
Version 11 (modified by VincentMcIntyre, 17 years ago) (diff)


Jobs to do

A list of things that need to be done, as at June 21 2007.
I've tried to list as many different items as possible, most of which were discussed in our meeting on Wednesday 20th.

I've also started a document that details various aspects of the implementation of the archive and the VO queries: see source:trunk/docs/VOimplementation.pdf

JobPerson responsibleComments
Testing of PSRFITS with seek to make sure data is preserved correctly Dick, George? A pre-requisite for doing the data conversion
20070912: Small discrepancies found in pulse profiles constructed from S70 and PSRFITS versions of same observation. George investigating.
Pre-scrunching of timing data via a cron job Lucyna Underway
20070912: we are caught up, task continues as needed
Verification of exactly what goes into the proc_cmd column of the HISTORY table Dick, Matthew, Lucyna See email sent June 26
Conversion of all 70cm data Lucyna Straightforward once we know the conversion is working.
Once converted, incorporate information into mySQL database Lucyna? Matthew? (minimal effort once conversion is started) If we wait till all data is converted, this is only one step.
Work out necessary metadata for the 70cm data to go into database -- what fields in the table? Matthew, Dick, ... What metadata do we want to make public? How similar to the existing "observations" table do we want it
Put Multibeam Survey data onto raid array at Parkes Dick Underway
Make sure the Multibeam survey data is accessible for archive queries Vince
Incorporate the 70cm data into the web archive system Matthew You should be able to download data from this. Will need changes to the index page, as well as the querying process (to incorporate the different metadata, and possibly provide option of selecting just survey or just timing data).
Fix up existing mySQL tables Matthew The existing timing data has problems with the way the positions are stored. We should add columns that have RA and Dec in decimal degrees -- this will make doing conesearches and the like easier and consistent with the S70 data
Existing web archive: sort out security issues Matthew (talk with Arkadi)
Existing web archive: organise management of proprietry access Matthew (talk with Arkadi)
Set up VO cone search service that returns a VOTable Matthew This is done for the S70 data, albeit with a kludge to get the S70 data into the database.
Register the VO cone search service Matthew This might have to wait for the next step.
Make archive website live to outside world Vince Obviously this is the final step, once things are working
Convert timer data to PSRFITS ? Beyond scope of this project?

Any comments about these? Feel free to edit, but let me know as well that you've made changes.

Matthew Whiting.