Custom Query (61 matches)


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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#8 Matthew Whiting Matthew Whiting fixed scanlen in PHU bears no relation to actual length of file

Some of the files in the $S70TAPES directory are not 70cm survey files but timing observations, and are longer than the standard length. However, the SCANLEN header in the PHU is set as a constant, rather than reading in the SCAN_LEN parameter in the tape file. Need to change this.

#9 Matthew Whiting Matthew Whiting fixed incorrect scanlen values

Currently, the scanlen phu header is read from the header of the blocks, which provides the requested scan length. However, if an observation is terminated prematurely, the total scan length in that file will be less than that requested, so the phu header will be wrong.

The subint column offs_sub does actually record the passing of time, and so it should be possible to extract the total time from this -- simply add half BLK_SEC to the last value of offs_sub and you'll get the total time.

#10 MatthewWhiting MatthewWhiting fixed frequency channels convention

There is a little confusion over the correct convention to use for the way the frequency channels are defined (ie. the DAT_FREQ array). Currently, the i-th channel is FREQ_CHAN1 + i * CHANBW, so that if CHANBW is positive, the frequencies increase with increasing channel number. It may be that this is incorrect, and they should decrease with channel number (ie. go from highest to lowest frequency).

This needs to be confirmed.

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