

15:25 Ticket #3 (Output fits file name needs to be changed) closed by Matthew Whiting
fixed: Fixed. New function DataBlock::getFITSname() will produce a FITS …
15:21 Changeset [13] by Matthew Whiting
A large-ish commit, with a few fixes, particularly to tickets #2 and …
10:51 Ticket #2 (Error when writing to SUBINT table a second time) closed by Matthew Whiting
fixed: Problem is related to that detailed in #1 where the move keyword is …
10:15 Ticket #3 (Output fits file name needs to be changed) created by Matthew Whiting
Currently the name of the FITS file is given by the position. Dick …


17:20 Ticket #2 (Error when writing to SUBINT table a second time) created by Matthew Whiting
When writing PM data, we get an error trying to access the SUBINT HDU …
17:08 Ticket #1 (Incorrect analysis of MOVE keyword for PM data) created by Matthew Whiting
The translation of the MOVE keyword in the case of PM data is …


16:17 Changeset [12] by Matthew Whiting
Mostly changes to docs. Only substantial change to code is to …


15:40 Changeset [11] by Matthew Whiting
Mostly new documentation, with a new conversion program that basically …


13:59 WikiStart edited by Matthew Whiting
13:38 Changeset [10] by Matthew Whiting
* Re-write the keyword-writing functions, to make them more clear. * …


17:21 Changeset [9] by Matthew Whiting
* Fix base positions for PHU (should be RA, not RA_STRT) * Fix …
15:50 Changeset [8] by Matthew Whiting
* Updated the PSRFits::openFile functions so it can work out the name …
12:36 Changeset [7] by Matthew Whiting
Updating ignore settings.
12:29 Changeset [6] by Matthew Whiting
Deleting the data directory from the repository
12:26 Changeset [5] by Matthew Whiting
Ignoring the data directory.
12:19 Changeset [4] by Matthew Whiting
Moving things around, improving the directory structure.
12:13 Changeset [3] by Matthew Whiting
Now only uses template when FITS file does not exist. If it does, it …
11:14 Changeset [2] by Matthew Whiting
Changed the properties for svn:ignore, to ignore unnecessary files.
10:19 Changeset [1] by Matthew Whiting
The initial import into the pulsarvo repository.


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