C !CUSER - Calc user type C Character*1 Calc_user, Apply_ocean, Compute_partials, * Wet_atm Character*2 Use_Tide C C Set Calc_user = 'A' for use at Mark III VLBI analysis centers: Parameter (Calc_user = 'A') C C Set Calc_user = 'C' for use at VLBI correlators: C Parameter (Calc_user = 'C') C C************************************************************************ C The following apply only for correlator users (Calc_user = 'C') C C Apply ocean loading to theoreticals (recommended). Parameter (Apply_ocean = 'Y') C Don't apply ocean loading to theoreticals (not recommended). C Parameter (Apply_ocean = 'N') C C Set Use_Tide = 'C8' to apply the IERS 1992 solid Earth C tides (tide free frame). This option is recommended at C the current time (~Oct. 1999) for consistency with current C sets of site positions. Parameter (Use_Tide = 'C8') C C Set Use_Tide = 'C9' to apply the IERS 1996 solid Earth tides C with permanent deformation left in. This is probably not much C different from the 'C8' option above. C Parameter (Use_Tide = 'C9') C C Set Use_Tide = 'RC' to apply the full IERS 1996 solid Earth tides C (real crust frame). This is NOT recommended at the current C time because most site positions are based on the C tide free frame, and up to 11 cm vertical errors can result. C Parameter (Use_Tide = 'RC') C C Correlator option to combine dry and wet Niell model atmosphere C corrections. Set Wet_atm = 'Y' to combine both wet and dry in C DATMC. Set Wet_atm = 'N' to use only the dry component. Parameter (Wet_atm = 'Y') C Parameter (Wet_atm = 'N') C C Switch to turn off unnecessary computations (mostly partials) C **** The following not yet implemented **** C 'N' means don't compute partials (to save computing time) C Parameter (Compute_partials = 'N') C Parameter (Compute_partials = 'Y')