Changes between Version 32 and Version 33 of ToDo

10/15/07 16:49:07 (17 years ago)



  • ToDo

    v32 v33  
    1919|| Add the 70cm data to the mySQL database and make the FITS files available in the web archive || Matthew || We want searches to return survey or timing data without "prejudice", unless the user specifies the type. This means we will need to make changes to the index page, as well as the querying process (to incorporate the different metadata, and possibly provide option of selecting just survey or just timing data). You should be able to download survey data from the list of hits returned, as you can now for timing data. [[BR]] 20071015: sql queries in final testing, must then implement in PHP.||
    2020|| Fix up existing mySQL tables || Matthew || ~~The existing timing data has problems with the way the positions are stored. We should add columns that have RA and Dec in decimal degrees -- this will make doing conesearches and the like easier and consistent with the S70 data~~ [[BR]] 20071015: new columns added to schema, tests in progress||
    21 || Existing web archive: sort out security issues || Matthew (talk with Arkadi) ||  ||
     21|| Existing web archive: sort out security issues || Matthew (talk with Arkadi) ||  Can we use the methods that ATOA/OPAL use?[[BR]] 20071015: still under study.||
    2222|| Existing web archive: front page should still display even if the backend db is unreachable || Matthew/David/Vince || The page appears to be dependent on a call to mysql_connect() and it falls over badly if that call fails. (ticket: [ticket:22])  ||
    2323|| Existing web archive: organise management of proprietary access || Matthew (talk with Arkadi) || ||