SUBROUTINE PTDA IMPLICIT None C C 1. PTDA C C 1.1 PTDA PROGRAM SPECIFICATION C C 1.1.1 PTDA ADDS ENTRIES TO THE TABLE OF CONTENTS FOR THE POLE TIDE MODULE C TEXT MESSAGE AND CONTRIBUTIONS ARRAYS. IT ALSO ADDS ENTRIES TO THE C TABLE OF CONTENTS FOR THE POLE TIDE MODULE FLOW CONTROL MESSAGE. C C 1.2 PTDA PROGRAM INTERFACE C C 1.2.4 DATA BASE ACCESS - C ACCESS CODES: C 1. 'PTD MESS' - THE DATA BASE ACCESS CODE FOR THE C POLE TIDE MODULE TEXT MESSAGE. C 2. 'PTD CFLG' - THE DATA BASE ACCESS CODE FOR THE POLE C TIDE MODULE FLOW CONTROL MESSAGE. C 3. 'PTD CONT' - THE DATA BASE ACCESS CODE FOR THE POLE C TIDE MODULE CONTRIBUTIONS ARRAY. C 4. 'PTDXYPAR' - The data base access code for the pole tide C delay and rate partials w.r.t. X-pole and C Y-pole. C 5. 'PTOLDCON' - The data base access code for the contribution C to restore the X_mean and Y_mean portion of C the pole tide. C C 1.2.6 SUBROUTINE INTERFACE - C CALLER SUBROUTINES: TOCUP C CALLED SUBROUTINES: ADDA, ADDR C C 1.2.9 PROGRAMMER - TOM HERRING 07/01/84 C SAVITA GOEL 06/03/87 (CDS FOR A900) C Jim Ryan 89.07.08 Documentation simplified. C Jim Ryan 89.12.12 UNIX-like database interface C implimented. C David Gordon 94.04.15 Changed to Implicit None C David Gordon 98.11.24 Added Lcode 'PTDXYPAR', partials C of delay and rate w.r.t. X-pole and Y-pole. C David Gordon 99.01.19 Added Lcode 'PTOLDCON', contribution C to get back to the old pole tide - without mean C values removed. C C PTDA PROGRAM STRUCTURE C C ADD for pole tide module text message. CALL ADDA (1,'PTD MESS','Pole tide message definition ', 1 40, 1, 1 ) C C ADD for pole tide module flow control flag status. CALL ADDA (1,'PTD CFLG','Pole tide flow control mess def ', 1 40,1,1) C C ADD for pole tide module contributions. CALL ADDR (2,'PTD CONT','Pole tide contributions def. ', 1 2, 1, 1 ) C C ADD for pole tide delay and rate partials w.r.t. X-wobble and Y-wobble. CALL ADDR (2,'PTDXYPAR','Pole Tide Partials w.r.t. X & Y ', 1 2, 2, 1 ) C C ADD for old pole tide restorer contributions. CALL ADDR (2,'PTOLDCON','Old Pole Tide Restorer Contrib. ', 1 2, 1, 1 ) C RETURN END C C******************************************************************************* SUBROUTINE PTDI IMPLICIT None C C 3. PTDI C C 3.1 PTDI PROGRAM SPECIFICATION C C 3.1.1 PTDI IS THE POLE TIDE MODULE INPUT AND INITIALIZATION SECTION. C C 3.2.2 COMMON BLOCKS USED - INCLUDE 'ccon.i' C VARIABLES 'FROM': C 1. KPTDC - THE POLE TIDE MODULE FLOW CONTROL FLAG. C 2. KPTDD - THE POLE TIDE MODULE DEBUG OUTPUT FLAG. C C 3.2.3 PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS - INTEGER*2 NDO(3), KERR SAVE KERR INTEGER*2 LPTDM(40), LON(40), LOFF(40), LOXX(40) CHARACTER*40 C_LPTDM(2) ,C_LON(2) ,C_LOFF(2) ,C_ LOXX(2) EQUIVALENCE (C_LPTDM,LPTDM),(C_LON,LON),(C_LOFF,LOFF), . (C_LOXX ,LOXX) C DATA C_LPTDM / .'Pole Tide Module - Last modification - J', .'anuary 19, 1999, D. Gordon, GSFC. '/ C DATA C_LON / .'Pole Tide Module is turned on - contribu', .'tions applied to the theoreticals. '/ C DATA C_LOFF / .'Pole Tide Module is turned off. ', .' '/ C DATA C_LOXX / .'Pole Tide Module is turned on - contribu', .'tions NOT applied to theoreticals. '/ C C 3.2.4 DATA BASE ACCESS - C 'PUT' VARIABLES: C 1. LPTDM(40) - THE POLE TIDE MODULE TEXT MESSAGE. C 2. LON(40) - THE POLE TIDE MODULE TURNED ON MESSAGE. C 3. LOFF(40) - THE POLE TIDE MODULE TURNED OFF MESSAGE. C ACCESS CODES: C 1. 'PTD MESS' - THE DATA BASE ACCESS CODE FOR THE C POLE TIDE MODULE TEXT MESSAGE. C 2. 'PTD DATA' - THE DATA BASE ACCESS CODE FOR THE C POLE TIDE DATA. C 3. 'PTD CFLG' - THE DATA BASE ACCESS CODE FOR THE POLE C TIDE MODULE FLOW CONTROL MESSAGE. C C 3.2.6 SUBROUTINE INTERFACE - C CALLER SUBROUTINES: INITL C CALLED SUBROUTINES: KILL, PUTA C C 3.2.8 PROGRAM VARIABLES - C 1. KERR - THE DATA BASE ERROR RETURN FLAG. C 2. NDO(3) - THE DATA BASE RETURN ARRAY INDICES. C C 3.2.9 PROGRAMMER - TOM HERRING 07/01/84 C DAVID GORDON 01/03/85 (ADDED FLAG 2) C Jim Ryan 89.07.08 Documentation simplified. C Jim Ryan 89.12.12 UNIX-like database interface C implimented. C David Gordon 94.04.15 Changed to Implicit None C David Gordon 98.08.04 Changed data base message for C Calc 9. C C PTDI PROGRAM STRUCTURE C C PUT the Pole Tide Module text message. CALL PUTA ('PTD MESS ', LPTDM, 40, 1, 1 ) C C PUT the Pole Tide Module flow control message. See message above C for meanings. IF (KPTDC .EQ. 0) CALL PUTA('PTD CFLG ',LON,40,1,1) IF (KPTDC .EQ. 1) CALL PUTA('PTD CFLG ',LOFF,40,1,1) IF (KPTDC .EQ. 2) CALL PUTA('PTD CFLG ',LOXX,40,1,1) IF ( KERR .EQ. 0 ) GO TO 500 CALL CKILL (6HPTDI , 1, KERR ) C C Normal conclusion. 500 CONTINUE RETURN END C C******************************************************************************* SUBROUTINE PTDG ( SITLAT, SITLON, SITRAD, WOBXR, WOBYR, DIURNV, . TCTOCF, R2000, CENT, POLTDP, POLTDV ) IMPLICIT None C C 4. PTDG C C 4.1 PTDG PROGRAM SPECIFICATION C C 4.1.1 PTDG Is the Pole tide module geometry section. It calculates the C surface pole tide crustal displacements due to the oscillation of C the Earth's pole about a mean secular pole. The pole tide station C offsets are due to the solid Earth's response to the change in the C centrifugal force due to the change in the pole position. There may C be additional loading effects due to ocean pole tide effects, but C these are not well understood, and not modelled here. C C Beginning with Calc 9.0, mean secular values for X-pole and Y-pole C are removed before computing the pole tide. Thus the long term effect C of pole tide, averaged over many Chandler cycles, should be null. C Previously, a small velocity, from the cumulative effect of the C secular movement of the pole, was imparted to each station. C (maximums of ~.1 mm/year Up, and ~.03 mm/year horizontally.) The C secular mean values of X-pole and Y-pole are computed as simple C linear functions of time, using formulae provided by Harald Schuh. C These equations are preliminary and may be changed slightly later, C with the 2000 IERS Conventions, perhaps. Later adjustments can be C mapped in using the partials w.r.t. X and Y. The X-mean and Y-mean C values subtractred out are: C X-mean(arc-sec) = +0.0039 + 0.00062*T C Y-mean(arc-sec) = +0.1485 + 0.00333*T C where T = number of years since 1945.85. The value of Y-mean used C below will be the negative of the above, since the sign of Y-pole C is flipped in the wobble module. 98.12.17 C C At the request of Leonid Petrov, an Lcode contribution (PTOLDCON) C to undo all the above has been added. It will be computed and C ADD'ed in PTDC. 99.01.19 C C 4.1.2 RESTRICTIONS - MUST BE CALLED AFTER SITG, AND DIRNL TO ENSURE C THAT ALL OF THE VARIABLES THAT PTDG USES HAVE THE C CORRECT VALUE. C C 4.1.3 REFERENCES - IERS Technical Note 21, IERS Conventions (1996), C page 67, equation 22. C E-mail from Harald Schuh, 17 Dec. 1998. C C 4.2 PTDG PROGRAM INTERFACE C C 4.2.1 CALLING SEQUENCE - C INPUT VARIABLES: C 1. SITLAT(2) - GEODETIC LATITUDE OF EACH SITE (RAD) C 2. SITLON(2) - EAST LONGTIUDE OF EACH SITE (RAD) C 3. SITRAD(2) - SPHERICAL EARTH RADIUS OF EACH SITE (M) C 4. WOBXR - LONG PERIOD WOBBLE OFFSET ALONG GREENWICH C MERIDIAN (RAD) C 5. WOBYR - LONG PERIOD WOBBLE OFFSET ALONG LONGITUDE C 90 DEG EAST (RAD) C 6. DIURNV - DIURNAL SPIN RATE OF THE EARTH (RAD/SEC) C 7. TCTOCF(3,3,2) - THE ROTATION MATRIX WHICH ROTATES THE C TOPOCENTRIC REFERENCE SYSTEM TO THE CRUST C FIXED REFERENCE SYSTEM AT EACH SITE C 8. R2000(3,3,3) - THE COMPLETE CRUST FIXED TO J2000 ROTATION C MATRIX AND ITS FIRST TWO CT TIME DERIVATIVES C (UNITLESS, 1/SEC, 1/SEC**2) C 9. CENT - Number of Julian centuries elapsed since the C epoch January 1.5, 2000. (centuries) C OUTPUT VARIABLES: C 1. POLTDP(3,2) - THE CORRECTIONS TO THE J2000.0 GEOCENTRIC C SITE POSITION VECTORS DUE TO POLE TIDAL C EFFECTS AT EACH SITE. (M) [IN SOME CASES THIS C IS ZEROED OUT DEPENDING ON THE VALUE OF THE C POLE TIDE CONTROL FLAG KPTDC.] C 2. POLTDV(3,2) - THE CORRECTIONS TO THE J2000.0 GEOCENTRIC C SITE VELOCITY VECTORS DUE TO POLE TIDAL C EFFECTS AT EACH SITE. (M/SEC) [IN SOME CASES C THIS IS ZEROED OUT DEPENDING ON THE VALUE OF C THE POLE TIDE CONTROL FLAG KPTDC.] C C 4.2.2 COMMON BLOCKS USED - C Real*8 ZPLTDP(3,2), ZPLTDV(3,2), ZPLDPX(3,2), ZPLDVX(3,2), * ZPLDPY(3,2), ZPLDVY(3,2), X_mean, Y_mean, DPTDP(2,2) COMMON / PTDCM / ZPLTDP, ZPLTDV, ZPLDPX, ZPLDVX, ZPLDPY, ZPLDVY, * X_mean, Y_mean, DPTDP C VARIABLES FROM: C 1. ZPLTDP(3,2) - THE CORRECTIONS TO THE J2000.0 GEOCENTRIC SITE C POSITION VECTORS DUE TO POLE TIDAL EFFECTS AT C EACH SITE. (M) C 2. ZPLTDV(3,2) - THE CORRECTIONS TO THE J2000.0 GEOCENTRIC SITE C VELOCITY VECTORS DUE TO POLE TIDAL EFFECTS AT C EACH SITE. (M/SEC) C 3. ZPLDPX(3,2) - The partial derivative of the ZPLTDP with C respective to the X-wobble offset. (m/arcsec) C 4. ZPLDPY(3,2) - The partial derivative of the ZPLTDP with C respective to the Y-wobble offset. (m/arcsec) C 5. ZPLDVX(3,2) - The partial derivative of the ZPLTDV with C respective to the X-wobble offset. C (m/sec/arcsec) C 6. ZPLDVY(3,2) - The partial derivative of the ZPLTDV with C respective to the Y-wobble offset. C (m/sec/arcsec) C 7. X_mean, Y_mean - The current mean offsets of the pole, using C Harald Schuh's formula. C Real*8 PI, TWOPI, HALFPI, CONVD, CONVDS, CONVHS, SECDAY COMMON / CMATH / PI, TWOPI, HALFPI, CONVD, CONVDS, CONVHS, SECDAY C VARIABLES 'FROM': C 1. HALFPI - PI/2.D0 (UNITLESS) C INCLUDE 'ccon.i' C VARIABLES 'FROM': C 1. KPTDC - THE POLE TIDE MODULE FLOW CONTROL FLAG. C 2. KPTDD - THE POLE TIDE MODULE DEBUG OUTPUT FLAG. C INCLUDE 'cobsn.i' C Variables from: C 1. Nzero - Set to 1 or 2 if station 1 or 2 is at the geocenter, C then used downstream. Otherwise equals zero. For C correlator usage. C C 4.2.3 PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS - Real*8 TCDISP(3,2), CFDISP(3,2), COLAT(2), SITLAT(2), SITLON(2), . SITRAD(2), TCTOCF(3,3,2), R2000(3,3,3), POLTDP(3,2), . POLTDV(3,2), WOBXR, WOBYR, DIURNV, CENT, . TCDSPX(3,2), TCDSPY(3,2), Tyr, WOBXd, WOBYd Integer*4 L, I C C 4.2.6 SUBROUTINE INTERFACE - C CALLER SUBROUTINES: DRIVG C CALLED SUBROUTINES: DCOS, DSIN, VECRT C C 4.2.7 CONSTANTS USED - XLOVEH, XLOVEL, DIURNV, WOBXR, WOBYR C C 4.2.8 PROGRAM VARIABLES - C 1. TCDISP(3,2) - THE TOPOCENTRIC EARTH CRUSTAL DISPLACEMENTS AT EACH C SITE (M) C 2. CFDISP(3,2) - THE CRUST FIXED GEOCENTRIC EARTH CRUSTAL DISPLACEMENTS C AT EACH SITE. (M) C 3. COLAT(2) - COLATITUDE AT EACH SITE (USED FOR CONSISTENCY WITH REF C 1) (RAD) C C 4.2.9 PROGRAMMER - TOM HERRING 07/01/84 C DAVID GORDON 01/03/85 (ADDED FLAG 2 CODING) C Jim Ryan 89.07.08 Documentation simplified. C David Gordon 11/24/93 Local site gravity computation C copied from subroutine ETDG C David Gordon 94.04.15 Changed to Implicit None C David Gordon 94.04.27 Common block ETDCM changed (from C Earth tide module). C David Gordon 98.06.24 Changed common block ETDCM to match C Earth tide module. C David Gordon 98.08.04 Changed computations to match C 1996 IERS Conventions; ETDCM not needed. C Put in mods for Geocenter site (pole tide C zeroed out). C David Gordon 98.11.24 Added computations of the partial C derivatives of the pole tide displacement C w.r.t. X-pole and Y-pole. Partials added to C common block PTDCM. C David Gordon 98.12.17 Added variable CENT and computations C for a mean pole X and Y offsets and their C removal from the pole tide correction. C David Gordon 99.01.19 Added X_mean, Y_mean, and DPTDP to C Common /PTDCM/. C C PTDG PROGRAM STRUCTURE C C Compute the secular mean values of the X and Y pole positions C Year and fraction thereof from 1945.85 Tyr = CENT*100.D0 + 2000.001368D0 - 1945.85D0 C Mean secular offsets (arc-seconds) X_mean = ( 0.0039 + 0.00062*Tyr) Y_mean = (-0.1485 - 0.00333*Tyr) C C De-secularized X and Y (radians) WOBXd = WOBXR - X_mean*CONVDS WOBYd = WOBYR - Y_mean*CONVDS C C C The pole tide geometry for sites 1 and 2 are calculated C separately by running through a loop twice. C DO 1200 L = 1,2 C C Check for Geocenter site: IF (L .eq. Nzero) Then Do i=1,3 TCDISP(i,L) = 0.D0 ZPLTDP(i,L) = 0.D0 ZPLTDV(i,L) = 0.D0 ZPLDPX(i,L) = 0.D0 ZPLDVX(i,L) = 0.D0 ZPLDPY(i,L) = 0.D0 ZPLDVY(i,L) = 0.D0 Enddo Go to 1200 ENDIF C C Compute the colatitude of the site COLAT(L) = HALFPI - SITLAT(L) C C Compute the IERS Conventions (1996) topocentric displacements. C Up C TCDISP(1,L) = -32.D0 * DSIN( 2.D0*COLAT(L) ) * 1.D-3 * C * ( WOBXR*DCOS(SITLON(L)) + WOBYR*DSIN(SITLON(L)) ) C * / CONVDS C East C TCDISP(2,L) = 9.D0 * DCOS( COLAT(L) ) * 1.D-3 * C * ( WOBXR*DSIN(SITLON(L)) - WOBYR*DCOS(SITLON(L)) ) C * / CONVDS C North C TCDISP(3,L) = 9.D0 * DCOS( 2.D0*COLAT(L) ) * 1.D-3 * C * ( WOBXR*DCOS(SITLON(L)) + WOBYR*DSIN(SITLON(L)) ) C * / CONVDS C C C Compute the IERS Conventions (1996) topocentric displacements with C mean offsets removed. C Up TCDISP(1,L) = -32.D0 * DSIN( 2.D0*COLAT(L) ) * 1.D-3 * * ( WOBXd*DCOS(SITLON(L)) + WOBYd*DSIN(SITLON(L)) ) * / CONVDS C East TCDISP(2,L) = 9.D0 * DCOS( COLAT(L) ) * 1.D-3 * * ( WOBXd*DSIN(SITLON(L)) - WOBYd*DCOS(SITLON(L)) ) * / CONVDS C North TCDISP(3,L) = 9.D0 * DCOS( 2.D0*COLAT(L) ) * 1.D-3 * * ( WOBXd*DCOS(SITLON(L)) + WOBYd*DSIN(SITLON(L)) ) * / CONVDS C C Rotate the displacements to the crust fixed geocentric system. CALL VECRT ( TCTOCF(1,1,L), TCDISP(1,L), CFDISP(1,L) ) C Rotate the crust fixed geocentric displacements to the J2000.0 system. CALL VECRT ( R2000(1,1,1), CFDISP(1,L), ZPLTDP(1,L) ) C Compute the contribution to the J2000.0 velocities due to the C effect of the rotation of the earth. CALL VECRT ( R2000(1,1,2), CFDISP(1,L), ZPLTDV(1,L) ) C C Compute the partial derivatives of the displacements w.r.t. X and Y C Recall that the sign of Y-pole was reversed a while back. Units will C be meters/arc-sec. C Up TCDSPX(1,L) = -32.D0 * DSIN(2.D0*COLAT(L)) * 1.D-3 * * DCOS(SITLON(L)) TCDSPY(1,L) = -32.D0 * DSIN(2.D0*COLAT(L)) * 1.D-3 * * DSIN(SITLON(L)) C East TCDSPX(2,L) = 9.D0 * DCOS(COLAT(L)) * 1.D-3 * DSIN(SITLON(L)) TCDSPY(2,L) = 9.D0 * DCOS(COLAT(L)) * 1.D-3 * -DCOS(SITLON(L)) C C North TCDSPX(3,L) = 9.D0 * DCOS( 2.D0*COLAT(L) ) * 1.D-3 * * DCOS(SITLON(L)) TCDSPY(3,L) = 9.D0 * DCOS( 2.D0*COLAT(L) ) * 1.D-3 * * DSIN(SITLON(L)) C C Rotate to J2000 position and velocity offsets CALL VECRT ( TCTOCF(1,1,L),TCDSPX(1,L), CFDISP(1,L) ) CALL VECRT ( R2000(1,1,1), CFDISP(1,L), ZPLDPX(1,L) ) CALL VECRT ( R2000(1,1,2), CFDISP(1,L), ZPLDVX(1,L) ) C CALL VECRT ( TCTOCF(1,1,L),TCDSPY(1,L), CFDISP(1,L) ) CALL VECRT ( R2000(1,1,1), CFDISP(1,L), ZPLDPY(1,L) ) CALL VECRT ( R2000(1,1,2), CFDISP(1,L), ZPLDVY(1,L) ) C C Close the loop over the sites. C 1200 CONTINUE C C Check KPTDC to determine if the pole tide module is to be turned off C and the contribution zeroed out. IF ( KPTDC .NE. 1 ) GO TO 300 DO 220 L = 1,2 DO 210 I = 1,3 POLTDP(I,L) = 0.D0 POLTDV(I,L) = 0.D0 ZPLTDP(I,L) = 0.D0 ZPLTDV(I,L) = 0.D0 ZPLDPX(I,L) = 0.D0 ZPLDVX(I,L) = 0.D0 ZPLDPY(I,L) = 0.D0 ZPLDVY(I,L) = 0.D0 210 CONTINUE 220 CONTINUE C 300 CONTINUE C C Handle the normal case where the pole tide effect is to be applied C to the theoretical and is stored as a contribution. IF ( KPTDC .NE. 0 ) GO TO 400 DO 320 L = 1,2 DO 310 I = 1,3 POLTDP(I,L) = ZPLTDP(I,L) POLTDV(I,L) = ZPLTDV(I,L) 310 CONTINUE 320 CONTINUE C 400 CONTINUE C C Handle the case where the pole tide is stored as a contribution C but not applied to the theoretical. IF ( KPTDC .NE. 2 ) GO TO 500 DO 420 L = 1,2 DO 410 I = 1,3 POLTDP(I,L) = 0.D0 POLTDV(I,L) = 0.D0 410 CONTINUE 420 CONTINUE C C Check KPTDD for debug output. 500 IF ( KPTDD .EQ. 0 ) GO TO 600 C WRITE ( 6, 9100 ) 9100 FORMAT ( /,1X, "Debug output for subroutine PTDG." ) C WRITE ( 6, 9200 ) TCDISP, CFDISP, POLTDP, POLTDV, SITLAT, 1 SITLON, WOBXR, WOBYR, R2000, TCTOCF C 9200 FORMAT (1X, "TCDISP = ", 2 ( 3 ( D30.16, 10X ), /, 1X ), 1 "CFDISP = ", 2 ( 3 ( D30.16, 10X ), /, 1X ), 2 "POLTDP = ", 2 ( 3 ( D30.16, 10X ), /, 1X ), 3 "POLTDV = ", 2 ( 3 ( D30.16, 10X ), /, 1X ), 4 "SITLAT = ", 2 ( D30.16, 10X ), /, 1X, 5 "SITLON = ", 2 ( D30.16, 10X ), /, 1X, 8 "WOBXR = ", D30.16, /, 1X, 9 "WOBYR = ", D30.16, /, 1X, B "R2000 = ", 9 ( 3 ( D30.16, 10X ), /, 1X ), C "TCTOCF = ", 6 ( 3 ( D30.16, 10X ), /, 1X ) ) C write (6,'(" ZPLTDP ",3f22.10)') ZPLTDP(1,L), ZPLTDP(2,L), * ZPLTDP(3,L) write (6,'(" ZPLTDV ",3f22.10)') ZPLTDV(1,L), ZPLTDV(2,L), * ZPLTDV(3,L) write (6,'(" ZPLDPX ",3f22.10)') ZPLDPX(1,L), ZPLDPX(2,L), * ZPLDPX(3,L) write (6,'(" ZPLDVX ",3f22.10)') ZPLDVX(1,L), ZPLDVX(2,L), * ZPLDVX(3,L) write (6,'(" ZPLDPY ",3f22.10)') ZPLDPY(1,L), ZPLDPY(2,L), * ZPLDPY(3,L) write (6,'(" ZPLDVY ",3f22.10)') ZPLDVY(1,L), ZPLDVY(2,L), * ZPLDVY(3,L) write (6,'(" TCDSPX ",3f22.10)') TCDSPX(1,L), TCDSPX(2,L), * TCDSPX(3,L) write (6,'(" TCDSPY ",3f22.10)') TCDSPY(1,L), TCDSPY(2,L), * TCDSPY(3,L) C Normal conclusion. 600 RETURN END C C******************************************************************************* SUBROUTINE PTDP(STAR) IMPLICIT None C C 5. PTDP C C 5.1 PTDP PROGRAM SPECIFICATION C C 5.1.1 PTDP is the pole tide module partials section. It computes the partial C derivatives with respect to the X-wobble and Y-wobble (X, Y in arc C seconds) C C 5.2.2 COMMON BLOCKS USED - C INCLUDE 'cphys.i' C VARIABLES 'FROM': C 1. VLIGHT - THE VELOCITY OF LIGHT IN VACUUM. (M/SEC) C Real*8 ZPLTDP(3,2), ZPLTDV(3,2), ZPLDPX(3,2), ZPLDVX(3,2), * ZPLDPY(3,2), ZPLDVY(3,2), X_mean, Y_mean, DPTDP(2,2) COMMON / PTDCM / ZPLTDP, ZPLTDV, ZPLDPX, ZPLDVX, ZPLDPY, ZPLDVY, * X_mean, Y_mean, DPTDP C VARIABLES FROM: C 1. ZPLTDP(3,2) - THE CORRECTIONS TO THE J2000.0 GEOCENTRIC SITE C POSITION VECTORS DUE TO POLE TIDAL EFFECTS AT C EACH SITE. (M) C 2. ZPLTDV(3,2) - THE CORRECTIONS TO THE J2000.0 GEOCENTRIC SITE C VELOCITY VECTORS DUE TO POLE TIDAL EFFECTS AT C EACH SITE. (M/SEC) C 3. ZPLDPX(3,2) - The partial derivative of the ZPLTDP with C respective to the X-wobble offset. (m/arcsec) C 4. ZPLDPY(3,2) - The partial derivative of the ZPLTDP with C respective to the Y-wobble offset. (m/arcsec) C 5. ZPLDVX(3,2) - The partial derivative of the ZPLTDV with C respective to the X-wobble offset. C (m/sec/arcsec) C 6. ZPLDVY(3,2) - The partial derivative of the ZPLTDV with C respective to the Y-wobble offset. C (m/sec/arcsec) C VARIABLES TO: C 1. DPTDP(2,2) - See below. C INCLUDE 'ccon.i' C VARIABLES 'FROM': C 1. KPTDC - THE POLE TIDE MODULE FLOW CONTROL FLAG. C 2. KPTDD - THE POLE TIDE MODULE DEBUG OUTPUT FLAG. C C 5.2.3 PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS - Real*8 STAR(3) C C 5.2.4 DATA BASE ACCESS - C 'PUT' VARIABLES: C 1. DPTDP(2,2) - The pole tide partial derivatives of the delay C the delay rate w.r.t. X-pole and Y-pole. First C index runs over the delay partial w.r.t. X and C Y, second runs over rate partial w.r.t X and Y. C (seconds/arcsecond, seconds/sec/arcsec) C C ACCESS CODES: C 1. 'PTDXYPAR' - The data base access code for the pole tide C X and Y partials array. C C 5.2.6 SUBROUTINE INTERFACE - C CALLER SUBROUTINES: DRIVR C CALLED SUBROUTINES: DOTP, PUT4, VECSB C C 5.2.7 CONSTANTS USED - VLIGHT C C 5.2.8 PROGRAM VARIABLES - C 1. BASCRX(3,2) - The partial derivative of the J2000 baseline C position and velocity vectors w.r.t to the X-pole C offset. (m/arcsec, m/sec/arcsec) C 2. BASCRY(3,2) - The partial derivative of the J2000 baseline C position and velocity vectors w.r.t to the Y-pole C offset. (m/arcsec, m/sec/arcsec) C C 5.2.9 PROGRAMMER - C David Gordon 11.24.98 Code added to compute delay and rate pole C tide partials w.r.t. X-pole and Y-pole. C David Gordon 99.01.19 Added X_mean, Y_mean, and DPTDP to Common /PTDCM/ C for use in contribution section. C Real*8 BASCRX(3,2), BASCRY(3,2), DOTP C C Compute the partials. C C Compute the partials w.r.t. X and Y of the J2000.0 baseline position and C velocity vectors due to pole tide effects CALL VECSB ( ZPLDPX(1,1), ZPLDPX(1,2), BASCRX(1,1) ) CALL VECSB ( ZPLDVX(1,1), ZPLDVX(1,2), BASCRX(1,2) ) CALL VECSB ( ZPLDPY(1,1), ZPLDPY(1,2), BASCRY(1,1) ) CALL VECSB ( ZPLDVY(1,1), ZPLDVY(1,2), BASCRY(1,2) ) C C Complete the calculation of the partials. DPTDP(1,1) = DOTP ( BASCRX(1,1), STAR ) / VLIGHT DPTDP(1,2) = DOTP ( BASCRX(1,2), STAR ) / VLIGHT DPTDP(2,1) = -DOTP ( BASCRY(1,1), STAR ) / VLIGHT DPTDP(2,2) = -DOTP ( BASCRY(1,2), STAR ) / VLIGHT C C PUT the pole tide partials. CALL PUT4 ('PTDXYPAR ', DPTDP, 2, 2, 1 ) C C Check KPTDD for debug output. IF ( KPTDD .EQ. 0 ) GO TO 500 WRITE ( 6, 9100 ) 9100 FORMAT ( /,1X, "Debug output for subroutine PTDC ",/) WRITE(6,9200) ZPLDPX,ZPLDVX,BASCRX,ZPLDPY,ZPLDVY,BASCRY,STAR,DPTDP 9200 FORMAT (1X, "ZPLDPX = ", 2 ( 3 ( D25.16, 1X ), /, 1X ), * "ZPLDVX = ", 2 ( 3 ( D25.16, 1X ), /, 1X ), * "BASCRX = ", 2 ( 3 ( D25.16, 1X ), /, 1X ), * "ZPLDVY = ", 2 ( 3 ( D25.16, 1X ), /, 1X ), * "ZPLDVY = ", 2 ( 3 ( D25.16, 1X ), /, 1X ), * "BASCRY = ", 2 ( 3 ( D25.16, 1X ), /, 1X ), * "STAR = ", 3 ( D25.16, 1X ), /, 1X, * "DPTDP = ", 4 ( D25.16, 1X ) ) C C Normal conclusion. C 500 RETURN END C C******************************************************************************* SUBROUTINE PTDC ( STAR ) IMPLICIT None C C 6. PTDC C C 6.1 PTDC PROGRAM SPECIFICATION C C 6.1.1 PTDC IS THE POLE TIDE MODULE CONTRIBUTION SECTION. IT COMPUTES THE C CONTRIBUTION TO THE DELAY AND THE DELAY RATE DUE TO POLE TIDE EFFECTS. C C 6.2.1 CALLING SEQUENCE - C INPUT VARIABLES: C 1. STAR(3) - THE J2000.0 SOURCE UNIT VECTOR. (UNITLESS) C C 6.2.2 COMMON BLOCKS USED - C INCLUDE 'cphys.i' C VARIABLES 'FROM': C 1. VLIGHT - THE VELOCITY OF LIGHT IN VACUUM. (M/SEC) C Real*8 ZPLTDP(3,2), ZPLTDV(3,2), ZPLDPX(3,2), ZPLDVX(3,2), * ZPLDPY(3,2), ZPLDVY(3,2), X_mean, Y_mean, DPTDP(2,2) COMMON / PTDCM / ZPLTDP, ZPLTDV, ZPLDPX, ZPLDVX, ZPLDPY, ZPLDVY, * X_mean, Y_mean, DPTDP C VARIABLES FROM: C 1. ZPLTDP(3,2) - THE CORRECTIONS TO THE J2000.0 GEOCENTRIC SITE C POSITION VECTORS DUE TO POLE TIDAL EFFECTS AT C EACH SITE. (M) C 2. ZPLTDV(3,2) - THE CORRECTIONS TO THE J2000.0 GEOCENTRIC SITE C VELOCITY VECTORS DUE TO POLE TIDAL EFFECTS AT C EACH SITE. (M/SEC) C 3. ZPLDPX(3,2) - The partial derivative of the ZPLTDP with C respective to the X-wobble offset. (m/arcsec) C 4. ZPLDPY(3,2) - The partial derivative of the ZPLTDP with C respective to the Y-wobble offset. (m/arcsec) C 5. ZPLDVX(3,2) - The partial derivative of the ZPLTDV with C respective to the X-wobble offset. C (m/sec/arcsec) C 6. ZPLDVY(3,2) - The partial derivative of the ZPLTDV with C respective to the Y-wobble offset. C (m/sec/arcsec) C 7. X_mean, Y_mean-The current mean offsets of the pole, using C Harald Schuh's formula. C 8. DPTDP(2,2) - The pole tide partial derivatives of the delay C the delay rate w.r.t. X-pole and Y-pole. First C index runs over the delay partial w.r.t. X and C Y, second runs over rate partial w.r.t. X and Y. C (seconds/arcsecond, seconds/sec/arcsec) C INCLUDE 'ccon.i' C VARIABLES 'FROM': C 1. KPTDC - THE POLE TIDE MODULE FLOW CONTROL FLAG. C 2. KPTDD - THE POLE TIDE MODULE DEBUG OUTPUT FLAG. C C 6.2.3 PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS - Real*8 BASCOR(3,2), DPTDC(2), STAR(3), DOTP, PTOLD(2) Integer*4 K C C 6.2.4 DATA BASE ACCESS - C 'PUT' VARIABLES: C 1. DPTDC(2) - THE POLE TIDE CONTRIBUTION TO THE DELAY AND TO C THE DELAY RATE (SEC, SEC/SEC) C 2. PTOLD(2) - The contribution that will effectively convert C the pole tides to the non-mean-offset-removed C values, i.e. to the old (Calc 8.2 and earlier C versions) values. C ACCESS CODES: C 1. 'PTD CONT' - THE DATA BASE ACCESS CODE FOR THE POLE TIDE C MODULE CONTRIBUTIONS ARRAY. C 2. 'PTOLDCON' - The data base access code for the old pole- C tide-restored contribution. C C 6.2.6 SUBROUTINE INTERFACE - C CALLER SUBROUTINES: DRIVR C CALLED SUBROUTINES: DOTP, PUT4, VECSB C C 6.2.7 CONSTANTS USED - VLIGHT C C 6.2.8 PROGRAM VARIABLES - C 1. BASCOR(3,2) - THE CORRECTION TO THE J2000.0 BASELINE POSITION AND C VELOCITY VECTORS DUE TO THE POLE TIDE. (M, M/S) C C 6.2.9 PROGRAMMER - TOM HERRING 07/01/84 C DAVID GORDON 08/24/84 (ADDED SOME DEBUG) C DAVID GORDON 01/03/85 (ADDED ZPLTDP AND ZPLTDV) C Jim Ryan 89.07.08 Documentation simplified. C Jim Ryan 89:10:05 CPHYS common made an include file. C Jim Ryan 89.12.12 UNIX-like database interface C implimented. C David Gordon 94.04.15 Changed to Implicit None C D. Gordon 99.01.19 Added X_mean, Y_mean, and DPTDP to C Common /PTDCM/. Added calculation and PUT for C the contribution to put back in the mean pole C tide correction, Lcode 'PTOLDCON'. C C PTDC PROGRAM STRUCTURE C C Compute the contributions. C C Compute the corrections to the J2000.0 baseline position and C velocity vectors due to pole tidal effects. CALL VECSB ( ZPLTDP(1,1), ZPLTDP(1,2), BASCOR(1,1) ) CALL VECSB ( ZPLTDV(1,1), ZPLTDV(1,2), BASCOR(1,2) ) C Complete the calculation of the contributions. DO 120 K = 1,2 DPTDC(K) = DOTP ( BASCOR(1,K), STAR ) / VLIGHT 120 CONTINUE C C Compute the delay and rate contributions to restore the mean offsets that C were removed in the geometry section. Need to reverse the Y_mean sign. PTOLD(1) = X_mean*DPTDP(1,1) + -Y_mean*DPTDP(2,1) PTOLD(2) = X_mean*DPTDP(1,2) + -Y_mean*DPTDP(2,2) C C PUT the contributions. CALL PUT4 ('PTD CONT ', DPTDC, 2, 1, 1 ) CALL PUT4 ('PTOLDCON ', PTOLD, 2, 1, 1 ) C C Check KPTDD for debug output. IF ( KPTDD .EQ. 0 ) GO TO 500 WRITE ( 6, 9100 ) 9100 FORMAT ( /,1X, "Debug output for subroutine PTDC ",/) WRITE ( 6, 9200 ) ZPLTDP, ZPLTDV, BASCOR, STAR, DPTDC 9200 FORMAT (1X, "ZPLTDP = ", 2 ( 3 ( D25.16, 5X ), /, 1X ), * "ZPLTDV = ", 2 ( 3 ( D25.16, 5X ), /, 1X ), * "BASCOR = ", 2 ( 3 ( D25.16, 5X ), /, 1X ), * "STAR = ", 3 ( D25.16, 5X ), /, 1X, * "DPTDC = ", 2 ( D25.16, 5X ), /, 1X, * "PTOLD = ", 2 ( D25.16, 5X ) ) C C Normal conclusion. 500 RETURN END