Custom Query (61 matches)


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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#47 fixed "Download Cal Files" fails DavidSmith DavidSmith

If you put a cal file in your cart and select "Download cal files only", it will load a page pointing to the downloads directory.

Also, if this option were selected, and no cal files were present in the cart, we would expect the same result.

This results from tarCalFiles returning an empty string. The code that calls it from query.php doesn't check the return value of tarCalFiles or output an error message if its empty.

so this ticket has 2 bugs

  • no error output if tarCalFiles returns empty
  • tarCalFiles returns empty even when there are cal files in the cart.
#12 fixed "test" option for pvoconvert MatthewWhiting MatthewWhiting

It would be good to have a "test" option for pvoconvert (eg. a -t flag), that simply prints out the .fits files that will be created by running pvoconvert on a given file.

It could also print out whether or not each file exists or not.

This would be useful in determining whether there will be any problems with the proposed execution.

#51 fixed Add scrunching before downloading files DavidSmith DavidSmith

Add a small box below the 'perform query' action that has

sum frequency channels together by [256] sum subints together by [2] create total intensity [X] (polarization sum)

If the scrunch textboxes are blank, no scrunching of that kind will be performed. pscrunch is just a checkbox.

Files added to the cart with scrunching will show it in the cart list with extensions to their filenames of the form


where f256 is the frequency scrunching factor, t2 is the subint scrunching factor and p is for pscrunch.

when the user selects download, these files will be created in a temporary directory using psrsh and added to the tarball with the new filenames.

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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.