SUBROUTINE CALCMODL2 (MJD,TIME,SRCID,STNAID,STNBID,DELAY,RATE, * U,V,W, ATMOS, DATMOS, ACCEL, * RISETIME, SETTIME, XELEV, RELEV, * XAZ, RAZ, XMSA, RMSA, BJ2000, * PARTIALS, IRETURN) C------------------------------------------------------------------- C C CALCMODL calls the CALC driver subroutine (DRIVR). C IMPLICIT DOUBLE PRECISION (A-H, O-Z) REAL*8 D_FTOC REAL*8 TIME,UTCSEC,DELAY,RATE,U,V,W, TWOPI, XAZ(2), RAZ(2) REAL*8 XMSA(2), RMSA(2), BJ2000(3,3) REAL*8 XDELAY,XRATE,SEQ, BSLN(3,3), SRC(3), EARTH(3,3) REAL*8 RISETIME,SETTIME,NEXTELEV,SRCELEV(2,2), CALC_DELAY REAL*8 ACCEL,UT1UTC, XPOLE, YPOLE, ATMOS(2,2), DATMOS(2,2) REAL*8 XELEV(2), RELEV(2), RC_PLUS_EPS2(3), DLYSAVE(2), EPS2(3) REAL*8 CLIGHT, R2_SSB(3), RC_SSB(3), R2_GEO(3), RC_GEO(3) REAL*8 BETA(3), BETA2(3), B_SQR, B_SQR2, GAMMA, BDOTR_SSB REAL*8 BETADOTSTN, BETADOTRC, PARALLAX, RDIST, BETADOTBETA2 REAL*8 RSOURCE, ONE_LY, PARTIALS(28) REAL*8 EPS_SQR, RCDOTEPS, RCDOTB2, EPS_CURVE(3), DLYCRV REAL*8 DEL_CURVE REAL*8 CALC_GRAVDLY, GRAV_TERM1, GRAV_TERM2, VECMG, C_TERM REAL*8 STN1_SC(3), STN2_SC(3), MP_STN1(3), MP_STN2(3), MP_SC(3) REAL*8 MP_SC1(3), MP_SC2(3), R1_R2(3), GEO_SC(3) REAL*8 UNIT_R1(3), UNIT_SC(3), UNIT_R1SC(3) REAL*8 R1MPT1(3), R2MPT1(3) REAL*8 MAG_STN1_SC, MAG_STN2_SC, MAG_MP_STN1, MAG_MP_STN2 REAL*8 MAG_MP_SC, MAG_MP_SC1, MAG_MP_SC2 REAL*8 SUNGRAVDLY, MOONGRAVDLY, EARGRAVDLY, PLANGRAVDLY REAL*8 A,DA INTEGER*4 MJD, SRCID, STNAID, STNBID, YEAR, MONTH, DAY INTEGER*4 UTCTAG(5), I, J, ISOL, ITER_SOL, IRETURN C COMMON /CALCM/ LSEG(3,11),NSEG C include 'CALCIO.INC' include 'ccon.i' C C-------------------------------------------------------------------- C IRETURN = 0 TWOPI = 6.2831853071795864769D0 CLIGHT = 299792458.0D0 C C One light year in meters ONE_LY = 9.4605D+15 C C---------------------------------------------------------------------- C Normally CALC calls OBSNT to get the observing date and time, C stations and source. We do it by hand here. C---------------------------------------------------------------------- C MJDFRACDAY= TIME / TWOPI UTCTAG(4) = TIME * 24.0D0 / TWOPI UTCTAG(5) = ((TIME * 24.0D0 / TWOPI - DFLOAT(UTCTAG(4)))*60.0D0 * + 0.01) UTCSEC = TIME * 86400.D0 / TWOPI - DFLOAT(UTCTAG(4))*3600.D0 * - DFLOAT(UTCTAG(5))*60.D0 C I = UTCSEC + 0.1 C UTCSEC = DFLOAT(I) C CALL MJD2DAY(MJD,YEAR,MONTH,DAY) UTCTAG(1) = YEAR UTCTAG(2) = MONTH UTCTAG(3) = DAY MJDATE = MJD C C Load date and time into COMMON variable C DO I = 1, 5 GETTAG(I) = UTCTAG(I) END DO C GETSEC = UTCSEC C GETSRC = SRCID + 1 GETSIT(1) = STNAID + 1 GETSIT(2) = STNBID + 1 C C---------------------------------------------------------------------- C Call the CALC DRIVR subroutine that does it all. C---------------------------------------------------------------------- C PRINT*, 'JMA in calcmodl2 before DRIVR' CALL DRIVR (BSLN,SRC,EARTH,SRCELEV) PRINT*, "JMA in calcmodl2 IRET is ", IRET IF (IRET.EQ.1) THEN PRINT*, 'JMA in calcmodl2 DEBUG returning' IRETURN = IRET RETURN END IF PRINT*, 'JMA in calcmodl2 after DRIVR' C C Retrieve CALC delay and rate from COMMON variables XDELAY = PUTDLY(1) + PUTDLY(2) XRATE = PUTRAT DELAY = XDELAY RATE = XRATE PRINT*, 'JMA in calcmodl2 PUTDLY ', PUTDLY PRINT*, 'JMA in calcmodl2 XDELAY ', XDELAY PRINT*, 'JMA in calcmodl2 XRATE ', XRATE PRINT*, 'JMA in calcmodl2 DELAY ', DELAY C C Get the Calc atmos delay and rate from common in CALCIO.INC C Pass the dry and wet delays and rates. First index is station a C or station b, second index is dry atm or wet atm. C ATMOS(1,1) = ATMDLY(1) ATMOS(2,1) = ATMDLY(2) C ATMOS(1,2) = ATMDLY(3) C ATMOS(2,2) = ATMDLY(4) C DATMOS(1,1) = ATMRATE(1) DATMOS(2,1) = ATMRATE(2) C DATMOS(1,2) = ATMRATE(3) C DATMOS(2,2) = ATMRATE(4) C C C---------------------------------------------------------------------- C Calculate U,V,W based on source and baseline vectors from CALC. C U,V,W are in meters and in the J2000 frame. Diurnal and annual C aberration corrections are NOT applied to U,V,W. C---------------------------------------------------------------------- C SEQ = DSQRT(1.0D0 - SRC(3)*SRC(3)) IF(SEQ.GT.0.0D0) THEN U = -BSLN(1,1)*SRC(2)/SEQ + BSLN(2,1)*SRC(1)/SEQ V = -BSLN(1,1)*SRC(1)*SRC(3)/SEQ - BSLN(2,1)*SRC(2)*SRC(3)/SEQ + +BSLN(3,1)*SEQ W = BSLN(1,1)*SRC(1) + BSLN(2,1)*SRC(2) + BSLN(3,1)*SRC(3) ELSE C North or South Pole IF(SRC(3).GT.0.0D0) THEN U = BSLN(2,1) V = -BSLN(1,1) W = BSLN(3,1) ELSE U = BSLN(2,1) V = BSLN(1,1) W = -BSLN(3,1) ENDIF ENDIF C C---------------------------------------------------------------------- C Calculate the projection of the earth's accelaration (orbital) C in the direction of the source C---------------------------------------------------------------------- C ACCEL = SRC(1)*EARTH(1,3) * + SRC(2)*EARTH(2,3) * + SRC(3)*EARTH(3,3) C C---------------------------------------------------------------------- C Copy over the baseline position, velocity, and acceleration C to the output array C---------------------------------------------------------------------- C DO I=1,3 DO J=1,3 BJ2000(J,I) = BSLN(J,I) ENDDO ENDDO C C C---------------------------------------------------------------------- C Calculate the source rise and set times. Correlator will flag C records when the source is below the horizon. C---------------------------------------------------------------------- C C The VLBA antenna elevation limit is 2.25 degrees C RISETIME = DFLOAT(MJD) + 0.0 SETTIME = DFLOAT(MJD) + 1.0 NEXTELEV = SRCELEV(2,1) + SRCELEV(2,2) * 120.0 XELEV(1) = PUTEL(1,1) XELEV(2) = PUTEL(2,1) RELEV(1) = PUTEL(1,2) RELEV(2) = PUTEL(2,2) XAZ(1) = PUTAZ(1,1) XAZ(2) = PUTAZ(2,1) RAZ(1) = PUTAZ(1,2) RAZ(2) = PUTAZ(2,2) C C The source is below the elevation limit for the next two mins. C IF (SRCELEV(2,1).LE.3.927D-2 .AND. NEXTELEV.LE.3.927D-2) THEN RISETIME = DFLOAT(MJD) + 1.0 SETTIME = DFLOAT(MJD) + 2.0 END IF C C The source rises during the next two minutes. C IF (SRCELEV(2,1).LT.3.927D-2 .AND. NEXTELEV.GE.3.927D-2) THEN RISETIME = DFLOAT(MJD) + TIME / TWOPI * + (3.927D-2 - SRCELEV(2,1)) / (SRCELEV(2,2)*86400.0) END IF C C The source sets during the next two minutes. C IF (SRCELEV(2,1).GE.3.927D-2 .AND. NEXTELEV.LT.3.927D-2) THEN SETTIME = DFLOAT(MJD) + TIME / TWOPI * + (3.927D-2 - SRCELEV(2,1)) / (SRCELEV(2,2)*86400.0) END IF C C---------------------------------------------------------------------- C Load the Calc partial derivatives in CALCIO.INC common into the C argument variable PARTIALS. C---------------------------------------------------------------------- C C DO I = 1, 2 C PARTIALS(I) = DRYATMP(I) C PARTIALS(I+2) = WETATMP(I) C PARTIALS(I+4) = AXOP(I) C PARTIALS(I+6) = SITDLYP(I) C END DO C DO I = 1, 4 C PARTIALS(I+8) = SITDLYP(I+2) C PARTIALS(I+12) = SRCDLYP(I) C PARTIALS(I+16) = UT1P(I) C PARTIALS(I+20) = WOBP(I) C END DO C C======================================================================= C Get the source parallax from the job script structure. If non-zero C calculate a near-field delay correction, and recalculate the C gravitational bending for the sun, earth, moon, planets.. C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C c write (6,3001) "C_SUN = ", C_SUN c write (6,4002) "R1SUNT1 = ", R1SUNT1(1),R1SUNT1(2),R1SUNT1(3) c write (6,4002) "R2SUNT1 = ", R2SUNT1(1),R2SUNT1(2),R2SUNT1(3) c write (6,3001) "C_EARTH = ", C_EARTH c write (6,4002) "R1EARTHT1 = ", R1EARTHT1(1), c + R1EARTHT1(2),R1EARTHT1(3) c write (6,4002) "R2EARTHT1 = ", R2EARTHT1(1), c + R2EARTHT1(2),R2EARTHT1(3) c write (6,3001) "C_MOON = ", C_MOON c write (6,4002) "R1MOONT1 = ", R1MOONT1(1), c + R1MOONT1(2),R1MOONT1(3) c write (6,4002) "R2MOONT1 = ", R2MOONT1(1), c + R2MOONT1(2),R2MOONT1(3) c DO I = 1, 7 c write (6,3001) "C_PLANET = ", C_PLAN(I) c write (6,4002) "R1PLANT1 = ", R1PLANT1(1,I), c + R1PLANT1(2,I),R1PLANT1(3,I) c write (6,4002) "R2PLANT1 = ", R2PLANT1(1,I), c + R2PLANT1(2,I),R2PLANT1(3,I) c END DO c write (6,*) "------------------------------------------------" PARALLAX = D_FTOC (JOBNUM, 'SOURCE', SRCID , 'PARALLAX') C write (6,*) "parallax = ", PARALLAX C write (6,*) "gravdly = ", gravdly IF (PARALLAX .LE. 0.0) + GO TO 900 C ----------------------------------------------------------------------- C Calculate the near-field delay correction following the article C "Astrometry and Geodesy with Radio Interferomety: Experiments, C Models, Results", Sovers, Fanselow, and Jacobs. 1998. C Reviews of Modern Physics, Vol. 70, Oct 1998. C C C Calculate the distance to the source in meters C RSOURCE = 206265.0D0 * 499.004782D0 * CLIGHT / PARALLAX c write (6,*)"rsource = ", RSOURCE C write (6,*)"rdist (secs) = ", RSOURCE/CLIGHT C C Don't calculate a near-field correction beyond one light year C IF (RSOURCE .GE. ONE_LY) + GO TO 900 C C This is the actual delay from Calc in microsecs. C CALC_DELAY = DELAY PRINT*, 'JMA in calcmodl2 ', CALC_DELAY C C Calculate BETA (geocentric velocity in solar system barycenter) C Calculate BETA2 = BETA + station #2 velocity C B_SQR = 0.0D0 B_SQR2 = 0.0D0 DO I = 1, 3 BETA(I) = EARTH(I,2) / CLIGHT BETA2(I) = BETA(I) - BSLN(I,2) / CLIGHT B_SQR = B_SQR + BETA(I) * BETA(I) B_SQR2 = B_SQR2 + BETA2(I) * BETA2(I) ENDDO C GAMMA = 1.0D0 / DSQRT (1.0D0 - B_SQR) C C Run the JPL approximation for delta delay due to a curved C wavefront C RDIST = RSOURCE C C Load the geocentric frame station and source vectors. C DO I = 1, 3 R2_GEO(I) = BSLN(I,1) RC_GEO(I) = -SRC(I) * RDIST ENDDO C c write (6,4002) "R2_GEO = ", R2_GEO(1),R2_GEO(2),R2_GEO(3) c write (6,4002) "RC_GEO = ", RC_GEO(1),RC_GEO(2),RC_GEO(3) c write (6,4004) "RDIST = ", RDIST C BETADOTSTN = 0.0D0 BETADOTRC = 0.0D0 BETADOTBETA2 = 0.0D0 DO I = 1, 3 BETADOTBETA2 = BETADOTBETA2 + BETA(I) * BETA2(I) BETADOTSTN = BETADOTSTN + BETA(I) * R2_GEO(I) BETADOTRC = BETADOTRC + BETA(I) * RC_GEO(I) ENDDO C C Transform the station and source vectors into SSB frame. C Eqn. 3.158 in above reference. C BDOTR_SSB = 0.0D0 RDIST_SSB = 0.0D0 DO I = 1, 3 R2_SSB(I) = R2_GEO(I) + + (GAMMA - 1.0D0) * BETADOTSTN * BETA(I) / B_SQR + - GAMMA * BETADOTSTN * BETA2(I) RC_SSB(I) = RC_GEO(I) + + (GAMMA - 1.0D0) * BETADOTRC * BETA(I) / B_SQR + - GAMMA * BETADOTRC * BETA2(I) RDIST_SSB = RDIST_SSB + RC_SSB(I) * RC_SSB(I) BDOTR_SSB = BDOTR_SSB + BETA(I) * R2_SSB(I) ENDDO RDIST_SSB = DSQRT(RDIST_SSB) C c write (6,4002) "R2_SSB = ", R2_SSB(1),R2_SSB(2),R2_SSB(3) c write (6,4002) "RC_SSB = ", RC_SSB(1),RC_SSB(2),RC_SSB(3) c write (6,4004) "RDIST_SSB = ", RDIST_SSB C C Evaluate eqn 3.11 in Rev. Mod. Phys. Vol. 70, No. 4, C October 1998. Sovers, Fanselow and Jacobs C Eqn. 3.11 is supposed to be accurate to 1 ps at a C distance of the lunar orbit... C C Use the Calc delay solution as a starting point C DLYCRV = -CALC_DELAY * 1.0D-6 C RCDOTEPS = 0.0 RCDOTB2 = 0.0 EPS_SQR = 0.0 DO I = 1, 3 EPS_CURVE(I) = -(R2_SSB(I) / CLIGHT + DLYCRV * BETA2(I)) + / (RDIST_SSB / CLIGHT) RCDOTEPS = RCDOTEPS - RC_GEO(I) * EPS_CURVE(I) / RDIST_SSB RCDOTB2 = RCDOTB2 - RC_GEO(I) * BETA2(I) EPS_SQR = EPS_SQR + EPS_CURVE(I) * EPS_CURVE(I) ENDDO C DEL_CURVE = EPS_SQR + - (RCDOTEPS*RCDOTEPS) + - (RCDOTEPS*RCDOTEPS*RCDOTEPS) + + (RCDOTEPS*EPS_SQR) C DELCRV = ((RDIST_SSB / CLIGHT) * DEL_CURVE) + / 2.0 * (1.0 - RCDOTB2 / RDIST_SSB) C C write(6,*) "del_c (sec) = ", DELCRV c write(6,4003) "uncorrected dly = ", CALC_DELAY*1.0D-6 DELAY = CALC_DELAY + DELCRV*1.0E6 c write(6,4003) "corrected dly 3.11 = ", DELAY*1.0D-6 C C Use eqn. 3.13 of the above reference for more C accuracy. However it won't work because it calculates C a total delay rather than a correction to the Calc plane C wavefront delay. The Calc delay contains non-geometric C components, like atm delay. Eqn 3.13 doesn't.... C ITER_SOL = 0 IF (ITER_SOL .EQ. 1) THEN C C Use the Calc delay solution as a starting point C DLYCRV = -CALC_DELAY * 1.0D-6 C DLYCRV = 0.0 DO I = 1, 5 DO J = 1, 3 EPS2(J) = -(R2_SSB(J) + DLYCRV * BETA2(J) * CLIGHT) + / RDIST RC_PLUS_EPS2(J) = EPS2(J) + RC_SSB(J) / RDIST_SSB C ENDDO C C Calculate the geocentric delay of the curved wavefront. C Still in SSB frame. C DLYCRV = (DSQRT (RC_PLUS_EPS2(1) * RC_PLUS_EPS2(1) + + RC_PLUS_EPS2(2) * RC_PLUS_EPS2(2) + + RC_PLUS_EPS2(3) * RC_PLUS_EPS2(3)) + - 1.0) DLYCRV = DLYCRV * RDIST_SSB / CLIGHT C ENDDO C C Transform the delay from SSB frame back to geocentric frame. C DELAY = DLYCRV DELAY = GAMMA * (1.0D0 - BETADOTBETA2) * DELAY + - GAMMA * BDOTR_SSB / CLIGHT C C c write(6,4003) "corrected dly 3.13 = ", DELAY END IF C C---------------------------------------------------------------------------- C C Correct the gravitaional bending delay for a spacecraft C or asteroid within the solar system. C C Turn the planetary corrections off if the spacecraft is C interior to the planet. Recalculate the solar bending C C RC_GEO vector to the spacecraft from the geocenter C RS vector from gravitational mass to the spacecraft C R1, R2 vectors from grav. mass to stn 1 and 2 C RS1, RS2 vectors from stn 1 and 2 to spacecraft C Calculate vectors for eqn. 3.17 C c CALC_GRAVDLY = GRAVDLY C equation 5b: Vector from the Sun to receiver 1 c vecmg1 = VECMG(R1Sunt1) c term_a = vecmg1 + DOTP(unit_K,R1Sunt1) c vecmg2 = VECMG(R2Sunt1) c term_b = vecmg2 + DOTP(unit_K,R2Sunt1) C Derivatives: c dterm_a = Dotp(R1Sunt1,dR1Sunt1)/vecmg1 + DOTP(unit_K,dR1Sunt1) c dterm_b = Dotp(R2Sunt1,dR2Sunt1)/vecmg2 + DOTP(unit_K,dR2Sunt1) C c delta_t_grav_Sun = C_Sun * DLOG(term_a / term_b) c d_delta_t_grav_Sun = C_Sun * ( dterm_a/term_a - c . dterm_b/term_b ) !derivative DO I= 1, 3 GEO_SC(I) = RC_GEO(I) END DO PRINT*, 'JMA in calcmodl2 GEO_SC' C C Evaluate eqn. 3.14 C DO I = 1, 3 R1MPT1(I) = R1SUNT1(I) R2MPT1(I) = R2SUNT1(I) END DO CALL JPL314 (C_SUN, TERM4, + GEO_SC, R1MPT1, R2MPT1, SUNGRAVDLY) c write (6,*) "JPL eqn. 3.14, Sun = ", sungravdly DO I = 1, 3 R1MPT1(I) = R1MOONT1(I) R2MPT1(I) = R2MOONT1(I) END DO CALL JPL314 (C_MOON, TERM4, + GEO_SC, R1MPT1, R2MPT1, MOONGRAVDLY) c write (6,*) "JPL eqn. 3.14, Moon = ", moongravdly c eargravdly = earthgrav c write (6,*) "Calc9.1 Earth grav = ", earthgrav plangravdly = 0.0 DO J = 1, 7 C_TERM = C_PLAN(J) DO I = 1, 3 R1MPT1(I) = R1PLANT1(I,J) R2MPT1(I) = R2PLANT1(I,J) END DO CALL JPL314 (C_TERM, TERM4, + GEO_SC, R1MPT1, R2MPT1, GRAVDLY) plangravdly = plangravdly + gravdly c write (6,*) "JPL eqn. 3.14, Planet = ", gravdly END DO PRINT*, 'JMA in calcmodl2 PLANGRAV' c write (6,*) "Calc sun = ", SUN_CNTRB(1) c write (6,*) "delta_t_grav = ", DELTGRAV c write (6,*) "term4 = ", term4 c write (6,3001)"uncorrected total delay = ", delay c c Convert delay to seconds and remove 1.0/term4 DELAY = DELAY * TERM4 * 1.0D-06 c c Remove the spacecraft at infinity grav bending corrections for c the sun, earth, moon, planets. Leave in the high order solar c bending correction. DELTGRAV is delta_t_grav in Calc 9.1 DELAY = DELAY - DELTGRAV c c Now add in the gravitation terms calculated here... DELAY = DELAY + SUNGRAVDLY + MOONGRAVDLY + EARGRAVDLY DELAY = DELAY + PLANGRAVDLY c DELAY = DELAY * 1.0D+06 / TERM4 c write (6,3001) "corrected total delay = ", delay 3001 format(1x,a,d20.14) 3002 format(1x,a,f14.0, f14.0, f14.0) 4002 format(1x,a,f18.2, f18.2, f18.2) 4003 format(1x,a,f16.12) 4004 format(1x,a,f18.2) 900 CONTINUE PRINT*, 'JMA in calcmodl2 DELAY=', DELAY PRINT*, 'JMA in calcmodl2 DONE', DELAY RETURN END SUBROUTINE JPL314 (C_TERM, TERM4, + GEO_SC, R1MPT1, R2MPT1, GRAVDLY) Implicit none Real*8 C_TERM, TERM4, GRAVDLY, VECMG Real*8 MAG_MP_SC, MAG_MP_STN1, MAG_MP_STN2 Real*8 MAG_STN1_SC, MAG_STN2_SC Real*8 GEO_SC(3), R1MPT1(3), R2MPT1(3) Real*8 MP_STN1(3), MP_STN2(3), MP_SC(3) Real*8 STN1_SC(3), STN2_SC(3) Real*8 GRAV_TERM1, GRAV_TERM2 Integer*4 I C C Evaluate eqn. 3.14 C DO I = 1, 3 MP_STN1(I) = R1MPT1(I) MP_STN2(I) = R2MPT1(I) MP_SC(I) = -GEO_SC(I) + R1MPT1(I) STN1_SC(I) = -GEO_SC(I) STN2_SC(I) = -MP_STN2(I) + MP_SC(I) END DO MAG_STN1_SC = VECMG(STN1_SC) MAG_STN2_SC = VECMG(STN2_SC) MAG_MP_STN1 = VECMG(MP_STN1) MAG_MP_STN2 = VECMG(MP_STN2) MAG_MP_SC = VECMG(MP_SC) IF (MAG_MP_STN1 .LT. 100.0) MAG_MP_STN1 = 100.0 GRAV_TERM1 = (MAG_MP_SC + MAG_MP_STN2 + MAG_STN2_SC) + / (MAG_MP_SC + MAG_MP_STN2 - MAG_STN2_SC) GRAV_TERM2 = (MAG_MP_SC + MAG_MP_STN1 + MAG_STN1_SC) + / (MAG_MP_SC + MAG_MP_STN1 - MAG_STN1_SC) GRAVDLY = C_TERM * (DLOG(GRAV_TERM1) - DLOG(GRAV_TERM2)) / TERM4 RETURN END