Custom Query (10 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Owner Status Priority Component Version
#15 integrate look and feel with existing site DavidSmith closed major web archive
#23 Enable selection of survey or timing data MatthewWhiting closed major web archive
#38 Select based on project ID MatthewWhiting closed major web archive
#49 updated header keywords MatthewWhiting closed major pvoconvert: FITS access
#12 "test" option for pvoconvert MatthewWhiting closed minor pvoconvert: general
#13 source pulldown for search page DavidSmith closed minor web archive
#16 Investigate help text options DavidSmith closed minor web archive
#35 printable images of profiles required DavidSmith new minor web archive
#87 change to data archive login Jonathan Khoo new minor web archive
#88 separate login methods Jonathan Khoo new minor web archive
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.