C program mbl c c Test delay calc based on LBAREF position c implicit none c WEW external ATMCMB,CMATHB,CTICMB external PRECMB,UT1CMB c external ETDCMB,PEPCMB,COMDAT c Added on 4/3/1996 - when BLOCK DATA STACMB was added external STACMB c end WEW include 'ccon.i' include 'cphys.i' c Testing include 'cmxst.i' include 'situvw.i' integer*2 UTCTAG(5) character*8 C8SIT(2),C8SRC real*8 UTCSEC, DELTIM , delay(2), drate(2) real*8 dx, dy, dz, dx1, dx2, dx3 real*8 prev_delay, delta_secs, freq c WEW integer*4 KOUNT, I, J, K c integer*2 IERR,LUN c integer*2 IFLAG(62) c equivalence (IFLAG(1),KATMC) c data UTCTAG / 94, 08, 01, 9, 0 / c data UTCTAG / 95, 06, 30, 16, 50 / c data UTCTAG / 93, 11, 14, 09, 05 / c data UTCTAG / 93, 11, 14, 05, 19 / data UTCTAG / 2004, 04, 18, 03, 00 / real*4 t0, dt c real*8 wewut1 c common / wew / wewut1 character*80 g_string integer*4 status integer*4 init_calc, load_sites, load_sources logical*4 find_source character*16 src16 character*20 src_ra, src_dec real*8 uvw(3), duvw(3) real*8 uvwa(3), duvwa(3) real*8 uvwb(3), duvwb(3) c BEGIN freq = 8420.0D0 C8SIT(1) = 'PKS ' C8SIT(2) = 'HOB ' C8SRC = '0006-0623' src16 = '0006-0623' UTCSEC = 0.0D0 DELTIM = 2.0D0 delta_secs = 1.0D0 j = 4500 c BEGIN print 9153, src16 9153 format( ' Print SOURCE name or Q to STOP [', 1 A, '] : ', $ ) read 900, g_string 900 format( A ) if( g_string(1:1) .eq. 'q' .or. g_string(1:1) .eq. 'Q' ) stop if( g_string(1:1) .ne. ' ' ) src16 = g_string do i = 1, 2 print 7153, i, c8sit(i) 7153 format( ' Print STATION ', I1, ' name [', 1 A, '] : ', $ ) read 900, g_string if( g_string(1:1) .ne. ' ' ) c8sit(i) = g_string end do print 8153, utctag 8153 format( ' Print UTCTAG [', 5I5, '] : ', $ ) read 900, g_string if( g_string(1:1) .ne. ' ' ) then read( g_string, * ) ( utctag(i), i = 1, 5 ) end if print 6153, delta_secs 6153 format( ' Print TIME INCREMENT (secs.) [', F9.4, '] : ', $ ) read 900, g_string if( g_string(1:1) .ne. ' ' ) then read( g_string, * ) delta_secs end if print 5153, j 5153 format( ' Print NUMBER of INTERVALS [', I6, '] : ', $ ) read 900, g_string if( g_string(1:1) .ne. ' ' ) then read( g_string, * ) j end if status = init_calc( g_string ) if( status .ne. 0 ) then print *, ' From INIT_CALC: ', g_string(1:50) stop end if c Initialise print *, ' LOAD SITES ' status = load_sites( g_string ) if( status .ne. 0 ) then print *, ' From LOAD_SITES: ', g_string(1:50) stop end if print *, ' LOAD SOURCES ' c status = load_sources( 'cor$db:source.tab', g_string ) status = load_sources( 'source.tab', g_string ) if( status .ne. 0 ) then print *, ' From LOAD_SOURCES: ', g_string(1:50) stop end if if( .not. find_source( src16, src_ra, src_dec ) ) then print *, ' FIND_SOURCE UNSUCCESSFUL - Exit ' stop else print *, ' Find Source OK - SRC: ', src16, src_ra, src_dec end if call star( i, dx, dy ) print *, ' NSTARS, RA, DEC (rads) = ', i, dx, dy call eop_setup( utctag ) print *, ' EOP_SETUP OK' call tocup print *, ' TOCUP OK' CALL INITL (KOUNT) t0 = secnds( 0.0 ) c print *, ' BEGIN LOOP ' UTCSEC = 0.0D0 write(9, 887) src16, c8sit(1), c8sit(2) write(10, 887) src16, c8sit(1), c8sit(2) 887 format( ' SRC = ', A, ' STATIONS = ', 2A ) write (9, 987) ' START UT = ',UTCTAG,UTCSEC write (10, 987) ' START UT = ',UTCTAG,UTCSEC 987 format( A, 5I4, 2X, F13.6 ) DO 100 I=1,J do k = 1, 2 call v_refcalc( C8SIT(k), src16, UTCTAG, UTCSEC, 1 delay(k), drate(k), uvw, duvw ) if( k .eq. 1) then uvwa(1) = uvw(1) uvwa(2) = uvw(2) uvwa(3) = uvw(3) else uvwb(1) = uvw(1) uvwb(2) = uvw(2) uvwb(3) = uvw(3) end if end do write (10,985) utcsec, uvwa(1), uvwa(2), uvwa(3), uvwb(1), . uvwb(2), uvwb(3) 985 format ( F14.6, 3E20.10, 3E20.10) dx = delay(1) - delay(2) c if( i .eq. 1 ) then c dy = 0.0 c else c dz = ( ( dx - prev_delay ) * freq ) c dy = dz / delta_secs c end if c c print 986, UTCSEC, delay(1), delay(2), dx, dz, dy c986 format( F10.6, 3F14.6, D18.10, F9.3 ) c Following for test output to FOR009.DAT write( 9, 984 ) utcsec, delay(1), drate(1), delay(2), drate(2) 984 format( 1x, F14.6, 4( 1x, D23.16 ) ) c next interval UTCSEC = UTCSEC + delta_secs prev_delay = dx 100 CONTINUE dt = secnds( t0 ) print *, ' Elapsed time = ', dt, ' secs. ' END