Custom Query (61 matches)


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Results (25 - 27 of 61)

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Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#34 MatthewWhiting MatthewWhiting fixed Additions needed to query page

Here's a list of additions that need to be made to the query page:

  • Fix up coordinate query (see Ticket #33)
  • Months should be in words, not numbers
  • Improve the wording of the "display cals" option : it is not very clear at present.
  • Add instructions to an expaning panel that works like the ATOA page. Explain the inclusion of the beam size in the distance determination.
  • Enable querying on project ID (will not work initially until the projid is properly ingested into the archive)
  • Have an "order by" drop-down list: distance, date, frequency
  • Have a query by frequency band (a la ATOA: 70cm, 50cm, 20cm, 6cm, ...), where we predefine frequency ranges and only select data within the specified range.
#37 DavidSmith MatthewWhiting fixed Write logs of users' interactions with archive

We would like to know what is happening with the archive, so we should have the archive write to a log file when users make a query and download data.

The log entry should have things like date, time, username/email, query string, download size, whether they viewed profiles, ...

Dick's suggestion -- just write all out in one long text line, with defined columns that could be searched by awk (for instance).

#38 MatthewWhiting MatthewWhiting fixed Select based on project ID

It might be good to be able to select only observations for a given project ID.

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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.