SUBROUTINE CALCINIT(JOBN,MJD,KFLAGS,IRETURN) C------------------------------------------------------------------- C C Calls the initialization portions of CALC C C IMPLICIT DOUBLE PRECISION (A-H, O-Z) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER*4 JOBN,IRETURN, KOUNT INTEGER*4 MJD, EXTFLAGS(64), LASTFLAGS(64) INTEGER*2 KFLAGS(64), NEWFLAGS INTEGER I C include 'CALCIO.INC' include 'ccon.i' include 'cobsn.i' include 'param.i' include 'cuser.i' include 'cmxst.i' C Real*8 XCALC Integer*2 NFLAG,NFLAGC,loadm(7),LFILE(3) Character*2 cval(0:9) Character*40 CalcVrsn(2) Character*64 Computing_center C EQUIVALENCE (EXTFLAGS(1), KATMC) COMMON /STACM/ Computing_center,XCALC,NFLAG,NFLAGC,loadm,LFILE C SAVE LASTFLAGS C DATA cval /' 0',' 1',' 2',' 3',' 4',' 5',' 6',' 7',' 8',' 9'/ DATA CalcVrsn / .'CALC Version 9.1 - /home/pecos2/jbenson/', .'pgm/calc9.1 '/ C C-------------------------------------------------------------------- C C Call start-up and initialization C subs. IRET = 0 ILUOUT = -1 Zero_site = 0 C C C Load the pathname for the JPL DE403 Planetary Ephemeris file into C Jpl_eph (declared in param.i). CALL GETENV ('JPLEPH', JPL_eph) C C Load the control variables Calc_user and Wet_atm from env variables CALL GETENV ('CALC_USER', Calc_user) IF ('A''C') Then write (6,*) "ERROR : CALC_USER ENV VARIABLE NOT EQ TO A OR C" STOP ENDIF CALL GETENV ('WET_ATM', Wet_atm) IF ('Y''N') Then write (6,*) "ERROR : WET_ATM ENV Variable NOT EQ TO Y OR N" STOP ENDIF C C Put the CALC 'PUTA' message control flag into the CALCIO.INC C global common. MSGCTRL = 0, do not write the standard CALC startup C messages, MSGCTRL = 1, write them into external logfile whose C (FILE *) is defined by the C program that is calling 'calcinit'. MSGCTRL = IRETURN IF (MSGCTRL.EQ.1) THEN CALL PUTA ('CALC MESS ', CalcVrsn, 40, 1, 1) CALL PUTA ('JPL_eph : ', JPL_eph, 36, 1, 1) CALL PUTA ('Calc_user : ', Calc_user, 1, 1, 1) CALL PUTA ('Wet_atm : ', Wet_atm, 1, 1, 1) ENDIF C C Put job number into the CALCIO.INC global common JOBNUM = JOBN C C Put the MJD into the CALCIO.INC global common MJDATE = MJD C C Set all of the 'K' control flags to zero DO 5 I = 1, 64 EXTFLAGS(I) = 0 5 CONTINUE C C Check for externally set flags C IF (KFLAGS(1).NE.-1) THEN DO I = 1, 64 EXTFLAGS(I) = KFLAGS(I) END DO END IF C IF (KFLAGS(1).EQ.-1) THEN C Manually set the non-zero cotrol flags here for the VLBA C Correlator. All switches present in the ccon.i COMMON. Calc9.0 C C KATMC = 0 turn off application of atmospheric delay contribution C but still calculate the atmopheric delays. C KATMC = 1 apply atmospheric delays to CALC total delay KATMC = 1 KAXOC = 0 KPTDC = 0 KDNPC = 0 C Switch off earth tides for speed test, KETDC = 1 KETDC = 0 KIONC = 0 C Nutation model: = 0, new 1996 IERS model, C = 2, old WAHR model KNUTC = 0 KPREC = 0 KRELC = 0 KSITC = 0 C Do not use proper motions, KSTRC = 0 KSTRC = 0 C KSTRC = 2 C KSTRC = 3 KUT1C = 0 KWOBC = 0 KUTCC = 0 KATIC = 0 KCTIC = 0 C Get solar system values from calls to JPL DE403, = 0 C Get solar system values from calls to GET4, = 1 C Remember, for KPEPC = 1 to work, cpepumod.f must be substituted C for cpepu.f... KPEPC = 0 KDIUC = 0 KM20C = 0 KROSC = 0 KSTEC = 0 KSUNC = 0 KSARC = 0 KTHEC = 0 KMATC = 0 KVECC = 0 C Ocean loading: = 0, calculate but don't apply, = 1, turned off C = 2, calculate and apply to delays C IF Calc_user.eq.'C' .and. Apply_ocean.eq.'Y' applies the ocean C loading regardless of the KOCEC swx, except for KOCEC = 1 (off). KOCEC = 2 C Turn on the calculation of U and V. KASTC = 1, on. C Calc 9.1 U and V do not use aberrated start position. KASTC = 0 KSTAC = 0 C Turn parallax module off KPLXC = 0 C Feed horn rotation turned off KPANC = 1 C Topocentric observations C 0 turn off (standard CALC functionality, infinite sources, or C VLBA near field corrections) C 1 topo option 1 (Anderson near field corrections for spacecraft C tracking) KTOPC = 0 C KPEPD = 0 C C A few of the debugging print out swx's often used C KUT1D = 1 KUTCD = 0 KAXOD = 0 KSITD = 0 KETDD = 0 KDIUD = 0 KTHED = 0 KOCED = 0 KTOPD = 0 C END IF C C Check to see if a flag has changed since last calcinit call. C NEWFLAGS = 0 DO I = 1, 64 IF (EXTFLAGS(I).NE.LASTFLAGS(I)) NEWFLAGS = 1 LASTFLAGS(I) = EXTFLAGS(I) END DO C C Awkard for now.. C IF (NEWFLAGS.EQ.1.AND.MSGCTRL.NE.-1) MSGCTRL = 1 C IF (MSGCTRL.EQ.1) THEN CALL PUTA ('KATMC : ', cval(KATMC), 1, 1, 1) CALL PUTA ('KAXOC : ', cval(KAXOC), 1, 1, 1) CALL PUTA ('KPTDC : ', cval(KPTDC), 1, 1, 1) CALL PUTA ('KDNPC : ', cval(KDNPC), 1, 1, 1) CALL PUTA ('KETDC : ', cval(KETDC), 1, 1, 1) CALL PUTA ('KIONC : ', cval(KIONC), 1, 1, 1) CALL PUTA ('KNUTC : ', cval(KNUTC), 1, 1, 1) CALL PUTA ('KPREC : ', cval(KPREC), 1, 1, 1) CALL PUTA ('KRELC : ', cval(KRELC), 1, 1, 1) CALL PUTA ('KSITC : ', cval(KSITC), 1, 1, 1) CALL PUTA ('KSTRC : ', cval(KSTRC), 1, 1, 1) CALL PUTA ('KUT1C : ', cval(KUT1C), 1, 1, 1) CALL PUTA ('KWOBC : ', cval(KWOBC), 1, 1, 1) CALL PUTA ('KUTCC : ', cval(KUTCC), 1, 1, 1) CALL PUTA ('KATIC : ', cval(KATIC), 1, 1, 1) CALL PUTA ('KCTIC : ', cval(KCTIC), 1, 1, 1) CALL PUTA ('KPEPC : ', cval(KPEPC), 1, 1, 1) CALL PUTA ('KDIUC : ', cval(KDIUC), 1, 1, 1) CALL PUTA ('KM20C : ', cval(KM20C), 1, 1, 1) CALL PUTA ('KROSC : ', cval(KROSC), 1, 1, 1) CALL PUTA ('KSTEC : ', cval(KSTEC), 1, 1, 1) CALL PUTA ('KSUNC : ', cval(KSUNC), 1, 1, 1) CALL PUTA ('KSARC : ', cval(KSARC), 1, 1, 1) CALL PUTA ('KTHEC : ', cval(KTHEC), 1, 1, 1) CALL PUTA ('KMATC : ', cval(KMATC), 1, 1, 1) CALL PUTA ('KVECC : ', cval(KVECC), 1, 1, 1) CALL PUTA ('KOCEC : ', cval(KOCEC), 1, 1, 1) CALL PUTA ('KASTC : ', cval(KASTC), 1, 1, 1) CALL PUTA ('KSTAC : ', cval(KSTAC), 1, 1, 1) CALL PUTA ('KPLXC : ', cval(KPLXC), 1, 1, 1) CALL PUTA ('KPANC : ', cval(KPANC), 1, 1, 1) CALL PUTA ('KTOPC : ', cval(KTOPC), 1, 1, 1) ENDIF C The CALC subroutine TOCUP used to call the "A" modules. Do that C here only for those that are necessary. C CALL UT1A CALL WOBA CALL PEPA C C INITL "gets" mathematical, physical, and observing parameters C from the job script tables. C CALL INITL (KOUNT) IRETURN = IRET RETURN END