionosphere contribution. DIONC(1) = 0.D0 DIONC(2) = 0.D0 C C Compute the ocean loading contributions. CALL OCEC (STAR) C C Compute the Wahr nutation contribution CALL NUTC (NUTDIF, DNUTP, FUKU) C C Compute proper motion contributions. CALL STRC(DSTRP) C C Compute the wobble contributions. CALL WOBC C C Compute the parallax contributions. CALL PLXC C C Compute contributions for the new definition of the equation of the C equinox. CALL DIRNC (GASTD, DUT1P) C Perform the calculation for the complete theoretical delay and rate. C Also do all the work of all elements of the Relativity Module, C including the contributions and partials. This now includes only C the Consensus relativity model computations: CALL THERY (DATMC, DAXOC, DIONC, DLPGR, EARTH, EPBASE, . SITEP, SITEV, SITEA, SUN, STAR, XMOON, AT) PRINT*, 'JMA THERY SITEP ', SITEP PRINT*, 'JMA THERY STAR ', STAR PRINT*, 'JMA THERY DATMC ', DATMC PRINT*, 'JMA THERY DAXOC ', DAXOC PRINT*, 'JMA THERY DIONC ', DIONC PRINT*, 'JMA THERY DLPGR ', DLPGR PRINT*, 'JMA THERY EARTH ', EARTH PRINT*, 'JMA THERY EPBASE ', EPBASE PRINT*, 'JMA THERY SITEV ', SITEV PRINT*, 'JMA THERY SITEA ', SITEA PRINT*, 'JMA THERY SUN ', SUN PRINT*, 'JMA THERY XMOON ', XMOON PRINT*, 'JMA THERY AT ', AT C C-VLBA DO 10 I = 1, 3 SRC(I) = STAR(I,1) DO 20 J = 1, 3 BSLN(I,J) = EPBASE(I,J) EARTHX(I,J) = EARTH(I,J) 20 CONTINUE 10 CONTINUE SRCELEV(1,1) = ELEV(1,1) SRCELEV(1,2) = ELEV(1,2) SRCELEV(2,1) = ELEV(2,1) SRCELEV(2,2) = ELEV(2,2) C C Go back to the main. RETURN END