C Include file cmxut.i Integer*4 Nspline Logical*4 Usecubic, Uselinear, Usespline, Leap_fix, * apply_tidal_correction, table_found Integer*2 ISHRTFL, IEPOCH, ASKKER, Intrvl(5,2), ndays Character*8 EOP_time_scale, UT1type Real*8 UT1IF(4), UT1PT(20), CENTJ, DJ1900, Y1(2), * Y2(2), T, S, SERSHO(4), DJ2000, Xintv(2), * UT1RS(20), XT(20), YA(20), Y2S(20) C COMMON / UT1CM / UT1IF, UT1PT, CENTJ, DJ1900, Y1, Y2, T, S, * SERSHO, DJ2000, Xintv, UT1RS, XT, YA, Y2S, * EOP_time_scale, UT1type, * Nspline, Usecubic, Uselinear, Usespline, * apply_tidal_correction, table_found, Leap_fix, * Intrvl, ISHRTFL, IEPOCH, ASKKER, ndays C C Variables: C 1. UT1IF(4) - The final UT1 information array. This array C contains respectively: 1) The Julian date of the C first tabular point, 2) The increment in days of C the tabular points, 3) The number of tabular C points, 4) The units of the UT1 tabular array per C second. (days, days, unitless, sec/table unit) C 2. UT1PT(20) - The tabular values of 'TAI minus UT1'. C (table units) C 3. UT1RS(20) - The table of 'TAI-UT1S' or 'TAI-UT1R' values, C as controlled by KUT1C. (seconds) C 4. ISHRTFL - The short period tidal terms flag, (unitless). C = 1 --> UT1 table coming from input database is C true UT1, (that is, fortnightly tidal terms have C not been removed, as in the IRIS or IERS series). C = -1 --> UT1 table coming from input database is C UT1R, (that is, the Yoder fortnightly tidal terms C HAVE been removed as in Bulletin B). C = -2 --> UT1 table coming from input database is C UT1S, (the S tidal terms HAVE been removed). C 5. Usecubic - Set to true if cubic interpolation to be used. C 6. Uselinear - Set to true if linear interpolation to be used. C 7. Usespline - Set to true if spline interpolation to be used. C 8. Leap_fix - Used in external input mode. .True. means C correct the input EOP series for accumluated C leap seconds. .False. means do not correct. C 9. UT1type - UT1 data type: 'UT1-TAI ' or 'UT1-UTC '. C For ''UT1-UTC ', leap second corrections C must be made. C 10. EOP_time_scale - EOP table time scale, allowed values: C 'TAI ', 'TCG ', 'TDB ', C 'TDT ', 'UTC ', 'UNDEF '. C 11. IEPOCH - The number of epochs at which TAI - UT1 is C desired. C 12. ASKKER - The database error return code from ASK. C